Holy Prison

Chapter 1376: Shura rank

"I, I" Gong Lao was a little cautious. He could speak normally when he didn't know Chu Feng's identity. Now that he knew Chu Feng's identity, he was a little at a loss when Chu Feng asked his opinion.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Old Gong, but you say it's okay. Except for me, the rest are probably your acquaintances. If I say, you just ignore me. I absolutely cannot blame you for what you said wrong. On the contrary Yes, if what is said is good for all of us, there may be a small reward at that time."

Old Gong took a deep breath and said, "City Lord Chu, as the legend says, you are more approachable, so I'll say it boldly! Except for you, City Master Chu, all of us have very low cultivation bases. Yes, the strongest is only at the Emperor God level, and this kind of cultivation is actually not much different from the Wang God level."

"If you don’t leave us behind, then we’d better find a place to survive for two days. Depending on the current rate of your income, it’s estimated that a little more than two days can take us all In the treasure space, you will be the only one you are in the treasure space, and you will have a high level of cultivation, without any hindrance. It is more convenient to move, or you can enter your own treasure space!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "The plan that says I can't enter the treasure space."

"Okay. If you don't enter the treasure space, City Lord Chu, then our best plan is to find a place to hide for two days. I know some places are safer!" Old Gong said, "City Lord Chu, we seem to be now. Is it in a relatively special space. This is the space formed by the power of your space law? I don’t know how long it can support."

"Without being attacked for half an hour, the power of the law of space I have is now 18 strands!" Chu Feng said. Old Gong frowned and said: "Eighteen strands, one strand for half an hour, even if you are not found, you can only hold on for nine hours. The time inside is thirty hours a day, which is far away!"

"Now, it is best for us to find a green forest, preferably a valley with leafy trees all around, where there is a place where green leafy trees can grow, indicating that there is something special, and there is a low probability that the Shura will enter. Much, the strength of the Shura will be suppressed if they enter such a place!" Old Gong said.

"City Lord Chu is so benevolent and righteous, he shouldn't leave us behind." A middle-aged man said with a smile. A cold light flashed in the depths of Chu Feng's eyes. He hated being smart, and this middle-aged man was smart, and his crime value was much higher than that of kindness. Chu Feng did not intend to save such a person!

In the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning and Song Ye didn't know what was happening outside, but Lan Wen already knew what was happening outside, Chu Feng thought, Lan Wen appeared outside.

Without words, Lan Wen immediately started the fortune-telling. Half a minute later, Lan Wen's expression was a bit ugly. This was not because the fortune-telling failed and was backlashed, but because the result of the fortune-telling made her dissatisfied.

"Wen'er, what's the result? To tell the truth, otherwise I can't make a correct judgment." Chu Feng said. Lan Wen frowned slightly and said, "Brother Feng, the situation is a bit bad. Generally speaking, the image of the big murderer, and there is a tendency to change to the extreme evil, the image of the big evil is a life of nine deaths, if you turn the extreme evil toward you Going forward on the left, the image is better, but it is also difficult to reverse the image of the big culprit, Brother Feng, are you going to take so many people to escape?"

Chu Feng sighed secretly: "Wen, nine out of ten of them are because I was injured. There are 100,000 lives. If it has nothing to do with me, it would be better if it has something to do with me. How can I ignore it? , If I ignore them, you’ll all look down on me! It’s just that in a day’s time, all of them with a higher value of goodness can be included in the holy prison space. As for those with a value of goodness not much higher than the value of sin, they may even have a value of sin. People who are higher than kindness, look at their luck! If you have time, save them. If not, I won't risk them!"

"Brother Feng, no matter what your decision is, I will support you." Lan Wen smiled slightly. Chu Feng shook Lan Wen's hand and immediately brought Lan Wen into the holy prison space. Among Feng Bingning and the others, Lan Wen was the one who listened to him the most. Chu Feng knew that even if he became A villain, Lan Wen will not leave him, this kind of love is a bit blind, but it is very touching.

For Feng Bingning's other women, Chu Feng is a little bit uncertain. Feng Bingning and Miao Feiying, they will not be so blind. It is estimated that they will give Chu Feng a severe lesson. If they don't have that ability, or they will choose to leave. , And then silently make up for him by doing good deeds.

In the case of Yilian and Feiye, Feiye, if Chu Feng is evil, she might threaten Chu Feng with her life on the path of good; if Chu Feng does not listen, she might wake Chu Feng with death; for Yilian, Chu Feng estimated that if he is good, Yilian will be his best wife, and if he is evil, Yilian might come to kill her.

"Brother Feng, what are you thinking about?" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's nothing, Wen'er, you can enter my treasure space first. If you need your help, I will call you."

Lan Wen nodded gently, and disappeared in front of Chu Feng.

Following the direction of Lan Wen’s divination, Chu Feng controlled the small world of the law to continuously move with more than 90,000 people. If the small world of the law does not move, it can support half an hour, so movement cannot support half an hour, but there is no The way, so many people with low cultivation bases, if not like this, then they are in the evil spirit, and it is estimated that many of them will be directly turned into blood by the evil energy in a short time!

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a few minutes, Chu Feng stopped the small world of Laws from moving, and the 90,000 people also stopped quickly. A little bit in front of them, there was a Shura with the top strength of the gods. , This Shura is different from the previous one. The previous one is in blood, but this Shura is dark red!

The top god-sounding Shura wanted to discover the small world of the law. It was quite difficult for Chu Feng and the others to go ahead, one strand of the power of the space law, two strands of the power of the space law, and Chu Feng eighteen strands of the power of the law of space. With the use of six strands of time, using the power of the six strands of space law, Chu Feng and the others have advanced a long distance, and Shura of various strengths and other evil things have also seen some.

In Shura Purgatory, Shura's strength is easy to distinguish. White Shura is the primary strength of the gods, the gray Shura is the middle-level gods, the blood-clothed Shura is the high-level gods, and the dark blood Shura is the top cultivation level of the gods. Qingyi Shura is the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the gods, and the purple-clothed Shura is the cultivation base of the great perfection of the gods!

As for the quasi-sage-level Shura Chufeng, they had seen it from a distance. There were two types of quasi-sage-level strength cultivation, one was silver-clothed Shura, and the other was gold-clothed Shura.

Chu Feng secretly estimated that with his current strength, it should be no problem to get a silver-clothed Shura. If gold-clothed Shura uses a lot of bombs, there is no chance of victory at all. If some of the strong players come out, the possibility of escape is not more than 30%!

They had seen Chu Feng from a distance. Fortunately, they hadn't encountered it head-on. Otherwise, the golden-clothed Asura would be close, and the small world would not be able to hide it!

When Chu Feng and the others were looking for a qualified hiding place, outside of Shura Purgatory, Lei Zheng and the Old Demon Black Mountain met, and the air seemed to heat up when they met!

"Old Black Mountain demon, if I work with you this time, it doesn't mean that I will let you go in the future!" Lei Zheng said coldly. The old Black Mountain monster laughed and said, "Jiejie, Lei Zheng, if you are wronged by cooperating with me, you can choose not to cooperate with me. However, your ancestors will be blamed at that time, hahaha!"

"Humph!" Lei Zheng snorted coldly, "I am me, and you are you. After killing Chu Feng, we have nothing to do with you. I will definitely take your head at that time! To harm the people, you are dead!"

"I'm pooh! Fake benevolence and righteousness! Lei Zheng, you tell this demon, if people do nothing, what are you working hard for?" Heishan old demon said with disdain.

Lei Zheng said in a deep voice: "If you don't have a chance, let's take action, destroy Chu Feng, and our war will begin immediately!" "I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?" The old Black Mountain demon said angrily, bumping into Lei. Such a person is secretly crying in his heart, but he is not afraid of Lei Zheng!

"I Heishan led all 102 quasi-sage-level powerhouses to enter, all more than 85,000 god-level powerhouses entered, and all 750,000 emperor-sage-level powerhouses entered!" Heishan old monster said indifferently, He said that he was very upset in his heart. The Black Mountain collar was not of such a strength before. It is precisely because half of his power was folded in God's Beginning City that the top strength is now only this point.

There was a look of surprise in Lei Zheng's eyes. The Old Black Mountain Demon had put all his power into it. It was useless for people below the Emperor God level to enter, so they didn't enter. Those who reached the strength of the Emperor God level actually entered all!

"In that case, I will accompany Lei Zong!" Lei Zheng said in a deep voice, both eyes flickering in the opposite eyes.

"Old Black Mountain demon, Chu Feng should already be in the Asura Purgatory at this time. We can locate him once in a while. Do you think we need more allies?" Lei Zhengdao, he He didn't want to discuss with the old monster of Black Mountain, but he didn't want many people of Lei Zong to sacrifice meaninglessly.

The old demon of Black Mountain laughed and said: "Lei Zheng, you and I are now Tier 10 quasi-sage level cultivation bases. In the Asura Forbidden Prison, and being drawn by the evil spirit, Chu Feng must not leave the Asura Forbidden Prison and enter his treasure space. , Do you think we still need to find a helper? The saints of the upper realm only found two of us, that is, we can do it by recognizing our strength. Although we can't completely control the Shura Prison, we always have a little control right. I have to call a helper to call you, I can't afford to lose that person!"

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