Holy Prison

Chapter 1574: Fengchen Contact

In the holy realm, in a huge holy mountain, Venerable Scarlet Demon and Chen Shen sat opposite each other.

"Brother Scarlet Demon, what do you mean? If we can get our decapitated arm, our cultivation base may be able to recover, even if we can't recover to level 5, it should be no problem to recover to level 4. Moreover, our left arm At that time, you can also fight, unlike now, the left arm is able to take a small thing, and the fight is not used at all!" Chen Shen said solemnly.

Venerable Scarlet Demon frowned slightly: "Chu Feng should know the importance of our arms to us, and what he makes us do will never be easy."

"Brother Scarlet Demon, I can probably guess what Chu Feng asked us to do. His wife Feng Bing Ning Ying Po was acquired by Satan, and his son seemed to have been passive. It should be these two things." Chen Shendao.

Venerable Scarlet Demon nodded: "Well, these two things are difficult to say, and easy to say, but not easy! Although Satan is the same as us, he is not a force. If he gives us face , This thing is easy, if we don’t give us face, we will force him to hand it over, which is very difficult!"

"The arm is missing, and our strength is progressing slowly. It is extremely difficult to reach the original strength, let alone a breakthrough... Even if we pay a certain price and offend some people, we must get the arm!" Chen Shendao.

Venerable Scarlet Demon considered for a while and said, "Brother Chen, this matter is not too urgent. If we catch Chu Feng as a holy by then, it should be no problem to get the arm."

"Brother Scarlet Demon, there are many dreams in the night, we can first go to Satan to take a look, if he gives us face, we might as well trade with Chu Feng. If Satan gives us face at this time, after catching Chu Feng, We helped him get Feng Bingning's soul!" Chen Shendao.

Venerable Scarlet Demon nodded slightly: "Our arms are safer in the hands of others. In Chu Feng's hands, they are really not that safe... The treasure that Duan San possesses is probably capable of destroying our arms! Let's go to Satan's side and ask about it. He is only the second-order indestructible strength, so he shouldn't give us face completely."

Chen Shen lightly hummed: "We were all Level 5 strengths before. He was only Level 2 strength. Although our strength is much lower now, we also have Level 3 strength. If he dares not give any face, then we Don't be too polite to him in the future!" "Well, let's go over and take a look!" Said Venerable Scarlet Demon.

Three days later, Chen Shen and the Venerable Scarlet Demon left angrily from within a holy mountain. "Asshole, Satan, this dog thing, doesn't give us any face!" Venerable Scarlet Demon said in angrily. "If we have level five strength, he would absolutely not dare to do this... now we are only level three strength, we are not much stronger than him, in his turf, even if the two of us join hands, there is not much to do with him. Strength is respected, the blame is that our strength has fallen!" Chen Shen said solemnly.

"Brother Chen, although our strength is low, we are still a bit stronger than him. Now that we are not given face, it will be fine in the future."

Chen Shen frowned and said: "Feng Bingning's heroic spirit and Chu Han's control should be very important to him. By then, it is estimated that his cultivation level will be improved a lot. It is very likely that Satan's strength can exceed our original strength by then. "Sixth level of immortality? If he exceeds the sixth level of immortality, then he may be crowned king! It should not be possible to exceed." Venerable Scarlet Demon said in surprise.

"This guy doesn't know what he is making... If his strength can be improved for a period of time at that time, at least it will not be lower than the fifth level. The possibility of the sixth level is not small. As for the sixth level or above, the possibility is still Relatively low, there is a barrier between level 6 and level 7!" Chen Shendao.

"It is necessary to talk to Lord Saint King about this matter."

The undercurrent of the Holy Realm and God Realm was surging, but on the surface it was still relatively calm. In this calm, decades passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few decades, Chu Feng’s mental power has long been restored. For Chu Feng these years, one of the most important things is self-cultivation. Most of the time, he stayed with his wives in the domain tower. At the same time as his wife, the light of merit was of course enveloped the whole body. Over the decades, his murderous aura was much lower.

In terms of avatars, Time One has been completely controlled by Chu Feng for the time being for decades. As long as his cultivation base is not very slow in the future, the possibility of being backlashed by the Manking King is still relatively small. In the God Realm, most of the three new cities have been completed in a few decades. They hate the establishment of many of these new cities, but in the face of the terrifying power of God’s Beginning City, all of them are still Relatively safe.

"Wen'er, the little guy is about to be born." In the domain tower, Chu Feng stroked Lan Wen's belly with a chuckle. The child in Yin Qianqian's belly needs tens of thousands of years to be born, and Lan Wen and the other women's belly It doesn’t take much time for Lan Wen’s child. Among the women, Lan Wen is estimated to be the first to give birth, then Feiye, then Miao Feiying, Yilian, and finally Yin Qianqian, Feng Bingning has already given birth to this. Not having a child at that time is naturally not among them.

"Well, it is estimated that I will be born in a few decades. At that time, my strength should be able to reach the top of the gods. The strength is higher. After the baby is born, the strength and talent will be better." Lan Wen With a charming smile, "Brother Feng, I am pregnant with a girl, don't you dislike it?"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Why, our children, whether they are boys or girls, I like them! What's wrong with the little princess, it's good, dads often say that they don't have a daughter, and I feel a little sorry for myself There isn't a sister." "Brother Feng, when the cultivation base is high, I will give you another son." Lan Wen snuggled into Chu Feng's arms and said.

"Okay, you will have a football team in your life. You will be called Lan Wen, and Bing Ning will be called Phoenix. When I am fine, I will watch the game, hahaha!" Chu Feng laughed. typical.

"With so many births, you think we are pigs." Lan Wen said authentically. "Chu Feng, I'm sorry to bother you... there is something outside." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng patted Lan Wen on the back: "Wen'er, get up first, and Miao Xian'er called me, there is a little thing to deal with outside, I'll go out and see."

"Brother Feng, be careful."

Chu Feng kissed Lan Wen's forehead and disappeared within the domain tower instantly. "Miao Xian'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng asked hurriedly when he arrived in the space of Desheng Prison. Judging from Miao Xian'er's tone, he knew that there should be something more important.

Miao Xian'er said: "Feng Chen contacted Chu Long, who asked you to rush to the Immortal Phoenix Mountain. The Holy Prison has now reached the vicinity of Phoenix Mountain. Today is the date of contact previously agreed."

"Feng Chen" Chu Feng appeared outside in a moment of surprise.

The Holy Prison had indeed reached the vicinity of Phoenix Ridge, and Chu Feng would know this when he felt the strong fire attribute energy from the Holy Prison space.

Over the years, the development of Phoenix Ridge has been extremely good, and a large number of fire attribute powerhouses have come to this side. Because of the patriarch Feng Bingning, the status of the Phoenix clan is very high on this side.

When Chu Feng arrived, many powerful men along the way hurriedly saluted. Chu Feng nodded slightly and quickly reached the Feng Clan territory. "Feng." Feng Bingning said with a smile. Chu Feng let her appear outside at this time. Feng Bingning is the patriarch of the Feng clan. Chu Feng often accompanies her to come back. It is not easy for anyone to doubt if she comes out. It's just that if Chu Feng went to Phoenix Ridge alone and Feng Bingning didn't show up, then some powerhouses might have some suspicion.

"Bing Ning, take care of the Feng Clan's affairs, and I will go to the Immortal Phoenix Mountain." Chu Feng said. Feng Bing condensed: "Feng, I will accompany you over."

"Alright." Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Immortal Phoenix Mountain, this place is generally only accessible by Feng Clan people, but even if Feng Bingning is not the Feng Clan patriarch, if Chu Feng wants to come, who in the God Realm can stop it?

Soon, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning arrived in a house at the foot of the Immortal Phoenix Mountain, where he had contacted Feng Chen last time.

"Feng, shall I call for the ancestor?" Feng Bing said, condensed. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, call it out. Although it is set for today, I didn't say what time it will be!"

Feng Bingning knelt down: "Welcome to the ancestors!" After speaking, Feng Bingning was slightly taken aback, and Chu Feng's brows were also frowned. Feng Man was like this before, but Feng Chen suddenly appeared and melted. For the appearance of a woman.

"Welcome to the ancestors!"

Feng Bingning said again, after a few more seconds, there was still no flame. "Bing Ning, did you fail to follow the method?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning shook her head in doubt and said: "No, I followed the method. According to the special tone, with the surging of blood, it should be possible for the ancestors to receive information."

"Wait a moment, maybe there is something on the side of the Holy Realm, Senior Fengchen." Chu Feng said. His words fell, a flame appeared out of nowhere, and that flame turned into Feng Chen's appearance in a short time. Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Feng Chen appeared this time, and it seemed that his state was not much worse than before. less.

"Old ancestor!" Feng Bingning said respectfully.

"Senior Fengchen!" Chu Feng bowed his hand in salute.

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "You don't need to be polite, Bing Ning, you wait outside the door first, I have something to talk to Chu Feng, and you will come in when you come in."

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