Holy Prison

Chapter 1575: Three kings

"Yes, old ancestor." Feng Bingning said respectfully and quickly exited the room. There was no need for Feng Chen to say, Chu Feng immediately planted an enchantment when he moved his mind.

"Senior Feng Chen, this time it seems that the state is not as good as the last time." Chu Feng directly asked the doubt in his heart. "I was injured twice, and I was chased and killed all the way and I didn't have much time to heal. Can it be okay?" Feng Chen said helplessly, "Chu Feng, I can't support much time this time, so let's not talk nonsense and get to the point!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly in surprise, he probably guessed what Feng Chen was going to say, and also guessed what kind of problems Feng Chen faced in the Holy Realm, but was this a trap?

"Chu Feng, you should not be unfamiliar with the battle of the sacred abyss, the battle of the sacred abyss, our cosmic saint sealed some of the abyss's strong people into the sacred abyss star, it seems that our cosmic strong has won, but recently For some things, I suspect that it is not the power of our universe but the abyss!" Feng Chen said solemnly.

"Ah!" Chu Feng said in surprise, his face had a look of shock and doubt, "Senior Feng Chen, isn't this impossible?"

Feng Chen sighed softly, "I hope it's impossible... I checked Satan's problem for you before, but I didn't expect to be besieged by several saints. Several of them had a good relationship with me before. If I wasn't used to hiding some strength, I died under the siege of those people. I felt that there seemed to be a problem with sealing the mountain. I didn’t expect three king-sealing powerhouses to come to the door before long! The mountain guarding formation could not stop the three king-sealing powerhouses. Those who can only flee, but fortunately, there is a passage for people in that sacred mountain that can lead directly to extremely far places!"

"This time we escaped, more powerful men began to follow us and flee with Fengman. Fortunately, the strength is okay. He is still alive now, but his injuries have not recovered much!"

Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart. He must determine whether Feng Chen was parasitized or not. If she was parasitized, then this might just be a test for him.

"If I am parasitized, is it necessary to test me at this time? Wouldn't it be better for me to be holy and catch me directly? Telling me like this makes me vigilant!"

"If I spread this news, some saints in the holy world who have not been parasitized will definitely be alert, and the parasitized saints should not take such a risk!"

Soon, Chu Feng determined that Feng Chen should not have been parasitic, but he didn't plan to tell Feng Chen that he knew this at this time. "Senior Feng Chen, is it your enemy?" Chu Feng said, "Who are the three powerful kings?"

Feng Chen shook his head slightly: "My Feng clan is not as strong as before. Perhaps there is not a single king-ranked strongman. How can I provoke a strong-ranked king, let alone three. The powerful kings are Saint King Yunmei, Saint King Yin Xiao, and Saint King Donghuang Taiyi."

"These three." Chu Feng's heart moved. These three were the three of the strong men who had escaped from the Tongtian Tower. At the beginning, the strong man of this universe and the strong man of the abyss fought in the Tongtian Tower. The strong man of this universe failed, but many strong men also escaped.

Among the saints who escaped, some of them have been parasitized, but everyone doesn't know it! Among them, Yin Xiaochu Peak was 100% parasitized. If Feng Chen said it was true, then Saint King Yunmei and Saint King Donghuang Taiyi had also been parasitized!

"If you are not in control of the God Realm, I will not tell you this information. It is useless to tell you. But now that you are in control of the God Realm, perhaps there is still a little bit of hope in our universe. A little bit of hope, alas, even the Holy King has problems. Under the Holy King, it is hard to imagine how many people survived!" Feng Chen smiled bitterly.

"I had some confidence to help you solve the problem of Bing Ning Ying Soul. Now I don’t have much confidence. Self-preservation is a problem. If you can stay in the God Realm, try to stay in the God Realm. , If there is nothing wrong with the Holy Realm, even if you offend some saints, you should be able to survive in the Holy Realm. In this situation, your chances of surviving in the Holy Realm are relatively low!"

Chu Feng said, "Senior Feng Chen, maybe you just made a mistake. But if you have such a discovery, Senior Feng Chen, you have to be careful. Senior Feng Chen, it's hard to heal in the Holy Realm now. You can go to the God Realm. Heal from the wound, and if no one is disturbed, he can recover from the wound for a hundred years, the injury may be able to recover!"

"You should have enough Void Stones? If you don't, I can support some here. You and Feng Chen will be in the God Realm first."

Feng Chen said: "Chu Feng, if Fengman and I are in the lower realm, then those saints must suspect that you also know this information, this is not appropriate."

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Senior Fengchen, it's okay. I have offended all the saints in the lower realm, and I am afraid they suspect that nothing will happen? Besides, if the situation in the holy realm is really that bad, do you know, what does it matter? Some of them, maybe they are starting to doubt now."

"Chu Feng, the void stone is still a little less, and I still need five million catties of void stone." Feng Chen said. "Senior Fengchen, you escaped from the sacred mountain. Is the void stone you used before still useful?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen chuckled: "My previous lower realm passage was opened on one of my own treasures. When I left the holy mountain, I naturally took that treasure away! Basically all the saints in the holy realm The Netherpass is opened on movable treasures instead of fixed in a certain place. It is more dangerous to fix in a certain place, and what if a better holy mountain is found in the future?"

"So that's the case."

As Chu Feng spoke, a spatial ring appeared in front of him instantly. "Senior Feng Chen, then I am waiting for you in the lower realm. Senior Feng Chen, you have stayed in the lower realm for a hundred years. After you recover from your injuries, it will be much more convenient to return to the holy realm at that time, whether it is to escape or check some things." Chu Feng said. "There is ten million catties of void stone!"

"Okay! We should be able to lower bounds within a month!"

Feng Chen nodded slightly and instantly turned into a ball of flame. The space ring was caught in the flame, and the flame and space ring disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chu Feng opened the door, and Feng Bingning looked into the room: "Feng, where are the ancestors, have you returned to the Holy Realm?" "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly and said, "She and Feng Man should be in the lower realm within a month. If you want to chat with Feng Chen, you will have a lot of time!"

Feng Bingning said in a startled voice: "Feng, did something happen to the holy realm and the ancestor was attacked? In that case, the ancestor was not parasitic, right?"

"There should be no parasitism. The possibility is more than 95%. She told me some recent situations and also expressed her own suspicions. Under such circumstances, if she is parasitized, there is no need to test me. !" Chu Feng said. "Well, the old ancestor was not parasitized, that's great." Feng Bingning said joyfully, "Feng, what problem did the old ancestor encounter?"

Chu Feng sighed slightly and said through the voice transmission: "First, he was besieged by a few people who had a good relationship before, and he was seriously injured and escaped. Then he was hit on the holy mountain by three powerful kings!"

"The three powerful kings...The abyss is really tyrannical parasitic. It is estimated that all three powerful kings have been parasitic." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, one of them is Qianqian's father Yin Xiao! Bing Ning, don't spread the matter of your ancestors and their lower realms, it's always good to be known to fewer people!"

In the holy world. "Old ancestor, how is it?" Feng Man quickly opened his eyes when he saw Feng Chen.

A mouthful of blood poured into Feng Chen's mouth, but she swallowed it: "Chu Feng got 10 million catties of void stone. After opening the lower realm channel, we will leave the holy realm and head for the gods! 10 million catties of void stone If we use them all, the Nether Channel will be more stable. If we only go down at a time, the Nether Channel should still be able to bear it."

"Shall we go to the God Realm?" Feng Man said in surprise.

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Well, fleeing like this in the Holy Realm is not conducive to recovery from the injury. Going to the God Realm can stay in the God Realm for a hundred years and use some treasures. It should be able to recover most of the injury! "

"Old ancestor, listen to you." Feng Man said.

"Well, let's change a place, stay here for some time, we may be tracked if we don't leave!" Feng Chen said and immediately took Fengman away from the place.

Half a day later, "Huh!" "Huh!" "Huh!"

Many strong men arrived at the place where Feng Chen and Feng Man had left. "Damn, run away again" a woman scolded, frowning.

"Yun Mei... Feng Chen is also an indestructible powerhouse. Now she is extremely vigilant and cannot be caught all at once. Her injury has no time to recover. If it does not recover for a long time, it will be worse. We will definitely be able to catch it by then. Her." The speaker was a middle-aged man in a purple robe, wearing a purple gold crown, mighty.

Yin Xiao frowned slightly and said: "Brother Taiyi, having said that, we also need to hurry up. Time has been delayed for a long time, for fear of change! If the change is over, I will have a lot of trouble at the Saint Kings Conference. ."

"Brother Yin Xiao, don't worry, it's useless to be anxious. Only when Fengchen and the others stop can they figure out their location. Now that they act like this, they can't figure it out!" Donghuang Taiyi smiled, "In order to recover from his injuries, After Feng Chen will definitely stay in one place for a little longer, we can catch her."

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