Holy Prison

Chapter 1581: Cost, calculate

"One hundred percent, where is 100 percent?" Miao Xian'er curled his lips and said, "Chu Feng, there is no absoluteness in the world. Even if you kill an immortal level person, you can't guarantee 100%, let alone kill an immortal level powerhouse. If the other party has a powerful treasure, such as the innate treasure bodyguard, then it must have fallen into that ten%. After all, the three realms are separated, and the power of destroying the world is also affected in the **** realm."

"If there is no protection of the level of the innate treasure, the possibility of killing an indestructible powerhouse with the power of the world is as high as 99%. Satan is only a second indestructible level. The strong, he has less than one in ten thousand chances of having a treasure of the innate treasure!"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Miao Xian'er, you said that you didn't talk about Qin Ying for a long time. Let the resurrection cross absorb the power of the world, and then let her use the resurrection cross. It should hurt her a lot!"

Miao Xian'er hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "Yes, it is not so easy to kill an indestructible powerhouse, and Qin Ying's cultivation base is now lower, just the top of the gods, if there is a quasi-sage level The damage to his cultivation base would be much less!"

"What kind of harm will you suffer?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "After all, she is the master of the resurrection cross. There is definitely no danger to her life, but she may lose some lifespan."

"Nowadays, the top cultivation base of the gods, if the resurrection cross is used, it is estimated that more lifespans will be lost, and it is estimated that the lifespans lost will reach one-third of Qinying's current life... For the first-class cultivation base, the loss of lifespan is only one tenth."

Chu Feng took a breath of cold, one-third of her lifespan, the damage is not light, with Qin Ying’s current cultivation base, her lifespan is as high as 4 billion years, and one-third of her lifespan, that’s More than a billion years!

"Miao Xian'er, no, Bing Ning wants to save it, but Qin Ying's life span of more than one billion years is lost. This is not good!" Chu Feng repeatedly shook his head.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, I told Qin Ying, she said she wanted to tell you by herself, I will let her appear in front of you." "Don't" Chu Feng said Qin Ying had already appeared right away. In front of Chu Feng.

"Brother Chu!" Qin Ying said with a smile and salute.

Chu Feng nodded: "Qin Ying, sit down." "Brother Chu, I just heard what you said, it's only one-third of the birthday, nothing." Qin Ying said with a light smile, "If not Brother Chu, for your help, I must be dead long ago. Where can I achieve my current cultivation base?"

"Qin Ying, needless to say, you think it is one-thirtieth and one-third of the lifespan, but that is one-third of the lifespan, more than a billion years!" Chu Feng shook his head.

Qin Ying smiled and said: "Brother Chu, listen to me. I have improved my cultivation very fast now. One-third of my lifespan is a lot for now, but it will be nothing for the future."

"I have a lot of Shou Yuan left. Brother Chu thinks that I have so much Shou Yuan left and I can't welcome the Holy Tribulation? If I don't pass the Holy Tribulation, then the longevity Yuan will be useless. After reaching the cultivation base of a saint, then the lifespan will be very long. One third of the lifespan today may not even be 1% in the future."

Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle: "Chu Feng, Qin Ying still makes sense. She has a very long lifespan now. As long as her cultivation level can be improved quickly, her life is not a problem for her."

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Qin Ying, unless you can reach the immortal level, you will definitely have the problem of longevity in the end, and the longevity that is removed will not be restored by then."

Qin Ying smiled slightly: "Brother Chu, if you can live for more than 100 billion years, one billion more years and one billion years less, what does it matter? If there is no meaning in living, there is no joy in living longer. Brother Chu, let me help you once, it really doesn't affect me much."

"Miao Xian'er, tell me honestly, is there any other harm?" Chu Feng said solemnly. Miao Xian'er shook her head: "No, it's just that the longevity is greatly reduced and the body will be weak for a period of time. This treatment will recover in one or two months! In fact, this will also have certain benefits for Qin Ying, and it will resurrect Qin Ying. The cross fits better!"

"Qin Ying, thank you!" Chu Feng said seriously, "I will try my best to make you holy, and then try my best to make you reach a higher cultivation level!"

Qin Ying said with a smile: "Brother Chu, what you said, then I will always be by your side. If Sister Bing Ning and others don't drive me away, you are not allowed to drive me away."

Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart, beauty is deep, although the affection in Qin Ying's eyes is hidden, how can Chu Feng not discover it?

"Okay, absolutely." Chu Feng nodded, "I will never drive you away, unless one day you voluntarily follow other people."

Qin Ying didn't speak, but her eyes clearly showed her meaning, and she would never leave with others.

"Chu Feng, it will not take long for the world-destroying power to integrate into the resurrection cross. Now there is a question. How do you let Satan get into the **** realm? If Satan can't get into the **** realm, even if you get to the holy realm In the middle, you can't kill Satan in a short time!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng frowned: "This is really a problem... Miao Xian'er, before Satan has no lower realms, don't let Qin Ying resurrect the cross to absorb immortal power!"

"Of course." Miao Xian'er nodded.

Chu Feng said to Qin Ying: "Qin Ying, you go to practice first, your resurrection cross, but you need a lot of time to fit."

"Brother Chu, all right."

Qin Ying's voice fell, and Chu Feng waved Qin Ying and disappeared in front of him. "Miao Xian'er, for things like Qin Ying, don't talk to Qin Ying first, discuss with me first, okay?" Chu Feng said.

Seeing Chu Feng a little angry, Miao Xian'er stuck out her tongue and said, "I know, I know, don't be so fierce, I also want to help you"

"I know, otherwise I will scold you." Chu Feng said in an angry manner, "If I agree with this kind of thing, it is better to talk about Qin Ying later. If I disagree, you and Qin Ying will talk about it. If I didn't ask Qin Ying to help, she would feel sorry for her."

"Well, you still don't worry about this, think about how to let Satan go to the realm." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng sank his body deep into the sofa and quickly thought that Satan has not been in the lower realm yet. He can be sure that as long as there is a lower realm passage, Satan can be in the lower realm.

As a second-level immortal powerhouse, Chu Feng believes that if Satan really wants to lower the realm, he can think of a way. The question now is, how to make Satan really want the lower realm?

"In the lower realm, there are still things that are relatively large to the temptation of the immortal-level strong, but it is difficult to take the initiative to tempt," Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

Duan Sanqinying’s treasure, Tang Ming’s treasure, Duan San’s treasure is a great temptation for indestructible powerhouses. Many saints’ lower realms are for their treasures, but Duan San and the others cannot be allowed to take out the treasures. Say: Satan, come here, come here, brother has a baby here.

"I have posted a mission before, but there is no result. There is only one possibility, that is, Bing Ning’s heroic soul and Xiao Han are extremely important to Satan, so important that he is willing to offend several powerful men who are more powerful than him. If it is really powerful You can try him down, but the pig knows that Duan San and their babes recognize their masters. They do not die, and their babes cannot be obtained by others at all." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, do you think this is okay? Let's lie to Satan in the lower realm. Except for the holy prison, you can say that there are no top-notch treasures that have not been identified; but apart from you, who knows? You spread it out, let Satan go to the lower realm, he entered Feng Bing Ning them, and then you gave him a treasure."

"No, it's okay to deceive impatient people like this. It's probably impossible for a guy like Satan. He has great patience!" Chu Feng said.

"Perhaps there is only one way." Chu Feng frowned.

Miao Xian'er asked, "What is the solution?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Let Xiaohan's strength rise rapidly. His current strength is already at the high level of the Emperor God. If his cultivation base is quickly raised to the Exalted God level, what do you think Satan will do? Do?" "This I think he will be in the lower bounds." Miao Xian'er's eyes lit up.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, he is not sure that I will be able to save the catastrophe, and he doesn't know that I can let Xiaohan stay in the holy prison space and then go to the holy realm, so if Xiaohan is very useful for him , He will be in the lower realm! With his indestructible strength, he will not be too scared, he knows that some strong indestructible will not die, and he has two hostages, Xiaolong and Bing Ning!"

"Chu Feng, this method seems feasible!" Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle, "He offended someone who was stronger than him for Feng Bingning's heroic soul and Xiao Han, which shows that he cares very much. This is desire. If we have desires, we have weaknesses! If we don't have enough strength to grasp this weakness, but it happens to have the power to destroy the world and the resurrection cross, Qin Ying is also willing to do this for you!"

"Miao Xian'er, choose a suitable treasure for Xiaolong. I want him to upgrade his strength to the god-exalted level within a hundred years, with the least side effects." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Don't worry, you still have a lot of treasures in this area, and I will definitely pick a suitable one for you. If Satan is completely beheaded by you, then many indestructible powerhouses will face It must be very'good-looking'."

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