Holy Prison

Chapter 1582: Is it worth it?

In the holy prison space, the space where the guardian elves are. "Big villain Chu Feng, why are you here, don't you want me to help you practice again? I haven't had much time to rest yet." Both hands pierced his waist and stared at his small eyes. "How long haven't you rested yet? You have rested for decades." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "You little slacker, I will tell your mother when the time comes, let your mother talk about you."

"Don't, don't, Brother Chu Feng, don't tell the queen, I'll help you practice." Shuangshuang said boredly. "Haha, kid, let's play with you, you still have a lot of holidays. I haven't reached the saint cultivation level before I basically don't need your help." Chu Feng laughed.


Shuangshuang became happy all of a sudden, "Chu Feng, then I will go out to play. If you have something to do, please call me. I will definitely help me remember. Don't tell the queen."

When the voice finally came, Shuangshuang was already far away. Chu Feng shook his head slightly. This little guy has not grown up, and after him it has been a year or two for a thousand years. His character has not changed much like before. The character is actually good, at least most of the time both are carefree.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Chu Han’s voice rang. He spent most of his time practicing in the space where the guardian elves were. When he was a child, he had more trouble with Shuangshuang, and he had less trouble when he grew up, but he still did not make trouble when Shuangshuang was there. He often chatted with Shuangshuang. He was with Shuangshuang before, but Shuangshuang rushed to Chu Feng at once and he came slowly.

"Talk elsewhere!"

As soon as Chu Feng said this, he and Chu Han disappeared into the small space where the guardian elves were. "Han'er, are you bored with the guardian elf?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Chu Han helplessly said: "Dad, don't mention my sad things... You don't allow me to go outside often. Is there any way to do the training but I can't practice at full speed. I can only I went to look for them." "You won't be bored. Next, you will train me at full speed." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Han was stunned for a while, and a red fruit appeared in Chu Feng's hand: "Eat it, and work hard at that time. This fruit will enable you to reach the god-excellent cultivation level within a hundred years!"


Chu Han exclaimed in surprise, "Dad, haven't you kept me from practicing at full speed? Why do you give me the treasure for forcibly enhancing my strength at this time?"

"Where is there so much nonsense? You don't practice at full speed now, and you will be dead by then! Give me practice at full speed, and reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base at the fastest speed!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Han frowned and said, "Dad, why don't I practice at full speed and I will be dead by then?" "There is a saint who wants to harm you, it's that simple!" Chu Feng said, "If you reach the quasi-sage in the shortest time Level cultivation base, if I have not yet saved the calamity, I can keep you safe, if I save the calamity"

"Dad, Shenchu ​​City is so powerful, and my cultivation base is not weak," Chu Han said. Chu Feng frowned and said: "This level of your cultivation is nothing compared to the saints of the lower realm. Although the city of Shenchu ​​is strong, if I get into the holy world, the city of Shenchu ​​may not be able to protect you."

"If you reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base, and your own strength is strong, even if you are a saint in the lower realm, the possibility of harming you is much lower!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, give me practice in this space immediately, and at least reach the primary cultivation level of respecting the gods within a hundred years. If you work hard, it should be no problem to reach the intermediate level of respecting the gods." Chu Feng said.

Chu Han said with a little excitement: "I like training at full speed. I like this. I haven't practiced at full speed for a long time. It's really a bit uncomfortable. Dad, within a hundred years, I will definitely reach the intermediate level of cultivation."

Chu Feng nodded, and Chu Han put the fruit in his hand into his mouth at once. "Dad, it tastes good." Chu Han smiled, and Chu Han's face flushed as soon as his voice fell. "It's so hot, dad, it's so hot, it's so hot, dad, so hot, is there any ice? Piece"

"You will be cold soon." Chu Feng said.

The extreme heat lasted for more than ten seconds, and Chu Han shuddered suddenly, and the terrifying heat wave in his body instantly disappeared and replaced with an extremely freezing cold current.

When it was hot, a lot of sweat came out of Chu Han's forehead, and at this moment all those sweat drops froze. "It's so cold, Dad, what kind of fruit is this? Why is it hot and cold all of a sudden," Chu Han trembled in his teeth. He used his skill, but it didn't have much effect. Froze.

"This fruit is called Binghuoliangtian, how does it feel?" Chu Feng chuckled. "Dad, you are too cruel, **** it!" Chu Han yelled, and the extreme cold was removed and replaced with extreme heat. "Dad, I will tell you and abuse you in front of Mom then! "

"Boy, you can't bear such a little bit of pain, how to make a big thing, don't think about this pain, luck, you will definitely not be able to concentrate at first, but as long as you work hard, you will feel that there is no hot or cold. So scary." Chu Feng said.

"Dad, count you cruel!"

Chu Han yelled and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and tried desperately to concentrate on training. "Poor baby, blame Miao Xian'er if you are to blame. Don't blame your father and me. She made sure of this thing for you." Chu Feng muttered inwardly, "Two layers of ice and fire, two extremes Attributes are good for the cultivation of your Star Art."

"Well" Chu Han cried out in pain. "Oh, it's horrible." Chu Feng sighed and disappeared in an instant. Chu Han gritted his teeth and looked at the place where Chu Feng left. Fortunately, he was used to being tricked by Chu Feng, and his psychological endurance was quite strong, otherwise If you do, blood must be spurted out at this moment.

"Sue, you must sue!" This thought in Chu Han's heart turned around and immediately began to exert all his strength. The alternation of cold and heat slowly became frequent, and the pain was gradually increasing. If you don’t rush into Xiu When you go to practice, you will definitely have fun.

"Miao Xian'er, there is no problem, right?" Chu Feng said, he is a few meters away from Chu Han, but he is not in a small space, so Chu Han can't see him.

Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, even if there is something wrong, Satan's cunning in his soul won't make him trouble!"

"Chu Han spends most of his time in the sacred prison space. I know Chu Han very well. The fruit will make him suffer a lot, but it will also sharpen his spirit and suffer a lot. , But the side effects will be minimal if the pain is not a side effect."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Pay attention to him. If there is any problem, notify me in time, and the clinic will treat him as soon as possible."

"No problem. Chu Feng, Qin Ying, do you really have no plans? If she becomes the master of the domain tower, then her chances of succeeding in the Holy Tribulation will be much higher! If you don't become the master of the tower, you will have the end times In the case of Arcana, it is not difficult to reach the tenth rank, but it is still very difficult to reach the tenth three-star."

"If you can become the tower owner of the domain tower, by borrowing some of the power of the domain tower, she can reach the power of the tenth three-star, and the strength of the tenth three-star, plus the resurrection cross, she has a 90% chance to survive the holy calamity. If you can't reach the tenth-order three-star power, only the ordinary tenth-order, only 60 to 70%!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "I seem to have some psychological barriers... I used her as my sister at the beginning. Now, although I have thought about making her my wife for some time, but more often, I still regard her as my younger sister, and my sister. It always feels weird when I go to bed. I am afraid that my feelings for her will not hurt her by the love between men and women."

"Fart sister, you have no blood relationship." Miao Xian'er curled her lips and said, "You should also see that Qin Ying is no longer married to you. She will not be able to follow others at that time. You plan to, Always recognize her as a younger sister? This is the real harm to her, okay!"

Chu Feng's heart trembled, and after a while, he nodded slightly: "Miao Xian'er, you are right. If I deliberately refuse to accept her because of my previous thoughts, it will indeed hurt her. I will talk to her. Well, let her think about it, and I will also think about my relationship with her."

"Okay, Mr. Wood." Miao Xian'er smiled softly.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and disappeared in front of Miao Xian'er and appeared in the small space where Qin Ying was. "Ah, Brother Chu." Qin Ying's mind quickly made the tears in her eyes disappear, but before she let the tears in her eyes disappear, Chu Feng had already noticed.

"Qin Ying, what's wrong, what's unhappy?" Chu Feng said softly. "No, nothing." Qin Ying shook her head quickly, "Brother Chu, really, I am not unhappy."

"Qin Ying, be honest." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I just saw the tears in your eyes." Chu Feng said that he felt a little bit of pain. This kind of distress made him startled slightly, as if this This kind of distress is not the kind of distress after my sister is wronged.

"Brother Chu, I really didn't. I was just happy. I can stay with you, Brother Chu. Brother Chu, I won't fight with Sister Bing Ning and others. Really, I just want to stay by your side. I will be very happy if I can help you a little bit." Qin Ying looked at Chu Feng hastily.

Chu Feng opened his arms and gently hugged Qin Ying in his arms: "Silly girl, how can I be, Chu Feng, how can I be worthy of you?" "Brother Chu, I never thought it was worth it, I am willing to do this "Qin Ying's face flushed and trembled, "Brother Chu, you, let me go... I just want to stay by your side, and I don't want sister Bing Ning to be unhappy."

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