Holy Prison

Chapter 1603: The king of war

"That's amazing, Brother Chu, why are you so amazing!"

"Husband, your combat level is several levels higher than theirs. I thought their level was pretty good. Husband, your explanation, their level is really average...but our level" said Song Ye with a face. Slightly red, if the level of the two fighting outside is average, then their level is not as good as average.

"Awesome, Chu Feng, I haven't been paying attention all the time. I really didn't expect that your level is already so high." Miao Xian'er said in surprise. Only when Chu Feng called her, her voice would match Chu in the domain tower. Feng contacted, she rarely contacted, so Miao Xian'er didn't know much about Chu Feng's combat level either.

Miao Feiying said with a smile: "Chu Feng, you have to be responsible for improving our fighting skills. I really don’t know, I’m shocked. Let’s be honest, do you usually hide your great fighting ability? With the level of your performance, you can win more easily in some previous battles."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "My combat experience is good, but I can comment on their battles so easily because their strength is much worse than mine! If you meet me who is not worse than me, or if my strength is more It’s not so easy for a high person. You should know that strength and skill are complementary to each other. Therefore, your experience needs to increase, but the more important thing is to cultivate. Don't go wrong! "

"Feng, we understand that in the future, the growth of our combat experience will be left to you anyway! You have to improve our combat experience well!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Okay, before I become a holy, I want to improve my cultivation level, but I can't improve too much. Then there should be a lot of time to teach you about your training. Han'er, they also need to give more pointers. They have improved too fast. There’s not much fighting experience!" Chu Feng smiled, "Well, don’t talk, and carefully comprehend the message I sent to you. If you don’t comprehend it, I’ll finish talking later, and you will soon Forget it! I’m not giving you an initiation when I explain it this way. You will understand many messages when you listen to it, but if you don’t really realize it, you will quickly seem to understand it, and then forget it!"

"Is this going to be forgotten? It's very clear and understandable." Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said: "Qianqian, you'll know if you replay their video of the fight in a few days. This thing is just like ordinary people reading a book. When looking at the book, it is clear that the book is placed with the test paper. It's a smear when it comes up, and you need to learn repeatedly to really transform it into your own knowledge!"

Outside, the two powerhouses fought inextricably, and the duel was also very lively. The two were similar in strength. After more than an hour, some of them slowly showed defeat.

"Oh, it seems that Chen Yun is defeated!" Bai Wuchang sighed slightly, "That **** is really vigorous, and every move is done with all his strength, at this time, there is no fatigue."

"Haha, not necessarily." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Bai Wuchang was stunned: "Brother Chu, will Chen Yun fail to win?" "Don't you know when you look at it? No matter what the situation is, the battle will be unpredictable until the end. A duel of life and death. All have the possibility of a comeback." Chu Feng said in a low voice. With his eyesight, he could see that Chen Yun still had spare power. It was not so weak that he was able to cope like that, and consumed less power. Looking at the other side, he attacked very much. Fierce, but this consumes a lot of power.

Time passed by, and Chen Yun was very embarrassed when he was almost killed many times in the field. The tall black man roared in his eyes, and he constantly aroused his strongest power again and again, and it was another half an hour. In the past, Chen Yun hadn't fallen, and the strength of that black man was already a lot weaker than before!

"The victory or defeat is about to be divided." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. As soon as his voice fell, a sharp light broke out from Chen Yun's palm. The tall black man wanted to get out of the way, but at this time Chen Yun burst out with tyrannical blocking power. That kind of power made the black man unable to dodge at all.

In the horrified roar of the black man, the bright light broke through his chest and entered his body, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

That ray of light entered the black man's body, and the black's pain showed the color of pain. The reaction speed of the black man was suddenly slowed down.

"Stick!" "Stick!" "Stick!"

After hitting Chen Yun's three palms, the black man withdrew from the three major steps, and every step back, the black's breath declined by one point. After three steps, the black man's strong body fell heavily on the ring, and the breath of life quickly flowed from him. .

Bai Wuchang was surprised. He didn't expect Chen Yun to win the final victory. Moreover, he just turned around and killed the black man in just a few seconds.

"Brother Chu, amazing, amazing!" Bai Wuchang praised. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "What's so powerful? I wasn't sure that Chen Yun would be able to win before. There are many accidents in the battle. What we have to do is to prevent accidents from appearing to us. Even if they do, we can't let accidents happen. Killed our lives!"

"Brother Chu said...Brother Chu, shall we continue to watch, or" Bai Wuchang said. "There is still some time, let's take a look again, it's not enjoyable to see your appearance." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Hey, today's duel was good, every game is relatively good, is it because Miss Luo Tong came over?" Bai Wuchang said through a voice.

There was a faint smile on Chu Feng's face. It was really possible. He had already noticed that Miss Luo Tong was watching right now, but they were staying in the VIP room, not on the stand outside!

Chen Yun came to an end and the fire ignited again. The loser had only one result on the stage of life and death in Sand Burying City. The bones were gone and the ashes disappeared. They were discussed for a while, and then forgotten.

"Everyone, the next battle will definitely excite you to the extreme, because next, our two hundred war kings will stage a life and death duel for you! They are the hundred war king Thunder, the hundred war king Qin Rui, let us welcome Their appearance! All those who want to place a bet, immediately place a bet, Thunder and Qin Rui, their odds are all one lose one!"

A huge sound rang, and the whole life and death duel was silent for a while and then a terrifying sound broke out! "The life and death duel of the Hundred Warlords is actually the life and death of the Hundred Warlords. It must be because of Miss Luo Tong. Otherwise, the life and death of the Hundred Warlords will definitely not be arranged at this time!" Bai Wuchang said excitedly.

At this time, Chu Feng also showed a little interest in his eyes. He knew what happened to the Hundred Wars Kings. The Hundred Wars Kings represented that he had survived a hundred battles in the battle of life and death in Sand City!

The previous Maro was also the King of the Hundred Wars, but his opponent was a group of people who were not at the same level as him. Many methods must be hidden.

And if the two Hundred Battle Kings face each other, then there will definitely not be much hidden, because in the duel, one of the two cannot survive!

"Bing Ning, you are lucky, you should be able to learn a lot from the battle between the two hundred warlords." Chu Feng smiled in the holy prison space.

Miao Feiying said with a smile: "Thanks to that beautiful Luo Tong's blessing, Chu Feng, or else, please show your promise and thank her for how hehe!"

"Feiying, I will definitely help you improve some combat experience by then." Chu Feng glanced at Miao Feiying with a smirk.

"Brother Chu, are you interested in taking a small gamble?" Bai Wuchang said, Chu Feng shook his head slightly. This is the sand city, Luo family's property, and Luo Tong may be asked for help at that time. Winning too much is not good. , It’s even worse if you lose too much.

If it’s just a small bet, Chu Feng really has no interest. He prefers to gamble, but he only likes to bet with confidence. He has gambled many times along the way. There are many people who fall into his hands. .

"Brother Chu, look at the two of them, who has a higher chance of winning? I'll take a small bet, hehe." Bai Wuchang smiled.

Lei Ting and Qin Rui had already reached the top of Bai Lei, Chu Feng looked at Lei Ting and Qin Rui, and some information about them emerged in his mind.

"Qin Ruisheng's chances are a little bit higher, 60%, and Thunder's chances are 40%!" Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. Bai Wuchang's eyes were surprised and the voice transmitted: "Brother Chu, are you sure? Thunder's record is better than Qin Rui's. Although both are the kings of the hundred wars, Thunder is already undefeated in one hundred and sixty-three battles. Qin Rui is only one hundred and thirty-seven undefeated!"

Chu Feng didn't speak any more, but just nodded slightly. It was very easy to place a bet. There was a betting machine around every seat. Bai Wuchang gritted his teeth, and 500,000 Yuan crushed Qin Ruisheng.

"Brother Chu, I trust your judgment." Bai Wuchang said.

"Don't blame me if you lose." Chu Feng chuckled softly, time passed by, and a minute later, the battle between Lei Ting and Qin Rui broke out in a huge cheer.

The two changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic. In an instant, they had been fighting for a thousand rounds. Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. The combat effectiveness of Lei Ting and Qin Rui is much higher than that of Maro before. Now, there are fewer loopholes in their every move, but at the level of Chu Feng, he can still see that there are a lot of loopholes in the Thunder and their battles. If he plays, even if he only uses Thunder With their similar strength, he was also confident that Lei Ting or Qin Rui would be killed within fifteen seconds.

If Feng Bingning and the others were on the field, if their weapons were only similar to those of Thunder and the others, and they couldn't burst out too strong power, it is estimated that Feng Bingning and the others would have to be defeated by Thunder and the others in one minute!

The frenzied battle lasted for a whole day. Lei Ting and Qin Rui had similar strengths. After a whole day's time passed, the result of the battle came out. Lei Ting was defeated, defeated by his own old injuries!

After a whole day of frantic battles, Thunder's old wounds broke out and his strength weakened a lot. Facing Qin Rui who was not below him, there was only one consequence of weakening his strength, and that was death!

On the ring, Qin Rui sighed slightly and saluted Lei Ting's body. "Brother Thunder, I didn't expect that your old wounds have not healed yet. I won't be able to win!" Qin Rui said, leaving the ring a little lonely. Thunder is the king of the hundred wars, he is also the king of the hundred wars. Thunder is dead. There is a bit of sorrow for the rabbit and the fox, but after embarking on this path, it is not so easy to turn back, and the love of fighting also makes him not want to turn back!

"Brother Chu, how did you know that Qin Rui had a bigger win? That's amazing!" Bai Wuchang said through the voice. Chu Feng smiled slightly and said: "There is another news from the exercises that Lei Ting has practiced. Six hundred and seventy thousand years ago, Lei Ting injured his right chest in a battle with someone, and that was where his exercise route was located. It has been a long time, but the injury is probably not fully healed, but it is hidden. If you fight with ordinary people, it will not cause the injury at all, but he is fighting Qin Rui who is not under his own strength!"

"Sixty-seven thousand years ago" Bai Wuchang secretly took a deep breath of cold air. Even if he knew this news, he would never care about it, but Chu Feng actually noticed it.

"Brother Bai, congratulations on winning half a million Youyuan, let's go!" Chu Feng said, now only a few hours have passed since ten days have passed, and he just rushed to Song Lingcheng's side.

Bai Wuchang responded and quickly took back the 500,000 Youyuan he had bet and the 500,000 Youyuan that was under pressure. "Brother Chu, you must be a remarkable figure in the Yang Realm." In the sand city, Bai Wuchang released the big bird, and the big bird quickly carried Chu Feng and the others away from the sand city.

"Hehe, what a big person, just a small person." Chu Feng said quietly, "Brother Bai, don't tell Song Yan about some of my conversations with you, can you do it?"

Bai Wuchang nodded: "Brother Chu, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this. If it is a stronger figure, it can search my memory, but Judge Song Yan still does not have that strength! As long as I don't say it, he won't I will know that more powerful figures would not be interested in searching my little impermanent memory!"

"Just remember it! You just pressed the 500,000 yuan. It's good luck if you can get it." Chu Feng chuckled, the big bird flew quickly, and time passed quickly. Chu Feng and the others chatted, feeling nothing. How long has passed since the big bird has flown over Song Lingcheng.

"Chu Feng, Song Yan is in Song Lingcheng. It seems that he has found a lot of earth souls, and he smiles happily." Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind.

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