Holy Prison

Chapter 1604: trouble

"Brother Song, it seems that Brother Song should have found a lot of earth souls!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. At this moment, he had already arrived in a palace in Song Lingcheng.

Song Ling smiled and said authentically: "Thanks to your blessing, Brother Chu, you have indeed found a lot of earth souls. They all appeared in the underworld at that time. They should all be the earth souls you were looking for, Brother Chu. The earth soul enters the underworld, there is no life soul and seven souls, such a situation is extremely rare!"

"Brother Song, I don't know how many I found?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and Song Ling said so. It is estimated that the number found should satisfy him.

Song Ling stretched out his palm: "More than 55 million, Brother Chu, you can say a price, more than 55.6 million, how many quiet yuan are you willing to pay, Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "I said before, 50 million, I'm willing to pay 700 billion, five hundred and fifty-eight hundred billion! I need to check, if some of them are not what I need, then It’s useless if I ask for them." "Brother Chu, in order to gather them together, I spent a lot of effort, this... one trillion, what do you think? One trillion, you take them all away. I'll also help you pay attention. If you can find some, I'll assume that I helped Brother Chu for you!" Song Ling's expression was a little embarrassing.


Chu Feng snorted in his heart and wanted to spit directly onto Song Ling's face. The 50 million said it was 700 billion, and the next five million was more than 300 billion!

If you didn’t say something well before, even if it’s ten trillion, Chu Feng would be happy to exchange it for more than 55 million earth souls, but now, Chu Feng is not willing to give out the 300 billion, 300 billion more. Not much, but he was upset when he was knocked on by Song Ling!

"Brother Song, is this not so good?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. Song Ling said helplessly: "Brother Chu, it's not that I think too much, it's really, in order to help you get some people, my expense is not small, even if you give me one trillion, I can't get much. If it is only 800 billion, then I will still have to lose money!"

"So... Brother Song, I'm embarrassing Brother Song." Chu Feng said lightly, "Brother Song, I have been lucky these few days. I met Miss Luo Tong from the Luo family and helped Miss Luo Tong a little. I still don’t bother Brother Song, please invite Miss Luo Tong to have a cup of tea, maybe she will do me this favor."

"Miss Luo Tong Luo Family."

Song Yan was shocked. Of course he knew Miss Luo Tong from the Luo family, and he also knew that she had been in the sand city these days, but he still didn't know that Chu Feng had a little friendship with Miss Luo Tong.

In the entire jurisdiction, there are not many people that Song Yan is afraid of, but the Luo family, Miss Luo Tong, is definitely one of the people he is afraid of. Even the palace lord above should be polite to see Luo Tong, not to mention him. A little judge, as the eldest lady of the Luo family, as long as Luo Tong said a word, even if his judge is successful, maybe he still has to go to the battlefield of life and death.

"Damn it, why happened to run into that little ancestor." Song Yan cursed secretly in his heart. He hurriedly sent a voice message to Bai Wuchang to inquire. After inquiring, naturally Song Yan knew that Chu Feng was not telling lies.

"Brother Chu, it turns out that you helped Ms. Luo Tong. If this is the case, Brother Chu, you said it! You helped Ms. Luo Tong with a lot of things, easy to talk, easy to talk! So, just as Brother Chu said. , 800 billion... No, just 700 billion, 700 billion is good!" Song Yan said in a painful way.

Chu Feng's mind moved a spatial ring and appeared in his hand: "Brother Song, there are 700 billion Youyuan in it, what about those earth souls? Let me verify it first!"

Song Yan quickly took out a space ring. Chu Feng's divine knowledge penetrated into the space ring. There were many earth souls in the space ring. Those earth souls looked like people, but All of them were confused and didn't have much intelligence, and there was nothing in their eyes!

The information of Yunsang's one hundred million people who lost the earth soul, Chu Feng knew. At this moment, the divine sense swept away and immediately confirmed that these earth souls in the space ring indeed belonged to the one hundred million people who lost the earth soul. Human.

"Brother Chu, isn't it wrong? They all appeared at that time, there should be no mistakes!" Song Yan said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, there is nothing wrong with it, Brother Song, then these earth souls belong to me, 700 billion Yuan Yuan, to you! By the way, Brother Song, please help Brother Song. These earth souls return to the Yang Realm, I believe this is not difficult for Brother Song."

Song Yan nodded repeatedly: "It's not difficult, it's not difficult, it's not difficult, as long as their bodies are not destroyed, it is easier for them to return to the Yang Realm. Brother Chu, Miss Luo Tong."

"Brother Song, from Miss Luo Tong, I will definitely help you say a few ‘good’ things then." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Thank you, Brother Chu, in the next time, if I find the Earth Soul again, I will give it all to Brother Chu!" Song Yan smiled and said, he didn't believe that Chu Feng could really speak in front of Luo Tong, but He is more cautious. If Chu Feng can really help him to say good things, it will be good. Even if he can't say good things, he must hold Chu Feng and not let Chu Feng say bad things about him.

"Hehe, then thank you Song Brother." Chu Feng smiled. He looked down on Song Yan, but there was nothing he could do. He was a local snake. It's really hard to deal with him now, but Chu Feng has made up his mind. If the soul of the earth is found, even if it pays some price, Song Yan will suffer a big loss!

"Brother Chu, let's go to the black and white Nether Road together. If you reverse the Nether Road, you can return the earth souls to the Yang Realm. As long as they return to the Yang Realm, they will be attracted by their bodies and will naturally meet Go back to your own body, those who are in a coma will wake up!" Song Yan said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, I'm sorry Brother Song!"

Riding on a large black eagle of Song Yan, Chu Feng, Song Yan and Bai Wuchang, reached the place where Heiwuchang was in a short time.

"Master Judge!"

Seeing Song Yan, Hei Wuchang hurriedly salutes respectfully, and the few bull-headed horses on this side also hurriedly salute. Song Yan, a judge, has a much higher status than them!

"Hei Ya, check it out, there are ghosts on this ghost road now?" Song Yan said flatly. "Yes, Master Judge." Hei Wuchang quickly inquired, "Master Judge, not yet."

Song Yan nodded slightly: "Reverse Netherworld Road immediately, Brother Chu, just let those people's earth souls appear on the reversed Netherworld Road, and Netherworld Road will automatically transmit them back to the Yang Realm!"

Heiwuchang didn't dare to reverse the Netherworld Road casually, but when the judge Song Yan spoke, he simply reversed the Netherworld Road. If it was the previous Netherworld Road, it would be more troublesome. , Fully automatic Netherworld Road, the Netherworld Road will run in reverse immediately after pressing the button.

The Nether Road swiftly revolved, and Chu Feng caused a large number of Earth Souls to continuously appear on the Nether Road. Driven by the Nether Road, those Earth Souls quickly disappeared one by one!

Yunsang, Roman City.

"Hey, sister Yun, it seems that some of them have just moved their brows." A woman said in surprise. This woman is from Shenchu ​​City. Those 100 million people have been placed in Roman City. Is there anything in Shenchu ​​City? Few people take care of those 100 million people. "You probably saw the flowers." The other woman chuckled softly.

"Look, it's true, that!"

"Ah, it really moved, I'm afraid he will soon wake up; that, Sister Ying, look at that, that finger moved, I guess he will soon wake up."

In Roman City, countless people cried out in excitement. The 100 million people who had fallen asleep were constantly waking up. Only a few minutes passed and several million people woke up. Time passed quickly, more than an hour, More than half of the 100 million people have come to wake up, and there are only 40 million people left who are not sober!

In the Yin Realm, more than 50 million Earth Souls returned to the Yang Realm. Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He found that his kindness value had increased. Those Earth Souls should have returned to their bodies when they returned to the God Realm. Many people should have sobered up.

"Brother Chu, don't worry, as long as the earth soul returns, people who have passed out of a coma can definitely recover, and there will be no harm to the body. After all, it is not long in the past after all!" Song Yan said with a smile.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Brother Song, I still want Brother Bai to accompany me to the sand city. Brother Song has no opinion?" "No opinion, no opinion, Bai Jing, stay with Brother Chu well, no Is there any negligence, do you understand? If there is any negligence that makes Brother Chu dissatisfied, I won't forgive you then!" Song Yan said solemnly to Bai Wuchang.

"My judge, don't worry!"

Bai Wuchang spoke respectfully, but he kept cursing in secret. He was not used to seeing Song Yan as a boss. "Brother Bai, let's go." Chu Feng said.

Bai Wuchang released the big bird, and the big bird took off. After more than two hours, Chu Feng and the others returned to the sand city. "Hey, it seems something is wrong." Bai Wuchang said.

"Ask." Chu Feng said. He also noticed what seemed to be happening in Sand Burial City. This was actually very obvious. There were fewer people coming and going on the street.

Bai Wuchang grabbed a person and immediately asked, "Two adults, you will know when you go to the battlefield of life and death. Someone came to challenge the Hundred Warlords who buried Sand City. As a result, there are already two Hundred Warlords who died in Sand City. On the stage, the third duel is now going on. It’s a pity that there are too many people in the duel, otherwise I will go over and take a look, alas!" A young man who was held by Bai Wuchang said helplessly, "I heard that Miss Luo Tong After coming, two hundred war kings died, she was very angry."

"Brother Chu, it seems that we have been away for a few hours and missed the good show." Bai Wuchang said. Chu Feng smiled and said: "I haven't completely missed it yet, let's go to the duel arena!"

"I can't get in anymore!" Bai Wuchang said helplessly, "Many people on the sand city side are combative. Usually, many people are reluctant to buy tickets to enter the duel, but in such a time, there will definitely not be anyone reluctant to bear it. As long as you have money, you will definitely buy tickets to watch the battle!"

Chu Feng and Bai Wuchang arrived near the biggest life-and-death duel that they had visited before, and they were surrounded by many people, not to mention inside the duel.

"Grass, it's the third one. We buried the third Hundred Warlord in Sand City and died on the ring! Those strong men who came from Black Cloud City are really amazing!"

"We are very embarrassed when we are buried in Shacheng. Miss Luo Tong came to try out. One by one, the Hundred Warlords died in Shacheng. Her trial is probably a failure!"

"It's a pity, Miss Luo Tong is trying out in Sand City. If the trial is successful, Sand City will be even stronger by then. Today, Sand City is probably going to decline, alas!"

"Heiyun City is the territory of the Zhang family. I heard that it was the second son of the Zhang family who wanted to marry Miss Luo Tong, but Miss Luo Tong did not agree, and then there was the current decisive battle."

After listening to some people's comments, Chu Feng knew what was going on. "It's really unfortunate that the second son of the Zhang family came here. If Luo Tong fails to leave in the trial, it won't be so easy to find someone with enough weight to help." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, that more than 50 million souls have been sent. In the Yang Realm, Chu Feng originally came to Luo Tong and asked her to help find the remaining 40 million souls of the earth, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen on the side of Shacheng buried in just a few hours.

Chu Feng thought of the old man. That old man must be a heavyweight person. However, if he has been sitting there for countless years without moving, will he help? This is really a question.

If you find the palace lord above the judge and Hades, it is a question of whether people will help. Even if they can help, a certain amount of You Yuan must be given. If a large amount of You Yuan is given to them, it would be good. , I'm afraid that a large amount of You Yuan will be given away and they will not be able to get things done.

After absorbing a lot of information, Chu Feng knew that Song Yan’s immediate boss, a mansion master named Si Yan, was not good. Song Yan did things after receiving things, and that palace owner might not do things after receiving things; Si Yan His immediate boss is a Yama, and the character of that Yama is okay, but he has an enemy. As long as he wants to accomplish things, that enemy often makes trouble. Therefore, whether it is to find the boss or the boss The boss is not a wise choice.

If Luo Tong could help, this matter would be much easier to handle, speaking as her, even the enemy of the Hades, Si Yan's immediate boss, would have to show some face.

"Tongtong, it seems that there is no one in Sand Burial City. You should follow me back to Black Cloud City, hahahaha!" A more mad voice sounded throughout the Sand Burial City, "Tongtong, you don't have to pay a hundred King of War, let’s do this, the people buried in Sand City, regardless of their cultivation level, as long as their power is suppressed to the level of my people, and those who have overcome me, I will take them away immediately! Our previous agreement was only among the kings of war, like me , It's okay, let's say okay in front of all the people in the city, if you lose, you can't go back!"

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