Holy Prison

Chapter 1640: Stigma

Chu Feng looked at Master Tianhen with a strange look: "Ah, Senior Tianhen, are you always making a mistake? Master Pan is not dead right now, although there may be a little problem."

"Not dead? The years are long. It seems that I don't know how many reincarnations are in the heavens. I have forgotten that Pangu chose a different path from me." Master Tianhen said with emotion.

Chu Feng was shocked. Hearing what Master Tianhen said, Pangu died before, but now he is resurrected. This is beyond Chu Feng's imagination!

"Master Tianhen...Has Master Pan ever died? Heavenly Dao reincarnation, what is this?" Chu Feng said. Master Tianhen said softly: "I have died, but how many times I have died, I am not sure about this. The reincarnation of the heavens is the reincarnation of the entire universe. The birth and death of life and the entire universe are also born and passed. You don’t need to know more about things, little guy. A little guy like you probably won’t survive the reincarnation of the heavens once!"

The person in front of him is not a madman, but a super old monster, and the madman, Chu Feng guesses that the person in front of him is not very similar, so the chances of him being a super old monster are extremely high!

"Senior, you don't seem to have experienced the reincarnation of the heavens. Didn't Master Pan practice the physical body? He should use the physical body as the sage, not reincarnation. Death should be the real death!" Chu Feng said. "Oh, the little guy is very curious, but God doesn't want to answer you anymore today, haha!" Master Tianhen laughed and saw Chu Feng's somewhat depressed look and smiled that made him even happier!

"Uh, Senior Tianhen, you are always knowledgeable, so just tell the younger generation, I made you wake up anyway?" Chu Feng said.

"Little guy, don’t say it, don’t say it, the old man don’t say it, I don’t say it today, anyway, with this body, I can wake up for a while, and I want to talk to you later!" Master Tianhen laughed. Dao, he was a little bit upside down when he spoke, calling himself old man for a while, and me again.

Chu Feng curled his lips and felt really helpless. This old man was so disgusting that he aroused his curiosity and stopped talking. "Little guy, we are destined to be here, do you want to learn something?" Master Tianhen said seductively. "I don't want to." Chu Feng said directly.

Master Tianhen was taken aback for a moment, what a character he was, if he was released back then and wanted to teach people something, and he didn't know how many powerful saints came over, Chu Feng directly rejected him!

"Little guy, don't you really want to? Back then, the old man crossed the sky and the earth, but his strength was not lower than that of Pangu and Hongjun." Master Tianhen said with a smile.

Chu Feng's heart was dark, this body was still buried in the cemetery in his holy prison space before, and his face was still pale at the moment. It was a bit strange to smile like this.

"Generally, liars say that. How can I drop Senior Tianhen? Your old man should let me go. I still have important business!" Chu Feng said. "You're so hateful, little guy, how is the old man like that?" Master Skyscar stared, "If you didn't see you have three sages, old man, I"

"Old monster!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. Two of his sages were hidden, but he didn't expect that Master Tianshen would know it clearly.

However, thinking that Master Tianhen could even sense the body of a saint in the holy prison space, Chu Feng wouldn't be that strange!

"How to drop the three saints?" Chu Feng said.

Master Tianhen touched his beard and smiled and said: "Three saints, such people rarely appear between heaven and earth, little guy, did you meet Heaven Burial?"

"Sky burial!" Chu Feng was shocked. There were not many people who knew about the sky burial. This celestial scar master actually knew about the sky burial, and he directly judged that he had encountered it.

Chu Feng created a stone table and a stone chair: "Senior Tianhen, let's sit down and say, do you still want to drink? I still have a lot of wine here! Senior, if you are happy to drink, can you drink more? Tell the kid something?"

"The little guy is quite polite." Master Tianhen sat down unceremoniously, and Chu Feng sat down himself, and then brought out a lot of wine and a few side dishes, "Senior Tianhen, please use , I don’t know if it suits Senior Tianhen’s appetite, if you don’t have your stomach, just say, I’ll change it for you!"

"It's okay!" Master Tianhen tasted a bit of food and nodded slightly, "Little guy, the old man is in a good mood. I will answer a few more questions for you and ask."

Chu Feng said, "Senior Tianhen, where is this place? It seems to be the God Realm, but it doesn't seem to be. In the reincarnation of Heaven, you don't seem to have died, but you said that you are dead before. Why? There are three sages, all have appeared. Sky burial? Why is there a sky burial?"


When Chu Feng saw Master Tianhen's brows were erected, he stopped quickly, "Well, senior, you can solve your doubts for the kid!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

"You are really welcome, little guy, you asked so many questions all at once!" Master Tianhen hummed, "This is the land of enlightenment I created back then. It is attached to this universe, but it doesn't belong completely. This universe. The old man looks like this, isn't he dead!"

"But it's just dead, and it didn't fall completely. Your kid was resurrected near here. I dipped you a little light and stole a little bit of life!"

"Not all of the three saints have experienced a sky burial, and those who have gone through a sky burial do not all have three saints, but the possibility is relatively high! As for why there is such a thing as a sky burial, little guy, such a thing, it is still It’s not something you can understand. If you understand such a secret, there is no benefit at all!"

"The old man will answer your question again. There are very few people who have three sages. You have three sages, and all three sacreds are good. You have the ability to learn something from the old man. The old man regained consciousness with your light. I have a saint corpse of you again, and I will give you a small return to eliminate cause and effect!"

There are still many questions in Chu Feng's heart, but Master Tianhen stared at him now, and it seemed that if he dared to ask, Master Tianhen would not be polite.

"Ah, Senior Tianhen, I don't know what you want to teach me? Is it suitable for me?" Chu Feng said. Master Tianhen ate a few mouthfuls of food and poured a few sips of wine and said, "You are good at spirit, suitable for training!"

Master Tianhen said that it was okay, but he was still a little envious. Chu Feng's mental power was much stronger than when he was this strength back then!

"Old man, he is called Master Skyscar. That's because he is a stigmatist, and he is still a small accomplished stigmata." Master Skyscar said with a little smug look on his face. He was like this, he was definitely not just "small achievements".

In other words, to be comparable to Pangu back then, is such a character just a small achievement? Pan Gu is now a holy sovereign, but his strength may not be as strong as it was back then!

"Master of the Stigma?" Chu Feng said in a puzzled manner, he had never heard of this one.

Tianhen Shang said: "Little guy, show up with an ordinary wooden sword."

There is no ordinary wooden sword in the Chu Feng Sacred Prison space, but it is extremely easy to get such a thing out, and an ordinary wooden sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand instantly.

Master Tianhen took the wooden sword and said indifferently: "The so-called stigmatist refers to a person who has special abilities and can leave a little trace on ordinary objects, and then greatly enhance the ability of an object." The man said that his fingertips slashed across the blade of the wooden sword, and within a short time, the Master Tianhen left a slender pattern on it.

"This" Chu Feng showed a look of shock in his eyes. It was definitely an ordinary wooden sword, but after that slender pattern appeared, it gave him an extremely sharp feeling!

"Do you want to verify it? Verify it!" Master Tianhen frowned slightly, "It's no better than it was before, alas"

Chu Feng took the wooden sword, and a good sword appeared in his hand. The two swords collided, and the good sword that Chu Feng took out was instantly cut into two pieces!

Chu Feng was shocked, and immediately took out another better sword, which was cut off again!

It wasn't until Chu Feng took out a sword that was also suitable for quasi-sage-level powerhouses, that wooden sword was invincible and cut off by the sword in Chu Feng's hand!

"Senior, this is the function of that little stigma?" Chu Feng exclaimed. "Naturally, the stigmata can increase attack, but it can be used for defense, and it has more effect!" Master Tianshen said with a chuckle, "I will give you some knowledge of this aspect, and cut off the cause and effect with you, you can willing?"

"Senior Tianhen, what is the difference between such a stigmata and formation?" Chu Feng asked. "Little guy, this is your last question. The old man's saliva is dry, and he will never answer your extra questions. The cultivation level is not strong, but there are a lot of questions!" Master Tianhen stared at Chu Feng. Tao.

"Okay, okay!" Chu Feng nodded quickly. This old monster is already very good at answering his many questions. Although there are still many doubts, there is no way to answer them temporarily.

Heavenly Mark Humanity: "The main difference between the formation method and the stigmata, the formation method is to follow the sky, borrowing the power of the sky, the stigma is against the sky, the power of the sky! Other differences, the layout of the formation It's more troublesome, many times you need a powerful formation; and the stigmata layout is simpler and generally doesn't require anything."

"The formation requires a good understanding of the heavens and the earth, so that we can better borrow the power of the heavens, and the stigmata has fewer requirements in this respect, and has higher requirements for itself. There is only a sage, and it can never be The stigma master, there are two stigmata, the life is stronger, it is no problem to learn to a certain extent, but can not become a very powerful stigma master, only the stigma reaches three, and the spiritual power is very strong, the body Those who are also relatively powerful are suitable to become Stigma Masters, you little fellow, these conditions are very good!"

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