Holy Prison

Chapter 1641: Named disciple

"Little guy, don't blame the old man for being stingy. You can't take all the knowledge of the stigmata. If you can absorb it, the old man can pass it on to you. If you can't absorb it all, Then you don't blame the old man, blame yourself, haha!" Master Skyscar laughed authentically.

"what's so funny."

Chu Feng murmured in his heart and nodded slightly: "Senior Tianhen, don't know how to pass it?" Master Tianhen beckoned to a place and suddenly a faint blue jade appeared in his hand. "The old man has stored the knowledge of the stigmata in it, so you can absorb it yourself, and the old man will send you away from here immediately after absorbing it!" The Master Tianshen placed the jade on the table and said in a low voice.

"Chu Feng, be careful, if he harmed you" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "If he wants to harm me, in this place, I am afraid I can't escape." Chu Feng replied in his mind. Judging from the means displayed by the old man, even though he said he was dead, he must still be here. Being able to display his powerful strength, he could definitely not be the opponent of this old man based on the strength of the lower saint he can display now.

"That's true, but you'd better be careful. At first, absorb slowly first." Miao Xianer said. "Yeah." Chu Feng said in his mind, holding the faint blue jade stone in his hand, "Senior Tianhen, is it the sage enters, can you read it directly?" Chu Feng asked.

"That's right!" Master Tianhen ate vegetables and poured his wine into the road without any image.

A strand of sage knowledge of Chu Feng entered the jade, and some information immediately flowed into the sage of the heart. Compared to the sage of Chu Feng’s brain, the sage of Chu Feng’s brain is more important, so Chu Feng first let the information enter the heart, even if It’s the heart that destroys Chu Feng and the two sages will not fall!


Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the information is indeed about the knowledge of the stigmata. At the beginning, only some of the most superficial knowledge was absorbed, but Chu Feng did not quite understand most of the information he had absorbed. Without the foundation in this respect, the holy Master Hen's knowledge is too mysterious for him.

"Little guy, hurry up, staying in this place for a long time will not do you any good." Master Tianhen said indifferently. Chu Feng nodded slightly, and the sacred consciousness entered more, and the speed of absorbing the knowledge in the spar also increased rapidly. Intuitively, Chu Feng believed that this Heavenly Scarred Master was not lying to him, and there was a holy prison. , Even if the Master Tianhen was lying to him, absorbing the information in the jade would not hurt him much.

As time passed slowly, Chu Feng gradually increased the speed of absorption to the fastest. Master Tianhen looked like he didn't care at first, but gradually his eyes showed a look of surprise. Zhong is even more delighted and excited.

"Can absorb so quickly, this little guy... is very suitable to become a stigmata master, does the old man make an exception today and accept an apprentice?" Master Skyscar became entangled in his heart. The condition for becoming a stigmata master is It’s very demanding, and to become the strongest stigma master, the conditions are harsh. Master Skyscar has never met someone like Chu Feng who is suitable to be a stigma master. The idea of ​​letting Chu Feng become his own apprentice.

However, I have never accepted an apprentice, and I have always been alone. If I accept an apprentice, it will have great cause and effect.

"Wait, wait, this little guy, if you can absorb three-quarters, no, all the knowledge, old man, I will make an exception and accept him as a named disciple! Just a named disciple. , It's not a big problem." Master Tianhen said in his heart.

Half an hour, one hour, five hours, ten hours.

Time passed quickly, and Chu Feng was now in a state of muddle-headedness. In this state, the knowledge in the jade slips flowed into his mind at a terrifying speed, the holy prison In the space, Miao Xian'er called Chu Feng several times anxiously, but Chu Feng did not wake up.

"Suitable to be a stigmatist, too suitable to be a stigmata, it seems that I am more suitable to be a stigmata than I am. Such a talent, it would be a shame not to become a stigma! I have accepted the named disciple, and if this kid can reach the immortal level strength smoothly and smoothly, it would be fine to accept him as an official disciple!"

Master Tianhen stared at Chu Feng in his eyes at this time, that was a look of envy. Chu Feng's talent in this area was really higher than him!

After nearly twenty hours passed, Chu Feng frowned slightly and finally woke up.

"Little guy, how much did you forget about the things you just absorbed?" Master Skymark said slightly nervously, Master Stigma, that is the power of heaven. After absorbing knowledge at the beginning, the more you forget, the better, the more you forget. Many, when you use this ability, the smaller the punishment from heaven and earth!

"How much do you forget?" Chu Feng asked in a puzzled way. He thought about it nervously for a while and his eyes showed helplessness. "Senior Tianhen, I don't seem to have the talent in this area. Order something!" Chu Feng said disappointedly.

Master Tianhen’s eyes lit up: "How much do you remember, you pass it to me." "Okay." Chu Feng thought of the holy consciousness connected to Master Tianhen and sent some information to Tianhen in the blink of an eye. Master.

"Just remember that?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and smiled bitterly: "Senior Tianhen, it seems that I don't have this fate!" "Who said you didn't? You didn't, then who still has" Master Tianhen stared, "You are like this. The situation is very good, very good, very good! Little guy, are you willing to become a registered disciple of the old man?"

"Named disciple?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, "Senior, you are not kidding, I only remember a little bit, the talent in this area is too bad!"

"Chu Feng, you should have absorbed all the knowledge of the Stigma Master, but most of them are forgotten!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.


Chu Feng was puzzled, he carefully checked his own memory, and apart from that little knowledge, there was no other knowledge in this area.

"Xian'er, are you sure?"

"Of course, you have absorbed 20 hours with all your strength, how can you only absorb so little things." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Little guy, don't you want to?" Seeing that Chu Feng didn't answer, Master Tianhen stared, what a character he is, let alone a named disciple, even if you let the wind pick a time to preach, I don't know how many strong people will Come over here. "Senior, what are the benefits of being your named disciple?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Master Tianhen took a sip of wine and snorted: "The old man named his disciple. I didn't expect that there will be such a day. What good is it for your little guy to speak."

"Either way, knowing the benefits is not stupid. Becoming a registered disciple of the old man, the first advantage, if you have any difficult things in this regard in the future, the old man can help you explain; the second advantage, What an identity is that old man's registered disciple, hum!"

Chu Feng coughed lightly: "Senior Tianhen, this, in this age, no one knows about your old man, let alone a named disciple, even if I say that I am your disciple, no one takes it seriously, besides... …Your elders are not sure about the outside world. The abyssal powerhouse has invaded, and most of the saints in this universe have been parasitized, including Master Pan!"

The person on Tianhen was taken aback, "The abyss powerhouse you mentioned is a powerhouse from another universe?" "Well, that's good." Chu Feng nodded.

"Oh, it seems that there are some problems above." Master Tianhen said in a low voice. "Senior Tianhen, what are you talking about? There is something wrong with it?" Chu Feng asked in a puzzled manner.

Master Tianhen waved his hand annoyingly: "Little guy, don’t ask about this. It’s not what you should know, how about it? Would you like to be my registered disciple? Don’t want to be pulled down, the old man has never I have accepted disciples and no registered disciples. I really have no experience in teaching disciples!"

Chu Feng thought of Nu Wa, who was considered his master, but now Fei Ye has become his wife, and Nu Wa has become his mother. There is no problem in recognizing Master Tianhen as a master.

"Master is here, please be respected by the disciple."

As Chu Feng said, he knelt down and knocked his head on Master Tianhen. This old man is definitely an extremely terrifying figure. To worship such a strong man as a teacher will definitely benefit a lot. As for Master Tianhen Character, after all, I chatted for a while, Chu Feng believed that Master Tianhen's character should be fair!

"Get up, just accept you as a named disciple, and just kowtow!" Master Tianhen said in a deep voice, "If you reach the immortal level and have not died, the old man will make an exception and accept you as an apprentice!"

Chu Feng responded and stood up, "Little guy, you have become a registered disciple of the old man. The old man still doesn't know what your name is. Tell me about your name." Master Tianhen chuckles, his smile just disappeared. Yes, the smile appeared again now!

"Master, my apprentice is Chu Feng."

Chu Feng said that he sat down, "Master, you seemed to be worried just now. Why are you not so worried now?" Chu Feng said in a strange way.

Master Tianhen curled his lips and said: "I'm worried that there is a fart. I don't have the strength of the old man now, and even if there are, there are some things that I can not change by myself!"

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