Holy Prison

Chapter 1684: treasure

Near Yinming Mountain, the living corpses are really a lot of life, and among them are the living corpses with immortal strength, but when they meet Fu Hao and his party, the living corpses are nothing good.

With Fu Hao’s indestructible strength, in just a short time, many of the living corpses near Yinming Mountain were all cleaned up by him. One of the living corpses with immortal strength was destroyed by one move, and the power of the indestructible was let Chu Feng was extremely shocked.

"Chu Feng, it's fortunate to go to Danagas City." Miao Xian'er's smiling voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng smiled in his mind: "Yes, fortunately, I went to Danagas City. If you come directly, then these living corpses near Yinming Mountain are not easy to deal with, and they cannot be swallowed. That baby!"

"There are some other babies." Miao Xian'er smiled.

"Well, Xian'er, your opinion is good." Chu Feng said.

After destroying the living corpses, Chu Feng and the others quickly reached the foot of Yinming Mountain. Yinming Mountain was tens of thousands of meters high, and from the top of Yinming Mountain, thousands of gray bone chains fell into the sky!

Each bone chain is several meters thick, and each one is two to three million meters long, and each bone chain is stationary and blocked and guards Yinming Mountain!

"Thousands of locks sealed the mountain, it really is!"

"I heard that these chains were laid by Lord Master himself. Although Lord Lord is not present, the power of these chains is not diminished. We want to enter, it is difficult!"

"It's no use coming here, and we will have to escape to another place by then!"

Several immortal-level powerhouses talked, and one of the immortal-level powerhouses wanted to enter Yinming Mountain from the gap between the bone chains as soon as he moved.

But "bang!"

Yin thunder blasted, and the two nearby bone chains launched an attack. The two Yin thunder blasted on the immortal-level powerhouse, and the immortal-level powerhouse screamed and was blasted back several thousand meters!

Throwing back thousands of meters, the immortal wall powerhouse hit the top of the rock wall and couldn't help but spray out blood!

Fu Hao smiled and said: "I told you a long time ago that the Thousand Lock Cathode Array is not a purely defensive array, but an array that combines attack and defense. If you want to enter it, it is still light to be attacked. , If you attack the big array, then the attack will be stronger!"

"General Fu Hao, how do we enter Yin Ming Mountain?" The immortal powerhouse who was attacked and vomited blood said depressedly.

Fu Hao shook his head slightly: "If I knew, I would have been here a long time ago and I won't wait until now! Only the blood of the realm master's dearest relatives can unlock the thousand lock cathode array!"

"The blood of the closest relatives can only be solved, Master Fu Hao, then we have no way to enter it?" Another immortal strong said.

Fu Hao lightly sighed and said: "We can only hope that the powerful natural attack can destroy the Qiansuo cathode array, and then we can enter it!"

"Natural destruction... Master Fu Hao, isn't that impossible? There is nothing wrong with Yinming Mountain for so many hundred million years. Even if we wait for another hundred million years, it is estimated that there will be no problems on Yinming Mountain." Harriman said.

Fu Hao said quietly: "Almost, the Lord of the Realm back then, he chose this place for his reason, even if this universe is destroyed, it will not be so easy to cause problems when it is blocked! If there is a powerful life If the corpse is here, you can run away!"

"Chu Jiu, it's a pity that you saved us, but now we can only stop here, and then we can only die with this universe!" Fu Hao looked towards Chu Feng and said.

Chu Feng said in a low voice, he flew slowly towards Yinming Mountain. "Chu Jiu, you can't enter the Yin Ming Mountain!" Fu Hao persuaded.

Chu Feng approached a huge chain, and Chu Feng moved his mind to make the identity card appear in his hand.

"this is"

A look of shock appeared in Fu Hao's eyes, and the faint light from his identity card enveloped Chu Feng. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng passed through the Thousand Lock Cathode array and entered the array!

As soon as he entered the Qiansuo cathode formation, a living corpse rushed towards Chu Feng. That living corpse had the strength of a high-ranking saint. Chu Feng was a little hard to resist, but Chu Feng didn't use Chu Feng to make a move. The first cloud of thunder hit the living corpse and retreated the living corpse.

In the next instant, dozens of Yin thunder blasted on the living corpse and blasted the living corpse into nothingness in the blink of an eye!

"This identity is really useful!"

Chu Feng's heart was refreshed. If he hadn't had this identity card, then even if he didn't die just now, he would have suffered serious injuries!

Within Yinming Mountain, there was more than one living corpse. In a short time, many living corpses came to attack Chu Feng. Of course, the attacks of those living corpses did not fall on Chu Feng. By the time of Zhong, all the living corpses that came to attack Chu Feng were all wiped out!

"Xian'er, activate the Sky Eye and see if there is any treasure!" Chu Feng said in his mind. This is Yinming Mountain, and the territory of the realm master, Slaughter. If there is no treasure, this Chu Feng is absolutely Won't believe it!

"Chu Feng, no treasure was found!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment: "Xian'er, did you make a mistake? There are no treasures?"

"Chu Feng, yes, there are no treasures at all! It is estimated that when those people retreated, all the treasures had been taken away." Miao Xianer said, "The treasures were taken away, and there is no new on this side. If the treasure is produced, there will naturally be no treasure on this side!"

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, if there were no treasures at all, this would be really depressing. "Xian'er, I'll go around a bit." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng was not reconciled. He searched quickly. It didn't take long for him to search most of the entire Nether Mountain. The portal was found, but no treasure was found!

"Sad!" Chu Feng sighed.

"What are you looking for?" A pleasant voice rang in Chu Feng's ear.

When Chu Feng's face changed, his spiritual consciousness spread out instantly, but his spiritual knowledge was not scanned.

"Master, I am Yin Ming!" The voice appeared again, and a faint shadow appeared beside Chu Feng. "Yin Ming? Why do you call my master?" Chu Feng asked.

Yinming smiled slightly: "Master, you are the first person to reach Yinming Mountain in countless millions of years. The old master has died, and you automatically become the new owner of Yinming Mountain! Master, what are you looking for? , Yin Ming can help you find it."

"I'm the new owner of Yinming Mountain." Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, no wonder the Qiansuo Cathode Great Array helped so ably, it turns out that he has become the new owner of Yinming Mountain somehow!

"Yin Ming, are there no treasures in Yin Ming Mountain? I turned around, but I didn't even see a good treasure." Chu Feng said.

Yin Ming said with a chuckle: "Master, you are looking for treasures, how can you search for it like this? All the treasures have been collected by Yin Ming!"

"Collect it!" When Chu Feng's eyes lit up, he felt that there shouldn't be any treasures. It turned out that the treasures were all collected by Yin Ming!

"Yin Ming, I want to put away the treasure, is there any problem?" Chu Feng said. Yin Ming nodded and said: "Master, you want to put it away, there is no problem. If you have the ability, Master, even if you collect the entire Yin Ming Mountain, there is no problem!"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment: "The entire Yin Ming Mountain is collected? Yin Ming, can this be done?" "Yes, it was not possible before, but now it is possible! It is not safe here anymore, Yin Ming also wants to leave. So over the years, I have thought of some ways to make the entire Yinming Mountain move. If the owner doesn't like it, Yinming can fix Yinming Mountain in this place again and immobile!" Yinming said in an uneasy manner.

"Yin Ming, I won't blame you, if Yin Ming Mountain moves to another place, can it also exert such defenses?" Chu Feng said.

Yinming said: "Master, Yinming Mountain is the strongest in the land of the most yin. If it is in the power of the most yang, then its power will be greatly suppressed!"

"Very good... Yinming, if I put Yinming Mountain away, is it impossible to use the portal? Can the portal be moved out alone?" Chu Feng said.

Yin Ming nodded and said: "Master, yes, moving the portal outside of Yin Ming Mountain will not affect the use of the portal in a short time, but if it takes a long time, the portal may be damaged!"

"It won't be affected for a short time!" Chu Feng said, "Yin Ming, the treasures you collected, let them appear in front of me first!"

As Yin Ming said, a cloth bag appeared in front of Chu Feng, "Master, all the treasures that Yin Ming collected are gathered here! Very few of these treasures are left over from the past, and some appear in Yin Ming Mountain. Another part appeared in the area around Yinming Mountain, and Yinming also collected them!" Yinming said.

Chu Feng took the cloth bag and penetrated into the cloth bag with a look of shock in his eyes. He has obtained a lot of treasures on the side of Danagas city, but compared with the treasures in this cloth bag, it is really small. Dawu, there are many treasures in this bag that give Chu Feng a very powerful feeling!

Even among them, there is a treasure that gives Chu Feng the feeling that it is a treasure of the end times! "Yin Ming, where did this thing come from?" Chu Feng said, a small black lotus appeared in his hand.

"This...Master, about ten billion years ago, an immortal powerhouse came to this side. He was besieged and killed by many dead people. This thing was discovered among his space treasures. A lot of powerful men died on one side, and all their spatial treasures, Yin Ming, have been collected!" Yin Ming said.

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