Holy Prison

Chapter 1685: Another treasure

"Okay, okay, okay! Haha!" Chu Feng laughed excitedly. If there is no Yinming collection, then he can't get so many treasures.

"Uh" the laughter stopped, and Chu Feng looked at the black lotus in shock. This black lotus actually pierced his finger to get a drop of blood and sucked up his master.

Then, the black lotus entered his body in a short time under Chu Feng's gaze! "Man, why are you more active than Swallowing World?" Chu Feng said in a daze. Swallowing the world was the blood he took the initiative to drip before. This black lotus actually pierced his finger and caused bleeding!

"What nonsense, this lady is not your buddy!" A cold snort sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "I actually thought that this lady took the initiative, hum! This lady is following you, that's your honor!"

"Nv Di" Chu Feng murmured in his heart, and the black lotus sank in his body, and within a short time the black lotus reached his right foot.

"Master, is there any problem?" Yin Ming said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No!" Chu Feng said with a thought and put the cloth bag in his hand into the holy prison space.

"Hey, what's your name? What's the effect of Black Lotus? Since I recognize me as the master, I'll be a little polite, you know? I'm all the uncle queen, first swallow the world, then you" Chu Feng voice Into the black lotus.

"My lady's name is Fei Lian, and Black Lotus is the Dark Chaos Lotus, the treasure of the apocalypse. Although the Dark Chaos Lotus recognizes you as the master, you'd better be kind to this lady!" The voice sounded, and at the same time a woman wearing black veil The image appeared in Chu Feng's mind, "What's the ghost in your mind? This young lady can't see through it!"

Chu Feng said coldly in his mind: "Feilian, without my permission, you must not search for any of my information or scan my body, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Swallow the world, you also come out for me, I tell you, since you recognize me as the master, then you must have the minimum respect for me, if you don't have the minimum respect for me, you all get me out of my body! Respect is mutual. If you respect, then I will respect you too. If you disrespect my master, then I tell you very clearly that you will not have a good life!"

"Chu Feng, calm down and respect each other, it's good!" Tunshi's voice rang, "Feilian, be polite, since we have already recognized the lord, we cannot have a new master unless Chu Feng dies. Although Chu Feng's strength is now very low, we will do it all at once!"

The muscles on Chu Feng's face twitched, what does it mean to be the same? Isn't his current strength so low that it looks shameless?

"Swallowing the world gourd... Chu Feng is not very strong, but luck is very good, I did not expect you to become one of his treasures!" Fei Lian said, "Chu Feng, for the face of the world, I will I will be polite to you, but if you are not polite, don’t blame this lady for being polite!"

"That's right!" Chu Feng said in his mind, "I already know the function of Fei Lian and World Swallowing Gourd. I don't know what function the Dark Chaos Lotus has?

Fei Lian whispered: "Dark Chaos Lotus has the strongest defensive ability. It can fly with the Imperial Lotus and can fly extremely fast. In addition, its attack ability is not bad!"

"Now your compatibility with the Dark Chaos Lotus is too low. In order to keep you alive, I will help you improve the compatibility a lot!"

Chu Feng chuckled in his mind: "Feilian, not just to keep me alive? It's also to keep you from destroying. If you can't leave this universe, then you will fall too. Since you have After the consciousness, presumably, you don’t want to destroy it!"

"Hmph, even though it means this, it is a fact that I will increase your compatibility with the Dark Chaos Lotus. It is also a fact that you are more likely to survive by then, don't you recognize it?" Fei Lian said.

Chu Feng said: "Acknowledge, but if you can leave alive by then, you are relying on me to leave. This is also a fact, will you recognize it?"

"Chu Feng, if you can leave alive, we will naturally recognize it, but if you don't have enough strength, you still won't be able to obtain our complete approval!" Shi Swallowing Dao Chu Feng said quietly: "As long as you recognize, you will not intentionally I don’t think it will take long for my strength to grow!"

"From a mortal to the present cultivation base, I have only spent thousands of years!"

"For thousands of years?"

"Chu Feng, it really only took a few thousand years for you to grow from a mortal to your current cultivation base?"

Fei Lian and Tun Shi are all surprised and authentic. "I lied to you, it seems to be of no benefit to me! It's hard to get along with it for a long time, you don't want to know such things," Chu Feng said.

Tunshi said quietly: "If you have only spent thousands of years from being a mortal to now, then maybe we choose you to be our master is a good choice!"

"Throughout the ages, there have been countless geniuses who have fallen, Chu Feng, maybe you will be just one of them by then." Fei Lian attacked.

"Really? Let's take a look, I will leave this ghost place, and then, I will become an immortal and immortal powerhouse! By then, you will be obediently obedient?" Chu Feng said.

Tunshidao: "If you can really achieve that level of strength, then we have nothing to hear from you, you are our first master!"

"Feilian, how about you?"

"I have no problem! If you really have that kind of strength, our face will be glorious!" Feilian said quietly.

Chu Feng showed a slight smile on his face and said in his mind: "Very well, Fei Lian, I hope you will remember what you said today. Fei Lian, help improve the fit, even with your help, can you leave alive? , Is still a very serious problem!"

"Master, do you have any more orders?" Yin Ming saw Chu Feng's eyes fall on her and quickly said.

Chu Feng said: "Yin Ming, let the portal be separated from Yin Ming Mountain. I think of time to try if I can put the entire Yin Ming Mountain away!"

"Master, what can you do? Yin Ming can help you gauge whether it is possible!" Yin Ming said.

Chu Feng's mind swallowed the world gourd and appeared in his hand: "Yin Ming, this gourd is the ultimate treasure of the end times, and the fit has reached 60%. Its main function is to swallow, is it possible?"

"Master, this treasure is so powerful! There is of course no problem with such a spatial treasure. You can definitely let Yinming Mountain into it. Then you can refine it and control Yinming Mountain more conveniently." Yin Ming said .

Chu Feng smiled and nodded. With the World Swallowing Gourd, he knew that Yinming Mountain would definitely be included in the World Swallowing Gourd. "Master, then I will move the portal now. There are people outside. Master, you'd better inform them so that they don't destroy the portal." Yin Ming said.

Chu Feng left Yinming Mountain in an instant and appeared outside Yinming Mountain. "Fu Hao, see Young Master!" Chu Feng just appeared outside and Fu Hao suddenly knelt down on one knee.

"General Fu Hao, what are you doing, please!" Chu Feng said quickly.

Fu Hao said solemnly: "Young Master, Fu Hao has received great favor from the Lord, but the great grace has not been reported. He is really ashamed. The Young Lord can enter the Qianlock Cathode Formation. It's Master Fu Hao!"

"Why are young masters? Fu Hao, get up." Chu Feng said. "Yes, Young Master!" Fu Hao replied. He stood up as he said, but his face was still a little respectful.

Harriman and the others stared blankly at everything they found in front of them. In a blink of an eye, Chu Feng became Fu Hao's young master, which was really hard for them to accept.

Although Chu Feng led them away, they actually disagree with Chu Feng in their hearts, and even like Harriman, they still have the idea of ​​dealing with Chu Feng in the future, but now that Chu Feng becomes the young master of Fu Hao, they will not give them the courage. Dare!

"See Master!"

Harriman froze for a moment and hurriedly saluted. Boas’s sons are known to them. Without Chu Feng, they thought that Chu Feng was Boas’ illegitimate son. To put it harshly, it was a wild species, but In front of Fu Hao, none of them dared to say that!

"Fu Hao, the portal is currently being transferred, and it won't take long for it to move beyond Yinming Mountain. After that, I will put away the entire Yinming Mountain!" Chu Feng said.

Fu Hao nodded and said: "Young Master, now the Lord Master is deceased, the Young Master is the new owner of Yinming Mountain, so he can do whatever he wants, but can Yinming Mountain be taken away?"

"You don't need to worry about this one, Fu Hao, can you do something for me before sending it to the Flame Demon?" Chu Feng said.

Fu Hao said respectfully: "Young Master, please give orders!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Kill Harriman for me!"

"Master, forgive me!" Harriman's face changed wildly and quickly begged for mercy. The expressions of the other four immortal powerhouses also changed slightly.

"Harriman, I have felt that you are murderous several times. If you give you a chance, you will definitely kill me!" Chu Feng sneered.

Harriman hurriedly said: "Master, that was before, now Harriman absolutely dare not disrespect you, Master, I am also of immortal strength, I can help you a lot!"

"Fu Hao, is there a problem?" Chu Feng looked at Fu Hao.

The cold light in Fu Hao's eyes flashed and shook his head: "No problem."


Harriman turned into a flame and wanted to escape instantly, but he did not succeed in fleeing. His figure transformed into a flame was firmly imprisoned by Fu Hao!

"Harriman, I warned you, let you be polite!" Fu Hao snorted coldly and stretched out his palm towards Harriman, "Die me!"

The black light came from Fu Hao's hands, and the light shone on Harriman's body. In just a short time, Harriman's immortal body turned into nothingness and was completely wiped out!

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