Holy Prison

Chapter 1698: Zerg weakness

The sky was full of blood, and the world changed instantly. In the world swallowing gourd, as soon as Chu Feng finished talking about the direct refining, swallowing the world started. It was just a short time that one of the high-ranking saints was refined by the world swallowing gourd. dead!

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He let Tunshi directly refine it, but he didn't let him refine it immediately. He didn't expect that Tunshi would be so anxious to do it. The place where he is now is near the Worm Nest, which is not too convenient!


Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. Blood clouds were rolling in the sky. Clouds of blood appeared in the starry sky. In the distance, the same blood clouds were rolling in the sky on the core planet of the Worm Nest!

"Chu Feng, there are some problems." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "It seems that those Zerg races have been seriously affected!"

Some images appeared in my mind. There were many zergs in the images. Those zergs were busy with their own affairs, but now they are looking at the blood cloud nearest to them in a daze. Some Zerg even crawled above the ground!

Chu Feng exclaimed. He didn't expect that the appearance of blood clouds would actually have such an effect. If the Zerg was more strongly affected, it might be easier to enter the core of the Worm's Nest, and further, perhaps, it would be easier to A lot of bugs were caught in the holy prison space!

"Swallow the world, kill these saints!"

In the swallowing gourd, the clone of Chu Feng's consciousness turned into a solemn voice. "Now kill directly? This way, directly kill, the power of extinction obtained by refining will be less!" Tunshidao.

"Yes, kill directly!"

Chu Feng cloned himself and killed them directly. This would let those parasitized saints know, but after they were arrested, Chu Feng didn't care that they knew that he killed those saints. Those saints probably had some psychological preparation!

World-swallowing Dao, now in the mortal world, those saints are only the strength of Platinum Great Perfection, it is not difficult to kill them in the world-swallowing gourd!

There is no lower saint, no middle saint, the dead saint is the lowest strength of the upper saint, and the death of each saint has a strong impact on the outside world. The fifty saints divided by Chu Feng were beheaded. , The rolling blood clouds in the sky of the planets turned into pitch black.

In the starry sky, the masses of blood clouds also turned into pitch black, and masses of red to black blood clouds looked terrible!

Zerg has a relationship with the abyss, those parasitized saints also have a deep relationship with the abyss, and the relationship between the Zerg and those parasitized saints is superficial!

The saint fell, the world changed, and the Zerg was also greatly affected!

In the beginning, it was only a high-ranking saint that the fallen Zerg tribe was less affected. As many saints fell intensively, the impact of the many Zerg tribes became extremely strong. Each of them became extremely frightened, within the planet. Many of them were scared to lie on the ground, and many of the Zerg in the starry sky were scared into a ball.

In the scan of Skyeye, it was discovered that some relatively weak Zerg races were directly scared to death!

"Xian'er, give it a try and see if you can put those bugs into the sacred prison space!" Chu Feng said quickly in his mind.

Miao Xian'er responded, and instantly Tianshou appeared outside and easily gathered dozens of insects into the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, insects basically don't know how to resist!" Miao Xian'er said in surprise in Chu Feng's mind. "Then what are you waiting for? Xian'er, harvest it as quickly as possible! The change of heaven and earth will not last too long, there are not too many saints in the world swallowing gourd to kill!" Chu Feng said quickly.

"The insects don't resist, and the collection speed is extremely fast. Get closer to that planet. The number of insects on that side is the most!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng replied, if the insects were not affected, then he would have some trouble going there, but now the insects are greatly affected one by one. Under such circumstances, where would they notice Chu Feng? Close!

It was only a very short time that Chu Feng reached that planet.

"Xian'er, pay attention, if you find a saint, notify me as soon as possible, I will swallow the world gourd as soon as possible!" Chu Feng said.


When Chu Feng’s voice fell, Miao Xian'er immediately said that the bug had such a problem. The two saints inside the planet didn’t know what was wrong. One of them immediately came out to check. When this came out, the luck appeared immediately. Within the scanning range of Skyeye!

Chu Feng did not hesitate at all, with the guidance of the sky's eyes, Chu Feng instantly let the world swallowing gourd appear on the head of the saint who came out!

This kind of thought flashed in the mind of that saint, and the next moment a very powerful suction appeared. If the strength of that saint was not suppressed, it would definitely be able to stop it, but the strength was suppressed, even though the saint was full Resist, but was sucked into the world swallowing gourd in less than 0.1 second!

"Chu Feng, the speed of Tianshou's collection is still limited. You can collect with the World Swallowing Gourd, and both Tianshou and World Swallowing Gourd can be collected together. The speed is much faster!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Okay! Heavenly hand accepts the ones behind me, and the swallowing gourds accepts the ones in front of me!" Chu Feng said.

In the next moment, the terrible suction force of the world swallowing gourd acts on many insects. If those bugs are not affected, it is not so easy to get a large number of insects into the world swallowing gourd at one time when the world swallowing gourd is also suppressed. Yes, but at the moment those bugs are only six gods and no masters, how do they know how to resist.

Without resisting, a large number of insects were quickly sucked in by the swallowing gourd, and caught by the heavenly hand into the holy prison space!

"Damn it, what's the matter?"

An old man in brown clothes inside the planet looked a little gloomy and authentic. He patted the head of a bug next to him, but that bug was so stupid that he didn't know the response at all!

The spiritual consciousness of this planet was extremely powerfully suppressed. Inside the planet, the brown-clothed old man didn't know what was happening outside.

Half a minute passed, and the brown-clothed old man couldn't sit down a little bit. The yellow-clothed old man left to check the situation outside, but half a minute had passed and he hadn't returned.

"Could it be that what baby appeared?" The brown-clothed old man immediately moved towards the surface of the planet when he thought about it. In a short time, the brown-clothed old man went outside. Once on the surface of the planet, he knew it had happened. What's the matter, the billowing black cloud in the sky told him one thing, a saint has fallen, and there are many saints who have fallen!

"Why are there so many saints falling around here?"

The brown-clothed old man secretly said in his heart, he suddenly thought of a name Chu Feng!

"Damn it, it's Chu Feng, it must be Chu Feng, Chu Feng this **** has caught a lot of saints to this side!" The brown-clothed old man secretly said in his heart, his face changed greatly.

"Wake up, wake up this seat!"

The domineering command of the brown-clothed old man was passed into the heads of the insects, but it was useless. Chu Feng killed too many saints, and even immortal saints, and those insects were affected too strongly!

"Damn it!"

The brown-clothed old man left the surface of the planet in an instant. He was frightened. At this time, he probably guessed why his companion hadn't come back.

Nine out of ten, they have been caught by Chu Feng!

"Chu Feng, if you don't enter the planet, you caught the other saint first?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "No need!" Chu Feng said.

"After staying on this planet for so long, I don't believe that they did not leave some traps. On the surface of the planet, the possibility of me being trapped is very low, but it's hard to say inside the planet!"

"Even if he escapes, it's just a saint who escaped. It's nothing, and I believe he won't escape so easily. He shouldn't be so easy to give up this side! Having been here for such a long time, if I get there Here he quickly escaped, and this will have a serious impact on his training!"

"The fragments that control the jade talisman are still in the place I sensed before, and the guy in there and the guy I took away probably didn't find the control jade talisman fragment!

At the core of the Worm’s Nest, there were a lot of bugs on the entire planet, but under the swallowing gourd and the capture of the heavenly hand, before the world change disappeared, all the bugs on the surface of the planet were caught by Chu Feng!

The effect of the change of heaven and earth passed. Near the core of the worm nest, a large number of insects rushed towards the planet where Chu Feng was located, and many insects inside the planet also appeared on the surface of the planet.

"Children, kill, find me that little **** and tear it to pieces!" Inside the planet, the brown-clothed old man passed on the order with a gloomy expression!

"There are more insects outside!" Miao Xianer said. "There are too many insects in the core of the worm nest." Chu Feng said with a light smile. He has entered the space of the holy prison at this moment. The holy prison is naturally turned into dust, this time like the last time. The possibility of Gu is very small, and the brown-clothed old man can't determine the approximate location of the holy prison.

Unable to determine the approximate location of the holy prison, the brown-clothed old man can't let the bugs attack the entire planet frantically, even if it attacks the entire planet, there will be no big problem!

"I didn't expect those bugs to be so sensitive to the fall of saints." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "I knew this, I would just kill some saints on this side last time! Then there is no need to go to the end-time universe to risk that. Risk back!"

"Hehe, I took a risk and got two treasures of the last days, Yinming Mountain, and a lot of other treasures. This trip is worth it!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Compared with Duan San's treasure, there are many more treasures!

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