Holy Prison

Chapter 1699: what is that?

Last time, Duan San got one piece of the Doomsday Treasure and dozens of other treasures. This time, Chu Feng obtained two pieces of the Doomsday Treasure, and the Yinming Mountain. The other treasures reached Duan San. The number of treasures obtained at a level is dozens of times the treasures obtained by Duan San, mainly from Yinming Mountain. After countless years, Yinming has obtained a huge number of treasures!

"That's because you were lucky enough to return. If you don't return, no matter how much treasure you get, it's useless." Miao Xian'er said, "So, you don't want to take risks in the future!"

"Don't worry, I can't live up to my own life?" Chu Feng chuckled softly. Going to that side, three resurrection stars will disappear after one death, and in this universe, three resurrection stars are enough for him to resurrect three times. I'm back!

"The treasure I got this time has been enough for me to spend a relatively long time. Unfortunately, I haven't given you any treasure of the last days!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Do you think that the treasures of the last days are everywhere? Duan San got one, and Qin Ying got one. We have got four treasures of the last days!"

"I don't think too much" Chu Feng said with a smile.

Chu Feng and the others chatted happily in the holy prison space. Outside the holy prison, the brown-clothed old man was violent. He gave an order for the Zergs to search for Chu Feng. But where can they find it now, Chu Feng was invisible before. Catch people, God knows where Chu Feng is now!

A few minutes passed quickly, and outside, the planet where the holy prison was located had regrouped a large number of Zerg species, and a large number of Zerg species had also gathered near this planet!

"Chu Feng, you can act again." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and thought, the invisible world swallowing gourd appeared outside in an instant, and dozens of saints among the world gourd were executed at the same time!

Sky thunder bursts, and the sky that had recovered its brightness became pitch black again in the blink of an eye. With the changes in this world, those originally fierce bugs wilted again in the blink of an eye!

Inside the planet, the brown-clothed old man was furious. He couldn't see the situation outside the planet, but the bugs sitting under him suddenly withered. How could he not know what happened!

The worm was withered, and such a withering could not have been pretended. Chu Feng's mind appeared outside the world swallowing gourd and swallowed it with all his strength, and the sky hand also quickly caught it!

Before the change of heaven and earth passed, all the worms that came to this side were all caught by Chu Feng again, and then Chu Feng entered the holy prison space again.

"Chu Feng, this bastard, I don't know if he has entered this place!" Inside the planet, the brown-clothed old man's face was a little frightened.

On this side, the biggest reliance is those bugs. When those bugs can't play a role, how can the brown-clothed old man not be frightened, the outside world has changed, but it represents the fall of each saint!

"This bastard, I want to see how many saints you have caught, I want to see if there are more bugs on my side, or you have caught more saints!"

Once, twice, three times.

There were five changes in the world within half an hour. Five times, Chu Feng could catch four to five hundred billion insects. Five times, the number of insects caught by Chu Feng exceeded two trillion. Among them, the platinum-level strength insects are only one trillion!

In the mortal world, the number of platinum-level bugs is as many as two hundred tens of trillions, and the number of bugs below the platinum-level is so huge that it is difficult to determine. The number of these bugs caught by Chu Feng is relative to the huge number of bugs. Not many, but catching so many bugs in a short time still makes the bugs on this side scarce!

"Chu Feng, the worms on this side are scarce, and they should be able to enter the planet. Within ten minutes, it is difficult to gather a large number of worms on this side. You have about ten minutes safer!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and immediately sneaked into the planet. There were no bugs around this planet for the time being. Many bugs in the planet also appeared and were taken away by Chu Feng. It is much safer to enter the planet now than before!

"Sure enough, there is a trap!"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, if he hurried forward, he might not be able to find some traps, and there would be no time to break them!

But now he has time, it is not easy for those traps to harm him!

Inside the planet, the brown-clothed old man walked around and his face was extremely gloomy. He was very entangled at this time. If he left, he would not want to give up after operating here for so many years. If he gave up, he would be punished by some more powerful saints in the Holy Realm. But if you don't give up, if Chu Feng enters this planet.

"This Chu Feng is really scary, no wonder many saints were planted in his hands. My Abyss Clan wants to completely control this universe, Chu Feng must get rid of!" The brown-clothed old man muttered authentically.

"You want to get rid of me?"

A cold voice sounded in the ears of the brown-clothed old man. "Chu Feng!" The brown-clothed old man's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately turned into a black light to escape, but since the eyes of the sky had discovered it, how could Chu Feng let him escape.

Chu Feng pinched the magic formula, and the world-swallowing gourd quickly caught up. In the mortal world, Chu Feng's strength was stronger than that of the brown-clothed old man. In addition, the world-swallowing gourd was the treasure of the last days. Compared with the brown-clothed old man's speed, he appeared near the brown-clothed old man in a second or two!

The brown-clothed old man gave a deep sigh, and the weapon in his hand smashed towards the world-swallowing gourd, but when the terrifying suction appeared, his weapon was directly swallowed by the world-swallowing gourd!

"Let you swallow!"

The brown-clothed old man was surprised that some purple beads smashed toward the world-swallowing gourd. These beads could explode one by one. The brown-clothed old man wanted to blow up the world-swallowing gourd, but how did he know about the world-swallowing gourd? The gourd is a treasure of the last days, how can such a treasure be easily blown up?

"Give me in!"

Chu Feng, who followed closely, let out a cold snort. He was hurting and expended more mental energy. The suction power of the world-swallowing gourd increased greatly. The old brown clothes fought desperately, but he was still sucked into the world-swallowing gourd!

"Old guy, I've given you a lot of opportunities to escape. Don't run away quickly. You will suffer!" Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face. The brown-clothed old man didn't stay on the edge of that deep lake before, but he was far away. It's not too far, he thought it was not so easy for Chu Feng to find him.

But he underestimated the scanning ability of the holy prison's sky eye, and before he went to the deep lake, the sky eye spotted the brown-clothed old man. If he found it, how could he escape?

The brown-clothed old man was caught, a lot of time passed, and the many bugs inside the planet regained their vitality. "Swallow the world, kill another thirty saints!" Chu Feng received the world-swallowing gourd and said in a low voice. Thirty saints among the world-swallowing gourd soon died, and their bodies were transferred to the holy prison space by Chu Feng Inside the saint cemetery!

Many saints fell again, and the insects that had just regained their vitality were withered again. Chu Feng marched towards the deep lake. Before all the way, many withered insects were all taken into the holy prison space by Heaven!

There was no hindrance, but in a short time, Chu Feng had already reached the edge of the deep lake that the alien emperor sent in by Lan Wen had seen.

"What a strong breath."

Chu Feng shook his head and secretly said in his heart, here, he actually feels a little upset, this is him. If he gets to this side by another person, he is likely to be affected by the breath and become crazy! "Chu Feng, the fragment that controls the jade charm has been scanned!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and then, a somewhat vague image appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

There are fragments of the control jade amulet in the image, and the place not far from the control jade amulet is dark. "Xian'er, what's the matter with that black area?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the scan there is not clear, the sky eye is very strongly disturbed! The evil atmosphere is emitted from there, and the insects are also greatly increased in strength because of the things inside!"

"Xian'er, can Tianshou put away the control jade talisman fragments, can he enter the area and get the contents out of it?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"There should be no problem with controlling the jade talisman fragments. The things in the black area are probably impossible!" Miao Xian'er said that Tianshou instantly appeared in the deep lake.

As if a piece of red-hot iron was thrown into the cold water, Tianshou entered the lake water and was immediately affected and quickly destroyed!

The control jade amulet was caught by the sky hand, and before the sky hand was completely destroyed, the control jade amulet fragment was finally collected into the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, I got the control jade talisman fragments. The lake water has an extremely strong corrosive effect, and Tianshou must not be able to get the contents out of the black area!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned. Perhaps the things in the black area appeared because of the control of jade talisman fragments, but it was obvious that the problem with the core of the insect nest was because the things in the black area were not for controlling the jade talisman fragments. The fragments of the child control jade talisman have been put away and this side has not returned to normal!

"What the **** is it in here!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He has a feeling that the things in it may be things above the innate supreme treasure. If it is only the innate supreme treasure and the last-day supreme treasure, it should be impossible. Have such a big impact on this side!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, I feel that the things in there are very dangerous." "It is very dangerous and needs to be dealt with. If this thing is not dealt with, there is no possibility of winning the war in the mortal world! The control jade talisman fragment just appeared Here, could this thing slip out of the Tongtian Tower?" Chu Feng frowned.

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