Holy Prison

Chapter 1700: Lithograph

"Xian'er... Holy Prison should be a treasure that surpasses the level of Innate Supreme Treasure, isn't the content in it higher than the Holy Prison?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"That's not necessarily!" Miao Xian'er said, "For one thing, there is a big difference between a master and no master. If the master is strong, then the power that can be exerted is strong, on the contrary, if the master is relatively low, Then the power after recognizing the Lord will be much weaker than when there is no owner!"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes, the meaning was very clear, his old man affected the strength of the holy prison "Swallowing the world, this lake, if it is included in the world swallowing gourd, will it affect the world swallowing gourd?" Chu Feng said.

"Try to absorb a little less first!" Tun Shidao, "This lake seems to contain extremely high energy, maybe after refining, you can get a lot of power to destroy the world!"

Chu Feng's mind swallowed the world gourd and appeared in his hand: "Come!"

The suction power of the world-swallowing gourd appeared, and a little bit of the lake water was sucked into the sky in the blink of an eye!

"Ah" The sound of the painful scream of Tunshi resounded in the swallowing gourd. As the owner of the swallowing gourd, Chu Feng naturally heard the scream of Tunshi!

"Swallowing the world, what's the situation?" Chu Feng said quickly. "This lake is so hot, it burns me to death!" Tunshi said boredly, "Chu Feng, Tunshihu directly absorbs the lake water, this is not good! Although the lake water does contain extremely high energy, if you refine it, you can get a lot of it. The power of destroying the world, but with the ability to swallow the world gourd, I have absorbed more water from the lake. It is estimated that the lake water is not refined, but I am refined by the lake water!"

"World Swallowing Gourd can't be absorbed" Chu Feng frowned. This problem is quite serious. The Holy Prison is powerless and World Swallowing Gourd is powerless. Although the Dark Chaos Lotus has a strong defense force, it is estimated that it cannot protect him. Black area!

There is no way for such three treasures. Chu Feng really feels a little powerless. He has a lot of treasures, but none of them can compare to these three treasures!

"Turkey water."

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that a small earth-yellow bead appeared in his hand. Regardless of this small bead, it was easy to **** up the water in an ocean.

With a flick of Chu Feng's finger, the earth-yellow bead instantly fell into the deep pool.

"Goo!" "Goo!"

The earth-yellow bead fell into the water, and a few bubbles emerged. The water in the deep pool did not decrease much, but the earth-yellow bead was melted so much that there was no residue left!

"Brother Tushui, **** it!" Chu Feng showed a look of helplessness on his face. This water is too powerful, and ordinary earth-attribute treasures can't help it!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, you have to hurry up. There is not much time left. If the delay continues, there will be a lot of bugs gathered by then!"

"Xian'er, this water shouldn't be possible to refine the holy prison, right?" Chu Feng said. "Naturally not, do you want the holy prison to sink directly?" Miao Xian'er asked in surprise.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "When the holy prison enters, I just suffer overflow damage. I have the strength of a high-ranking saint in the holy prison space. I shouldn't be unable to withstand the overflow damage from the holy prison!"

"If you want to try, then try it!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's mind moved into the holy prison space, and Alpha appeared outside and jumped up with the holy prison. When Alpha's figure appeared directly above the black area, Miao Xian'er put Alpha into the holy prison. In the space, the holy prison fell into the deep pool in a blink of an eye and then sank!


In the holy prison space, Chu Feng said with a light smile, the holy prison did not block all the strength, he suffered the overflow damage, but the overflow damage was completely within his control.

The speed of the Holy Prison's sinking is not very fast. Every time it sinks a little, the pressure on Chu Feng will be greater. When the Holy Prison reaches the black area scanned by the sky, the pressure on Chu Feng is suddenly much greater!

"With such a strong pressure, it's no wonder that Tianshou can't appear in it." Chu Feng sighed in his heart. Tianyan was scanning the outside at this time, and he had reached this black area. When it was close, Tianyan could vaguely scan one. Something.


Chu Feng's eyes lit up and pointed to a point in the light ball in front of him. At that point, Chu Feng saw something, which looked like a stone seal!

"Chu Feng, the holy prison has dropped to the bottom." Miao Xian'er said. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly. The place where the holy prison landed was good. It was only about two meters away from the stone-printed thing. At such a distance, the holy prison could scan a little bit vaguely.

If you are farther apart, it is estimated that the Sky Eye will not be able to scan anything!

"Xian'er, can you scan more clearly?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook his head: "No, this is already an enhanced scan, and it can only reach this level!"

Chu Feng frowned. The scanned image now allows him to see a little bit clearly, but the image he sees is really too blurry!

"Xian'er, give it a try?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er whitened Chu Feng and said, "Heaven's hand is destroyed, but it takes a lot of energy to recover. How much energy do you have? Out of this, 100% will be destroyed as soon as you appear outside!"

"Try it, it's not bad for this energy." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er nodded: "Well, it is to be included in the Holy Prison Space? Chu Feng, if it is included in the Holy Prison Space, it may affect the Holy Prison Space!"

Chu Feng said, there is still a big difference between the holy prison space and the outside, Chu Feng does not believe that a treasure without a master can turn the sky in the holy prison space!

If Feng Bingning and the others were in the holy prison space, Chu Fengming would be more cautious. If Feng Bingning and the others were not there, Chu Feng would naturally act boldly!

Tianshou appeared outside in an instant, and then there was nothing. Tianshou turned into nothingness before touching the stone seal!


Miao Xian'er curled her lips and said, "I told you a long time ago, you have suffered more spillover damage, how can Tianshou be able to withstand it?"

"Xian'er, if the holy prison is not completely sealed, the water outside should be able to appear directly in the holy prison space, right?" Chu Feng said.

"it should be OK!"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Then try it, be careful, swallowing the world has suffered, if you can't bear it, you will immediately close the holy prison!"

As Miao Xian'er said that a space was separated, the protection of the holy prison was released a little, and a stream of water flowed directly into the holy prison.

Chu Feng was amazed in his heart, he has the strength of a high-ranking saint, but the pool of water in the holy prison space where Miao Xian'er was admitted still makes him feel very dangerous!

"Xian'er, how is it?"

Miao Xian'er said: "The holy prison is stronger than the world swallowing gourd. There is still no problem with bearing the water of this lake. Chu Feng, this lake is probably capable of drowning high-level saints directly!"

"Xian'er, the thing outside is evil, this water is also a little evil, don't store too much in a small space!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er continued to collect the pool water outside in response to the holy prison. Only ten tons of pool water was stored in a small space, reaching ten tons of pool water. The water flowing into the holy prison space immediately poured into another small space. in.

As the people in the deep pool continued to flow into the holy prison space, the water level in the deep pool outside continued to drop. As the water level in the deep pool dropped, the sky's eye's scanning of the stone seal gradually became clear!

One day, two days, and three days passed continuously, and a lot of bugs had gathered on the edge of the deep pool, but those bugs could not affect Chu Feng!

Ten tons, one hundred tons, one thousand tons, ten thousand tons.

The lake water absorbed in the holy prison space keeps increasing. After half a month, the lake water absorbed in the holy prison space has exceeded 100,000 tons!

"This thing is definitely more than the innate treasure!" Chu Feng said softly. By this time there was not much water in the pool, and the sky's eye could scan the stone print more clearly. The stone print was dark blue and looked primitive and unusual. There is a hideous animal pattern, and on the bottom of the stone print, many patterns crisscross.

There is a handle on the top of the stone seal, the handle is smooth, it looks like someone used to hold it before, but now there is no gloss, no one has held it for a long time!

"Holy Prison... Fortune pawnshop... This stone seal, the great **** fights, the mortals are recruiting disaster!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he has a faint feeling that the appearance of the holy prison, the fortune pawnshop and the appearance of this stone seal should be with the saint. The fight of the strong on the matter is related!

"Abyss universe is in contact with our one universe. Perhaps this is also in the calculations of some big people!" Chu Feng frowned slightly as he thought about it. He didn't know if he was also under the control of a big person. In, being controlled by others, he doesn't like things like that!

"Swallow the world, Fei Lian!"

Chu Feng called out in his mind, "How is the research done? Have you found those lines?" Chu Feng said in his mind, he didn't know those things, and Miao Xian'er didn't know them, so Chu Feng asked They also took a look at Swallowing World. As the most treasured spirits of the last days, they are also knowledgeable!

"Chu Feng, the four patterns on the top should be a kind of extremely ancient text, and should be'Square Ruler'!" Fang Lian said uncertainly.

"The Quartet Dominates?"

Chu Feng said in astonishment, "This doesn't sound like the name of a treasure, but rather like the title of a certain strong man! Domination...above the indestructible saint, do you rule the strong?"

"Maybe I confessed it wrong. This type of writing is too old, and I only have a little bit of extremely vague memory!" Fei Lian said, "However, these four words should be just a name. For you today It doesn’t matter what these four words actually mean!"

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