Holy Prison

Chapter 1701: You're done

Chu Feng nodded slightly, indeed, if those four characters were just a name, then it would be meaningless to him now!

For Chu Feng, what can help him control this treasure now, or what makes this treasure useless, is meaningful!

"Feilian, is there a way to make this thing temporarily useless?" Chu Feng said.

Feilian whispered: "After the water dries, let's see the situation! Or at that time you can directly include it in your treasure space!"

"If you can't bring it into your treasure space, you can also exile it into a different space, there will always be some way!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, if the water is dry and the stone seal is exposed, you have to consider a question. There are many insects outside!"

"There are still many saints who haven't killed them, and those bugs are not a big problem." Chu Feng said, those insects outside, when the time comes, some saints will be killed and they will be directly collected into the holy prison space!

Time passed slowly, and in an instant it was another three days. With the absorption of the holy prison, the stone seal finally appeared on the surface of the water. Some insects were so close that they stared at the stone seal with burning eyes, but there was no insect. Dare to touch that stone seal!

After a few minutes passed, the holy prison was also exposed. Chu Feng's mind swallowed the world gourd and appeared outside. At the moment when the world swallowed gourd appeared outside for decades, the saint immediately died in the world swallowing gourd. This process Chu The peak has been performed several times and it is very smooth!


Quite a few bugs screamed, and as the world changed, those bugs were immediately greatly affected. However, this time there was a little abnormality. The bugs closest to the stone seal did not receive much this time. influences!

At this moment, the stone print vibrated, and a blood-red light from the eyes of an alien beast on the stone print fell onto a bug.

The blood-red light fell on the body, and the insect that originally had the platinum Dzogchen strength burst out of the body that surpassed the platinum Dzogchen power!


Chu Feng was shocked. In his opinion, the strength of the **** level was not worth mentioning, but you should know that this place is the ordinary world now!

In the mortal world, even if he was the one who separated the three worlds, he could only display the strength of the Platinum Dzogchen!

With a move of Chu Feng's mind, he personally controlled Tianshou to put the stone seal into the holy prison space, but when Tianshou touched the stone seal, it was as if a snow hand touched the red iron plate and did not put the stone seal into the holy prison space. !

With a roar of the god-level strength, the bug immediately attacked the world-swallowing gourd, and the world-swallowing gourd resisted its attack, but it was also trembling!

"Xian'er, follower, exchange one thousand followers with a higher guilt value than Platinum Dzogchen strength!" Chu Feng said in his mind, Platinum Dzogchen, such a low-strength follower is very cheap, and Chu Feng always looks at it. No, but at this time, such a powerful follower is still useful!

The exchange was completed in a very short time for Miao Xian'er. Even if there were a large number, a thousand platinum Dzogchen entourages did not spend much of Chu Feng's merit points!

"Kill it!"

As soon as Chu Feng thought, the thousand followers all appeared outside the holy prison. As soon as they appeared, they immediately attacked the insect that reached the level of the gods!

Chu Feng himself appeared outside at this moment. He stepped on the dark chaotic lotus, held the world-swallowing gourd in his left hand and squeezed the method with his right hand. The insects around here immediately became smaller and were sucked into it by the world-swallowing gourd. !

The stone seal shot out a ray of light once again. This ray of light was not directed at the insects, but straight towards Chu Feng. The dark chaotic lotus defense acted to block part of the light, but some of the light still entered. In Chu Feng's mind!

Chu Feng's expression changed. This ray of light entered his body and made him extremely upset. It seemed that he wanted to destroy everything, but with the protection of the Holy Prison, his own control was extremely strong, and Chu Feng did not become crazy!

The strength of the **** level is estimated to be the highest among the mortal realms, but many ants kill the elephants, and under the attack of a thousand platinum Dzogchen experts, that insect was killed in a short time!

The stone seal shook again, and several rays of light shot out, and those rays of light entered the mind of Chu Feng's exchanged entourage. "Ah" those entourage screamed, they are extremely uncomfortable right now, on the one hand, the holy prison has strong control over them, on the other hand, the stone seal also controls them!

Both sides must be controlled, and the control on both sides is extremely strong. It is those followers who naturally suffer!

An explosion sounded, and the bodies of those entourages were all exploded into blood mist. Chu Feng was secretly chilling. This stone seal was really powerful. Fortunately, he has a dark chaotic lotus, and the protection of the holy prison is better than that of right. The protection of those entourages is much stronger, otherwise, maybe he will end like this too!

"Retreat a little, defend carefully, and enclose this broken stone for me!"

Chu Feng ordered it into the minds of those followers, holding the world swallowing gourd in his hand, and he immediately disappeared in place. There were a lot of worms on this planet, and they must be dealt with, otherwise it won’t be troublesome. small!

The change of heaven and earth did not last very long. When the change of heaven and earth was about to pass, Chu Feng executed some saints in the world swallowing gourd to maintain the change of heaven and earth.

When Chu Feng caught all the worms near this planet and returned to the stone seal, there were already only 300 followers on this side, and the other hundreds of followers had all turned into blood mist!

"What are you? What do you want to do?"

Chu Feng passed a thought to the stone seal, "Kill!" Ain's killing intent erupted from the stone seal, Chu Feng felt a chill in his heart, but he did not suffer any harm!

"Don't resist, otherwise I will let you enter a different space!" Chu Feng said solemnly, the treasure has spirit, and Chu Feng doesn't believe that such a treasure has no intelligence.

Tianshou appeared again, as before, when Tianshou touched the stone seal, he still turned into nothingness and did not store the stone seal in the holy prison space.

Chu Feng Jieyin, a different-dimensional space seal immediately fell on that stone seal in the blink of an eye, but the space around the stone seal was extremely stable, and the different-dimensional space seal did not make the space around it tremble a little!

"Chu Feng, this thing has the ability to hold down the space, and your attack like this is probably impossible to let it flow into the other-dimensional space!

Chu Feng frowned slightly, and things like the Different Dimensional Space Seal had no effect. I was afraid that even if many people attacked together, it would not have any effect!

"Xian'er, think of a way!" Chu Feng said. He said that two pieces of control jade talisman appeared in his hands. As the two pieces of control jade talisman approached, the two pieces of control jade talisman generated a strong attraction. In the blink of an eye, the broken control jade charm looked intact!

Chu Feng said in shock, as the control jade talisman fragments were intact, a ray of light was emitted from the control jade talisman fragments, and the light just fell on the stone seal!

As the light from the control jade talisman shined, the stone seal trembled violently, its appearance was very angry, and it was a little uneasy.

"This thing, in all likelihood, came out of the Tongtian Tower!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He thought that the control jade talisman on the first floor of the Tongtian Tower also appeared in his hands. The same ray of light that Chu Feng had expected fell on that stone seal.

The colors of the two rays of light were different, as if two ropes were tied to the stone seal. With the restraint of the ropes that the two rays of light turned into, the dangerous aura of the stone seal to Chu Feng suddenly weakened a lot!

"Xian'er, Tianshou!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that he had a feeling that he should be able to put the stone seal into the sacred prison space by using Heavenly Hand at this moment!

Sure enough, as expected by Chu Feng, the ablation speed of the sky hand was much slower this time. Before the sky hand was completely ablated, the stone seal disappeared and entered the sacred prison space. At the same time as the stone seal, there were two others that disappeared. Block control jade charms, they all entered the holy prison space and hovered on the edge of the stone seal!

Entering the sacred prison space, the stone seal suddenly became horrible countless times without the pressure of the world rules, but the power of the two control jade charms was also much stronger, coupled with the pressure of the sacred prison, the stone seal made the sacred prison space. It trembled but did not have the ability to destroy the holy prison space!

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this stone seal destroys the holy prison space, it would be a very awkward thing!

"Swallowing the world, these waters are probably not so terrifying anymore. If they are included in the world-swallowing gourd, you can refine them!" Chu Feng said that the world-swallowing gourd pointed at the water pool next to him. The stone seal was not at the bottom. At that time, there was still a lot of water in this pool. Without the stone print, the water outside made Chu Feng feel less horrible. There should be no problem with swallowing the world gourd at this moment.

The world-swallowing gourd has grown a lot, and the water in the water pool has been sucked into the world-swallowing gourd in a short period of time. Although the world of Tunshi feels that the water makes him hotter, it has not reached an intolerable level!

"That's it!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly. At this time, there were a lot of bugs on this side. Chu Feng didn't want to entangle with those bugs for the time being. The space key appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng disappeared here in the blink of an eye. Within one planet!

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