Holy Prison

Chapter 1704: Four Beast Seal

"Uncle Wen, don't talk nonsense, me" Chu Han said. Zhou Wen smiled and said, "You want to say you have no interest in Kong Xuan? Kong Xuan, isn't it? Haha!"

Chu Shijiao smiled and said, "Brother, you and Sister Kong Ying, don't we see it? Since they all have that interesting, let's be together! If you don't take the initiative, let Sister Kong Xuan take the initiative, right?"

"My current cultivation base" Chu Han glanced at Kong Xuan and frowned, "Kong Xuan is a saint, I have just reached the quasi-sage level cultivation base!"

"I don't care." Kong Xuan's soft voice rang out, "I hope your cultivation level can be improved more slowly. In this way, you can spend more time in the gods!"

"Kong Xuan, you" Chu Han said in shock. He didn't expect Kong Xuan to say such things in front of so many people.

Chu Feng chuckled softly: "Han'er, the onlookers are clear, since the two of you have that meaning, then be together. Fate is impermanent, danger may come the next moment, don't wait until the danger comes, the moment of death before regretting it. Not together! Remember the past, grasp the present, and strive for the future. This is what all of us should do!"

Chu Han's heart trembled. If something really happened, it would be too late to regret later. Chu Han walked to Kong Xuan and held Kong Xuan's small hand in his hand.

"Xuan Xuan, are you willing to be my wife?" Chu Han said directly. Kong Xuan's face was reddened and nodded in a low voice: "I am willing."

"Wow... Great, double happiness is here, no, it should be three happiness, haha!" Zhou Qingle said. "Brother Han, congratulations!" Tang An smiled and blessed.

Chu Han smiled and said: "Tang An, I know you and my little sister, hehe, do you have any ideas for a four-hearted visit? My little sister, what do you think?"

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense" Chu Yu said shyly.

Tang An was very courageous: "Brother Han, if Xiaoyu and Uncle Feng have no objection, I have this idea, Uncle Feng, what do you think of the old man?"

Chu Feng laughed and scolded: "When will I become an old man? If you juniors are willing, can I still oppose you? Xiao Yu doesn't need to ask, Tang An, if it is not good for Xiao Yu then, even if it is your father's protection. , I want to break your leg too!"

"Uncle Feng, don't worry, how dare I, my father and I are not your opponent if you join together!" Tang An said quickly with a smile.

Chu Feng smiled and looked at Zhou Qing and Chu Yu: "Xiaoyu, Qing girl, are you interested in giving us a five-pointed welcome?"

"Uncle, you can't mess around!" Chu Yu said.

Zhou Qing said quickly: "Yes, Uncle Feng, you can't mess around. Who wants to be a couple with Chu Yu, he always keeps me away!"

"Crazy girl, you will go to the house if you are not allowed. If you are allowed, then you will not demolish the house?" Chu Yu curled his lips.

Chu Feng and the others looked amused. Chu Yu and Zhou Qing can make trouble by just getting together. According to Zhou Wen's previous words, they are a pair of happy friends.

"Xiaoyu, Qing girl, what I just said, fate is impermanent, you guys think carefully, if one day, the other party suddenly dies." Chu Feng said quietly.

The expressions of Zhou Qing and Chu Yu changed slightly. "A good person doesn't live long, he and she will live long!" Zhou Qing and Chu Yu said in the same voice.

"You" Chu Feng shook his head amused, "Finally, since you don't want to be together, you will be noisy when you meet again, and you will rarely see each other in the future. Xiaolong, take good care of Xiaoyu, let him practice on the side of Tianpui City. His cultivation base has progressed relatively quickly, so I have to work harder!"

"Fatty, Qing girl let her practice well on the side of Shenguang City, self-cultivation, and rarely meet with Xiaoyu. There are still a lot of young talents on the side of Shenguang City. Then choose a good one!"

Chu Long and Zhou Wen both nodded slightly, and Chu Yu and Zhou Qing became silent in an instant. "Uncle, you can't do this" Chu Yu said weakly.

"What's up?" Chu Feng frowned, "Since you don't mean that, don't delay other people's Qing girl. Girls who are going to marry at that time will keep fighting with you, it will not affect you! If you are together , Fighting and fighting for a lifetime, that is your business. But if you are not together, it would be unreasonable to fight and fight like you are now! This matter, there is no discussion, after attending Han'er and their wedding, you will go to Tianpucheng !"

"Uncle, this, if we are together, you don't care about us?" Chu Yu said. A little smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth: "That's natural. You get married. It should be together. Naturally, I won't let you separate."

"Ah... Crazy girl, I don't want to be separated from you without a victory or defeat. How about, let's be together, and then we will have a good distinction?" Chu Yu said.

Zhou Qing's face turned red and white and Chu Yu glanced at him: "I'm afraid you won't make it? Tell you, it will always be my defeated opponent. It used to be and will be in the future, huh!"

Feng Bing Ning said with a smile: "Adding the joy of victory in the common world, it seems that it is a five-fifth joy! Feng...I see a few children’s weddings. You should do it all together, saving time for some guests to run. Come and go!"

"Their own marriage, let them come by themselves." Chu Feng smiled, "Han'er, Duan San, Xiaoyu, Tang An, the wedding will be held together in this Shenguang City. Come by yourself, are there any problems? ?"

Chu Han said the four of them in unison.

"Okay, let's go!" Chu Feng waved his hand. There are just such a few pairs of juniors. Chu Shi hasn't met anyone he likes yet, as are Chu Xiang and Chu Yun and Chu Long's daughter Chu Rou. The same, for a few of them, Chu Feng won't give them any mandarin ducks!

The juniors left, Tang Ming and the others also left. Chu Feng's departure took a lot of time. They knew that Chu Feng and Feng Bingning had a lot to say.

As soon as his mind moved, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning and the other women appeared in the holy prison space in an instant. "Feng, you had a red thread addiction today." Feng Bingning said with a charming smile.

"Hey, Han'er and a few of them, looking at them are anxious, obviously the feelings have already arrived, one by one they are still stubbornly not talking." Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen said softly: "Time flies so fast, I didn't expect our children will be married now! We have been together for thousands of years!"

"It's only a few thousand years, and we will have a long, long time together in the future!" Chu Feng smiled.

Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a white look and said: "At the beginning of the Abyss Universe, if we were a little bit lucky, we might not be able to come back! If so, we would have no future!"

"Feiying, what do you mean? Does it mean that life is short and you must have fun in time? Hehehe!" Chu Feng smiled strangely and instantly put Miao Feiying in his arms. A magic hand pressed Miao Feiying's full body. On the chest, "Come on, let my husband see if your two little babies are bigger."

After a lot of clouds and rain, Feng Bingning and the women slept deeply one by one after the war. They haven't had a good night's sleep in the past few decades. Although they don't need their cultivation base, generally speaking, they are separated for a while. Time will sleep beautifully.

Not to rest, but to enjoy the taste of sleeping and the beauty of dreaming!

Chu Feng scanned Feng Bingning and the women with a slight smile, disappeared on the big bed where Feng Bingning and the others slept, and appeared in another small space.

"What's the origin of this stone seal, and why does Tongtian Pagoda control jade charms have an effect on it? These two control jade charms are effective, and I am afraid that the other pieces are also effective. If this is the case, Tongtian Pagoda was originally The establishment should not be just the reason that Bai Qi said." Chu Feng looked at the stone seal in front of him and said in his heart.

"The Quartet Dominates!"

Chu Feng called softly. "Om!" As Chu Feng called out these four words, the stone seal that had been quieted down instantly vibrated!

"Treasures have spirits. A treasure like you can't be without tool spirits. Tell me why you help those bugs." Chu Feng's thoughts spread into the stone seal.

"Did not say?"

Chu Feng frowned. Originally, the stone seal was still trembling just now, he asked a word, the stone seal actually restored his calm!

"Sifang Master, this shouldn't be your name, right? Your master is Sifang Master? Or, your previous master was Sifang Master?" Chu Feng said.

Shiyin trembled slightly, but immediately there was no response.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Chu Feng’s mouth. It’s not that this stone seal didn’t understand what he was saying, nine out of ten, this stone seal has been in the Tongtian Pagoda for countless years. The Tongtian Pagoda belongs to this universe, and it has been in this universe for countless years. It is normal for this stone seal to understand what he said, but it is abnormal if it does not understand!

"Let me guess, your former master was the ruler of the Quartet? He should have fallen now, right." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Fart!" A cold voice rang, "You little ant has died millions of times, and the master will not have any problems!

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "So you can talk. It seems that your previous master is the ruler of the Quartet. Above the saint, is the ruler?"

"You little ant, what's the use of knowing this? Do you think you have the hope of becoming a master? That is a wishful thinking! Little ant, persuade you to let me go, otherwise if the master finds you trapped me, then you Little ants won't have any good fruit to eat!" The voice rang again.

Chu Feng said quietly: "You keep saying that I am a little ant, but unfortunately, you were imprisoned by my little ant. Stone seal, do you have a name? If there is one, you will squeak. If not, I will directly Call you a stone seal!"

"How can you call Ben Yin's real name? You just call me Shi Yin!" Shi Yin said coldly. "Can't you call your real name? When you say that, I suddenly don't want to call you Lithograph, so let me call you little trash, you call me little ant, I call you little trash, fair!" Chu Feng said .

"you dare!"

Chu Feng raised his brows: "Little trash, do you dare me? The mountain is under the eaves and I have to bow my head. Have you ever heard of this sentence?"

"I am so angry! Little ants, when my master comes, I will make you a dilemma!" Shi Yin said angrily. "You tell me your real name, and then you will call me by name. I don't need to call you trash, otherwise, I will call you like that from now on!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Little trash"

Shi Yin interrupted Chu Feng's words, "My name is Sifang, and this one is the Sifang Seal. If you are called Little Trash again, I can't spare you!" Sifang said coldly.

"The Quartet."

Chu Feng murmured and smiled slightly: "Sifang, as long as you call it polite, I don't need to be polite to you, right?"

"Sifang, tell me, why help those bugs?" Chu Feng said, "What kind of background do you come from, why were you in the Tongtian Tower before, and why in this universe? Do you know Hongyun pawnshops, what is that? Kind of existence?"

The Four Beast Seals did not respond at all to the previous questions, and Chu Feng's last question came out and the Four Beast Seals trembled slightly!

"It seems that you know the Hongyun pawnshop." Chu Feng said quietly, "Sifang, how about talking to me about the Hongyun pawnshop? Otherwise, after a thousand years, I will treat you as a Hongyun pawnshop!"

"A weapon of dominance must be of extraordinary value. Maybe it allows me to directly reach the immortal level cultivation base, even if I can't reach the immortality level, there is definitely no problem with it!"

Quartet coldly shouted: "Do you dare"

"Sifang, don't you know? My courage has always been relatively big, or else, you can take a look at that time, then I dare not!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Fortune pawnshop, you can enter in a thousand years Once, I think that within a thousand years, your master will definitely not find you! At that time, you will be treated as a pawnshop of Fortune, knowing nothing but ghosts. If your master wants to find you back, I am afraid it will be impossible!"

The Quartet said coldly: "Chu Feng, what do you want to ask? I can answer a few questions for you, but you must swear by your soul that you can't treat me as a lucky pawnshop!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Sifang, you probably haven't figured out a little bit, whose hands are the initiative? If you answer some of my questions obediently, then I will be happy in my heart and I will not treat you as a pawnshop. If my heart is unhappy, I can't guarantee that I won't treat you there!"

"Tell me your origin, tell me the origin of the Hongyun pawnshop, tell me what the Tongtian Pagoda exists for, but there are a lot of doubts in my heart!"

The Quartet sneered and said: "Chu Feng, with your strength, do you want to know something like this? If you know it, I'm afraid you won't have that life to live by then! The secret is not to be revealed, you should have heard this sentence. What is a secret secret? What the masters do not want people in the lower realms to know is secret secret. I will be punished if we leak secret secrets, and you can't escape!"

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