Holy Prison

Chapter 1705: Energy water

"Don't reveal the secret?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. Sifang's words should scare him, but it should not be all false.

At the beginning, Master Tianhen said that some things were not suitable for him to know, Hongjun Pangu and the others also said that some things were not suitable for him to know temporarily!

"If you want to know, I can tell you too!" Sifang said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No matter, you can't run away anyway, I will ask about this one later!"

Master Tianhen said that it is not suitable to know now, it may be that the cultivation base is lower, and the cultivation base will be higher in the future, there should be no problem in knowing.

The higher the cultivation base, the higher the tolerance for damage!

The Quartet snorted coldly, "You are really interesting!"

In fact, the Quartet wanted Chu Feng to ask forcibly. If Chu Feng asked forcibly, even if he leaked the secret, he would suffer little damage, and Chu Feng would probably die directly!

"I won't ask about your origins for the time being, nor will I ask about the news of the Hongyun pawnshop, but you still have to answer me about some things!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Just ask!"

Sifang felt very upset at this moment. He didn’t expect that Chu Feng knew about Hongyun pawnshop. If Chu Feng didn’t know Hongyun pawnshop, he would be too lazy to bird Chu Feng. Anyway, Chu Feng could not have any way to deal with him, but he knew Hongyun. Pawnshop, he was really careful that he was pawned.

Sacred artifacts can be divided into superiors and inferior ones, and there are also superior and inferior artifacts. The Sifang's heart is clear that the level of the four beast seals is lower than that of the Fortune Pawnshop!

"Were you in the Tongtian Tower before? It appeared along with the control jade talisman fragments?" Chu Feng said. "Not bad!" Sifang said, Chu Feng could guess such a thing, and there was nothing to say.

Chu Feng said: "Are you suppressed in the Tongtian Tower?"

The Quartet snorted coldly. Although there was no direct answer, Chu Feng already knew his answer. "Sifang, Tongtian Tower is also the master?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's a pseudo-dominant weapon!" Quartet said. Chu Feng said with some doubts in his heart: "A pseudo-dominant tool has imprisoned you as a master tool?"

The Quartet said coldly: "Don't you know that if you enter someone else's territory, your strength will be suppressed? If it is not in this universe, the Tongtian Tower wants to imprison me, that is a delusion!"

"Tongtian Pagoda has nine floors. Before, there were nine levels of imprisonment, but now it's only two levels of imprisonment... Is your strength lower than before?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "The power of the master weapon is not so easy to lose, right? You can tell, how did you lose your power?"

There was no words in the Quartet, and Chu Feng raised his brows: "Sifang, we have an agreement. If you do not answer such questions, then I am a little unhappy. If I am unhappy"

"Shut up! My power is drawn from the tower of the sky! The tower of the sky can become a pseudo-dominant device because it has extracted a lot of my power, otherwise you think that some saints can create a device of pseudo-domination That is a delusion! Although it is a pseudo-dominant weapon, it cannot be made by a mere saint!" Quartet said coldly.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly: "Tongtian Pagoda draws your strength, and then strengthens itself, providing some powerful training use?" "Yes...Sooner or later, I will destroy the Tongtian Pagoda!" The Quartet said gloomily, "asked." So many questions, is that enough? I am not interested in answering your questions all the time!"

"You can take a rest for the time being if you answer me another question." Chu Feng said, "The parasitized saints, do you know how to recover them"

"This is not what you should ask!"

Chu Feng raised his brows: "It's also a secret? This question, even if it's a secret, I want to know, so please answer me obediently!"

Sifang said: "I don't know."

"Chu Feng, this guy lied!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. Although the Sifang Seal was strong, it is still more difficult to trick the Holy Prison in the Holy Prison space now.

"Sifang, you are not very cooperative!" Chu Feng said quietly, "If you don't speak honestly, I assure you that you will be treated as a fortune **** shop after a thousand years! If I guess correctly, even if it is all The weapon of dominance, the level of the Fortune Pawnshop should be higher than yours. If you fall into the Fortune Pawnshop, you will probably never be able to turn over, or you may be swallowed up to the point that there is not even a little scum left!

"Chu Feng, I answered a lot of your questions. If you treat me as a Hongyun **** shop, you will definitely not have any good results." Quartet said in a deep voice, "I will answer you this question. The method is sure to be there. The Tongtian Tower has absorbed a lot of my power, and it is now a pseudo-dominant device, and the Tongtian Tower is a pseudo-dominant device belonging to this universe, and the power in this universe is very powerful!"

"If you can control the Tongtian Pagoda, you can recover the parasitic saints in the Tongtian Pagoda! You now have two control jade charms and control the two floors of the Tongtian Pagoda. As long as the degree of parasitism is not high, Tongtian Pagoda After opening, you can recover on these two floors."

Chu Feng said: "What if it is a person with a deep parasitic degree?"

"The degree of parasitism is extremely deep, and people who are completely parasitized cannot recover unless the master takes the initiative! It is not completely parasitic. If the tower is opened and the five pieces of control jade talisman power gather, generally speaking You can recover!" Sifang said.

"Five control jade symbols."

Chu Feng frowned slightly. He now only has two control jade charms, and it is still three yuan short. It is very difficult to gather five control jade charms!

"Master Hong, I don't know if they have control jade amulet." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, Hongjun Pangu and the others are Saint-class powerhouses, and the possibility of having control jade amulet is relatively high. If they have it, then gather Five pieces of jade talisman are much easier to control!

"You have finished asking this question, let's go, I don't want to see you now!" Quartet said coldly.

Chu Feng smiled slightly. This guy has a good temper, but it falls into his hands. In the holy prison space, even the dragon has to lie down, and the tiger has to lie down!

"Since I said you can rest after answering this question, you can naturally rest now." Chu Feng disappeared in front of the four sides in an instant.

Disappearing from the four directions, Chu Feng appeared in the large space with a lot of water. This large space was separated by small spaces, and each small space contained ten tons of water.

"Xian'er, the formation of the holy pool requires energy. These waters contain extremely high energy. Can they be absorbed by the holy pool and let the holy grid form?" Chu Feng asked.

Miao Xian'er was resting with Feng Bingning and the others, but part of her consciousness, as the steward of the holy prison, was of course on standby at any time. When Chu Feng called, her figure appeared beside Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, these energies are very insidious, and if they are directly absorbed by the holy pond, it will only destroy the holy lotus in the holy pond!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and Miao Xian'er said that the water was still effective and could not be absorbed directly, indicating that it could be absorbed after treatment.

"Xian'er, is there any way to remove the insidious ingredients in it?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle: "Holy Prison can be removed directly, but that would be too wasteful. Feiying can absorb those insidious ingredients. She has a poison pill. If she absorbs those powers, the speed of her strength improvement will be extremely high. considerable!"

Chu Feng said: "She can absorb it now? Will there be any side effects if she absorbs those insidious powers?"

"Now she can't absorb it, but she should be sanctified by then!" Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle, "Just be careful not to be too hasty, there won't be any problems, even if there are some problems, the doctor will It should be possible to solve her problem!"

"Then I don't rush to deal with these things for the time being." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "I didn't expect this trip to get these high-energy water, but it would be a good harvest. Xian'er, these energy should be able to grow. Several lotus plants came out to get a lot of sages, right?"

Miao Xian'er said: "The first lotus plant needs to be replaced by void stone 25 trillion catties, the second 50 trillion catties, the third one million billion catties, and the fourth two trillion catties. , These energy should be able to form three lotus, if four, the possibility is not high!"

"Three, twenty-seven sages, very good!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He thought before that it would be good to get 2918 sacreds. After all, that is equivalent to seventy-five. One trillion catties of void stone, seventy-five trillion catties of void stone should be able to buy a good innate treasure by then!

If three lotus plants are formed, it will be nearly two trillion jin of void stones, and you can buy two top innate treasures!

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "The harvest this time is indeed very good. The power of the Domination Artifact is indeed extremely powerful, far from comparable to the Sacred Artifact!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and the Four Beast Seals appeared in the water. The water actually contained such high energy. One can imagine how terrifying the power of the Four Beast Seals.

The Hongyun Pawnshop is more powerful than the Four Beast Seals. For the Hongyun Pawnshop's power, Chu Feng is somewhat unimaginable!

"I don't know how the holy prison compares to the Hongyun pawnshop... If you keep upgrading, I don't know if it can reach the level of the Hongyun pawnshop." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Xian'er, these waters, be careful not to let them have any problems." Chu Feng said. He disappeared into the spot instantly as he said. He has been busy since he came back from Abyss Universe. There is no free time. Now his business is nothing. A lot!

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