Holy Prison

Chapter 1706: Re-enter the underworld

After Chu Feng had been busy in the holy prison for some time, he appeared outside with Feng Bingning and the others. Chu Han and the others were preparing for their marriage. Although Chu Feng said that they would do those things by themselves, they, as the elders, must There are also some things to deal with!

Day by day, Chu Han and their wedding were scheduled for a month. There was a little rush in a month, but Chu Han and the others could mobilize more people, and a month was too late.

In the earth, Chu Zhen and the others could not directly appear in the God Realm because of their strength. Chu Feng could only get to the side of the earth and let Chu Zhen and the others get into the holy prison space. In this way, in the holy prison In the space, Chu Zhen and the others could clearly see the situation outside.

Although there is a little regret, but Chu Zhen and the others cannot become gods in a short time, this is also nothing!

One month passed quickly, and the wedding of the four couples of Chu Han was held as scheduled.

"My father, please have tea!"

"Father, please have tea!"

Chu Han and the others knelt in front of them one by one. Chu Feng's expression was a little bit dazed. The time was like an arrow. When they were married to Feng Bingning and the others, they were in front of them. In a blink of an eye, their children are already married!

"Han'er, Duan San, Tang An, love each other, understand?" Chu Feng each took a sip of Chu Han's respectful tea and smiled authentically.

Chu Han and the others said in unison, Duan San was called Uncle Chu before, and now he has changed his mind. Uncle Chu has already called so many times, he is more used to calling his father now!

"Xin'er, Xiao Yu, as a wife, you should know what to do in the future." Chu Feng smiled authentically. "Yes, father!" Chu Xin and Chu Yu both nodded.

"Kong Xuan, since I became the daughter-in-law of my Chu family, if Chu Han treats you badly in the future, you and Bing Ning will tell me, we will help you decide!"

"Yes, father!" Kong Xuan said respectfully.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Okay, get up, your ceremony is not over yet!"

Chu Han and the others got up. Chu Yu and the others had already got up. Soon the four couples worshipped each other and completed the wedding ceremony!

After the ceremony was over, the banquet was put on immediately.

"My family, haha!" Tang Ming laughed authentically. Tang An married Chu Yu. Naturally, Chu Feng and Tang Ming became relatives, and Zhou Wen became relatives with Chu Long!

"You kid, are you very proud?" Chu Feng gave Tang Ming a blank look. At first he thought that both Tang Ming and Zhou Wen had daughters. Then the two sons married their daughters. Tang Mingsheng did not expect Tang Mingsheng. It was a man, and finally Chu Yu and Tang An became a couple!

"Hey, a little bit!" Tang Ming said in a happy way.

Chu Feng gave Tang Ming a blank look and said: "Xiao Mingzi, if you have time, I will start a class for you to improve your combat experience. No charge!"

Tang Ming smiled slightly and said with a smile: "Boss, this is forgotten, I think my combat experience is already very rich!"

"Boss, start class for Xiao Mingzi, this is good, haha, let this guy be so proud!" Zhou Wen said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Many days passed in the blink of an eye, everything returned to peace, Chu Zhen and the others returned to the God Realm, but Chu Han, the newlywed Yaner, did not get together with the "old" fellows like Chu Feng!

"Boss, what are your plans next?" Tang Ming said, Chu Feng, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and the three of them gathered together. As for Feng Bingning and the others, they went shopping with Tang Wan and others. No matter how strong they are, it seems that they are like this. A talent and interest has not disappeared!

Chu Feng said quietly: "The situation in the mortal world is basically stable now. It is not easy to have problems. In the gods, the situation is also pretty good. The main problem is the holy world!"

Zhou Wen frowned and said, "The problem of the Holy Realm is the biggest problem. If the Holy Realm is controlled, then even if we control the God Realm and the Mortal Realm, we can only delay the arrival of disaster!"

"Yes, boss, do you have any ideas about the holy world?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "I have a little idea, but whether it can be achieved depends on luck! Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, the deadline for your canonization should be about to pass, right?"

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both nodded, "Your canonization amulet is about to pass, and Bing Ning and their canonization amulet is also about to pass. The next stage is very important for you to become a saint and you become a saint. After that, when the time comes, you will directly follow your master, there will be no problems with your master, and your master will definitely help you improve your strength relatively quickly!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Boss, that can't be said. The increase in strength after sanctification is not that simple." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng thought of the Hongyun pawnshop and said in a low voice: "For ordinary people, the improvement of their strength after becoming a holy is not so simple. It needs to be understood slowly and step by step, but for the strong like your master Generally speaking, they should have some solutions."

"Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, on the side of the God Realm, you will mainly deal with Han'er and others. At the last time, you will sprint your strength!"

"As for me, enter the holy realm and make sure that if you successfully overcome the calamity, you won't be led to appear in front of the enemy!"

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both nodded slightly.

Zhou Wen said: "Boss, you won't be able to enter the Holy Realm now?" "Yes, although it is not as urgent as before, there are many things!" Chu Feng said.


The voice of the steward of Chu House reached Chu Feng and the others.

"Come in." Chu Feng said.

The door opened, and the second steward of the Chu Mansion entered the room and bowed respectfully: "Master, there is a message from the people below that someone is looking for it in the underworld!"

"Is someone looking for someone in the Yin Realm?" Chu Feng's face showed a solemn look. In the Yin Realm, there should be only one person who would find him and that is his three apprentice Luo He!

"Where are people?"

"Master, people are on Yunsang's side!"

Chu Feng stood up: "Little Mingzi, fat man, I have to go to the Yin Realm side." "Boss, what's wrong with your three apprentice?" Zhou Wendao.

"I'm afraid it is!" Chu Feng said, a lot of time has passed. It is possible that there will be problems with Luohe training in the previous exercises. Of course, other than this, there may be other problems!

When he left, Chu Feng said to Luohe. If there is nothing to look for him, someone will come to look for him at this moment. There is a very high possibility that something will happen to Luohe!

"With your sister-in-law, don't talk about it for the time being, maybe I will be back soon, and I will say that something is going on in my lower realm!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen nodded slightly, Chu Feng left Shenguang City without saying more, starting from Shenguang City, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to reach Yunsang!

Yunsang, Torrey City, this is a big city relatively close to Yinfeng Gorge, and Chu Feng quickly discovered a ghost in this city when he arrived in this city!

The strength of this ghost on the side of Torrey City is not low and should have the strength of the Emperor God level, but his strength in the Yang Realm is greatly suppressed, but it is only the strength of the King God level!

"Yang Wuming!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in the ear of the ghost that arrived. Chu Feng knew this ghost and he was a follower of Luohe.

"Master Chu!" Yang Wuming was taken aback and quickly said respectfully, and Chu Feng appeared in front of him right now. "Yang Wuming, what happened?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Yang Wuming shook his head slightly and said, "Master Chu, I don't know what happened. I only have two things to remember clearly. The first is to find Master Chu, and the second is to let Master Chu go to the Yin Realm. The rest. My memory is very vague, I hope Master Chu will forgive me!"

"Damn the law of the underworld!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart. People who enter the underworld will have blurred memories when they leave the underworld. Those who originally belonged to the underworld will leave the underworld, the same memories will be blurred, and those with strong strength will have a clearer memory Some, the lower the strength, the stronger the impact!

"Master Chu, I have a little vague memory, it seems that Master Haohe has something wrong." Yang Wuming said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Let's go with me, let's go to the underworld!"

In Yinfeng Gorge, Chu Feng had been here before. Together with Yang Wuming, Chu Feng and the others arrived at Yinfeng Gorge in a short time. It was processed by Chu Feng before, but the Yin Qi here is still relatively strong. There is a person from the Yin world, Yang Wuming, and even if the Yin Qi is not very strong, he can open the path to the Yin World here.

The Yang Wuming method was pinched, and the Yin wind bulged. It didn't take long for a Yin Forest portal to appear in front of Chu Feng and the others, through which they could enter the Yin Realm!

Chu Feng and the others entered it instantly, and soon Chu Feng discovered that he had appeared on a nether road, and Yang Wuji had also appeared on this nether road. There were many ghosts in front of them. The different auras of Chu Feng caused the ghosts to look back one by one, but they couldn't leave the Netherworld Road.

"This Nether Road seems to be the same Nether Road before." Chu Feng smiled quietly, and Nether Road was carrying them forward. It didn't take long for Chu Feng to see an acquaintance.

Song Yan!

What Chu Feng saw was Song Yan, the former judge. Song Yan still had a little background, so he did not die last time. However, he was punished not small. All his property was confiscated. In addition, he was taken from a judge. It was punished to be an impermanence, and now Song Yan's immediate boss is the former Bai impermanence!

"Judge Song, don't come here unharmed!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle.

Song Yan's expression changed, his memory did not appear to be problematic, and naturally he remembered Chu Feng clearly. If it weren't for Chu Feng, he would still be a superior judge at the moment. How could he do impermanence on this nether road? He is the only impermanence in a netherworld road, not even a substitute.

However, even if someone replaced him, now he doesn't have the talent to go out and be cool!

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