Holy Prison

Chapter 1712: Above the ring

"Crazy Tiger is on the court." Miao Xianer said.

On the arena of life and death, Crazy Tiger is already standing in it at this moment, and his strong black clothes can't conceal his developed muscles!

Standing on the ring, the mad tiger stood with his hand in his hand, his domineering and fierce aura spread from his body!

"Where is the little Luohe boy, dare you dare to fight against Lord Tiger?" Crazy Tiger laughed and said, although Luohe was the first king of the buried sand city, but Crazy Tiger did not put Luohe in his eyes. It was him. The self-confidence that has survived countless life and death arenas, such self-confidence, even if there are many people whose cultivation base is much higher than him!

The time has come, Luo He walked out of the VIP room behind Luo Tong now. He looks very delicate in white clothes. He does not have the aura of a mad tiger, but he looks calm at the moment. , There is no fear at all!

"This kid" Zhang Xu frowned secretly. He had seen Luohe three months ago. At that time, Luohe didn't seem to be calm now.

At that time, after knowing that his opponent was a crazy tiger, he could see the worry between Luo He's eyebrows, but now he could not see it at all!

"In a mere three months, can you still improve your strength by a few percent, and you won't be able to cut the mad tiger on the ring?" Zhang Xu sneered in his heart and let go. Three months, this is too short and too short. . Perhaps three months' time can improve a lot of strength, but Zhang Xu believes that Luohe can't improve much for his combat strength under the same cultivation base!

What Zhang Xu didn’t know was that the three months of Luohe’s life were simply not human lives, with medical treatments, and many times Chu Feng’s attacks were merciless. Within a month, Luohe's egg was kicked to pieces by Chu Feng at least three thousand times!

In three months, 50,000 defeats in the hands of Chu Feng, even a pig's combat power can be improved a lot, not to mention a person with a high talent like Luohe.

Three days apart, when you look at it with admiration, Luohe today is completely reborn compared to three months ago!

Luohe may not be able to compare with the top three in the life and death battle, but even in the life and death city, he should be able to become the top five war king!

Crazy Tiger can rank up to about ten, this one is very good, but the gap between ten and five is not a little bit! Before training, Luohe and Mad Tiger had a chance of victory only about 30%, but today, three months later, Luohe's chance of victory will not be less than 90%!

At this moment, Chu Feng didn't think about Luohe's defeat at all. What he was thinking about was what Luohe would do after this battle!

"If Luohe doesn't want to go to Deyang Realm with me, maybe it's a good idea to let Luohe join the City of Life and Death." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Sand Burial City is the property of the Luo family. It is difficult to have a great future in the Sand Burial City. The life and death city is a broader stage! If you can mix well on the side of the city of life and death, then Luohe can make himself worthy of Luo Tong with his own efforts, but this is difficult!

"Luohe, please advise!"

When Chu Feng thought about it, Luo He had already reached the top of the ring. A faint smile appeared on his face. Although he spoke politely, he looked at the crazy tiger like he was looking at a dead person.

Thinking about who he is now, and thinking about himself three months ago, Luo He was full of emotion. He glanced at Chu Feng's direction. This master, that is really a pervert, and a super pervert! After three months of special training, Luo He clearly knew that his combat power was much stronger than before, but in front of Chu Feng, it was still as weak as a baby!

Luo He estimated that if Chu Feng tried his best, he would be killed if he couldn't resist it in a minute, and someone like Mad Tiger would not be able to walk for half a minute in Chu Feng's hands!

"Boy, you are so courageous!" Crazy Tiger grinned and the anger in his heart rose, and Luo He actually looked at him with that look!

On the arena, Crazy Tiger looked at his opponent with the same eyes of a dead man countless times, but this time, he was actually seen that way by Luohe!

"Luohe boy, don't worry, I will not die soon, I will slowly and slowly kill you! I will cut off your meat piece by piece, crush your bones inch by inch, and then, Pull out all your tendons! The first battle king in the sand city, boy, today Lord Tiger will let you know what it means to sit on a well and watch the sky without knowing the height of the sky!"

Luo He said quietly: "Kuanghu, you have too many words, can our duel begin?" "Very good, very good, since you are in a hurry to die, Master Tiger will do you well!" The attack was launched in an instant. Although he looked down on Luohe a bit, he would never despise Luohe when he was really fighting!

On the life-and-death duel stage, many people who despised their opponents are already dead. Crazy Tiger has been in the life duel for so many years, and he cannot underestimate his opponents when fighting. Naturally, he will not understand this truth.

If you don’t move, if you move, it’s like a tiger descending from a mountain, and the mad tiger bursts out a terrifying offensive in an instant. Countless people who feel his terrible offensive are all chilling. I'm afraid it will be torn to pieces in an instant!

Luohe moved. Compared with the fierceness of the mad tiger, his movements were extremely light and agile. Under the attack of the mad tiger, he seemed to be destroyed at any time, but in fact, the attack of the mad tiger did not hurt him at all!

If the attack of the wild tiger is a strong wind, then Luohe is like a leaf in the strong wind, the strong wind can blow the leaves around, but it is extremely difficult to tear the leaves!

"Master Luohe can't hold it anymore! Don't die in a mad tiger attack in a few minutes!"

"Yeah, Lord Luohe is our first warlord to bury Shacheng. If we die at once, we will bury Shacheng for a long time, I am afraid that we will not be able to raise our heads for a long time! It is just such an attack, Lord Luohe will not be able to sustain much Time, Mad Tiger’s attack is too tyrannical!"

"At most five minutes, Lord Luohe may die!"

Quite a few people argued that these people are basically people of lower strength, and those with higher strength showed surprise in their eyes at this time. Their eyesight is stronger. Many of them can see that although Luohe It looks weak, but it is easy to do!

On the other hand, the crazy tiger, although the attack was extremely violent, it did not hurt Luohe. If this continues, the crazy tiger's mentality will definitely be affected, and the offensive will decline.

"Chu Feng, it seems that you, an apprentice, still know low-key." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Luohe is not an idiot." Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face. At this moment, Luohe still hides some strength, otherwise he can fight against the mad tiger from the beginning!

Winning in a low-key manner is much better than winning in a high-key manner. After all, Luohe's current cultivation base is not very high.

After a few minutes, he did not hurt Luohe at all, and Kuanghu roared loudly. He was very shocked at this time. He didn't think of defeating Luohe within a few minutes. After all, Luohe is also famous for being the first warlord in the sand city. But he estimated that within a few minutes, Luo He should not be slightly injured, but now, Luo He has not even suffered minor injuries!

Zhang Xuxiu is not very high. At first, he didn't see it clearly, but after a few minutes, he already understood a little bit. It seems that the mad tiger just seems to have the upper hand and does not really have the upper hand!

"Luohe's strength has indeed improved a lot!" Luo Tong showed a faint smile on his face and his hanging heart finally let go of a lot!

On the ring, Luo He had a faint smile on his face. He was enjoying the fun of fighting. After being abused by Chu Feng 50,000 times, he would fight against the mad tiger like this, the mad tiger could not help him. It makes him very comfortable!

"Boy Luohe, do you know how to hide? Can you dare to fight with me a few times?" Crazy Tiger shouted, he is still very confident in himself at the moment. Although Luohe dodges well, he hasn't shown it now. Too tyrannical attack!

Killing, this is definitely not enough to rely on dodge, you have to rely on attack!

"Are you stupid or am I stupid?" Luo He smiled lightly. He didn't have that interest to fight with the mad tiger at this moment, although even if it was hard, he was not afraid of the mad tiger!

Time passed by, and the mad tiger on the ring roared again and again. He had already used all his methods, but he couldn't get Luohe to fight him hard!

What Mad Tiger didn’t know was that in the previous three months, Luo He actually had a relatively small increase in his attack, and his dodge had a much larger increase. There was no way. Who told him that his attack could not help Chu Feng, and Chu Feng’s attack He kept greeting him, and if the dodge slowed down, his hands and feet would immediately disappear.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. At first, the mad tiger's momentum was like a rainbow, and then that momentum slowly weakened after the long-term attack was ineffective.

"It's time to fight back!" Chu Feng muttered inwardly. He didn't have much time to mutter here, Luo He's body that was going to retreat in the wild tiger's estimation did not retreat.


The sharp light of the knife appeared, and the knife slashed out, and the mad tiger felt cold all over before it hit him. "Roar!" Kuanghu roared, his right fist wearing a glove slammed into the sharp light!

"Fuck your yin feet!"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that at the moment when the knife light collided with the crazy tiger's right fist, Luo He kicked out with an incomparable yin leg!


A scream that didn't sound like a human voice broke out from Kuanghu's mouth, pain. The only thing he felt at this time was that Luohe's knife was very powerful, but the foot below was even more powerful, and he kicked straight. When he reached his vital part, even if some of the power was blocked by the defensive treasure, the remaining power was not something the fragile bird of Mad Tiger could bear!

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