Holy Prison

Chapter 1713: Win, little guy

Many people in Luohe's foot could see clearly, listening to the screams of the mad tiger, many men felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet, and there seemed to be a slight pain in a certain part.

Under the severe pain, the defense naturally declined. How could Luo He let such an opportunity pass, and the knife in his hand flashed across the wild tiger's neck with a cold light in an instant.

The knife was red and bloody, and the mad tiger retreated violently. His combat experience was indeed extremely rich. Luo He's sword cut off his head with this sword, but half of his neck was cut off by Luo He's sword!

Crazy Tiger roared out loud, without looking at him, he knew that his bird was kicked and exploded, and such a wound appeared on his neck! If it is an ordinary wound, he can recover in a very short time with his cultivation base, but can the wound cut by the knife in Luohe's hand be ordinary?

Looking at Luo Ke vigilantly, Kuanghu's eyes were full of incredible expressions. He didn't expect Luo He to be so strong, and Luo He's fighting style was so wretched!

Before knowing that he was going to fight against Luohe, Crazy Tiger had studied Luohe's fighting style, and Luohe didn't seem to use such wretched feet!

Not only the mad tiger was shocked, but many of the audience was also extremely shocked. Zhang Xu was naturally one of the shocked people!

It took a lot of money to get the crazy tiger to this side to fight with Luohe. Zhang Xu originally thought that Luohe would die on the ring, but he did not expect that now Luohe was not injured at all, but the crazy tiger suffered two serious injuries. Hurt!

The original strength was weaker than Luohe, but now the crazy tiger wants to win, the possibility is extremely low!

"Kuanghu, what the **** are you doing, kill Luohe, you must kill Luohe for me!" Zhang Xu said angrily, "You kill Luohe for me at any cost!"

Crazy Tiger glanced at Zhang Xu with a little dissatisfaction. Just when he was distracted, Luo He attacked again, which was different from the elegant dodge before. At this time, Luo He attacked like a violent storm and went crazy. Tiger pours away!

The crazy tiger resisted desperately, but there was still pain from the eggs below, and the wound on his neck did not heal in time. At this time, the blood continued to flow!

In the beginning, the mad tiger could withstand the attack of Luohe, but as a large amount of blood passed by, the mad tiger gradually couldn't bear it, and the wounds on his body increased.

Crazy Tiger and Luo He relentlessly retreated hundreds of meters in an instant. When he retreated, a lot of blood shot out from his wound and stained the ring!

"If you want my life, it depends on whether you have that kind of ability." Crazy Tiger's face turned crimson, "Take my move, the tiger will eat the world!"

As soon as the mad tiger punched out, with this punch, a giant black energy tiger shot out from his right fist. The energy giant tiger was six or seven meters long, and two long fangs came out of his mouth. Huge fierce power!

The black giant tiger swallowed towards Luohe, and his face became pale when he trembled, and he almost couldn't stand and fell onto the ring!

"True self skills." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He had known that Crazy Tiger had true self skills. Before that, he had some doubts why Crazy Tiger didn't use it early. Now when Crazy Tiger uses it, Chu Feng understands this one. My skill is a very defective real self skill. After using it once, it is estimated that the strength of the mad tiger will be at a low level for a relatively long period of time.

People like Kuanghu must have a lot of enemies. If the strength is at a low level for a long time, then it is a very dangerous thing!


Facing the crazy tiger's true self skill, Luohe didn't dare to care about it. With a low shout, he swiped it out. With this swing, there seemed to be wind and sand, and the yellow wind and sand blew towards the black giant tiger!

The black giant tiger was caught in the yellow sand and roared again and again. People with a higher voice would know that its strength in the yellow sand was declining!

In just a few seconds, the black giant tiger’s roar disappeared and he was buried in the sand. If the mad tiger uses it a little earlier, then his own true self skills can also destroy the true self skills that Luohe formed soon. Unfortunately, he uses It was too late to come out. Luohe at this time was much stronger than him!

"Chu Feng, Luohe's true self skills need a lot of training!" Miao Xianer said.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, Luo He's true self skills were not formed in the last three months, but it is less than a hundred years since they were formed!

"You lost!"

Luo He said indifferently, he still has a lot of power at this time, but the crazy tiger has no power! "You, how can your strength increase so much?" Mad Tiger insisted on his body without falling down.

"You are about to become a dead person, you don't need to know." Luo He said with a slash, the mad tiger has no ability to dodge this blade, the sword is gone, and the big head of the mad tiger flies high!

"Luohe! Luohe! Luohe!"

"Master Luohe is mighty!"

The entire duel arena erupted with earth-shattering cheers. Amidst the cheers, many people looked ugly, including Zhang Xu and some strong men from the city of life and death!

"He actually killed the crazy tiger, this Luohe's battle strength is in the city of life and death, and it can be ranked five or six!" In a noble room, a silver-clothed youth whispered, his face was extremely calm, but The look in his eyes showed that he was still a little bit uneasy at this time. "Fright, did you make a mistake? He can rank five or six?" A woman next to the silver-clothed youth was somewhat dissatisfied, "You mean, he is better than me?"

"It took him so much time to fight against Kuanghu, and he was lucky to win. I think he ranked eighty or nine at most, and he was not even Ye Feng's opponent!"

The silver-clothed youth said quietly: "He should keep his hands. I don't know how much he keeps. Even if I fight against him, I am only 70% sure!"

"Scary, are you kidding? With your strength, you can only be 70% sure of him?" The woman said in shock, "Then we"

"Look at whether he is willing to join the City of Life and Death. If he is willing to join the City of Life and Death, the mad tiger will die if he dies. On the ring, we can’t say anything. If he doesn’t want to, then the mad tiger died on the ring. For the sake of face, we have to find the city of life and death from the ring!"

Chu Feng got up at this moment, and he glanced in one direction, which was the direction of the VIP room where the silver-clothed youth was located.

Luohe had already stepped down from the ring at this moment, and a raging flame was ignited on the ring, and the body of the mad tiger in the flame quickly turned into nothingness!

"Luohe, you won!" Luo Tong smiled. Seeing some sweat on Luohe's forehead, she hesitated slightly and handed her handkerchief to Luohe.

"Miss Luo, thank you!"

In front of many people, Luo He did not refuse but took the handkerchief in Luo Tong's hand. There was something more in his eyes at this time.

Confidence, more things are self-confidence!

Luo He didn't understand Luo Tong's intentions, but even if it was the warlord who buried Sand City, Luo He knew that he and Luo Tong were underground, and there was no future for the two in the sky.

Now that he has defeated the crazy tiger, Luo He knows a little bit. As long as his strength can continue to improve, then one day, like Chu Feng, although the barrier of the Luo family is high, he can walk in and take Luo away. Tong!

"This kid."

Chu Feng smiled slightly. Although they were far apart, the slight change in Luo He's expression was clearly noticed by Chu Feng. "Damn it!" Zhang Xu was itchy with hatred. He could not wait to choke Luohe to death, but he himself didn't have that strength. If he fought Luohe, he would definitely be killed in seconds!

"Luohe, you are dead!" The murderous intent flashed in Zhang Xu's eyes. At this time, he did not hide the murderous intent in his own eyes at all.

"Zhang Xu, I warn you, if you dare to use despicable means secretly, I will definitely make you regret it!" Luo Tong looked at Zhang Xu and said coldly.

In terms of family history, the Luo family is no worse than the Zhang family, so Luo Tong is not afraid of Zhang Xu at all, but Luo Tong is still a little worried when he thinks of Luohe.

She is not afraid of Zhang Xu, which does not mean that Luohe is also afraid. Zhang Xu is afraid to deal with her, but in this situation, I am afraid that she will attack Luohe!

A faint killing intent flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. This Zhang Xu was already a dead person in his opinion, but now is not a good time to deal with Zhang Xu.

Amidst the cheers, Luo He quickly left the duel arena and returned to his home. Chu Feng had already arrived at his home in advance, waiting for him.

"Master!" Luohe was a little excited. Today's battle with the crazy tiger is the most enjoyable battle he feels. In the past, he has beaten a lot, but he beats ordinary characters, and it feels completely like a strong person like victory against the crazy tiger. different!

Chu Feng said quietly: "Luo He, calm down, Crazy Tiger is just a small person, are you satisfied with winning such a small person?"

"It took you more than half an hour to beat him. Although you have hidden some strength, even if you burst out with all your strength, it will take at least 20 minutes to beat him. Are you satisfied with defeating such a small person in 20 minutes? "

The excitement on Luo He’s face disappeared respectfully and respectfully: “Master said, I’m not calm anymore! But Master, Mad Tiger only has Master. You are a small person in my eyes, he is not a small person in my eyes. Uh, if it were not for you, Master, I would fight with him, and I would probably lose!"

"Luo He, that's because you are only a small person now... even, as a teacher, I am only a small person now! But as long as we work hard, every strong person will be surpassed by us!" Chu Feng said indifferently, just The strength of the upper sage, in Chu Feng's view, he himself is really not a big man now.

Or, he is considered a big figure in the God Realm and the Ordinary Realm, and in the Three Realms, it is only a small figure, and if compared with the superior ruler who has never appeared before, he is not even a small figure now!

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