Holy Prison

Chapter 1742: Break the seal

"Insult the Saint Kings Conference, Zhu Bajie, you are so bold!" Gou Ping said coldly, "Whether you are or not Zhu Bajie, you will be dead by then!"

Zhu Bajie snorted: "Master Pig, I'm so courageous, and you two **** are not so courageous. I'm rude to you Master Pig. Let's see if Master Pig won't crush you!"

"Lao Gou, Zhu Bajie has not been parasitized in all likelihood. His strength has skyrocketed. We are afraid we can't beat him. We retreat!" Ying Ming said in a voice transmission, "We fight with him to the exit side first, and then retreat instantly. !"

Gou Ping and Ying Ming discussed briefly and immediately moved the battle site toward the exit!

"Zhu Bajie, don't dawdle with them, they want to escape, you immediately go to the exit and seal the other side. After sealing, you can slowly play with them!" A voice rang, the voice was Chu Feng It was sent out, but it was not his own voice.

Zhu Bajie was taken aback for a moment and immediately woke up. He became proud, and when he was excited, his head became hot, but Chu Feng reminded him, how could he not know how to do it.

"Two bastards, you wait for Lord Pig!" Zhu Bajie flew towards the exit immediately with a cry.

Gou Ping and Ying Ming were shocked. They became the main body and chased at the fastest speed, but their cultivation bases lag a lot behind. Their speed is a little bit different compared to Zhu Bajie!

"It's not that easy to escape from Lord Pig! Hahaha!" Zhu Bajie laughed wildly. He reached the exit five or six seconds earlier. Five or six seconds is not long, but it is enough for him to do a lot of things. .

Zhu Bajie knows very little about formations, and because of this, among his space items, there are many things like array flags. Nine array flags appeared in his hands, and the exit of this different space immediately The ground was locked by the nine flags he gave!

At this time, the nine-faced array flag that he took out was naturally Zhu Bajie's best thing. I thought he had paid a lot to get the nine-faced array flag. These nine-faced flags can't stop an indestructible powerhouse from too much time, but blocking the time of three to five minutes is not a big problem.

Given Gou's situation, they don't have the ability to dedicate a single person to concentrate on cracking the formation set by the formation flag for three to five minutes!

"Xiao Gou, Xiaoying, pick up your pig master and rake!" As the formation flag was set, Zhu Bajie grinned and the nail rake in his hand immediately smashed toward Gou Ping and Ying Ming who had rushed to this side!

Gou Ping and Ying Ming hurriedly dealt with it, but the two of them suffered from Zhu Bajie's rake, and they were all dull for a while!

"Damn it, which **** just opened the mouth?" Gou Ping said in a gloomy voice. If this exit is not sealed, they will hit this side and get out with a little injury. Now, The two of them couldn't find one to break the battle!

Both of them are put down by Zhu Bajie. If one person is taken out, then the remaining person may be killed once in a fight with Zhu Bajie! After the beheading, the powerhouse of the immortal rank can be resurrected, but the strength will be reduced after the resurrection, and, after the resurrection, it is very likely that the resurrection is in this space and not the resurrection outside!

"The voice came from the side of Wuzhishan, it should be Zhu Bajie's companion, **** it, if that person is also very strong," Ying Ming said, and he and Gou Ping were not calm at the moment!

"Eagle, if we burst out of strength from injury, can we escape?"

"Difficult... Zhu Bajie's strength has improved a lot! Moreover, even if we break this set of formation flags he set, he can deploy another set in a short time. This guy, that is a famous formation idiot. , Is also a well-known collector of formation flags!" Ying Ming said.

This guy Zhu Bajie loves to sleep late. He naturally needs to be safe to sleep comfortably when he sleeps. He doesn't know how to set up formations himself, so he is naturally very interested in the formation flags that can be easily set!

"Then we can only fight with him. With our strength, he can let us fall behind, but it is difficult to kill us, as long as more people come in from this place," Gou Pingdao.

"Yes, as long as more people come in, we can leave safely at that time, and Zhu Bajie is dead!" Ying Ming said with a grin on his face, "Lao Gou, there is no one on the side of Wuzhishan. Appear, I guess, that person on the other side is not strong!"

"We bring the battle to that side again, and if we find that person, we will kill him directly!"

Although Gou Ping and the others were at a disadvantage, there was no problem in leading the battle. They fought and retreated, and it didn't take long for them to regain the Wuzhishan side.

"Chu Feng, these two guys have redirected the battle to this side, and they seem to want to kill you." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"They are delusional." Chu Feng said in his mind, Wuzhishan is surrounded by a seal, even Zhu Bajie can't get close, it's strange that Gou Ping and the others can get close! It's just some kind little animals, they can get close. When Chu Feng came to Sun Wukong before, there was a little squirrel on this side.

"Xian'er, leave them alone, check out as quickly as possible if Sun Wukong has been parasitized. If you don't check it out, you can't let it go. If it is parasitized and there is no such thing as a curse, Sun Wukong plus Gou Ping and the two of them. I have to hang up with Zhu Bajie!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Well, it will take another five days, a mere five days. The probability of being discovered in such a place is still relatively low!" Miao Xian'er said.

As time passed slowly, Chu Feng was worried, and it would be cheating if there was a situation like that when the Holy Prison was upgraded.

However, the facts proved that Chu Feng's luck was much better this time. Five days passed and the test results came out. No new powerhouse came to this side. Hongjun and the others did not reach this side either!

"not bad!"

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Miao Xian'er had just reported the results of the test, and Comrade Sun Wukong was not parasitic!

"Chu boy, okay?" Monkey King asked, a small barrier set up by Chu Feng around him, he didn't worry that his voice would be heard by outsiders.

Moreover, even if Gou Ping who was fighting outside, they heard nothing, they could not affect Chu Feng here!

"Well, I will unblock it for you!" Chu Feng said. A look of excitement appeared on the monkey face of Monkey King: "Hurry up, right, after you cut the tree, step back immediately!"

Chu Feng flew up as he said, he flew up and Gou Ping they found out, but Chu Feng flew close to Wuzhi Mountain, and Yingming waved his paw at Chu Feng, but it did not affect Chu Feng!

At the top of Wuzhi Mountain, Chu Feng quickly reached the huge pine tree. The trunk of this pine tree was more than ten meters in diameter, and its branches and leaves almost spread to the top of the mountain peak!

"Old tree, old tree, sorry!" Chu Feng whispered an ordinary knife in his hand.

"What is that kid doing?"

Both Gou Ping and Ying Ming noticed Chu Feng. The next moment they knew what Chu Feng was doing. Chu Feng went down with a knife, and the pine tree was cut off by a third, and the whole Wuzhi Mountain was shaken!

"Eagle, be careful!" Gou Ping said through a voice transmission. At this time, he had an unknown premonition in his heart!

After the second cut, many cracks appeared on Wuzhi Mountain, and some stones rolled down from the mountain.

With the third cut, under his cut, the thick pine tree was completely cut by Chu Feng and slowly fell down!

"Zhu Bajie, pick me up!" Chu Feng transmitted the sound to Zhu Bajie. He flew outside, and Zhu Bajie immediately leaned in to let the smaller Chu Feng fall on his shoulder. "Stay away." Chu Feng said.

"Stupid, step back!" Monkey King also said at this time, Zhu Bajie and Gou Ping who had been killed, they immediately retreated a million kilometers away!

Gou Ping and the others were also anxiously backing away. At this time, his expression turned very bad, and Monkey King let them know who was pressing under Wuzhi Mountain!

Monkey King, except Monkey King, no one else would be called Zhu Bajie!

"Damn it, don't be true!" Gou Ping and Ying Ming prayed in their hearts. Fighting Zhu Ba Jie would be a little unsuccessful. If Monkey King is still coming out, then this time, there will be more and more good luck.

Sun Wukong's Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod is not comparable to Zhu Bajie's nine-tooth nail rake. Under the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod, several indestructible powerhouses have been killed!

With a loud noise, the entire Wuzhishan exploded. The explosion of Wuzhishan caused countless rocks to fly around. Those rocks hit the surrounding mountains, and some peaks were directly exploded!

"My old grandson finally came out, hahaha, hahahaha!" A figure flew up from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, and at the same time, a mysterious breath instantly entered Chu Feng's body.

When the breath entered, Chu Feng quickly knew what it was, it was actually a scripture with a curse!

"I'm doing it, cursing the scriptures. I have become a Tang monk. Could it be that Lin Tian **** made it?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

In the distant unknown time and space, a person opened his eyes and a little smile appeared in his eyes: "For countless years, it seems that I have finally waited for the destined person, the fifteenth-level holy prison, plus the Monkey King... the destined person, hope You can grow up quickly, I need your help!"

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