Holy Prison

Chapter 1743: Curse Master

"Battle Saint King!"

Gou Ping and Ying Ming both felt bitter in their hearts. What kind of luck was it when they encountered Zhu Bajie, who had soared in strength in such a closed space, and they actually encountered the fighting sage King Sun Wukong!

"Brother Monkey, help, give these two bastards!" Zhu Bajie grinned!

"Puppy, take my old sun a stick!" Monkey King stretched out his golden hoop and appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the golden cudgel stick appeared, the figure of Monkey King appeared on Gou Ping's head!

Gou Ping's weapon was a long bone, and the bone in his hand faced Monkey King's golden cudgel, but he was smashed to the ground by Monkey King and his team!

"Brother Monkey, Baodao is not old, haha!" Zhu Bajie laughed and said, under his suppression, Ying Ming was also retreating steadily. He and Gou Ping were both down. At this time, alone, how could you be Zhu Bajie's opponent? !

Monkey King shouted, his voice immediately smashed at Gou Ping!

After suffering a heavy blow from Monkey King, Gou Ping's face was white and blood spurted out all at once. He was only a fourth-level indestructible strength. How could he be a Saint King opponent like Monkey King!

The strength of Zhu Bajie is quite different from that of a saint king like Monkey King. It is estimated that only five or six indestructible powerhouses like Gou Ping can make a tie with Monkey King. He almost vomits blood after receiving the previous stick. The second rod is heavier than the first!

"Great Sage, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in recent days, let us go!" Gou Ping begged for mercy.

"Let you go? Let me take the old grandson a few sticks first!" Sun Wukong said, he said that the golden cudgel smashed towards Gou Ping, pity Gou Ping, an indestructible powerhouse. How long does it take to be seriously injured!

Gou Ping was uncomfortable with Ying Ming’s attack under Zhu Bajie’s attack. The injury was serious. After more than a minute, Chu Feng said: “Sun Dasheng, if they obediently restrain themselves from cultivation, then they can’t kill them. Now, if they can't help themselves, kill them!"

"Boy Chu!" Sun Wukong screamed. He wanted to say, "Boy Chu, you don't need to say more." Unexpectedly, the gold circle on his head was shrunk when he said the three words of Chu boy. The contraction caused him a terrifying pain!

With Monkey King's cultivation base, his ability to withstand pain is naturally extremely high, but the sudden pain caused Monkey King almost to throw away the golden hoop in his hand!

The screams of Monkey King scared Chu Feng and the others. If Monkey King had a problem, it was just Zhu Bajie that would not be able to win the two of them!

The pain came and went quickly, and the painful pain disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

"Master... I actually want to call Master Chu Feng!" Sun Wukong reluctantly secretly said in his heart. The appearance of pain let Sun Wukong know one thing, he can only call Master Chu Feng, and others will be punished!

Monkey King tried to call Chu Feng instead of Chu Xiaozi, but the golden circle on his head still shrank, not to mention that intense pain appeared again!

A cold light flashed in Gou Ping's eyes, and the bone stick in his hand smashed at Monkey King while Monkey King screamed.

Sun Wukong's pain went away very quickly. When Gou Ping's bone stick was about to hit him, he reacted to Gou Ping's chair. "Puppy, you are looking for death!" Sun Wukong shouted angrily.

"Great Sage, you are sick, just let us go, I promise not to shoot!" Gou Ping said quickly.

"Die to old grandson!" Monkey King coldly snorted the golden hoop that was slammed down, and at this moment, he was extremely unhappy in his heart!

Thinking that he is a strong man of the Saint King level, he actually wants to recognize Chu Feng, a high-ranking saint, as his master. How willing is this Monkey King!

Gou Ping was beaten to death soon after Monkey King kept up. "Great Sage, surrender, I surrender!" Gou Ping exclaimed in horror. Although he is an indestructible powerhouse, Monkey King has the ability to kill him!

"Self-prohibition cultivation, I prohibit self-cultivation!" Gou Ping said quickly. "It's useless, die for the old grandson!" Monkey King said coldly.

"The law is equal, and there is no superiority or superiority. It is the name of the three bodhisattvas. There is no one without self, no living beings and lifeless people to cultivate all good dharma." Chu Feng meditated in his heart.

"Ah! Ah" Sun Wukong wanted to kill Gou Ping by a killer, but the pain appeared at this moment. At the beginning, it was lighter than the previous pain, but soon the pain exceeded the previous pain!

"Chu Feng! Master, don't want to read it, don't want to read it, I don't want to kill him!" Sun Wukong said, Chu Feng chanted the Knuckles Curse, and Sun Wukong immediately knew that the Knuckles Curse was read by Chu Feng. He wanted to be Chu. Feng's name made Chu Feng stop, but the pain of calling out the double-layer name made him tumble on the ground!

You can't call Chu Feng. Under the intense pain, Sun Wukong had to call Master to stop Chu Feng.

"Gou Ping, you can restrain your cultivation and live; you can't restrain cultivation and die!" Chu Feng said quietly.

The eyes of Gou Ping and the others were shocked, and Chu Feng spoke at this time, which confirmed that the master in Sun Wukong's mouth was Chu Feng, which was beyond their expectations!

Monkey King let out a long sigh, Chu Feng stopped reading at this time, and the pain caused by the aperture above his head disappeared naturally.

"Forbidden, I forbid!"

Gou Ping said that he immediately restrained his own cultivation base, Ying Ming also stopped fighting and fell to Gou Ping's side, quickly restraining his cultivation base.

"Sun Dasheng, Zhu Bajie, if they can't restrain their cultivation, kill them!" Chu Feng said.

Monkey King nodded and stared at Gou Ping with murderous aura in his eyes. Under Monkey King's close stare, Gou Ping and the others did not dare to fake the two of them. After a minute or so, they completely imprisoned their strength!

World Swallowing Gourd appeared in his hands, and Chu Feng immediately included Gou Ping and Ying Ming into World Swallowing Gourd.

In World Swallowing Gourd, there are already more than a dozen indestructible powerhouses that were caught before. There are no major problems with two more at this moment. Those powerhouses in World Swallowing Gourd are now the same as Gou Ping. One by one he restrained his cultivation!

At the beginning, it was inconvenient to kill Chu Feng after receiving those indestructible level powerhouses. Those indestructible level powerhouses were not honest, but in Chu Feng they will swallow the world gourd into the holy prison. After the space was suppressed with the Four Beast Seals, the powerhouses of the immortal level were all restrained from their cultivation and became more honest!

Later, Chu Feng and Hongjun met, and Hongjun helped him put some seals on the dozens of indestructible powerhouses!

"Brother Monkey, what did you call Chu Feng just now?" Zhu Bajie said in a daze. He heard that Monkey King was called Master Chu Feng, but he really couldn't believe what strength Monkey King was and what Chu Feng was like. The strength of the two is too far apart!

Monkey King was thinking about getting the gold ring out of his head, but he couldn't get it down with his hands, and he couldn't get it down with a gold hoop stick. Moreover, no matter how he changed, the gold ring would not fall down!

"It's really amazing." Chu Feng secretly exclaimed, Sun Wukong is a powerful Saint King, and that small golden circle can be firmly locked on his head!

"Master, get this thing down for me!" After tossing for a long time, Sun Wukong said to Chu Feng depressedly.

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "Dasheng Sun, this, I am really helpless! When you came out, I got a spell, and that spell cannot unlock the golden ring on your head."

"No matter, if you can't solve it, you can't solve it, old grandson will go!" Sun Wukong left the extreme distance of Chu Feng in an instant. After ten seconds, in the distance, Sun Wukong suddenly hugged his head and rolled on the ground in pain!

Sun Wukong's face was very ugly. He knew a problem with this pain. Unless he got Chu Feng's permission, he couldn't leave Chu Feng too far away.

If you leave too far, the golden circle above your head will immediately tighten. As soon as the golden circle tightens, naturally the terrible pain will come!

With a scream in his mouth, Monkey King hurried over to Chu Feng, and the pain suddenly became much smaller when he rushed back and forth.

"Dari Tathagata, don't let Lao Sun meet you again. If you meet, Lao Sun will beat you so hard that you don't even recognize yourself!" Sun Wukong cursed in his mind while flying!

"Brother Monkey!"

Zhu Bajie exclaimed, "Why did you leave all at once? I haven't told you anything yet."

"What's the matter?" Monkey King said in a bad tone. "Brother Monkey, it's a very important thing." Zhu Bajie said.

Chu Feng thought, a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand and threw it to Monkey King: "Sun Dasheng, take a look at it yourself."


The sacred consciousness penetrated into the jade slip as soon as Sun Wukong said, "How could this be?" After reading the jade slip in the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong's expression changed, "Idiot, is this true?"

"Brother Monkey, it is true." Zhu Bajie said, and the jade slip contained some information about the situation in the holy world today.

Sun Wukong looked at Chu Feng with some complicated eyes. He was forced to become Chu Feng’s apprentice. This made him extremely unhappy, but it is also true that Chu Feng let him out. If he was not released, Sun Wukong estimated that he would be himself. I'm afraid it won't be too good!

"Sun Dasheng, the situation in the holy world is quite serious now. I need your help. If the matter in the holy world is resolved by then, I won't take care of you wherever you go," Chu Feng said.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and said, "Master, I call you Master, but, with all due respect, you are not qualified to be my master now! If it weren't for your help, I won’t be able to come out now, and maybe I will be Parasite, grandson, I will obey you for a few years!"

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