Holy Prison

Chapter 1752: Apprentice (2)

"Chu Feng, you are bullying!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "The treasures are better than him, and the skills are better than Monkey King!"

Chu Feng's thoughts appeared in another small space. "If I don't bully him, can't I be bullied by him? That's not good for him, and it's no good for me!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "The strength of Monkey King is indeed very strong, but he is fighting. There are also many problems."

"Just after the fragility, he is an indomitable way of fighting. If you don’t meet someone who can suppress him, then this is very good, and the chance of victory is very high! But once you encounter someone who can suppress him, you will be frustrated. The impact is not small! His fighting style needs to be changed a little bit. On top of the indomitable foundation, it is best to add 100% discount!"

"In addition, he has a strong attack, and his defense is considered to be his weakness. If you can't improve this aspect, you will have to suffer when you meet the real strong!"

"In terms of treasures, only the golden cudgel, which is slightly thin, and in combat, it seems a bit fragile to deal with enemy attacks!"

Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng with a smile and said, "Chu Feng, do you really want to be his master?" "No? Except for the lower strength, I will be his master. There is no big problem, right? "Chu Feng said with a light smile, "A holy king-level apprentice is still very good, isn't it? Hey!"

"Holy king-level apprentice, you dare to accept it too"

"Haha, why don't you dare? As long as he recognizes me as a master, I will dare to accept this apprentice. When that happens, I will let him reach the strength of the holy sovereign level!" Chu Feng laughed.

Half an hour later, in another space, Monkey King called out Chu Feng, and Chu Feng's thoughts appeared in front of Monkey King.

Monkey King bowed and bowed, this time, it was a big change from the coping style before calling Master! "Wukong, do you really think you want to recognize me as a teacher?" Chu Feng said solemnly, "It doesn't matter if you repent. Anyway, only the two of us know. I swear by the sage that I will never say it."

"Master, grandson, I count. If I really recognize you as a teacher, then I really recognize you as a teacher. Although Master, you used a lot of treasures in your previous battles to make me unwilling to lose, but if you lose, you lose. , If I really only have the strength of a lower saint and I am your enemy, Master, I will be dead now!" Sun Wukong said solemnly.

"Master, if we don’t use some of the treasure’s unique tricks, I believe you can beat me. Even if it takes longer, it is estimated that it will not exceed 20 minutes! The strength of the lower saint only needs such a little time, when the strength of the middle saint , It shouldn’t grow much. You really have the ability to become my master, and you are very suitable to be my master. Grandson I have fought for countless billions of years, and it’s just that you have suffered the most today!"

Sun Wukong knelt down to the ground instantly as he said, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

In a short period of time, Monkey King knocked out nine beeps.

"Master, disciple Sun Wukong pays respects to Master!" Sun Wukong respectfully said, his eyes are a little bit complicated and a little depressed, but more determined.

"Wukong, get up!" Chu Feng helped Sun Wukong up. "Wukong, since you recognize me as a teacher, I will teach you everything I can teach you in the future!"

"I created an infinite divine gong. So far, I have received three formal disciples and two named disciples. They all practiced infinite divine gong. Although you became my apprentice later, you did not practice infinite divine gong, so you don’t Count their brothers and sisters, if they become holy then, if you meet, I will explain to them that you are a master brother." Chu Feng said.

Sun Wukong nodded slightly: "Yes, Master." In his heart, he secretly sighed, and it was enough to recognize Chu Feng as his teacher. If he was to call some people with a much lower cultivation level as seniors. , That would be too uncomfortable!

"You enlighten the way by fighting and fight a lot. By that time, you may be able to reach the strength of the holy sovereign. Come on, we will continue to fight and we won't need any tricks or anything. We will use more ordinary attacks!" Chu Feng said, "Is there time left? Less, we start with the strength of the first-level saints and play 100 games at each level!"

There are one hundred games at level one, and nine hundred games at level nine. If you hit a high-ranking saint at level two, that would be two thousand games. This will take a lot of time, but Chu Feng and the others don’t lack that time now!

"Yes!" Sun Wukong immediately rose up in response to his fighting spirit. He thought to himself that in the next battle, he must beat Chu Feng a few times!

Just like before, hope is good, reality is cruel. After a hundred games, Monkey King did not win one, and after five hundred games, he still did not win one.

One thousand games have passed, two thousand games have passed, the second-level high-ranking saint has played one hundred games, and each of these one hundred games has been played longer, but the poor comrade Monkey King still did not win one! He has gone through countless battles, but that kind of battle is still inferior to the countless life and death battles in the Chu Fengyu Tower!

Monkey King lay on a piece of bluestone and exhaled, "Master, how did you practice? Why is your fighting ability so abnormal? Some loopholes can't be considered loopholes at all, you can actually catch them!" Monkey King strangely Asked.

By the side of Monkey King, Chu Feng's eyes showed the color of memory: "Challenge the strong, if you die too much, it will be done." "Eh, you die too much?" Monkey King stunned, "Master, are you talking about the game? No, although there are simulation games, some of which can reach a high degree of virtuality, but it is useful when the strength is extremely low, and the strength is high. There can be no real improvement in such virtual games. !"

"Heh... it's not a game like that. Forget it, don't talk about this, you will understand in the future, you don't need to know it now." Chu Feng said softly, "Wukong, my cultivation is only a second-level high-ranking saint. Our battle is temporarily That's it, with your strength, if you are promoted to the third-level upper saint cultivation base, I don't have much confidence to beat you!"

"Master, give it a try. With your strength, you should be able to win the level 3 high-ranking saint's cultivation base!" Monkey King looked forward to the truth. He lost more than two thousand games in Chu Feng's hands and didn't win one. He is now Very eager to win a battle even if there is some unfairness on the cultivation base.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "It seems that you want to win and want to be crazy... Okay, let's have another ten battles, my second-level high-ranking saint's cultivation base, your third-level high-ranking saint's cultivation base!"

"Okay, okay!" Monkey King stood up and rubbed his hands in excitement.

He has fought many battles with Monkey King. Monkey King has gained a lot, and Chu Feng has gained a lot. Therefore, he is more enthusiastic about fighting Monkey King.

The battle began immediately, and the Monkey King won the first game! "Oh ha ha ha ha" Monkey King laughed excitedly. At this time, he won a match against Chu Feng. For Monkey King, it made him happier than winning a Saint King!

In the second game, Chu Feng made tactical adjustments. This time was delayed for a long time. As a result, after two months of continuous play, Chu Feng won!

In the third game, Chu Feng won, which took one and a half months.

In the fourth game, Monkey King won.

The previous two thousand games only took two years, and the last ten games took more than a year. After ten games, Chu Feng won six games and lost four games!

Although he lost six games, Monkey King was still happy. Compared with the previous two thousand games without winning, this result is already very good!

"Master, old grandson, I have to admit that you are a pervert. If you reach my level of cultivation, then within the Three Realms, I am afraid that I will not find an opponent!" Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Wukong, have you forgotten the Great Sun Tathagata? One palm has sealed you under Wuzhi Mountain for countless billions of years. How terrible is your strength! Well, in the next time, you will understand Let’s take a moment. I believe that the fighting in the past few years should make you understand a lot. I have to go to practice. If the combat power is high and the cultivation is low, it is useless!"

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