Holy Prison

Chapter 1753: Start the rivalry mission

Leaving in front of Monkey King, Chu Feng reached the third domain tower in a short time. The tower owner of the third domain tower was Yin Qianqian, and there was still a task in the third domain tower that had not been completed!

Yin Qianqian is beautiful and noble, and there are many pursuers in the third domain tower, and it is no less powerful than the power of high-level saints. A long time ago, Chu Feng took on a levelless mission to defeat a rival in love. The mission time for that mission was 10,000 years. If the mission failed, 10 billion battle points and 100 million domain tower values ​​were deducted. Haven't bothered yet.

I didn’t care, not because I didn’t pay much attention to Yin Qianqian, but...On the one hand, with Yin Qianqian’s strength and she didn’t suffer any losses as the tower owner of the third domain tower, on the other hand, she took that task Since then, Chu Feng's time has been relatively tight, and his own strength has also been weaker!

Now, in terms of strength, he is already a second-level high-ranking saint, with treasures like the world-swallowing gourd dark chaos lotus, and there is some time. This task is also time to start.

You know, this task has a time limit, the task time is 10,000 years!

On the 24th floor of No.3 Domain Tower, when Yin Qianqian was practicing, he basically practiced on this floor, and her suitors were basically on this floor!

"Non-level missions...unlevel missions, that is, if completed well, then this mission can be assessed as an SS-level task, or even an SSS-level mission!" In a city on the 24th floor, Chu Feng Strolling on the streets of this city, my heart is secret. The scenery of this city is very beautiful. Yin Qianqian's residence is in this city, and most of her suitors also gather in this city.

Azurite City is not a particularly large city, with a population of no more than 10 million, but in this city, there are hundreds of saints, some of whom are Yin Qianqian’s suitors, and some are just some of their pursuits. The subordinates and friends of the author, and there are also some saints who just come to watch the fun.

"If it can be assessed as an SS-level mission or even an SSS-level mission, that would be great!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart and frowned slightly. Although there is such a possibility, the possibility is really very small. Basically there is no danger in the task. It is generally defeated, and it is not bad to be rated as A grade in the end!

"To reach the SS level, I am afraid that it will have to be completely defeated inside and out!"

Chu Feng was thinking about countermeasures as he walked forward. It didn't take long for him to get to a restaurant. This is an antique restaurant. It doesn't look particularly eye-catching, but this restaurant is opened by a sage and sells. The wine is very good, there are saints here every day!

"It seems that my brother has to be young and frivolous." Chu Feng's mouth curled up with a faint smile on his face, "Since the woman who wants to **** my brother all the time, I have to pay a price!"

"Chu Feng, do you want to do it?" Yin Qianqian's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Would you like me to come out and cooperate? Some guys, it's so annoying!"

"No need for the time being! Qianqian, you can practice with peace of mind. I now have some time to deal with them slowly! You fight for it and quickly restore the strength of the sixth-level upper saint. If there are some suddenness on this foundation, then It's the best."

Chu Feng stepped into the restaurant, "Get out and get out!" a black-clothed youth behind Chu Feng shouted coldly. Chu Feng turned his head, behind him were three people, two black-clothed youths and one blue-clothed youth.

Seeing these three people, Chu Feng's mind immediately flashed the information of the blue-clothed youth: Luo Kai, a mid-strength saint, with a strong background, there are high-ranking saints in the family, two young men in black. It is his two subordinates, both of whom are mid-level saints in strength. He is one of Yin Qianqian's suitors, and the Luo family behind him fully supports his pursuit.

"What are you looking at? Go away. Didn't you see that my young master is here?" The black-clothed young man who opened his mouth glared at Chu Feng and said coldly. At this moment, Chu Feng's heart and brain have both converged. Aura, the cultivation base that is now revealed is only a second-level median saint, such cultivation base, that black-clothed young man naturally does not look at it!

"It's just a dog, actually barking in front of this young man, don't you want to live?" Chu Feng said flatly. "You're looking for death!" The black-clothed youth wanted to make a move instantly, but was stopped by the blue-clothed youth.

"Brothers came here, could it be that Yin Qianqian came here too?" The blue-clothed youth looked at Chu Feng and said, while he looked at it, he wondered which power Chu Feng came from.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Yes, I'm here, Yin Qianqian belongs to me!"

"Joke!" The blue-clothed youth sneered.

"Where is the madman, I don't know how high the sky is, Fairy Qian is yours? Ask if the knife in Lao Tzu's hand agrees!" A domineering voice was uploaded from the restaurant. As soon as the voice fell, a burly youth He had appeared in front of Chu Feng, and the aura exuding from this young man was much stronger than that of the blue-clothed young man.

"It's been a long time since Azurite City has made such crazy talk in these years. I didn't expect it to appear again, interesting and interesting! It seems that Azurite City has become lively again!" A scholar-like young man shook a fan in his hand. As soon as he came downstairs, Chu Feng glanced at this young man. Although this young man had a relatively low-key cultivation base, Chu Feng knew that he had the strength of a high-ranking saint, and that he was a ninth-level high-ranking saint!

"It's too small, where did you come from, where do you go back, Azurite City is not where you should be!"

Another voice sounded. This voice was full of arrogance. As soon as this voice fell, a young man in purple clothes appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Zheng Shao!"

The purple-clothed youth said, a lot of people gathered in the restaurant lobby greeted a lot. This purple-clothed youth's own strength is not good, but only a lower saint, and only a third-level lower saint, but his background is very deep. , There are immortal-level powerhouses in the family. This time he came to Azurite City. He brought a total of four strikers, four subordinates, four subordinates, two middle-ranked saints, and two with the strength of upper-ranked saints. !

"Hey, I'll join in the fun too! Where is the wild boy who ran, you open your mouth and Fairy is yours, you are really courageous, Qian Wan admires it!"

At the entrance of the restaurant, another young man arrived. This young man seemed to have a little fat, and his strength was lower than that of Zheng Shao. He was only a low-level saint, but his outfit was better than most people here. , From shoes to clothes, to accessories, nothing is rubbish.

"Less money!"

Quite a few people said hello. This Qian Wanlai’s history is rather mysterious. He just brought an entourage with the strength of a middle saint to this side, but no one dared to despise him. There was one when he got there. The middle-ranked saint with a lot of background froze with him, and as a result, a lot of treasures were smashed out of this one. It was a surprise that people killed the middle-ranked saint. After the death of the middle-ranked saint, there was no power behind him. How squeak!

"Those with high strength, background and money, Qianqian's attraction is really not small." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. All this seems exaggerated, but it is still normal. Yin Qianqian is a stunning beauty, and she has a noble birth, and her noble temperament is extremely attractive to many people.

In terms of strength, Yin Qianqian's strength is also very high. She is still only the cultivation base of a high-ranking saint, but she has not fallen behind even when she has played against high-ranking saints. She is the tower master, and in this domain tower, she can naturally play Higher strength!

All the above reasons make Yin Qianqian extremely attractive to many people. In addition, there is a very important point. What is not obtained is the best.

In the beginning, there were not so many people, Yin Qianqian's reputation spread, news of many people's unsuccessful pursuits spread, and people continued to join this game of winning beauty!

"Little pity, the little guy, was frightened stupid? Frightened stupid, then quickly get out of Azurite City, haha!" The burly young man who came down from the restaurant laughed.

"Everyone, everyone, if you want to fight, please change another place, thank you! If this restaurant is demolished, then everyone will have to go to other places for drinking in the future!" The restaurant owner hurriedly said when he saw something wrong. It is easy for him to rebuild the restaurant, but this restaurant is of memorial significance to him, and I don't want to be demolished at this time!

Chu Feng said quietly: "The cultivation base is higher than mine, suppressed to the strength of my competition, and the cultivation base is lower than mine, I suppress the same strength to compete, who can support it in my hands? In a quarter of an hour, I immediately got out of this Azurite City. If I can’t, I will clean my mouth!"

"Competition for combat power, a quarter of an hour?"

"I heard you right, all of us, fighting for combat power is only a quarter of an hour? Boy, you are not afraid to blow the sky through, haha!"

"This is me today, no, it's the funniest joke I've heard all these years! Boy, fight for combat, if you can beat everyone, then you're a cow, you still say a quarter of an hour! A quarter of an hour, uncle me If you are defeated in a quarter of an hour, please pick one of my treasures, uncle!"

"Little things, in the entire Azurite City, there are a hundred and dozens of saints who pursue Fairy Qian, you just wait to be abused to perfection, haha! I have to say, you are a good way to attract Fairy Qian's attention, but, Then you have to win all the talents, win everyone, dream! Even if you win over everyone in Azurite City, there are still many people in this world, and in other worlds, many people will definitely come down. If you have the ability, then the immortal and immortal powerhouses may join in!"

"Betting on a top sacred artifact, this kid will definitely get out of Azurite City when the time comes. Who will bet with Ben Shao?" Qian Wan said with a smile.

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