Holy Prison

Chapter 1767: Feng Bing Ning Crossing Tribulation

"Don't worry about it. No, you'll be here right away." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Bing Ning, in these three months, you should prepare well!"

Feng Bingning nodded slightly: "Well, don't worry about me. Go to the third domain tower to complete that mission! Make sure to make that mission an SSS-level mission! If you can't, then, You have to complete two SS-level missions or one SSS-level mission to meet the conditions."

"According to my order, come, let me kiss my husband." Chu Feng smiled and kissed Feng Bingning hardly before disappearing and entering the third domain tower.

No. 3 Domain Tower, outside of Azurite City, Chu Feng had just appeared in the martial arts area and two people entered the martial arts area at once.

"Zheng Kun, the last time I was injured so soon is fine." Chu Feng said with a smile. This Zheng Kun has been on stage several times, but before he was on stage by himself, this time he found a partner. Come on stage together. "Huh, Madman Chu, I don't believe you can continue to be arrogant." Zheng Kun said coldly, "Maybe today is your day of suffering!"

"Tsk tusk, I don't know how many people have said this, but Master Chu is still standing here. Within two minutes, I will send you off the stage and let you heal for a while!"

Zheng Kun shouted angrily. He and his partner launched an attack together. Their cooperation was still very good, but as soon as Chu Feng shot, their seemingly good cooperation was immediately broken up by Chu Feng.

One minute and forty seconds, Zheng Kun's partner fell to the ground, one minute and forty-five seconds, poor Comrade Zheng Kun fell to the ground again, and this time he was injured more severely than the last time!

"Zheng Kun, I'm looking for abuse when I'm on stage. I don't want to come anymore, hahaha!" Chu Feng bent down and patted Zheng Kun's face with a laugh, he said so. In fact, he hoped Zheng Kun would come a few times. Back, defeating Zheng Kun, the quest points that can be obtained are a lot more than ordinary people!

Zheng Kun opened his mouth and cursed, Chu Feng cut off one of Zheng Kun's legs with a cut in Yin Ming's hand. "Try to scold again." Chu Feng smiled and said, he would not be polite to this Zheng Kun. At the beginning, Zheng Kun led people to force Yin Qianqian. If Yin Qianqian's strength were not good, then there was only one result that Yin Qianqian committed suicide and escaped. !

And if Yin Qianqian is not a domain tower master who cannot be resurrected, it is true death! Zheng Kun does not a few things like rape!

"I" Zheng Kun opened his mouth and didn't say anything. He was really afraid that Chu Feng would kill him directly with a single sword!

"Call Master Chu, then get out." Chu Feng said quietly.

Although there were a thousand and ten thousand unwillings in his heart, Zheng Kun could only call out with his partner at this time, Chu Ye immediately left!

"Don't delay Master Chu's time, who is next? Come up right away!" Chu Feng said softly, his voice fell, and the two of them immediately arrived in the competition venue.

Groups of people were constantly defeated by Chu Feng, and as the mission points rose, nearly three months passed quickly, and Feng Bingning's holy prison was about to come.

Chu Feng went to accompany Miao Xian'er in the Demiao Prison space three days in advance. When the Demiao Xian'er Holy Prison was about to begin, Yilian and the others also suspended their training one by one.

"Sister Bing Ning, come on!" Lan Wen said with a smile, "With your strength, it should be no problem to survive the Tribulation. If you successfully cross the Tribulation, we will all be successful!"

"Bing Ning, come on!" Yilian chuckled.

"Boss, after my sister-in-law has successfully passed the catastrophe, shall we set a few tables to celebrate?" Zhou Wen smiled. Tang Wanbai glanced at Zhou Wen and said, "Is it necessary to say? You must celebrate! Chu Feng, you can get more delicious food when the time comes. Hehe, some of the things you take out are really good!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Bing Ning successfully overcomes the catastrophe, and all of us have overcome the catastrophe. We will definitely celebrate. Bing Ning, it's about to begin, you can enter inside, don't have any psychological pressure, even if you fail, It's time to come back to life and start over again. It's for sure that you cross the catastrophe."

"Yeah!" Feng Bingning nodded slightly. Her pressure at this time was really not great. With her strength, she had a 90% chance of successfully surviving the catastrophe. At this time, Chu Feng's resurrection star still had five Stars!

The chance of failing in a triumph is one in ten, the chance of failing both times is one in one hundred, and the chance of failing in three times is one in a thousand, so high chance of success, if it hits that little chance of failure, then luck It's too low!

The Holy Tribulation is coming soon, and Feng Bingning instantly entered the space where Yilian and many of them had crossed the Tribulation. Although Chu Feng and the others could clearly see the inside, the space they were now in was not for the Tribulation. That space, in this way, it can avoid affecting those who cross the Tribulation!

It was only a few minutes before Feng Bingning entered, and a huge thunderous sound rang, and colorful clouds appeared. In just a short time, a large area of ​​Feng Bingning's head was already covered with colorful clouds!

Looking up at the sky, Feng Bingning's heart is very calm at the moment, and the mentality of tribulation is very good. This kind of mentality can increase the chance of success in crossing the tribulation. If you are afraid of the holy prison , Then the probability of failing the Tribulation will be much lower, especially if you encounter the Thunder Tribulation of the Soul, without a good attitude, the probability of the Tribulation Failure will increase by several percent!

Chu Feng didn't worry too much at this moment. With the Phoenix bloodline, the time ability, and the ability to borrow the domain tower, the possibility of Feng Bing Ning's failure in the tribulation is very low!

Time and space are the two strongest laws. In contrast, the law of time is even more mysterious. Throughout the ages, the law of time has reached a relatively high level and is extremely rare. Feng Bingning's strength is already rare. If Feng Bingning can become a holy, then she will be one of the very few people in the holy world who studies the law of time!

Caiyun rolled, and the first holy calamity soon brewed and threw it down on Feng Bingning's head! "Fire!" Feng Bingning thought, a small flame appeared at her fingertips.

Although the flame was small, the energy contained in it was very powerful. With a wave of Feng Bing Ningyu's hand, the small flame rising and collided with the thick purple thunder and lightning of the bucket.

Silently, the thick purple thunder and lightning of the bucket was burned by the small flame. "Boom! Rumble!" The first thunder tribulation passed easily, and huge thunder and lightning continued to shuttle in the tribulation cloud, and the deafening sound came into Chu Feng's ears, but Chu Feng and others did not care.

Soon, the second thunder catastrophe fell, the first thunder catastrophe was just an ordinary thunderbolt shape, and the second thunder catastrophe turned into a giant drum and descended from the cloud of catastrophe.

The giant drum shook, and Feng Bingning wrinkled her head slightly. This giant drum has the power to shake the body and the soul. If the defense is lower, then both the body and the soul will tremble on the giant drum. Was shaken into nothingness!

When Feng Bingning's mind moved, Feng Bingning made Ziyuling appear in his hands. This purple jade bell was just a general thing at first, but it merged with the growth stone and grew with Feng Bingning's growth. Today's power is also Extremely powerful!

Feng Bingning's finger shook the purple jade bell, and a light and crisp sound rang, and a crack appeared on the drumhead of the huge drum several hundred meters in front of Feng Bingning.

The broken drum shook again, this time the power was still very strong, but compared to the previous blow, the power was reduced a lot! "Ding!" Ziyuling's voice sounded again. This time, the broken drum that had a crack was directly shaken into a ball of thunder and the electricity returned to the colorful clouds!

The third way, the fourth way, the fifth way, and the sixth way, Feng Bingning is strong, and the first six thunder tribulations, it can be said that they have passed through relatively easily.

"It looks like there's still more behind." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. The power of the seven thunder catastrophes was much stronger than the power of the sixth thunder catastrophe. Feng Bingning might also be in danger under the seventh thunder catastrophe!

The thunder and lightning blew, and the colorful cloud above Feng Bingning's head trembled sharply. After a short while, a huge painting formed by the lightning fell from the robbery cloud.

The giant painting depicts a terrible scene, in which bones become mountains and blood flows into rivers. There are monsters with terrible looks on the screen. Some of them fly in the sky, some run on the ground, and some Grab a corpse and eat!

A solemn color appeared on Feng Bingning's face, and when the giant painting appeared, she immediately launched an attack, but Zi Yuling's attack did not shock the giant painting!

"Phoenix Fire!"

Zi Yuling’s attack had no effect. Feng Bingning immediately used the phoenix fire. The phoenix fire burned onto the giant painting, and then actually entered the painting. Some demons in the painting were burned to death in the blink of an eye, and the giant painting immediately produced Terrible suction! Feng Bingning tried her best to resist, but in a short time she was still sucked into the giant painting.

The giant painting was originally dead, but now it was completely alive. As soon as Feng Bingning entered it, countless demons immediately attacked her!

"Boss, this is the world in the painting." Tang Ming said in surprise. There are some treasures that can hide a world inside. Tang Ming didn't expect this thunder and lightning to actually make such a thing.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, with a worried expression on his face. This giant painting instantly incorporated Feng Bingning into it. Feng Bingning wanted to get out of it, fearing it would not be so easy!

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