Holy Prison

Chapter 1768: Hourglass of time

Within the giant painting, the demons acted fiercely, Feng Bingning kept attacking, and those demons died in her hands in large numbers, but the number of demons seemed to be endless. If one group died, another group of demons would pounce on it immediately!

The demons attacked frantically, and the pressure Feng Bingning was under gradually increased. Within the giant painting, Feng Bingning didn't seem to want to go out, she just kept killing those demons!

"Boss, there is something wrong, the sister-in-law seems to be a little lost." Tang Ming said. Chu Feng nodded slightly. This giant painting should also have the power of mental attack. On the outside, it feels like a giant painting. On the inside, it may feel that it is a real world. Perhaps Feng Bingning saw something they couldn't see inside.

"I believe Bing Ning can definitely come out!" Chu Feng said softly and silently praying in his heart. This might not give Feng Bing Ning strength, but it would calm Chu Feng's heart a lot.

Time passed by, and within the giant painting, Feng Bingning was fighting frantically, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and thirty minutes two or three hours passed in an instant.

The colorful clouds rolled, the giant painting slowly gathered towards the sky.

Chu Feng's face changed slightly. Feng Bingning has been in the giant painting for too long. If she can't come out in a relatively short time, then when the giant painting enters the colorful clouds, this disaster is probably a failure. !

As the giant painting rose, Feng Bingning's figure in the painting gave a slight suspicion in her eyes, "Time, still!" Feng Bingning let out a low cry, and the power of time suddenly enveloped some surrounding areas.

Under the power of time, Feng Bingning immediately saw that the demons around were not real demons, they were nothing but thunder and lightning!

"Illusion, it's just illusion, I'm crossing the catastrophe, none of this is true!" In Feng Bingning's heart, Daoping calmed down.

"Time stands still!"

"Phoenix Fire, die for me!"

The power of time, the power of Phoenix fire, and Feng Bingning instantly cleared the surrounding demons and all the corpses nearby! "Borrowing power...the arrow of time, break!" Feng Bingning immediately borrowed the power of the domain tower. As soon as she pointed it out, a gray arrow flashed away.

The arrow of time passed through the space, and that gray arrow shot out from the huge hole. When the arrow of time was connected to the outside world, a purple jade bell appeared in Feng Bingning's hand and rang.

If the arrow of time is not connected to the outside world, then the power of Ziyuling can hardly shatter the giant painting, but after the arrow of time is connected to the outside world, the giant painting seems to have been pricked in a tire, which contains The power of is already much weaker than before. Under the constant vibration of Ziyuling, the demons in the giant painting died one after another, and the giant painting was completely shattered in a short time!

The giant painting was shattered, and Feng Bingning's figure was shot out of the giant painting in an instant. At this time, the broken giant painting was only a hundred meters away from the colorful clouds above his head!

Seeing Feng Bingning came out successfully, Chu Feng and the others let out a long sigh. "Hey Caiyun is still rolling, and there is Jie Lei behind!" Tang Wan said.

Just breathed a sigh of relief, seeing this scene, Chu Feng's heart was raised again! The eighth layer of thunder robbery is very dangerous, even with Feng Bingning's strength, the possibility of death is very high!

"What kind of thunder robbery is this?"

Miao Feiying was surprised and authentic, the colorful clouds rolled, and soon the hourglass, which came one by one, fell from the colorful clouds. There was golden sand in the hourglass. Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, the golden sand was constantly passing by. .

"This should be an attack on time!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng stared at the hourglass, but he couldn't see much. He didn't know much about time. Although the holy prison could be exchanged for each skill, he possessed the ability of space, and he was more about time. It’s very difficult to acquire the skills. Today, Chu Feng is not without the ability to exchange time, but the little ability he exchanged is really not worth mentioning. Although he has exchanged it, he has never used it at all.

In front of the hourglass, Feng Bingning's face was very solemn at this time. That hourglass was indeed an attack on time, and a curse on time!

If all the sands in the hourglass pass, then Feng Bingning will die! If all the sand in the hourglass hasn’t flowed within three hours, even if the sand in the hourglass in the past, her catastrophe will only flow for one hour, that is, Feng Bingning will do it for herself. Try for two hours.

"Time is slow!"

Feng Bingning's thoughts instantly used the time delay. Under the time delay, the speed of the sand in the hourglass slowed down a lot, but it did not slow down to less than one-third.

"Time is forbidden!"

Without any hesitation, Feng Bingning immediately used the time prohibition. The time prohibition is much more domineering than the time delay. Similarly, it consumes a lot more!

Under the prohibition of time, the hourglass that had flowed slower and slowed down once again, but a little bit of sand is still passing by. Feng Bingning’s power forbidden time did not completely make that hourglass prohibit every ability. What kind of effect can be achieved depends not only on the strength of the ability itself, but also on the target ability of endurance. Obviously, the power of that hourglass is very powerful!

"Sister Bing Ning seems to be preventing the sand in the hourglass from passing. Ah... I remembered that Sister Bing Ning told me one thing before, that should be a time curse the hourglass!" Lan Wen said.

"Time curses the hourglass?" Miao Feiying asked in a puzzled manner. They did not hear Feng Bingning say about this. "I also heard Sister Bing Ning mention it during my chat. If a person with time ability can reach a relatively advanced level, it is very powerful. For example, the killing is invisible." Lan Wen said.

Seeing that Chu Feng and the others were listening carefully, Lan Wen continued: "The time hourglass contains the soul of the target. If all the sand passes, it is equivalent to obliterating the soul, and the end is naturally death! This is a very domineering ability. Although the damage to nature is relatively large, Bing Ning said that in the same level, the curse of the hourglass is basically that whoever wants to die will not survive! However, this requires that the target does not have some terrifying treasures. The power of the Terror Treasure Guardian will be much smaller! The time hourglass has a time limit. When the time is reached, the target will not die, then the effect will be lost, and at the same time, it will also cause a certain backlash to the person who uses it!"

"Bing Ning has no scary treasure." Chu Feng frowned slightly. In this situation, he knew that Feng Bing Ning could only rely on his own cultivation to contend with the hourglass!

"Chu Feng, the problem shouldn't be a big deal." Miao Nei'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "If it's someone else, this disaster will be difficult to pass, but Sister Bing Ning can borrow the power of Yu Tower, Yu Tower's Power allows her to continuously use time to prohibit such a large consumption capacity, she should be able to support the past.

Chu Feng nodded imperceptibly. In front of the hourglass of time, Feng Bingning used the time prohibition time and time again, each time could not last long, but because of borrowing the power of the domain tower, every time the time was used, the consumption of time was prohibited. Not much with her power enough for her to use it many times.

Time was forbidden, and occasionally, Feng Bingning also used time delay once or twice. The time delay can last much longer. Under the attention of Chu Feng and others, time quickly passed by one hour. One-sixth of the sand in the sand did not pass, and another hour passed, there was still one-half of the sand in the hourglass!

At this time, a faint smile appeared on Feng Bingning's face. She supported one-half of the sand for two hours, and one-half of the sand remained. If it could not be supported for an hour, she deserved to die!

The sand in the hourglass went a little faster when it reached the back, but when three hours passed, about one-tenth of the sand was left in the hourglass!

After three hours of fighting, in front of Feng Bingning, the hourglass at that time turned into a cloud of gray light, and the gray light instantly fell into Feng Bingning's body.

Above Feng Bingning's head, among the colorful clouds, a little bit of light continued to enter Feng Bingning's body. Eight layers of thunder tribulations passed, she had successfully overcome the tribulations!

Chu Feng let out a long sigh, Tang Ming and the others also let out a sigh of relief, and Tang Wan was even more excited at this time. "It's over, Sister Bing Ning has over it, haha, that's great, the eighth-level Thunder Tribulation has passed through the holy calamity, her strength should be able to directly reach the fifth-level median saint!" Tang Wan cheered.

"Boss, congratulations, congratulations!" Tang Ming Zhouwen and the others said one by one. There was a thick smile on Chu Feng's face at this time. Feng Bingning was very happy to be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe. He did not expect Feng Bingning to survive the holy calamity under the eighth layer of thunder. After crossing the catastrophe, the strength is much higher!

"Xian'er!" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Understand, Sister Bing Ning will surely absorb Jie Yun's power to the greatest extent." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

The pressure of the holy prison appeared, and Feng Bingning absorbed the pure heaven and earth energy that Jieyun had transformed into a lot faster. With the absorption of those forces, her strength continued to rise!

After Feng Bingning absorbed it for a while, Chu Feng appeared next to her, and the light of merit continuously entered Feng Bingning's body!

Time keeps passing.

The fifth-level mid-level saint, in the end, it turned out that Feng Bingning's cultivation base was the same as Qin Ying, who had also survived the eighth-level thunder tribulation, and both were fifth-level mid-level saints!

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