Holy Prison

Chapter 1769: doubt

"Bing Ning, don't have to wait here, you should consolidate your cultivation a little bit, and celebrate with a big dinner tomorrow!" Chu Feng said. "It's okay. It's the same to consolidate the cultivation base after the celebration tomorrow. It's not a little bit of time." Feng Bingning smiled and said, "Just leave me alone and absorb the power of Jieyun with peace of mind."

"Well, you pay attention yourself."

Chu Feng said, closing his eyes and running infinite divine art with full force. Refining and absorbing some of the cloud's power that had just been forcibly sucked into his body, Feng Bingning absorbed most of the cloud's power, but there was still a part of the cloud's power remaining. .

A few hours later, Chu Feng opened his eyes, and some of the power he had absorbed had been temporarily absorbed by him, and it would take a lot of time to fully integrate with himself.

Chu Feng woke up, and soon Feng Bingning surrounded some of them. "Bing Ning, since you don't have a solid cultivation base now, let's start the celebration immediately! After the celebration, you will immediately begin to consolidate your cultivation base, don't delay this!" Chu Feng said.

"Okay!" Feng Bingning nodded. Tang Ming and the others naturally had no objection. That is, the cultivation base of Yilian and others who had crossed the Tribulation in the first place had been consolidated. The time has not been fully consolidated, and it’s good to celebrate it a little earlier and practice.

The celebration is naturally carried out in the holy prison space, where food can be provided quickly in the cafeteria, so Chu Feng and the others soon gathered in a hall.

The Feng clan in the hall naturally did not attend, and Monkey King and Zhu Bajie did not appear either. The only people present were Feng Bingning and the newly sanctified people and Chu Feng, an old fellow who had long been sanctified.

In the dining room, there were only three tables in total. Chu Feng, Feng Bingning, their eight daughters, and Lei Zheng sat at one table, Tang Ming, Han Xiang Duansan, and seven quasi-sages of the tenth rank who became sacred at the beginning of the city. The strong man sat down, Zhou Wen, Tang Wan, Chu Long Shiyan, and six other tenth-tier quasi-saint-level strong men who became holy through the tribulation of God Chucheng.

Before, there were a total of forty people who entered the sanctuary space in Shenchu ​​City. Now, those people have only survived fourteen. Even if the tenth-tier powerhouse has a higher chance of becoming a saint, the forty people's congress Part of it fell under the holy robbery!

Holding the wine glass, Chu Feng stood up: "Everyone, with this glass of wine, we will sacrifice our companions first. Although they have fallen under the holy robbery, they are all good to dare to face the holy robbery!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, the glass of wine slowly poured onto the ground. After pouring himself a glass of wine, Chu Feng said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, the deceased is dead, we should look forward to this glass of wine, to all of you, congratulations to everyone for resisting the Holy Tribulation. The sky is high and the earth is wide, just waiting for everyone to work hard to climb!"

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!"

The fourteen saints who crossed the Tribulation in God’s Chu City said in unison, “Boss, we should thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, even if we successfully crossed the Tribulation, we must be just lower-level saints at this moment. Now those of us, the lowest level is also a fifth-level lower saint. This is a miracle!" Tang Ming said with a toast and smile.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Well, we are all acquaintances, so don't thank you. Everyone sits down, drinks and eats food. Wine can make you drunk. If you want to get drunk, you can Come and get a drunk party, haha!"

The taste of the food from the Sanctuary Canteen is absolutely top-notch, and the wine prepared by Chu Feng is also very good. Everyone ate this meal very happily!

After the meal, except for Feng Bingning and the others, all the others had consolidated their cultivation bases one by one. "Feng, if I don't have Gong Yin's cultivation base in the holy prison space and consolidate my cultivation base in the Flame Mountain, I don't know if I can?" Feng Bing said, "In this case, I can consolidate my cultivation base and see if I can. Get the heart of fire!"


Chu Feng frowned slightly. It would be much more dangerous to consolidate his cultivation outside, but in that case, it would definitely save a lot of time.

"Feng, there won't be any problems, isn't there still Feng Chen's ancestor outside? She is an indestructible powerhouse, I'll be near her!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Feng Chen...her strength is still a little bit lower. So, you can consolidate your cultivation base outside, and let Monkey King appear outside, so he will turn into a stone beside you. There is his holy king. Protect it, there shouldn't be any problems outside." Chu Feng thought for a while.

Chu Feng said to Monkey King, and soon both Monkey King and Feng Bingning appeared outside. Before, Feng Bingning could not appear in the holy realm without the cultivation of a saint. Naturally, there was no problem at this moment.

"Ilian, you all go to practice, and practice with peace of mind. For the rest of the time, I will basically stay on the side of Azurite City in the Third Domain Tower!" Chu Feng said.

Yilian and the others all nodded and disappeared one by one. Soon, Chu Feng also disappeared and entered the holy prison space.

The holy world, the holy mountain.

A lot of bigwigs gathered together, Hongjun, Pangu, Sovereign Longyang, Sovereign Ice, Sovereign Formation and other Saint-level powerhouses were all present.

"Everyone, what's the news? At this time, some people in Shenchu ​​City, shouldn't they go through the Holy Tribulation? Why is there no movement?" Longyang Sovereign said solemnly.

Ten seconds passed without anyone speaking. Everyone hadn't understood Tang Ming and his whereabouts over the years, so there was nothing they could say.

"Brother Hongjun, Brother Pangu, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen are your disciples. I don't know if you have any news?" The Lord Longyang looked at Hongjun and Pangu Dao.

Hongjun said quietly: "We are all together these years, Tang Ming has not contacted me, so I am not clear about his current situation."

"Me too!" Pangu simply said. Although the Lord of Longyang is the master of the temple, the temple is not a very strict organization. They are not under the power of the Lord of Longyang, but there is no fear of the Lord of Longyang. Yes, the rest of the saint-level powerhouses here are basically the same.

A Saint King-level powerhouse opened his mouth and said: "Hall Master, they may have used the canonization amulet again. It is estimated that they are afraid of the robbery!" "Tongtian makes sense. Chu Feng already knows some conditions in the Holy Realm. How could he let Tang Ming and the others go to the holy realm to die? In all likelihood, they all used the canonization charm to suppress the holy robbery." Another holy king said.

Sovereign Longyang said solemnly: "Then, who will explain to me why all of them disappeared? For hundreds of years, there was no news at all! Even though we withdrew everyone in the Holy Realm , But we still have some control over the lower realm. Do you think this phenomenon is normal?"

Venerable Formation chuckled and said: "Brother Longyang, what are you worried about? Just a few little ants, can they still make them unsuccessful? It's just a few hundred years, hundreds of years of disappearance, this is a very normal thing! We do not have Any induction, those of them, can't be sanctified now, right?"

"Venerable Formation, Chu Feng is very cunning. It shouldn't be for no reason that he gathered those people together. Sanctification...Could it be that they are really secretly not being sanctified?" Sage Longyang frowned.

"Brother Longyang, how is this possible?" Pan Gu shook his head and said, "Chu Feng didn't hide it from us when he became a saint. Tang Ming and the others are impossible!"

Venerable Black Moon frowned slightly at this time, a strange color flashed in his eyes. "Venerable Black Moon, I don't know what opinion you have?" Sage Longyang noticed Venerable Black Moon and frowned slightly.

"Venerable Longyang, Tang Ming and the others are more likely to be in the God Realm without being sanctified, but I think they also have the possibility of being sanctified." Black Moon said.

"Oh? Venerable Black Moon, please elaborate."

Venerable Black Moon nodded slightly and said, "Everyone, there are many wonderful places in the universe. For example, the Temple of Resurrection can resurrect people. In some places, you can improve your cultivation, and in some places, you can speed up your cultivation. The speed of training. There may not be a place like that. Feng Bingning and the others cannot enter it directly without being known by me!"

"Venerable Black Moon, although there is such a possibility, this possibility is a bit too low." Venerable Ice said indifferently, "I think they are acting as head-shrinking turtles. They are still here now. In the God Realm! The reason why it is so mysterious is to waste some of our time and energy!"

Venerable Black Moon said quietly: "Venerable Ice's words are also reasonable, but we still can't do it. I suggest that we strengthen the inspection in the holy world!"

"Let's end this question." Venerable Longyang said in a depressed manner, "According to Venerable Black Moon, strengthen the inspection of the Holy Realm! The next topic, on the side of the Feng Clan, Feng Yao has not been in contact with him. Feng clan, but her soul jade slip is not broken, do you have any opinions?"

"Hall Master, I feel that Feng Yao may have been out of control!" Dong Huangtai said, "Before the Feng Clan had been attacked a lot of people were arrested, and the souls of those people were all broken. There is no problem going up, but coupled with Feng Yao's disappearance, I boldly guess that those Feng clan people did not die, they were rescued, you should not forget, most of the missing Feng clan people did not Parasited!"

"Chu Feng?" Sage Longyang frowned, and many others in the hall also frowned slightly.

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