Holy Prison

Chapter 1786: Formal disciple

"Little guy, let's talk about it, what's the matter when you come here? I know from your appearance that you are not just here to give wine to the old man!" Master Tianhen took a sip.

Chu Feng said: "Master, I don't know how your strength has recovered?" "Recovered a little bit... By the way, Pangu and Hongjun are not controlled, how are they now?" Tianhen The master asked.

"They were awake nine thousand years ago, but now I am not sure. Some of the parasitized saints have formed the temple, and now they are building the Most Sacred Mountain. I have had no contact with Hongshi for over eight thousand years. Before, they used to transmit power to their apprentices to improve their cultivation. At that time, they were definitely not parasitic." Chu Feng said.

Master Tianhen said in astonishment: "They transmit power to their apprentices? Are these two old guys already suspected of being unable to leave the Most Sacred Mountain?"

"It is probably suspected," Chu Feng said.

Master Tianhen nodded slightly and looked at Chu Feng and said: "Little guy, you seem to have had adventures in these years. Your cultivation level has actually reached the fifth-level high-ranking saint. Such a speed of improvement is really scary. Someone has also improved your strength, right?" "Master, there is nothing, I can achieve this level of cultivation, one is because of the fortune pawnshop, and the other is that when some people have a tribulation, I forcibly absorbed some thunder tribulations. Power!" Chu Feng said.

"Hongyun pawnshop, thunder robbery power?" The face of the person on Tianhen changed. "When did you enter the Hongyun pawnshop, why did you enter such a place?"

Chu Feng said, "Master, do you also know Hongyun pawnshop?"

The person on Tianhen has not spoken for a long time. After a few minutes, he sighed and said, "That place, I have been before! You have entered that place, you should know what kind of business can be done there! I was not this universe back then. Yes, Master Lin Tian saved me and brought me into this universe."

"Master, have you been to a Hongyun pawnshop?" Chu Feng said in shock.

Master Tianhen nodded slightly and smiled bitterly: "Back then, I thought that supreme realm was my pursuit. As a result, although my cultivation reached a very high level later, my age was much younger than the old ghosts of Hongjun. But the cultivation base is not lower than them. Do you think it is just the reason why my talent is good? Their talent is definitely not lower than mine! Moreover, they have a close relationship with Master Lin Tian and have received a lot of support from Master Lin Tian."

Chu Feng said: "Master, you did a business in the Fortune Pawnshop? You do business there, even if you are the Innate Supreme Treasure, you can't reach a high level of cultivation. Presumably Master, you pawned something else."

People on Tianhen showed memories in their eyes: “My childhood was very miserable. Many people have happy families. I didn’t. When I was very young, I thought I had no relatives. Very few talents. I would be regarded by the Hongyun pawnshop as entering the Fortune Pawnshop. After eighteen years of pain, I entered the Fortune Pawnshop. At that time, I had no long objects. I wanted to be strong. Friendship love or something!"

"I pawned my affection." Master Tianhen smiled bitterly.

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment: "Master, you have no relatives. Fortune Pawnshops won't do this business, right? No... You said you thought you had no relatives at that time. Did you make a mistake?"

"Not bad!" Master Tianhen nodded slightly, "After my strength has improved, I found that I have relatives, but unfortunately, even if I stay with them, I can't feel any affection. I don't feel that kind of feeling. People who have passed will never understand!" Master Tianhen sighed lightly.

"Then what?" Chu Feng said.

Tianhen Shanghua said: "In exchange for my family affection, I pawned my eternal love! Hongjun and the old ghosts thought that there was a problem with their orientation at first. How did they know that I was a person without love at all? There will never be eternal life! My relatives died, and later, I wanted to exchange my family affection for love, but I can’t change it again. The reincarnation of heaven and earth, a woman who was affectionate to me back then, has already died for an unknown amount of time!"

"Pawn love!" Chu Feng's expression changed slightly. He is absolutely impossible to **** love, family affection, friendship, love, all of which he cannot pawn!

"After losing love, I have never entered the Fortune Pawnshop again, but many times, I want to enter the redemption of my love, if I redeem it, I will have to pay a greater price!" Master Tianhen said solemnly, " For countless years, I have resisted not entering, but I don’t know how long I can hold on. Do you understand?"

With a solemn expression on Chu Feng's face, he nodded slightly. Master Tianhen said this, which is to warn him not to enter the Hongyun pawnshop, there is a fire pit!

"Let's talk." Tianhen went to humanity.

Chu Feng said quietly, "Master, you should be telling me that the place of the Hongyun pawnshop is very evil. After entering, it will attract you to enter again. The cost of redemption is greater, so it will be step by step. The earth sinks into it, until the day when it's sinking into it, it never comes out!"

"Well, what did you lose?" Tianhen Shanghuan.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "It's just one trillion catties of void stone." "That's okay, better than me! I didn't have any belongings back then, and some were just intangibles! The money is lost, this is just for you. Without additional attraction, you can control yourself not to enter again at once!" Tianhen Shanghuan.

"Little guy, you must listen to my persuasion. In the future, never enter the fortune pawnshop, otherwise even a strong man like Master Lin Tian will not necessarily save you! Besides, now Master Lin Tian, ​​I am afraid that it will also appear. It's a little trouble." Tianhen said on the human side. Chu Feng frowned slightly. Hearing what Master Tianhen said, he naturally didn't want to enter the ghost place of Fortune Pawnshop, but this time an increase in strength was necessary!

"Master, I came here this time and I have an excessive request." Chu Feng took a deep breath. Master Tianhen frowned and said, "Little guy, you know too much, do you want to say it?"

Chu Feng nodded, "Master, I must say it, otherwise, I must enter the Hongyun pawnshop." "It seems that things are not simple, let's talk about it, what is it?" Tianhen Shanghuan, I heard what he just said. For those, Chu Feng still has to enter the Fortune Pawnshop, it is strange that things can be simple!

"Master, I have the strength of a fifth-level upper saint now, and I need to reach the strength of a seventh-level upper saint within two to three hundred years!" Chu Feng said helplessly.

Master Tianhen glared at Chu Feng and said, "Little guy, you came here because you want me to pass on the gong to you?" "Master, I know this request is excessive, even if I am your formal disciple. One request is too much, not to mention that I am just your registered disciple! Even if you can’t help Master, I will definitely complain.” Chu Feng said.

Master Tianhen frowned and said: "Little guy, what kind of cultivation are the old ghosts of Hongjun and their two apprentices now, how much have they helped to improve? How are you practicing the stigmata art now? ?"

"They used to be the cultivation base of the fourth-level mid-level saints. After they were upgraded, the strength of the ninth-level high-level saints. Now they have reached the bottleneck, and then they are the first-level high-level saints! The stigmata technique, it's normal." Chu Peak Road.

"You use the stigmata technique, old man, take a look." Skyscar upper humanity. Chu Feng nodded slightly, thinking that a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand.

The jade slip appeared, and Chu Feng's stigmata carving knife also appeared in his hand. Now this space did not suppress his strength, so Chu Feng was able to play it out.

The stigmata carving knife swayed, and Chu Feng swiftly left traces on that piece of jade slip. In these years, the stigmata technique Chu Feng has not been abandoned, and he has been studying it all the time during the battle. Often used in battle!

Master Tianhen gradually showed surprise in his eyes. Time has not passed too long. He originally thought that although Chu Feng's cultivation level had improved a lot, the stigmata technique was not improved much, but he did not expect Chu Feng's stigma technique. It also improved a lot, and the progress far exceeded his estimate!

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng let out a long sigh. The jade slip in his hand had left a lot of traces at this time, but it can only be seen clearly by looking very carefully.

If people who don’t understand the art of stigmata see it, they must think that those traces are just scratched by someone who is too idle, but the person on the sky traces naturally knows that those traces are not messy, they seem messy, but actually form A complete whole, the material of this jade slip is ordinary, but its value is very high now!

The general communication jade slip is not worth a few money in the holy world, but the high-level communication jade slip is very precious. The jade slip in Chu Feng's hand can already be regarded as a high-level communication jade slip, which can be used to communicate extremely long distances. Information security is guaranteed!

"Yes, yes!" Master Tianhen took Yujian and nodded, "Little guy, I originally planned to accept you as a disciple when you reach a higher cultivation level. Now the old man has changed his mind. Would you like to? Become the old man’s official disciple? Hongjun and the two old ghosts have improved their disciples' strength. If you become an official disciple of the old man, the old man will help you upgrade to the seventh-level upper saint! Now you can only be promoted to the seventh-level upper saint. The old man's strength recovery is not too much!"

Chu Feng hurriedly knelt down and respectfully bowed his head to Master Tianhen nine times. A strong man like Master Tianhen wanted to accept him as a disciple, wouldn't he be stupid if he didn't recognize this master? Although he has a holy prison, he may not be able to reach the height of the master of the sky scar. Moreover, the master of the sky scar taught him the art of the stigma, he already has the reality of mastering and apprentice!

"Hahaha, okay, okay, okay! Good apprentice, get up, haha!" Master Tianhen laughed and said, Chu Feng became his official disciple, this name has changed all of a sudden, before he was called the little guy. Now I actually called a good disciple!

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