Holy Prison

Chapter 1787: Cultivation

"Good apprentice, Hongjun and the two old ghost's apprentices are your friends?" Tianhen Shanghuan. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "No, they are my brothers!"

Master Tianhen took a sip of wine and said, "Whether you are friends or brothers, you can't be lower than them, otherwise Hongjun and the two old ghosts will have their tails up to the sky when they see me. It's a pity that the current strength of the teacher has not fully recovered, otherwise, the teacher will help you upgrade to a high-level saint!"

"Master, this is not necessary. My cultivation level can reach the seventh-level high-ranking sage. I will improve myself by then. The speed of my cultivation level is not bad!" Chu Feng said, "Master, take it. Will you stay here when you come down? Do you want to leave this place and go outside?"

Master Tianhen shook his head slightly: "No, I have to stay in this place for a long time as a teacher. The recovery speed for the teacher's cultivation base here is much faster!"

"Good boy, if you are promoted to the seventh-level high-ranking saint, there is no need to enter the Fortune Pawnshop, right?" Tianhen Shanghuan. Chu Feng made a slight point: "Yes, Master!"

"It's okay if you don't go in, you'd better never enter the Hongyun pawnshop again. If you are a teacher, can you write it down?" Master Tianhen said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng nodded: "Master, I have noted your words, but I can't guarantee that I will never enter the Hongyun pawnshop. I also made up my mind not to enter the Hongyun pawnshop this time. !"

"Why does the strength have to reach the seventh-level high-ranking saint within two or three hundred years?" Master Tianhen asked. Chu Feng respectfully said: "Master, I hope Master will understand that this matter is not suitable to be told now!"

Master Tianhen waved his hand: "It's fine, everyone has a secret. Since it's your secret, you don't need to talk about it! Good apprentice, start practicing immediately, and teach you the exercises as a teacher!"

Chu Feng sat cross-legged and immediately began to practice, and the person on the sky mark scratched his hands, and suddenly a group of colorful light appeared in his hand.

The light appeared in the left hand, and the master of the sky mark was using the right hand. Although Chu Feng had the strength of a high-ranking saint, at this time, he could not see the movements of the master of the sky, only knowing that he was using it at this time. The technique of stigmata!

Following the depiction of the stigmata on the right hand of the Master Tianhen, the group of colored rays of light slowly turned into pale gold, and a series of thin pale golden rays of light connected to Chu Feng!

The light golden light entered Chu Feng’s body, and Chu Feng immediately felt that his body and soul had become highly sensitive. Many things that he didn’t understand before, suddenly understood a lot at this moment, a trace of light golden energy. Entering the sage, immediately merge with the sage to enhance the power of the sage!

"My boy, it’s not a time to be surprised at this time. If you don’t, your energy will be wasted! If you don’t waste it, you might be able to reach the eighth-level high-ranking saint. If it’s wasted, you can only He has reached the seventh-level high-ranking saint!" Master Tianhen said with a smile.

Chu Feng became his apprentice, and Chu Feng had actually entered the Fortune Pawnshop. In addition, Chu Feng's stigmata technique had improved so much, the Master Tianhen was quite satisfied with Chu Feng, this apprentice now!

"Master, rest assured, I won't waste it!" Chu Feng said, running the exercises with all his strength immediately. The infinite **** function he created runs on its own, but the natural effect is better when his mind is fully destroyed!

With the full operation of Chu Feng's exercises, his absorption of power was much faster than before, and the speed at which his cultivation base was improved was also much faster than before, but he couldn't see much in a short time!

As time passed day by day, Chu Feng’s cultivation was increasing at a terrifying speed. Miao Xian'er and the daughters in the holy prison space naturally knew Chu Feng’s situation at this moment, and they all let go of them. The heart came and then entered the domain tower, Chu Feng's cultivation base rose rapidly, they didn't want to be too far behind Chu Feng!

At the sixth and seventh levels, after about forty days passed, the sage of Chu Feng’s brain had already been elevated to the level of a seventh-level high-ranking saint. At this time, the transmission of power had not yet ended. It's just that the sage of Chu Feng's brain is improving. At this moment, his other two sages are also rapidly improving!

The heart, the right foot, these two sages were only the level of a fifth-level middle saint before. When the sage of Chu Feng’s brain reached the seventh-level upper saint, these two sages both reached the ninth level. The saint is only a thin line from the upper position!

Forty-one days, forty-two days, Chu Feng was immersed in training, and another month passed in the blink of an eye. During this month, Chu Feng’s heart and the two sages on his right foot reached the upper position almost simultaneously. The sage of the brain has reached the edge of breaking through to the seventh level by now!

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't break through to the eighth-level high-ranking saint!" Master Tianhen clearly knew that there was not much power left, and only that little power could not make Chu Feng break through. At this time, he gritted his teeth and instantly extracted no With little power, the extraction of these powers made his face instantly pale.

"Give the old man a breakthrough!"

Master Tianhen snorted in his mind, and all the remaining power poured into Chu Feng's body. Chu Feng felt his whole body swell, and then suddenly became clear about the surrounding world.

The eighth-level high-ranking saint, under the master Tianhen's passing on, Chu Feng finally succeeded in breaking through to the eighth-level high-ranking saint!

Chu Feng screamed and quickly supported Master Tianhen, so that his cultivation reached the eighth-level high-ranking saint. His body trembled and he almost fell back.

After a few seconds, Master Tianhen waved his hand and said, "Good apprentice, it's okay, let go of being a teacher, but I just tried too hard!"

"Master, you actually don't need to promote me to the eighth-level high-ranking saint, you can go to the seventh-level high-ranking saint." Chu Feng was moved and said, what he said before was you, now he is called "you". .

Master Tianhen's beard curled up: "Seventh-level high-ranking saint, then it takes much longer for you to reach a high-ranking saint. You can't be weaker than Hongjun and the two old ghost apprentices, you know? Especially when you are a teacher. When you go out, you must not be weaker than Hongjun and the two old ghost apprentices."

"Master, you can eat this." Chu Feng said. He said that a holy fruit appeared in his hand. This is one of the top items that Duan San obtained. It has a terrifying healing effect. As long as there is no death, swallow With this fruit, basically life is worry-free!

"You actually have such a good thing." Master Tianhen said in surprise, "This fruit is not simple, it is not grown in a normal place."

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Master, this is obtained by another universe. You can eat it soon." "What to eat, put it away. For the teacher, this injury is nothing, so I can rest here for a while. He recovered, such a little injury wasted such a fruit, wasted!" Master Tianhen stared.

"Master, just eat it. If you eat this fruit, isn't it something you can get in the future?" Chu Feng said. "Take it away, you don't need it as a teacher." The Heavenly Mark Master said with a stern face.

Chu Feng hesitated for a while and put it away. Master Tianhen had a weird temper. He knew it. He insisted not to eat at this moment. It would be useless if he insisted.

"Good apprentice, let's go, and come to see as a teacher when you have time, remember to bring some good wine over!" Master Tianhen said, waving his hand and instantly Chu Feng disappeared in front of him.

Chu Feng had just disappeared, and Master Tianhen sprayed out a mouthful of blood. He has not yet recovered his cultivation base. He has helped Chu Feng rise to an eighth-level upper saint, and the other two sages have also been promoted to an upper saint. great!

"Oh... the strength is still too low. If the strength is high, how could this happen? Fortunately, the two old ghosts, Hongjun and Pangu, don't know, otherwise they will have to laugh to death!" The Heavenly Mark Master said with a wry smile on his face. He immediately practiced.

"Master!" Chu Feng moved closer to the place before, at this time, how could he enter the space where Master Skyscar was. "Let me come out so quickly, the injury is definitely not light, I'm afraid I can't suppress the injury!" Chu Feng frowned, he shouted loudly, but Master Tianhen did not respond.

"Chu Feng, it seems that Senior Tianhen is not going to see you now." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Hu" Chu Feng took a long breath and said in his mind, "Xian'er, I owe Master the affection, that is too much. Master taught the stigmata art before, but now The skill has elevated me to this level of cultivation!"

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, Senior Tianhen is your master, and there will be time to repay him slowly in the future. He is not a pedantic person, this time he didn't pick up your healing sacred fruit, he must be confident of his own accord. You don’t have to worry too much when you recover."

"Worry, I don't worry much." Chu Feng said.

It's impossible for the old monster who has gone through the cycle of heaven and earth to die without death, and then died after passing the gong to him! "Then you just leave it alone, find a place to upgrade the holy prison, now the holy prison has fifteenth level, and the fifteenth level is upgraded to sixteenth. The impact is estimated to be small. If you upgrade in the gods, there will be countless visions. Anyone will find it!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng flew to the surface of the sea and flew away from the small island. "It is naturally impossible in the God Realm. It takes a long time and has a great impact. You can only practice in the Holy Realm." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Where is that?" Miao Xianer said.

Where... This is a bit embarrassing for Chu Feng. Wuqing Mountain has been upgraded there once. The space in the mountain is quite good, but there is a problem. Wuqing Mountain is too close to the holy mountain, and it has been out there. There are many things, the Most Sacred Mountain is more concerned about the Wuqing Mountain, this time it is best not to choose there.

But apart from Ruqing Mountain, Chu Feng didn't know where it was better. This upgrade place requires one to shield the impact and the other to be safe.

"That place is fine!" Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes lit up and he thought of a place. The place he thought of was the space where Monkey King and Zhu Bajie were sleeping.

The space in Wuqing Mountain is relatively easy to enter, and it is not safe enough. The space where Monkey King and the others are sleeping has only one entrance. As long as Monkey King turns into a stone to guard that entrance, it is safe to upgrade the holy prison inside! Moreover, that space is extremely stable, and it will definitely block all the visions!

"Xian'er, what do you think of the space where Wukong and Bajie were sleeping before?" Chu Feng said. "There?" Miao Xian'er said in surprise, "Others there are okay, but the place is a bit bigger. If you upgrade the Holy Prison in it, you have to check it carefully so that there are no other people waiting inside!"

"This is natural!"

Without opening the door of space in the sea, Chu Feng returned to Tianyuan Seaside an hour later, and after a silent check in Shenguang City, he found that there was nothing wrong with Chu Feng who opened the door of space and returned to the Holy Realm.

As soon as he arrived at the Holy Realm, Sun Wukong naturally appeared outside. Without him, a powerful Saint King class, it would take a lot of time for Chu Feng to pass through the long distance, and there may be danger along the way.

The strength of the Saint King level is not to be trumpeted. After ten days, Chu Feng, who had no surprises and no dangers, came to the space where Monkey King and Zhu Bajie slept.

"Wukong, help the teacher carefully check whether there are any outsiders in this space, and also check whether there is anyone sleeping in this space," Chu Feng said.

Monkey King said, pulling off a handful of monkey hair on his head, and he blew it lightly, and in an instant tens of thousands of monkeys appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. "Children, look for it, and look for the old grandson right away!" Sun Wukong ordered. He ordered that tens of thousands of monkeys immediately flew in one direction. Chu Feng could see that none of them were very strong, but Each one was flying very fast, at least faster than his eighth-level high-ranking saint!

"Master, spreading out the children can increase the scope of Lao Sun's sacred consciousness scanning. It will not take long for Lao Sun to search this place!" Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng nodded his head in satisfaction. Having an apprentice like Monkey King is really a pleasant thing for both body and mind. Many things are much more convenient with him!

"Master, this...what's the matter with your cultivation base? You were only a fifth-level high-ranking saint before, why didn't you get to the eighth-ranked high-ranking saint after a long time?" Monkey King was a little puzzled. He endured this question all the way. After a long time, I finally couldn't help but ask.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Xiao Mingzi and they have a respected master, and I also have a respected master. My cultivation base was promoted by my respected master! My master is also your ancestor. You will have a chance to meet in the future, yours. Although the strength is strong, it is still a lot worse than your Patriarch!"

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