Holy Prison

Chapter 1853: Ghost Order

"Live, live, I must go out alive. Luo Tong is waiting for me outside, Master's kindness has not been repaid, I can't die in this ghost place! Absolutely not!" Luo He said silently in his heart.

Just now, Luo He was a dead escape. After entering the ghost city for a thousand years, he fell into this rather strange area at the beginning, but he didn't turn out for nearly a thousand years.


When the strange scream sounded, Luo He's expression changed. After being here for so long, he knew exactly what the strange scream was coming from. The strength of that thing was not under him, and once he found traces of people, he would immediately He can scream, and the sound of ghost screams will immediately attract a varying number of monsters. The weak strength is weaker than him, and the strong strength is stronger than him!


Without any hesitation, Luo He immediately ran away. After the sound, the screams of ghosts continued. Luo He secretly smiled, this time afraid that he would have to use a treasure that Chu Feng gave him to get away.

In the past thousand years, if Chu Feng hadn't given Luohe and the others a lot of treasures, Luohe and the others would definitely have suffered casualties, and there were no casualties at the moment.

Only 21 out of a hundred people are alive, and none of the five people who have entered the City of Souls have died. However, Luohe and the others did not know the situation of Tang Jian and the rest of them. It was so dangerous in it. In Luohe's estimation, there might have been casualties!

"Heaven is going to kill me!" After ten minutes, Luo He's expression changed drastically, the abyss, there was no road in front of him, it was a bottomless abyss!

Luo He had encountered such an abyss once before, and that time he was a monster falling down, but the monster failed to fly and fell straight down.

After falling for tens of thousands of meters, the scarlet lightning appeared and the monster instantly turned into nothingness in the lightning!

Behind him, the ugly ghost screaming sounded, and listening to that sound, there were a lot of monsters chasing behind. "Luo Tong, Master" Luo He took a deep breath and his complexion returned to calm, but his mood couldn't be restored at this moment. "Gu Ri guys, I want your uncle's life, depending on how much you are going to die!" Luo He's eyes flashed cold and turned and immediately turned along the road that he had just arrived. There are several places on the road suitable for him to intercept!

"Oh!" "Oh!"

As time passed by, the monsters lost their lives in Luohe's hands, but more and more monsters gathered here. Luohe kept retreating under the attack of those monsters for half an hour and was distanced. Not far from the abyss!

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight will immediately pass ten thousand. In a thousand years, over ten thousand monsters have been killed in this, and it will be more than enough if you die!" Luo He grinned again. A one-time treasure was smashed out, and under the attack of that one-off treasure, the two monsters squeezed together immediately died!

"Ten thousand, ten thousand and one"

The treasures are gone one by one, Luohe has been taken less than a hundred meters from the abyss, and the next one hundred meters is straight, but it is not suitable for him to resist!

"There are not many treasures left, fight for it. If you can rush to the opposite side, then the remaining treasures can support me for a while!" After killing more than a dozen monsters, Luo Hexin turned and turned quickly. Sprint up.

A hundred meters in front is an abyss, and the abyss is several thousand meters wide. If you don't get sucked down, you can fly over it. If you get sucked down, you will die!

Luo He was ready to die, but after flying past, he actually flew over those several kilometers in the blink of an eye, which he didn't think of.

Luo He was shocked. At this moment, hundreds of monsters behind him quickly jumped over the abyss and chased him. "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of thunderstorm sounded, Luohe looked down the abyss, and the monsters that had caught up with them descended rapidly, and when they reached tens of thousands of meters, they became nothingness under the thunderstorm!

"What's the matter, can it be said that only those who enter it can leap into the abyss while those ghosts can't?" Luo He muttered in his heart.


There were still some monsters on the opposite side that hadn't fallen into the abyss, and it was impossible to return. Luohe immediately moved forward, and it didn't take long for him to get into a stone room.

At the end of the road, there is actually a stone room!

"Kill all enemies without dying, the underworld needs a warrior like you!" Ruoyouruowu's voice rang in Luohe's ears. In his surprised eyes, a countertop in the stone room unexpectedly appeared slowly I created a palm-sized token. On the front of the token is the two characters "ghost", and on the back is a complicated pattern!

"Ghost Order!"

Luo He's eyes lit up, and this token should be a ghost order, but what made Luo He a little strange was that there was no yin qi from the ghost order.

After hesitating for a while, Luo He took a few steps forward and grabbed the Ghost Token in his hand. When he caught the Ghost Token, Luo He felt that his Sange was about to be frozen and cracked!

Yin Qi, he didn't feel a little Yin Qi before holding the token. Once he held the token, he immediately felt the horrible Yin Qi. There are some extremely Yin places in the Yin Realm that are suitable for training, but that's it. The Yin Qi contained in the extremely Yin Land is definitely not as strong as the Yin Qi contained in the Yin Soul Order!

The uncomfortable feeling only lasted for a while, and under Luo He's gaze, the ghostly spirit had melted into his palm in a very short time.

The ghostly decree melted into the body, Luo He's eyes lit up, and he received a lot of confidence that the ghostly decree was actually a treasure of the innate treasure level!

Moreover, at this moment, he has already confessed to him!

"It turns out that you have killed ten thousand monsters before you can fly over. If you have not killed ten thousand monsters, then you will end up like those monsters that fell!" Luo He secretly said in his heart, and the fusion of the ghost made him finally know some information, but He didn't know much information, at least he didn't know why the ghost order appeared!

The ghost order seems to be arranged by someone, but who arranged it? Luo He is not clear about this, even if he asks Chu Feng, this question is not clear!

"Ten thousand years will be teleported out, I don't have to go everywhere, this place is safe enough, and I can practice here for ten thousand years and leave at that time!"

Luo He thought in his heart that a jade bottle appeared beside him. The jade bottle naturally contained the power of time, the power of time accelerating twenty times.

"It seems that there is no pressure." Luo He immediately changed a jade bottle with a look of surprise in his eyes. This jade bottle contained a ray of time that accelerated forty times.

"Uh, there is still no pressure... It shouldn't be, with my cultivation base, it should be... Is it because of the ghost order?" Luo He suddenly thought of a possibility.

"It should be. I'm just the strength of a lower saint. It's pretty good to be able to withstand a 30-fold time acceleration. A 20-fold time acceleration should be stressful. It shouldn’t be like the current 40-time acceleration without any pressure. !"

Luo He thought to himself that he had been accelerated by eighty times, but the eighty times acceleration still didn't give him much pressure. "So much time is wasted, and then the master will have to scold me harshly." Luo He muttered, there is no way to stop this time power!

Two hundred times, four hundred times, eight hundred times, Luohe felt the pressure when it accelerated 1600 times, "Such pressure...I should be able to withstand the acceleration of two thousand times, but this The power of time accelerated by a bottle of 1,600 times of time cannot be wasted. Fortunately, this power of time is only the power of yellow time. This power of time is accelerated by 1,600 times of time for the next few years. It can be consumed!"

Luo He began to practice. The Shadow Spirit Ling was good for his training. In addition, he was originally an enchanting talent. It would be extremely terrifying to accelerate his progress in 1,600 times the time!

"In fifty years, within fifty years, I should be able to reach the strength of a mid-level saint, and the time force I can withstand at that time will accelerate even higher. It is estimated that within five hundred years I will be able to reach the strength of a high-level saint. The power of time given by Zun is enough, within ten thousand years, I should have no problem reaching the strength of a high-level saint!"

Feeling the terrifying training speed, Luo He forcibly endured the excitement in his heart and quickly sank into his insight into the law.

Five hundred years, one thousand years, and two thousand years, Luohe’s cultivation base has progressed rapidly. The Dragon Anode in the holy realm has mobilized more people, but the Master Tianhen guards them, and that makes them depressed, often Some people say it is estimated that it will be broken in a hundred years, but dozens of restrictions have not been opened in the past hundred years!

In the underworld, Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun possessed a large number of treasures from Chu Feng. They both successfully killed monsters with more than 10,000 heads. They also encountered a stone chamber shortly after they killed more than 10,000 monsters. , Similar to the situation in Luohe, there is also a ghost order in the stone chamber!

Each ghost order was a treasure of the Innate Supreme Treasure level, but Luohe and the three of them each got one piece, which is three yuan. In addition, after thousands of years, some people got the ghost order.

Catherine, possessing the innate treasure, successfully killed more than 10,000 monsters in the fifth millennium after entering the ghost city and got a ghost order!

Zhang Xu, with the treasure of time, he just avoided at first, but when he got angry, he killed the monsters. After killing more than 10,000 monsters, he successfully obtained a ghost order.

In addition to the five of them, four others received the Ghost Order. One of them was Bai Wanli. Bai Wanli Chu Feng also gave him a lot of treasures. Although he did not give him as many treasures as Luohe, his strength was strong. With his tyrannical strength and those treasures, he supported it to kill more than ten thousand monsters!

The other three are not familiar to Chu Feng, but those three Chu Feng also know them. They all have an immortal level cultivation base and are extremely powerful!

"The power of golden time, so much!"

Inside the hole in the blessed land, Chu Feng's eyes were shocked. It has been more than 7,000 years since he entered it, but it was the first time he saw so many golden time forces gathered together.

Five hundred strands, within ten meters in front of Chu Peak, there are five hundred strands of time power, of which more than one hundred strands of time power are golden time power, and the remaining four hundred strands of time power are also silver time power. force!

"I don't know if there are any more!"

Chu Feng immediately moved forward, and Chu Feng's mouth was almost crooked with his smile. There is not only the power of the five hundred wisps of time, but more!

There are mineral veins in the mine, and the power of time Chu Feng has not seen the formation of the power vein of time, but now a vein of power of time is in front of him!

"Look how long it is!"

Chu Feng immediately noticed when he moved his mind. The precious vein formed by the power of time was not long, which was a thousand meters or so, which was much smaller than the spar vein, but don’t look at this vein of time. Not long, it contains a lot of time power!

Previously, Chu Feng just checked the distance of a few meters and contained five hundred wisps of time power, and the entire time power pulse Chu Feng calculated that there were about 100,000 wisps of time power!

One hundred thousand strands of time are not much power, but you must know that none of the time power contained in this time power vein is below silver!

There is not even the power of purple time, it is all the power of silver time or the power of golden time, even if a strand of gold is not all the power of silver time, this vein of time is also precious and abnormal!

"Ten thousand strands of golden time power, ninety thousand strands of silver time power, no wonder I haven't encountered the power of time in a few days around here, I am afraid that they are all attracted here!" Chu Feng said with emotion in his heart. With emotion, Chu Feng quickly collected the power of time.

The power of one hundred thousand strands of time is quite a lot, but Chu Feng collected them all in just a few minutes. "Another thousand years have passed. I have to go and have a look again. I don't know if Master can withstand it." Chu Feng thought to himself to leave, only a few seconds later his figure had appeared. At the edge of that pool.

As soon as Chu Feng appeared, Monkey King immediately found out and bowed to him. "Sun Wu, this is the space ring that the teacher mother gave me. The teacher mother came out yesterday and entered again immediately after coming out." Monkey King said as he said a space ring appeared in his hand.

"It was a pity that came out yesterday."

Chu Feng sighed slightly. He still wanted to see Feng Bingning, but he didn't expect Feng Bingning to enter it again. "Wukong, what's the situation outside?" Chu Feng said. He took the space ring that Sun Wukong handed over. It is naturally filled with Feng Bingning's harvest. It comes out once every thousand years. She gets the power of time. It's all on Chu Feng!

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