Holy Prison

Chapter 1854: Wannian

"Master Patriarch is still holding on, but it’s not as easy as before." Sun Wukong said, the Patriarch in his mouth is naturally Master Tianhen, his name is Master Chu Feng, Master Tianhen is Master Chu Feng, this is not Become the grandfather of Monkey King?

If an ordinary person becomes Sun Wukong's ancestor master, he will still feel unhappy. He admires Master Tianshen but will not feel unhappy. In fact, it is not only Monkey King, Yin Xiao and none of them do not admire Master Tianshen.

For eight thousand years, Yin Xiao and the others did not have any pressure. Under the cracks of those strong outsiders, Master Tianhen supported one person for eight thousand years!

"I'm going to see Master!" Chu Feng said. He said that he walked towards Master Tianhen, and one step was hundreds of meters. In a short time, Chu Feng had reached Master Tianhen and Yin Xiao. The side they are on.

Many people in Shenchu ​​City, Feng Yao and others yelled, and Chu Feng smiled and nodded and quickly reached Master Tianhen. "Master, can you still be able to hold it?" Chu Feng's spiritual sense connected with Master Tianhen, and Master Tianhen was accelerating in time, but it would be difficult to speak without being connected by spiritual sense.

"Outside the strong have increased a bit. It is estimated that in a few hundred years, Yin Xiao's ban will have to be blocked. It should be no problem to support it to 12,000 years, but it will be difficult if it is more than 12,000. It is estimated that the body of the teacher will be a little unbearable." The voice of Master Tianhen followed the divine sense into Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng was secretly moved, but Master Tianshen went into battle with injuries. If it hadn't been for him, they would have been unable to hold on with the madness of the temple.

"Master, I still have treasures to restore my body, do you want to use it?" Chu Feng said. "It's useless. I have used it before. Now it will basically have no effect. Don't waste treasures." Tianhen Shangren said, "My boy, the power of time should have gained a lot, the next four thousand years. , Can you light up the power of time inside"

"Master, I have gained a lot of power of time, but it’s just to light it. I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult. Even if the power of time in there is lighted out, new power of time will appear in it! I’m thinking, when the time comes Let’s see if we can destroy the entrance to that space. We won’t be able to come to gain the power of time in the future, and the power of the remaining time must never fall into the hands of the people in the temple.” Chu Feng said, “Master, Do you think this is feasible?"

Master Tianhen shook his head slightly: "I don't know, you'll know this when you try it, I hope it can be destroyed so that the people of the temple won't get the power of time!"

"Disciple, I have been in contact with Old Ghost Hong for a thousand years as a teacher."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly: "Master, what news is coming in from Master Hong?" "Yes, Prosius has regained consciousness." Heavenly Mark Humanity.

"Prosius... Master, depending on your appearance, it's a bad thing or not a good thing." Chu Feng said, although the time has been accelerated a thousand times, Chu Feng can still clearly see Master Tianhen's expression.

"Prosius surrendered, surrendered to the temple! The Dragon Anode decided to break this place by then. Proseus will kill most of the upper saints of the White Tiger clan, and a small part will be killed by the Ice Venerable and Hongjun. People beheaded!" Tianhen went to humanity. Chu Feng frowned: "What a Prosius, he surrendered!"

"The people of the White Tiger Clan, isn't this about trading the fame? It seems that Master Hong and the others can no longer stay in the Most Holy Mountain for too long! After the people of the White Tiger clan are rescued, Long Yang may find a chance to let Master Hong and them Wait for some people to trade the name certificate! Master Hong and the others are definitely not willing to do that!" Chu Feng said.

Master Tianhen nodded slightly: "Old ghost Hong and the others are afraid that they won't be able to stay for too long in the Most Sacred Mountain. If Long Yang and others don't doubt them, they want to make a big vote on the Most Sacred Mountain. Old ghost Hong gave me a message to let us get closer to the Most Sacred Mountain when the time comes!"

"It's a big vote, Master Hong wants to destroy the Most Sacred Mountain? The Most Sacred Mountain was built by many powerful men supervising each other, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to destroy!" Chu Feng frowned.

"Since the old ghosts want to do it, they must be sure. They participated in the construction. It is not easy to get a little fake by the means of the old ghost." Master Tianhen chuckles, "even if not. Destroying the Most Sacred Mountain should also damage the Most Sacred Mountain a lot!"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, Hongjun Pangu and the others are old monsters who have lived for countless billions of years, and they naturally have their own sense of measure!

"At that time, I will be close to meet, and as soon as I receive them, I will break through the space and leave the most sacred mountain area!" Chu Feng said, "At that time, I am afraid that the Battle of the Three Realms will officially break out.

The reason why the War of the Three Realms has not erupted is because the Dragon Anode and the others still have scruples about some strong men, but now Proseus has awakened, and the only sage that has not awakened is Ksitigarbha, and there is no parasitic saint. There are still a few king-level powerhouses, but they don’t have much scruples at the saint king-level powerhouse Longyang!

"Master, Master Hong doesn't know if there is any talk about the strength on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. With so many powerful people coming, if the side of the Most Sacred Mountain is empty, we can kill the side of the Most Sacred Mountain!" Chu Feng Shen said.

Master Tianhen shook his head: "This is not feasible. Although many strong people have gathered here, there are still many strong people on the side of the Holy Mountain!"

"The strength of the old ghost on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain said that there is no holy guardian on that side, but there are six people on the side of the holy king-level strong, and there are five hundred on the side of the immortal-level strong. People, there are 3,000 people on the side of the immortal powerhouse. This force is much weaker than the power of the White Tiger clan, but it is also extremely strong! Moreover, more importantly, there are countless terrifying powers on that side. Array, although those big formations cannot kill the Indestructible-level strong, it is extremely difficult for the Indestructible-level strong to escape!" Tianhen Shangdao.

"Six holy kings, five hundred immortality, three thousand immortality!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, this strength is not weak, but without those formations, they are not completely incapable of dealing with this strength.

There are many people in the Feng clan, and many in the Baihu clan. What's more, there are more than 100,000 strong people in Shenchu ​​City, and about 30,000 of those strong people have reached high-level saints.

"If you can fix some of those people from the beginning, it is very feasible! Instead of letting the Hongshi and the others follow the dragon to return to the most sacred mountain, it is better for the Hongshi and the others to join us and use the space key. They rushed to the Most Holy Mountain before, and there was no problem a few hours earlier."

"In a few hours, it has already done a lot of things! Master Hong and the others should be able to transfer a lot of people from the Most Sacred Mountain! If you transfer a part, you can fix a part first. The teacher can make many of the great formations of the Most Sacred Mountain useless, so it is not impossible to completely destroy the Most Holy Mountain!"

In a short period of time, a somewhat crazy plan appeared in Chu Feng's mind. Although this plan was crazy, its feasibility was not small. Even if the plan failed, there was basically no danger!

"Master, did Master Hong say when to contact me again?" Chu Feng asked. According to his estimation, Hongjun should make an appointment for the next contact time.

"Yes, when ten thousand years will arrive!" Tianhen said on the human side. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Just make an appointment. Master, when ten thousand years arrive, if Master Hong contacts again, you can let him do this."

After listening to Chu Feng's plan, Master Tianhen thought about it and nodded slightly: "It's risky to attack the sacred mountain, but if you succeed, you will have gained a lot of time!"

"Well, after the destruction, the reconstruction will not take 50,000 years, and don't even think about it, and because of the lack of some treasures, the reconstruction will definitely not be as strong as it is now!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Okay, dear boy, you go get the power of time, if old monster Hong contacts at that time, I will explain to him!" Tianhen Shanghuan.

Five hundred years, one thousand years, one thousand five hundred years, two thousand years, and two thousand years later, Hongjun once again contacted Master Tianhen.

In the underworld, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A powerful breath appeared in the sky above Ghost City, and there were nine breaths in total. The owners of the nine breaths received the Ghost Order. All the others except these nine people died in Ghost City. Among them Some people also killed 10,000 monsters, but it was useless. The total amount of Ghost Order was only nine!

The nine ghost orders were obtained by the nine of Luohe and the others, and the people behind can no longer get the ghost orders. With the ghost orders, it is not difficult to live for ten thousand years in the ghost city, but without the ghost orders, they want to live for ten thousand years. Years, it is very difficult, no one lives for ten thousand years without getting a ghost order!

The roar sounded, and the entire ghost city quickly sank toward the ground in the huge roar. In a short time, it was completely plunged into the ground and disappeared. There was no way to see that there was a huge city just now!

"Tang Jian, shock!"

Luo He and the others screamed in surprise. The five people who came from the city of life and death gathered together in a short time. Zhang Xu stared at Luo He fiercely. He did not expect that Luo He would have lived there. year.

"Huh!" Zhang Xu's gaze Luo He noticed that he stared at him fiercely, and Zhang Xu stared at him as if he had been struck by lightning and snorted back dozens of meters.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Xu said with an ugly expression. He clearly knew that Luo He was only the strength of the lower saint and he was the strength of the middle saint. In ten thousand years, his strength has improved a lot and he is almost reaching the upper saint. , But he was stunned by Luo He for several tens of meters. If he hadn't had the body guard, he estimated that he would even suffer serious injuries!

"Zhang Xu, walk with me to the city of life and death." Luo He said solemnly, as he raised his hand and slapped Zhang Xu in a distance!

Luo He took a palm, and suddenly an energy palm appeared on top of Zhang Xu's head, and some people who saw that energy palm showed surprise in their eyes.

High-ranking saint, the power contained in this palm indicates that Luohe must have reached the strength of a high-ranking saint. He was only a low-ranking saint before, and he was already a high-ranking saint at this time!

"Humph!" Zhang Xu snorted in his heart. The power that Luo He glared at just now was not very powerful, so he didn't use the time treasure, but at this time he used it all at once.

Under countless gazes, the palm that was grasping Zhang Xu didn't even move when it reached about a meter above Zhang Xu's head!

"Time treasure!"

"It must be a treasure of time, I feel there is no time left there!"

Greed, countless eyes are full of greed. "Luohe, you want to catch me, that's a bit worse." Zhang Xu sneered. He said that there was a ghost order in his hand, and a skull rushed out of the ghost order, and the energy palm that Luo He shot out at once. Swallowed clean.

"Zhang Xu, hand over your time treasure to this seat obediently." A man shrouded in a black robe said in a murmur, a terrifying aura exuded from his body.

Saint King, this strong man shrouded in black robes should have the strength of the Saint King class, and even he has the terrifying strength of the Saint King class!

Zhang Xu sneered and said: "No one can take away my treasures, even if your Excellency possesses the strength of the Saint-class level!" "Really? If you don't give anything, you will be the only one in your Zhang family!" The person enveloped in the black robe smiled strangely.

It turned out that he caught it!

Quite a few people secretly said in their hearts that many people here have been to the Zhang family, but they were the first to get on the ground, and the Zhang family had already been taken away!


Zhang Xu felt angry. Although he didn't have much affection for the family, it was his family after all. It would not be a happy thing if all the members of the family were killed!

"Hand over things, you from the Zhang family, I am not interested in killing." The strong man enveloped in the black robe said indifferently. He said that a member of the Zhang family appeared outside, and there was a woman who looked very good. , This woman is Zhang Xu’s cousin, Zhang Xu and this cousin have a better relationship!

"Cousin, run quickly." The woman who appeared saw Zhang Xu for a moment and then said loudly. "Let go of my cousin!" Zhang Xu said solemnly.

"Three seconds, hand over things, she will live, otherwise she will die." The strong man enveloped in the black robe whispered. "Your Excellency better not to kill me from the Zhang family, otherwise I will take your head from Zhang Xu!" Zhang Xu put down a cruel word. After he said this, the figure quickly faded under the gaze of countless people and disappeared in a blink of an eye. .

"Threat this seat!" The strong man enveloped in the black robe coldly snorted, and a black flame emerged from his hand. The black flame jumped onto Zhang Xu's cousin and burned her into nothingness in the blink of an eye!

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