Holy Prison

Chapter 1922: Layers of Domain Tower

"Wen'er, look a little away, or, I will take you around the domain tower?" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen shook his head slightly: "Brother Feng, no need, I have nothing to do. My domain tower has been fully opened, and I can't open the tower door even if I turn it around."

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "I don't need that little time! Let's go, go in and go around. You are now a nine-pole immortal cultivation base. If you can achieve an immortal cultivation base with just one turn, you will earn a profit. Big!"

"It's not that easy. Although I have reached the ninth level of immortality, it is only a step away from immortality, but it will take a lot of time to reach the immortality level!" Lan Wen said softly, "I didn't expect it was only level 5 immortality before. In a short period of time, I have reached the ninth level of immortality, which is really like a dream!"

"Let's go!" Chu Feng and Lan Wen entered the No. 8 Domain Tower in an instant. The No. 8 Domain Tower has been fully opened, and there is no mission. Chu Feng accompanied Lan Wen to play for a few days. .

A few days later, Lan Wen calmed down. Chu Feng and Lan Wen both left the domain tower. They were called out by Miao Xian'er. The reason is simple. Someone in the God Realm got a heart of heaven. Zi, and then sent that Tianxin Zi to Shenguang City!

In Shenguang City, Chu Feng looked at the young man in front of him who looked a little nervous, and was full of emotion. No one in the God Realm had discovered Tianxinzi for a long time before, but now Ta Lao changed the number of days in just a few days, and someone actually got Tianxinzi and sent it to Shenguang City!

This Tianxinzi plus the previous one, Chu Feng and the others got two Tianxinzi. "There is a fifty-four percent chance of getting four Tianxinzi. It is estimated that there will be one or two Tianxinzi in the God Realm. This one has been sent over. Perhaps there is no Tianxinzi in the God Realm. Even if there is, it will definitely not be so easy." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Don't be nervous, what is your name?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. This young man is an Emperor God level cultivation base, and his strength is not bad, but both his strength and status are far from Chu Feng.

"Back to the city lord, junior Li Lin." The young man respectfully said. "Li Lin, thank you for this day, Xinzi!" Chu Feng smiled, "Don't stand, sit!"

"City Lord, I'll stand still." Li Lin said nervously. He said he was also a powerhouse at the Emperor God level. He would certainly not be so nervous in other places, but this is Shenguang City, and it is in front of Chu Feng. !

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "I really like to stand so much? As I promised, someone will send Tianxinzi over, and I will teach him for ten years. In addition, the cultivation level will help improve it! Your talent is okay, and I will The cultivation base that will help you upgrade to the Quasi-Saint-level, as to whether to fight the abyss together with other Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, it's up to you."

"City Lord, I am also a person of God's Beginning City. If I can reach the quasi-sage level by then, I will definitely fight the abyss with others!" Li Lin said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Li Lin, there are still a few unoccupied manors in Shenguang City. Choose one of those manors."

"This city lord, there is no need, just give me an ordinary small villa! If I get a manor, outsiders will know that the city lord you have got a Tianxinzi, maybe the city lord is not too worried, but after all, there is a little bit Not good." Li Lin said.

There was a look of appreciation in Chu Feng's eyes, and Li Lin also had a little overall view. Indeed, if Li Lin gets a manor, the temple may get news. In this way, the temple will know that he has received a Tianxinzi. If it is just a small villa, then there is no problem in this regard.

Shenguang City is so big and has a huge population. Many small villas change owners every day. Even if the temple is paying attention to this aspect, it is impossible to find anything.

"Since you don't want the manor, then I will give you some good treasures!" Chu Feng said, Li Lin is only the Emperor God level cultivation base, he has his own weapons and defense treasures, but they are not very good, if If his cultivation is promoted to the Quasi-Saint level, then his treasures are basically useless!

Li Lin nodded: "Thank you City Lord!"

A spatial ring appeared in Chu Feng's hand: "Li Lin, there are a lot of spars in it. There are many villas for sale in Shenguang City every day. You can buy a villa now, or you can go there again when you upgrade your cultivation base. buy!"

"City Lord, I will buy it after my cultivation level has been upgraded, this one is not in a hurry." Li Lin said. "Well, you go to my treasure space to practice, first raise the cultivation base to Quasi-Saint level, and then I will train you alone for ten years, take good care of it!" Chu Feng chuckled softly, and he said that his mind instantly moved Put Li Lin into the holy prison space.

"There are two Tianxinzi. As long as you get two more, the temple wants to attract the rules to re-establish the heaven and earth rules. That is a delusion!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, the arrival of this Tianxinzi is indeed more important. Get two more, this is much easier than getting three!

"Completing the 4S level mission of getting the Heart of Space, I got a lot of merit points and domain tower values. Those domain tower values ​​should be able to support the three domain towers to reach all the gates. Now I reach the eighth level of immortality. The time is not long. The stigmata technique is a lot behind, but there is no need to rush to practice. It is better to get the task of the domain tower first. While completing the task, you can study the stigmata technique." Chu Feng thought. Secretly.

The God Realm is relatively peaceful now, and for a while, if it is not calm in the future, you can’t feel at ease if you want to complete the task of opening the domain tower in the domain tower!

The sixteenth level of the holy prison is upgraded to the seventeenth level. There are three conditions in total. The first one is that his cultivation reaches the immortal level. When this condition comes out, he will meet the standard.

The second one is the eight domain towers, three of which have reached the top level. Now only one is completed, that is, the eighth domain tower where Lan Wen is located. As for the others, they have not reached the top level yet, but Chu Feng believes This is not difficult, he is now an eighth-level immortal cultivation base, and there are people in those domain towers to help!

The third is to complete three 4S-level tasks. Now that the task of Space Heart has been completed, two 4S-level tasks have to be completed. The most difficult thing is this third condition!

"I enter the domain tower to do the task, and the training of those students can only be handed over to others for the time being, but if there are Wukong and others, it is fine!"

Chu Feng didn't want to complete the three 4S-level missions and the Holy Prison could not be upgraded immediately, so he confessed something and entered the domain tower.

Time passed quickly, and it was four to five hundred years in a blink of an eye. During these four to five hundred years, both the God Realm and the Holy Realm were relatively peaceful, as if there were no conflicts at all, but these were only temporary, the energy of war. In the accumulation, once a war breaks out, there will be many heads and bones immediately!

There are eight domain towers. The No. 8 domain tower where Lan Wen is at the top has reached the top. The remaining domain towers, the No. 4 domain tower where Song Ye is located, and the No. 7 domain tower where Yilian is located, have fewer floors. One hundred years have naturally focused on these two domain towers. In the previous one hundred years, Yilian's domain tower Chu Peak reached the 37th floor of the top.

For the next three to four hundred years, Chu Feng was busy working on Domain Tower No. 4, and encountered some minor troubles there. It took three to four hundred years before Chu Feng broke through to the top 39 of Domain Tower No. 4. Floor!

No. 4, No. 7, and No. 8, these three domain towers are all relatively small, and the rest of the domain towers have all reached forty floors. This also means that the master of the holy prison was stronger at that time. ! Chu Feng now has an eighth-level immortal cultivation base. If he dies, the number of domain towers he will form should also be above forty!

The eighth level of immortality, this is not low, the masters of the previous holy prison, not many have reached this level of cultivation! Like the Former of Domain Tower 7 who left a message to Chu Feng before, his cultivation base has just reached the immortal level! As soon as he reached the Immortal level, he was hunted down by many people, and as a result, even the holy prison fell!

According to the number of layers of the domain tower, Chu Feng can probably judge the cultivation base of some masters of the holy prison, the cultivation base of the master of domain tower 8 has not reached the immortal level, and the cultivation base of the domain tower 7 master has just reached the immortal level, number 4. The cultivation base of the domain tower master should be level three or four immortal!

No.1, No.2, No.3, No.5, No.6, the number of layers of these five domain towers. Chu Feng has long inquired clearly about each layer. He has encountered people with higher strength. Those people are naturally aware. What is the height of the domain tower, but in their opinion, how many levels of the world is it!

The No. 1 Domain Tower has a relatively large number of floors, with fifty-six floors. The master of that sacred prison must have reached the level of immortality, and it is estimated that it looks like level three or four.

The forty-third floor of the second domain tower, the cultivation base is estimated to be the fifth-level immortal appearance, the strength is not low, but it is much worse than the current Chu Feng! The third domain tower, the fifty-first floor, the original master should also have reached the level of immortality, and it should be indestructible at the first level. The level below fifty is estimated to be immortal, and if it reaches the fifty-fifth floor, the original master is probably not Destroy the powerhouse!

The fifth domain tower has forty-eight floors. The original owner estimated that the eighth-level immortal appearance was on the same level as Chu Feng today! Territory Tower No. 6, this is the Territory Tower of Feng Bingning, the eldest sister who is the master of the Tower. The Territory Tower has reached a terrifying 61st floor. Chu Feng estimates that the master of the Holy Prison does not have the strength of the Holy King. Six-level immortal cultivation base!

Sixth-level immortality or higher, such a cultivation base, and possessing treasures like the holy prison, all fell. Chu Feng was shocked when he knew the number of floors of the sixth domain tower!

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