Holy Prison

Chapter 1923: Long Jiang Shu

"Finally, it's done." Chu Feng let out a long sigh. For hundreds of years, he had been searching for the tower gates in the domain tower. This job would be so easy if it weren't for traveling everywhere!

It would be better if Yilian and the others were to accompany him, but how could Chu Feng waste too much time accompanying him around? Yilian is only a fifth-level immortal cultivation base. Although Shaoye has reached the sixth-level immortal cultivation base, there is still a lot of distance from him. It is true that Shaoye has indeed reached the sixth-level immortal cultivation base!

Originally, Feiye’s cultivation speed was similar to that of Yilian, but Feiye had a little problem. She received some "help" and her cultivation speed was faster than that of Yilian, so it was only five times in Yilian. It will take a lot of time for the immortality to reach the sixth immortality by the time Shaoye has reached the sixth immortality!

When his mind moved back into the holy prison space, Chu Feng called out, and Miao Xian'er appeared in front of him in an instant. "Uncle Chu, why call me a little girl?" Miao Xian'er grinned and appeared before Chu Feng.

"In the past few hundred years, nothing happened, right?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said: "The entire God Realm is peaceful. There are many saints in the Holy Realm, and many sage clones are turning around. It is estimated that they are looking for Tianxinzi. There are many saints in his hands!"

"Are there any casualties?" Chu Feng said. Now it is not just Feng Bingning who has entered the holy realm. Hongjun and others have also entered the holy realm. However, Feng Bingning is acting alone. People basically act in teams. The first task is to obtain Tianxinzi; the second task is to hunt or capture the strong in the temple.

Without Feng Bingning's hunting and arresting, then the temple would be able to let go of their hands and feet to obtain Tianxinzi, but now it is impossible for the temple to let go of their hands and feet with all their strength!

Feng Bingning has a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, and even possesses treasures like the Years Ring. She is active in countless places throughout the Holy Realm. After hundreds of years, there are thousands of people in the Holy Realm who were captured and killed by her. Million!

Hongjun and the others naturally also beheaded a lot of people, but they could only move in a place far away from the holy mountain, and the number of people who were killed alive was not as good as Feng Bingning.

People in the temple were very annoyed by Feng Bingning's crazy attacks, but it was really not that easy to deal with Feng Bingning, who had the power of years and time.

Without the power of time, Feng Bingning would not be able to recover quickly after being injured, but with the power of time, after she was injured, she would be active within a few days, even if she used such a long-range restraint aura. Feng Bingning, as for traps, used it time and time again, but Feng Bingning escaped again and again.

"There are casualties, but it's not on our side." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Sister Bing Ning needless to say, a hundred years ago, she was trapped in a trap, and two or three thousand indestructible powerhouses in the temple besieged and killed. She was all escaped by her, Master Hong and the others, they are very cautious. They will not be active in one place for more than half a day! After half a day, immediately flee away from others!"

"That's good." Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, sister Bing Ning has also encountered a little trouble."

"Huh?" Chu Feng frowned.

"Chu Feng, this is the case. The temple is on fire, and many powerful people have cursed her before." Miao Xianer said, "Fortunately, the power of curse comes quickly or slowly, and sister Bing Ning escaped in time. Very long distance!"

Chu Feng said: "Those guys in the temple, are you afraid of the backlash of the curse?" If the curse succeeds, there will be no big problem. If it fails, it will be backlashed! Feng Bingning has years, and the chance of being cursed by the temple is relatively low. This shows that the chance of the temple curse is very high!

"Can you not be afraid? If you are not afraid, you would have used it! Sister Bing Ning has caused too much headache to the people in the temple these years." Miao Xian'er smiled.

Thousands of people died or were arrested, and some were still not too far away from the temple. It's strange that the temple is not hot!

"Where is Li Lin, to what extent has the cultivation level reached?" Chu Feng said. "Divine God level, he used the power of time and other treasures to improve his cultivation, but his talent is not very good. Now he is only reaching the God God level. It is estimated that it will take about a thousand years to reach the Quasi-Holy level. Time!" Miao Xianer said.

"No new Tianxinzi appeared?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly, and Chu Feng frowned. For hundreds of years, no new Tianxinzi appeared. The chances of Tianxinzi on the side of the God Realm are not high. For the Holy Realm, it will take hundreds of years. Did not get a Tianxinzi, this Tianxinzi, it really is not so easy to get!

"How about the quasi-saint-level students in our Shenchu ​​City?" Chu Feng said. "It's okay, the speed of progress is a lot slower than the time you taught before, but their combat power is higher, and the speed of improvement is a lot slower. It is normal. Before, only 1.5 million people reached the tenth level. Now, about three million people have reached the strength of the tenth quasi-saint level, many of them have the strength of the tenth two-star, and the number of the tenth three-star strength is not very much!" Miao Xianer said.

To reach the tenth level, as long as the talent is okay and time is available, then it is definitely possible. The tenth two-star, this requires a very high level of talent, the tenth three-star, this level is basically only people with the enchanting level talent can reach. Moreover, even if it is an enchanting talent, the rate of reaching Tier 10 three stars is very low!

"Xian'er, I want to contact Bing Ning to see what's going on on her side." Chu Feng said. "Okay." Miao Xian'er said that the space in front of Chu Feng fluctuated slightly. After about ten seconds passed, Feng Bingning's figure appeared in front of Chu Feng, but her figure was a little fuzzy.

As long as the distance is not too far, Chu Feng can jump directly to Feng Bingning and the other tower masters. Now Feng Bingning is in the holy realm, it is impossible to jump directly, but there is no problem with such a long-distance contact.

Feng Bingning smiled slightly, "You contacted me, did the three domain towers in the domain tower have reached the top level?" "My wife guessed it." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Huh, you guy, don't you usually know to contact me?" Feng Bingning said, a needle in a woman's heart, Feng Bingning's expression suddenly changed.

"Er, my wife, I was wrong." Chu Feng said quickly, saying that the reason was that it was useless, and it was best to admit the mistake immediately. "Count your acquaintances." Feng Bingning's face turned from cloudy to clear, "Feng, I got a piece of news. From the temple, I got at least two Tianxinzi! The dragon anode got one, and Lei Zhenzi should get one. A heavenly heart."

Chu Feng frowned slightly. He only knew that the temple had obtained Tianxinzi, but he did not expect that the temple had already obtained at least two Tianxinzi.

"Bing Ning, Lei Zhenzi got a Tianxinzi, is this news accurate?" Chu Feng said. "It should be accurate. I rushed to the place where Lei Zhenzi got Tianxinzi, and then used my time ability to see the scene where Lei Zhenzi's clone got a Tianxinzi. That scene has a very low chance of being forged." Feng Bingning Tao.

"By the way, the temple has such a rule. Whoever gets a lot of Tianxinzi, when the time comes to gather, whoever will reestablish the rules of heaven and earth, maybe in addition to Lei Zhenzi, there are others who have also got Tianxinzi, but they don’t. It shows up, we don't know yet." Feng Bingning's expression was a little solemn.

Chu Feng said: "Bing Ning, how is your physical condition now? You haven't suffered any injuries? Did the curse hurt you?" "I was injured a little bit before, but now it's better now. It's okay." Feng Bing Ning said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, there are years and a lot of time, I'm not so easy to get into trouble!"

The years ring, coupled with the power of time, is a perfect match!

Without the power of time, Feng Bingning wouldn't be able to live so easily in the Holy Realm at this time, even Feng Bingning would have to return to the God Realm long ago by the people of the Temple!

"By the way, I ran into that Long Jiang Shu again!" Feng Bing said condensedly. Chu Feng hummed softly: "That fellow, still wants to capture you in the Dragon Region?"

"Not this time. The guy probably knows that the temple has arrested me for so long. This time it’s a lot more polite than the last time. Quite a lot, that guy, being polite, it’s still not a good thing. "Feng Bing condensed. "What is his ability to dare to walk in today's holy realm, do you know this one? The holy realm is so dangerous now, why didn't he stay in the dragon realm and wander around outside?" Chu Feng asked.

Feng Bing said: "He should have a treasure that shields the temple's lock. In addition, if he breaks out, the speed is extremely fast. In a short time, it is estimated that the power of the holy class may not be able to catch him!" "He is only nine. The extremely immortal cultivation base, in terms of speed, will not necessarily be able to catch up with the powerful Saints?" Chu Feng said in surprise.

"Feng, it's not level 9 immortality anymore, he has taken a step further, and is now an extremely immortal cultivation base." Feng Bing condensed. "So fast?" Chu Feng said, "Time hasn't passed much. From the ninth level of immortality to the first level of immortality, it may not be because his cultivation level is just about to improve!"

"That kind of speed, coupled with the extremely fast training speed, he is afraid that he has some treasure, and it is a super treasure!" Chu Feng said softly, he thought of the heart of space, or, Longjiang Shu has the space of space Treasures like the heart, the heart of space, the heart of time, these things are not only available to him, Chu Feng alone!

"Bing Ning, this time Long Jiangshu didn't say anything else?" Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning frowned and said, "The **** said let me improve my cultivation level quickly, so as not to be unworthy of him!"

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