Holy Prison

Chapter 2002: Who is afraid of who is playing Yin?

"City Lord Chu, since you are so impolite, let's forget the deal!" The male Saint King sneered. This Saint King was surnamed Ling and Ling Dao.

A more domineering name, and his Saint King level cultivation base is also domineering.

"Remember, a quarter of an hour!" Chu Feng said lightly. "Let's go!" Yinglun said, and Ling Dao's figure disappeared!

"Boss, the transaction won't fall apart, right?" Tang Ming was a little worried. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, it can be seen that they are more in favor of this transaction now. Under such circumstances, how can they cancel the transaction because of a few words from me? Impossible!"

"The deal, they get real benefits. In the face of tangible benefits, they will say something unceremoniously that they will definitely suffer. If they can't stand this, I will despise them. The temple will definitely Nothing to mess up." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Tang Ming nodded slightly: "It's true, don't trade. This is arrogant and harms practical interests. This is not worth it!"

"Yes, if I scold the dragon anode, this deal may still fall through, and the British Saint Kings will not affect this deal!" Chu Feng smiled.

Sure enough, as expected by Chu Feng, in less than a quarter of an hour, Chu Feng and the others received the news that someone in the temple was in the lower realm, and Yin Xiao was naturally taken to the lower realm too!

"Let's go, let's go and take a look!" Chu Feng put down his wine glass and chuckled softly. He had been drinking here with Tang Ming for more than ten minutes.

In the past, the human lower realm of the holy realm basically appeared randomly in the **** realm, but now it can accurately appear on a certain part of the **** realm.

Shenguang City was above Tianyuan, and the people of the natural holy realm appeared above Tianyuan with Yin Xiao's lower realm.

The location of the transaction was not too far away from the Shenguang City, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to reach a small city as the location of the transaction.

Chu Feng said indifferently, in front of him and Tang Ming were two powerhouses in the temple, both of whom were immortal level cultivation bases, but in the city of Gods, their strength was suppressed to the quasi-sage level.

One of the two immortal-level powerhouses immediately appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others, "City Lord Chu, where is Lord Lei?"

"Wait a minute!" Chu Feng said. He said that Tianyan quickly scanned Yin Xiao. This scan Chu Feng was darkly angry. Inside Yin Xiao's body, there were a lot of hidden injuries. Some of those hidden injuries were not. It is easy to see if it is hidden, but some of the hidden injuries are extremely hidden. Chu Feng estimated that even Yin Xiao himself might not know such hidden injuries.

If there is no sky-eye scan, even if Hongjun and the others are in front of them, it is estimated that they will not find those hidden wounds for a while. In that case, they will receive a lot of hidden wounds, but the temple side will get it. A saint-class powerhouse who has not suffered any harm!

Those dark injuries that Yin Xiao can find easily are lighter, and those dark injuries can be recovered more easily, but those dark injuries that are extremely difficult to find are also extremely difficult to recover. With those dark injuries, Yin Xiao simply cannot reach the sacred. The strength of the noble rank, and if you fight with people in the future, if you use the powerful force for a long time, those hidden injuries will occur!

Chu Feng calculated that if those dark injuries occur, Yin Xiao will be seriously injured immediately, and his strength will drop to the bottom in a very short time!

If the clinic is still at level 17, the worst hidden injuries can't be recovered, and now it can be recovered at level 18. However, Chu Feng couldn't swallow this breath!

"City Lord Chu, where is Venerable Lei?" one of the two immortal powerhouses said again. Chu Feng said quietly: "Two, you should know my previous vows?"

"Naturally clear."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Very well, then you must know that there is such a clause in my oath. If Saint King Yin Xiao is seriously injured, I will take revenge!"

"There is such a thing, but City Lord Chu, Saint King Yin Xiao is fine now, and he has not suffered any serious injuries at all, so this condition has not been met!"

"Really? You are here for two hours!" Chu Feng said. The moment he finished speaking, Tang Ming and Yin Xiao entered the holy prison space.

"Father-in-law, you have suffered." As soon as he entered the holy prison space, Chu Feng quickly accused him. "I am confused, how can I blame you!" Yin Xiao sighed quietly, "I was confused, and in the end you still have to exchange me back with a powerful person of the Holy Sovereign level!"

Chu Feng said: "Father-in-law, you want to save your wife, that is also human nature! Decades ago, the temple asked for exchange, but at that time I could not accept the conditions of the temple, so , Until now the deal with the temple has been concluded"

"It's okay, those **** in the temple can't get used to them, otherwise, if such a situation occurs in the future, they will be restrained everywhere!" Yin Xiao said.

Tang Ming said, "Boss, what's the matter with what you just said? Did Senior Yin Xiao suffer a serious injury?" "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded.

"Chu Feng, you didn't make a mistake, did you make a mistake? You took an oath before. Although I have suffered some injuries, I am still not seriously injured! Don't let your oath be affected just to breathe out." Yin Xiao said. .

Chu Feng said, "My father-in-law, your injury is very serious! It definitely constitutes a serious injury, and some injuries are probably not noticed by you!"

"Those hidden deep wounds have a lot of harm to you, but the damage is not visible on the surface now! Dragon anode, they must know it!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Tang Ming and their faces changed slightly. If there is a very serious hidden injury and they don't see it, then the deal is a big loss!

"I don't want to suffer from such a deal! The tiger doesn't show off, and some people think we are sick cats." Chu Feng sneered, he said that Lei Zhenzi, who was imprisoned for a moment, appeared in Chu Feng and the others. Aside!

Lei Zhenzi first saw Chu Feng, and then he noticed Yin Xiao next to Chu Feng, "Holy King Yin Xiao, congratulations on returning! Chu Feng, in this way, I can leave!"

"You have to wait, Lei Zhenzi, how have I treated you these years?" Chu Feng said. "Not bad." Lei Zhenzi chuckled.

Chu Feng nodded: "Just know, Lei Zhenzi, originally I wanted you to return to the temple without any damage, but the actions of some people in your temple are too disappointing. Therefore, I can only feel wronged. You, father-in-law, you must have accumulated a lot of anger in your heart, do it, just leave a breath!"

"Chu Feng, you" Lei Zhenzi's expression changed and he just left a sigh of relief. Such a restriction is not far from no restriction!

"Lei Zhenzi, to blame, blame the people in your temple for being shameless! We thought we couldn't see it because of some hidden injuries." Chu Feng said lightly.

Yin Xiao made a move. First of all, he slapped Lei Zhenzi's face with a heavy slap. Lei Zhenzi's cultivation base was imprisoned, and Yin Xiao's slap directly took him out of tens of meters!

"It seems there is a little pain." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "It must be a little bit painful! Xiao Mingzi, but itchy hands? This is a great opportunity to abuse the powerful masters. If you miss it, I don't know when you will have such an opportunity!"

"Actually, I am a kind person!" Tang Ming said, Yin Xiao was slapped again at this time, and this slap drew Lei Zhenzi towards Chu Feng and the others.

Tang Ming kicked Lei Zhenzi's legs with a fierce fierce kick. "Xiao Mingzi, you really are a kind person!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Compared to you!" Tang Ming said that he immediately rushed towards Lei Zhenzi, time passed slowly, Lei Zhenzi's injuries continued to increase under Yin Xiao's attacks!

After half an hour, Lei Zhenzi looked dying, but at this moment, the injuries he received were actually injuries that were better treated!

Hongjun, Pangu, Master Tianhen and others were all in Shenguang City. Half an hour after Yin Xiao and the others attacked, Chu Feng let Hongjun and the others enter the sacred prison space.

Lei Zhenzi is a powerhouse at the Saint-Sovereign level, and the strength of the Saint King-level Yin Xiao cannot easily cause him to suffer such terrifying damage, but Hongjun and the others can!

Hongjun's shot looked more gentle, but the good fortune jade disc hovered over Lei Zhenzi's body for ten minutes, and there were scars in Lei Zhenzi's body. Those scars, Chu Feng felt a little bit similar to the wounds of the Dao!

Pangu was rude when he shot it, and he cut off Lei Zhenzi's hands and feet with one axe and one axe, and then connected it to Lei Zhenzi, but after it was connected, it was far incomparable with before! And because it was cut by the Open Sky Great Axe, those injuries are definitely not easy to recover!

Master Tianshen shot behind Hongjun and the others. He appeared in his hands with the stigma carving knife. Stigmata appeared on Lei Zhenzi's body. Under the scan of the sky, Chu Feng knew that it was also on Lei Zhenzi's bones. The stigmata appeared, and even more terrifying, a little stigmata appeared on the Lei Zhenzi Saint Grid!

After Hongjun and the three uncles started, Chu Feng knew that Lei Zhenzi was a cup, and even if Lei Zhenzi recovered from such a terrible injury, it is estimated that his strength would be difficult to reach the Saint King level!

It's not a holy king, but a holy king! Lei Zhenzi used to be a powerhouse at the Saint-sovereign level, but now, his injuries are too serious, and that kind of injury hurts him more than just killing him!

If you kill it directly, then Lei Zhenzi may have the cultivation base of the holy king, and bad luck is also the cultivation base of the holy king. However, even if the injury recovers, the cultivation base of Lei Zhenzi cannot reach the holy king. If you are lucky, he can reach the sixth level of immortality. If the luck is a little bit worse, he will be the fifth level of immortality!

If a Saint-level powerhouse reaches the fifth level of immortality, this punishment is extremely serious! Yin Xiao was injured, but his injuries were far inferior to those of Lei Zhenzi!

Two hours passed, and Chu Feng finally appeared in front of them when the two immortal-level powerhouses in the temple were a little confused.

"I'll give it to you!" Chu Feng said indifferently, and Lei Zhenzi appeared between him and the two people in the temple.

Lei Zhenzi didn't seem to be hurt at all, but his face was extremely ugly right now, and he ignored the immortal powers of the two temples who saluted him!

"Master Saint, let's go back." One of the two immortal-level powerhouses cautiously said. He could guess that Lei Zhenzi must have been treated unusually just now, but the imagination of the two of them is still limited. The injury, that is far beyond their imagination!

Lei Zhenzi didn't make a sound. After a few seconds, his figure disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others and returned to the Holy Realm!

"Two, please go back! By the way, please bring back a sentence, don't be smart, otherwise, the consequences will be serious!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"The words we must bring!"

One of the immortal experts said, after ten seconds, their figure disappeared in front of Chu Feng. "Dragon anode, Long anode, hope, you don't die!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

In the holy realm, Lei Zhenzi returned to the holy realm, and then hurried towards the holy mountain. The speed he currently uses is the speed of the fifth-level immortal powerhouse, but he can't use this speed for long. If you use it for a long time, it will definitely make the injury more terrifying than it is now!

Lei Zhenzi had good luck. The place where he got to the Holy Realm was not very far from the Most Holy Mountain, so he returned to the Most Holy Mountain after a short time. At this time, the two immortal grades of the two lower realms on the Most Holy Mountain The strong have returned to the holy mountain.

"Brother Longyang, save me!"

"Venerable Ice, Venerable Salmon, Brother Lun Tian, ​​Prose, please help me out, thank you!" Lei Zhenzi quickly entered the Most Sacred Mountain, and said loudly as soon as he entered the Most Holy Mountain.

Lei Zhenzi had some grievances in his heart for the Dragon Anodes, but he dare not express those grievances now. He used to be a powerful master at the Saint-Sovereign level, but now he has no strength at the Saint-Sovereign level. Even the strength of the Saint King level may not be able to keep!

The Dragon anode and the Ice Venerable appeared beside Lei Zhenzi in the blink of an eye, and then the Holy Consciousness quickly entered Lei Zhenzi's body!

"Damn Chu Feng!"


After investigating in the first year, they knew that Lei Zhenzi was over. With such a terrifying injury, they would be lucky if they could reach the sixth level of immortality. As for the Saint King level, the strength to restore to the Saint King level is extremely small, and In the future, the chances of reaching the Saint King level through training are extremely small!

Lei Zhenzi didn't seem to be injured on the surface, but the scars in the dark were extremely shocking. Those injuries abruptly ruined a powerful person at the Sovereign level!

"Brother Longyang, what's my situation?" Lei Zhenzi asked with an ugly face, because his strength was seriously damaged, he couldn't judge his current injury too accurately!

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