Holy Prison

Chapter 2003: Exposure

Lei Zhenzi asked, but Longyang and Venerable Ice did not answer for a while. "Brother Longyang, what is the situation?" Lei Zhenzi asked again.

Long Yang took a deep breath and said, "Brother Lei, if you don't have any special traces in this life, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the Saint King level cultivation base again!"

"Holy King Grade?" Lei Zhenzi's expression changed. He originally thought that even if his cultivation level could not reach the Holy Lord, there would be no problem to reach the Holy King by then, but Long Yang actually said that he had not reached the Holy King grade. What is possible!

Long Yang nodded his head: "Yes, Saint King Level! Presumably Hongjun Pangu and the others have taken action against you, they are very cruel!"

"This little **** actually gave us this set, we will contact him immediately!" Saint Salmon said coldly. "Slow!" Long Yan said, "Brother Salmon, how do we speak? We all know the character of that **** Chu Feng. Contact him, and he will laugh at him!"

"Our top priority now is to help Brother Lei recover and try our best to restore Brother Lei more strength!" Long Yang said, "Brother Lei, this time, we are ashamed of you!"

Lei Zhenzi originally had resentment towards Long Yang, but the resentment in his heart was much smaller when Long Yang said so.

"Brother Longyang, this is also my fate...If I were with you before, I would also be involved with Yin Xiao!" Lei Zhenzi smiled bitterly.

Venerable Bing frowned and said, "Hall Master, can we just forget about this?" "Naturally not, this account will definitely be settled at that time, but we can't use this reason! I really didn't expect that Chu Feng and the others You can see Yin Xiao's problem in such a short time." Long anode said.

They took a lot of time to repair Yin Xiao's injuries, and they did it when Yin Xiao was unaware, so Yin Xiao didn't know his hidden injuries!

The Emperor of Reincarnation said: "We and Chu Feng and the others have to settle more than just this one! These will be discussed later, let Brother Lei get treatment first!"

God Realm, a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Boss, Lei Zhenzi must have returned to the Most Sacred Mountain by now, and there is no fart in the temple." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng chuckled: "If they find us, what can they say? They won't be able to find a curse! This is what they are doing wrong!"

At this moment, the housekeeper of Chu Mansion screamed respectfully outside. "Fu Er, come in." Chu Feng said. "Yes, sir." Fu Er said and quickly arrived in front of Chu Feng and the others. Fu Er was not his name. Chu Feng called it that way because he was now the second steward of the Chu Mansion and his surname was Fu.

"Fu Er, something?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Fu Er first saluted Chu Feng and Tang Ming: "Master, now there is a rumor in the God Realm. Master Wei Shi doesn't know if this one is important, so let me tell Master first."

"What rumors?"

Fu Erdao: "Master, it is like this. There are rumors in the God Realm that the master has obtained a treasure, called the Holy Prison, which is very powerful."

Chu Feng's hand was holding the wine glass at this moment, hearing Fu Er's words, Chu Feng's hand paused slightly.

"Fu Er, you step back and let Wei Shi come over!" Chu Feng said. "Yes!" Fu Er said and retired quickly. He was mainly in charge of the affairs of Chu Mansion. As for some outside matters, Wei Shi was mainly in charge.

Soon, Wei Shi appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Weish, where did the rumors start? Tell me about the details of the rumors." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Feng knew that the Holy Prison was exposed, this was a matter of time, but it was natural that the later the better, but he didn't expect it to be exposed now!

The holy prison is already at level seventeen, and the cultivation base has reached the immortal level. At this time, the exposure is not bad, but Chu Feng still feels a little unhappy. The holy prison will be exposed, and there will be a lot of trouble!

"Yes!" Wei Shi respectfully said, "My lord, the rumor originated from Hei Yao. The time was an hour ago. This rumor spread quickly!"

"The content of the rumors is that you got the Holy Prison, my lord. The Holy Prison is a treasure that surpasses the innate treasure. If you get the Holy Prison, you can surpass the Lord and reach a remote realm! The Holy Prison can judge a person's goodness. Evil, how many good deeds, how many evil deeds, can be seen clearly!"

"In addition, the holy prison still has many wonderful abilities, the ability to scan, the ability to catch people, and the powerful healing ability! Rumors say that the one who wins the holy prison, the world, the world, and everything can be controlled! "

Tang Ming smiled and said: "Isn't this nonsense? What wins the world, how can there be such a good thing in the world! No matter what you get, if you don't work hard, it is in vain!"

"What Shao Ming said is!" Wei Shidao.

Chu Feng said, "Is there anything else?" Wei Shi shook his head: "No, my lord, this rumor should be controlled?"

"No, how can I control the people of the world?" Chu Feng said quietly, "Weish, you go down, to maintain the stability of the gods is such a rumor, let it go!"

When Wei Shi left, Tang Ming said: "Boss, this holy prison, is it true"

Others knew that the news could not determine its true or false, but Tang Ming knew very well about Chu Feng, and if he knew the news, he could naturally determine the true or false.

Although I don't say 100%, but I have 90% certainty!

"Well, it's basically true!" Chu Feng said. When this happens, I can't hide it. "Xiao Mingzi, I haven't told you about the Holy Prison."

"You must not tell!" Tang Ming said, "Boss, if you don't hide such news, it is estimated that you will not be able to reach the current level so smoothly!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well! Han'er and others don't know the news. The Holy Prison surpasses the Innate Supreme Treasure. This is true. Above the Innate Supreme Treasure, it is the instrument of sovereignty, and the Holy Prison should be the instrument of sovereignty. However, when I got the Holy Prison, the level of the Holy Prison was extremely low. After countless years of upgrading, the Holy Prison reached its current high level!"

"The holy prisoner gains the world. This one, as you said, is just nonsense. I got the holy prison when I was an ordinary person. After countless years, I almost died many times, and I died one before. Back! Wherever it is possible to get the holy prison, get the world! The world and all things are under control, at least for now this is nonsense. Now the temple is not under our control!"

"Scanning ability, healing ability, these are indeed there, and I have worked hard to upgrade them! If good and evil, the holy prison can definitely distinguish good from evil!"

For a long time, Chu Feng was worried about the news of the Holy Prison spreading out, but now that the news of the Holy Prison really spreads out, Chu Feng feels rather calm!

His Dan Ding, on the one hand, comes from the strong strength of God Chucheng; on the other hand, it also comes from his own strong strength. The Holy Prison is already at level 17, and he has reached the immortal level of cultivation, and he has the lion king. Treasures like masks, even the powerhouse of the Saint-class level, are extremely difficult to do with him!

However, if there is no worry at all, it is not! At the beginning, Monkey King met a strong like Da Ri Tathagata, if Da Ri Tathagata knew the Holy Prison, it would be possible to **** it; in addition, in this universe, there may be more than one strong like Da Ri Tathagata!

Moreover, if a person like Hongjun borrows the power in the chaos, he can also have a stronger power than the power of the saint-level power!

The news of the holy prison is also no small trouble, but it is better than spreading it early! It was spread early and there was basically no power to resist, and now that he wants to grab his holy prison, the strong below the master level have to weigh it! As for the dominance-level powerhouse, Chu Feng is now reluctant to think about it.

Judging from Soloin’s words, even the master-level powerhouses are extremely interested in the holy prison. At that time, perhaps the master-level powerhouses will also take action to **** it. That is the future. Now, Chu Feng There is no need to think about it, it's just for nothing! If a master-level powerhouse wants to seize his holy prison, he will have no resistance at all!

"Boss, the news of the holy prison has spread, this, it's very troublesome!" Tang Ming said with a solemn expression, "not only from the temple, there will probably be people on our side who want to seize your holy prison! Our side is now There are many immortal powers, some of them are very selfish!"

"And it's not just the powerhouses of the Immortal rank, some of the powerhouses of the Immortal rank will probably have delusions. If they have the opportunity, they might not mind cutting in the back!"

"Boss, you must not be careless, the weapon of dominance, breaking through the hope of the Lord, I don't know how many people will be attracted to secretly attack!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I know, many masters in front of the holy prison are dying one by one, but I dare not be careless!"

"A master died in front of the holy prison?" Tang Ming said in surprise.

"Well! Eight of those who were truly recognized by the Holy Prison died, and many more died before they were truly recognized by the Holy Prison!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming said in astonishment: "There have been many masters in the past, why is there no news about the holy prison in the ancient books?" "The years are too long, most of the news in this area has disappeared in history, a small amount The news must have passed down, but it has also become a legend and a story!" Chu Feng said.

"Boss, when you were an ordinary person, you got the holy prison on the earth, and the master in front of you threw the holy prison away?" Tang Ming wondered.

Chu Feng shook his head; "No... the holy prison can't be grabbed. The owner of the holy prison will disappear, and then the endless years will reappear!"

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