Holy Prison

Chapter 2004: Surging

"Boss, there are still many people robbing?" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Xiao Mingzi, I tell you this, you will believe it, but if I tell others, will you say that others will believe it? Others will only think that I don't want the holy prison to be robbed, so I pull out something like this ."

Tang Ming nodded: "Understood, as long as you can't be 100% sure, some people will take action! Moreover, there are definitely not a few people who can take action!"

"Well. From this perspective, I had a good time!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming smiled slightly: "This is indeed the case, the abyss is invading, the boss is extremely important, so many strong men will not take action for the time being!"

"But boss, you still have to be careful, selfishness is not particularly heavy, you should not be able to do anything at this time, but selfishness is very important, even if this is the case, it is estimated that you will not care about the life and death of others! As long as you get the holy prison, Some people think it’s nothing for us to lose in the hands of the abyss!"

"I know, so, in the next time, you and the fat man will give me a good practice. I am in trouble, which means you are also in trouble!" Chu Feng grinned.

Tang Ming rolled his eyes: "Boss, we were killed by you. We are close to you. People in the abyss desperately want to catch us or kill us. Now the news of the holy prison is spreading out, we are on our side. It is estimated that many people will come up with a curve to save the country and hit us and our sister-in-law, Chu Han!"

"Fatty woke up!"

Chu Feng said, as soon as his voice fell, Zhou Wen quickly came to Chu Feng and the others. "Boss, what's the good thing? Don't find brother if it's nothing good!" Zhou Wen said and sat down beside Chu Feng and the others.

"Uh, looking at your appearance, it seems that it is not a good thing!" Zhou Wen turned his eyes on Chu Feng and the others. "Who called you if something is good?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng sent some information directly to Zhou Wen's mind as soon as he moved his mind. Zhou Wen's expression changed slightly: "Damn, how could such a thing happen!"

"Boss, which birdman sent the message of the holy prison? Has it been found out?" Zhou Wen said. Chu Feng shook his head: "Not yet, and it shouldn't be possible to find out. The person who sent out this news is absolutely impossible for us to find out, unless he wants to die!"

Zhou Wen frowned and said, "It's really a leak in the room that rains all night! The problem of the sanctuary has not been solved yet, and the problem of the holy prison has appeared."

"Boss, what plans do you have?"

Chu Feng said with a light smile: "Does this require any plan? Soldiers are here to stop, the water is coming and the soil is flooded, and working hard to improve strength, this is the best plan!"

"Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, you will be practicing in the holy prison space for some time, and Han Xiang and others will be too. I will try to help you upgrade your cultivation to immortal level in the shortest possible time!"

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were taken aback for a moment. Tang Ming said, "Boss, can we speed up our current cultivation base?" "It was not possible before, but now it is possible. This time I go to the Yin Realm and the Holy Prison has been upgraded! "Chu Feng said, "Well, let's talk in the holy prison space!"

Entering the sacred prison space, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen quickly each reached a Devouring Platform. Chu Feng’s plan was to let them stay on the Devouring Platform for a period of time, and then use the power of time to practice for a period of time. Their cultivation base can be improved the fastest, and the utilization rate of Devouring Station can reach the highest!

Swallowing platform Chu Feng can build ten, and now Chu Feng has built ten, and the first ten are Tang Ming and the two and Feng Bingning and their eight daughters!

On the Devouring Stage, Tang Ming's promotion was based on the elimination of some strong powers, most of their power would be wasted, but Chu Feng could afford it!

In the space of Chu Feng Sacred Prison, there are a lot of temple powerhouses. They are parasitized. Some of them are good people before they were parasitized. Such people Chu Feng will not let them reach the Devouring Platform; but there are also Some people are not a good thing before they are parasitized. For such people, it is just right for them to go to the Devouring Station!

In addition to those temple powerhouses, Chu Feng caught tens of millions of monsters from Ghost City. Most of those monsters have relatively low cultivation bases, but there are also many who have reached the immortal level and immortal level cultivation bases! For those monsters, letting them go to the Devouring Platform, Chu Feng would not be disappointed.

It's just those monsters, if you let them recover and then deal with it, that would be better! After recovering, on the Devouring Platform, they can allow the Devouring Platform to absorb more power, and, in that way, it will not let some unexplained high-values ​​of kindness hang up!

Above the Devouring Stage, both Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's eyes were filled with shock. Tang Ming could feel waves of enlightenment constantly appearing in his mind, and his body strength was also rapidly increasing! Tang Ming's physical enhancement is still relatively small, and his feelings are extremely large, so much that he can only accept some things temporarily!

On the contrary, Zhou Wen’s words were on the contrary. His physical strength increased at a terrifying speed, and a large amount of power entered his body, so that some of his body-enhancing power could only be temporarily stored. The text is not the path of forensic proof!

"Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, you first absorb your strength, then you change. You practice under the power of time. It will take a long time for you to absorb the strength again!"

"The higher your talent, the more power you can absorb each time. Your talents are all enchanting. Now your cultivation base is higher. If you absorb once and spend more time digesting it, even if you can't reach it. The level of destruction should also be able to reach the level of immortality!" Chu Feng said.

"Okay, you should practice well, try to absorb it once, and then you will reach the cultivation base of the immortal level! The two devouring platforms you are on have swallowed the power of many immortal level powers." Chu Fengqing With a smile, he disappeared in front of Tang Ming and Zhou Wen as soon as he finished speaking.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen closed their eyes and absorbed them with all their strength. In the other small space, Feng Bingning and the other women also absorbed them with all their strength!

"Fatty's mood has improved a bit. The Devouring Station absorbs power, and the mood can also increase a little. Once absorbed, the problem of reaching the immortal level should not be big! For Xiao Mingzi, the mood problem is not big, but the cultivation base is lower than that of Fatty. , The possibility of reaching the immortal level is probably smaller than that of the fat man!"

Seeing Feng Bingning and the others absorbing the power, Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Tang Ming and the others were in that situation. For Feng Bingning and their daughters, Chu Feng estimated that Feng Bingning, Yin Qianqian and Miao Feiying Miaoxian'er would be immortal. Level cultivation is a sure thing. After the Holy Prison was upgraded, Miao Xian'er's strength was directly increased to Level 9 Immortal!

With Lan Wen, Qin Ying, and Yilian, they might reach the immortality level, but they might not reach the 9th level of immortality.

As for Shaoye, he was injured before, this time it is possible to reach the 9th level of immortality, and the possibility of reaching the immortal level will not exceed one in a thousand!

Tang Ming and Feng Bingning and the others, together with ten people, only had ten Devouring Platforms. Without Chu Feng's share, Chu Feng didn't need it for the time being.

This time in the Yin Realm, Chu Feng's cultivation base has been upgraded from the 9th level of immortality to the 1st level of immortality. Although he was upgraded during the holy prison upgrade process, it also takes some time to become familiar with the stable cultivation base!

The news of the Holy Prison spread within a short time, spread throughout the God Realm and many people in the Mortal Realm Holy Realm also received the news.

On the surface, the news of the holy prison spread, and no waves were caused, and it was calm! But the facts are not like this, the news of the holy prison spread, secretly, the wind is surging!

Holy Realm to Holy Mountain.

"Holy Prison, I didn't expect that Chu Feng actually possessed something like the Holy Prison. No wonder we were planted in Chu Feng's hands again and again. We are not wronged!" Long Yang said in a low voice, his eyes flashed, "Chu A cultivation base like Feng has such a high ability to possess the Holy Prison, if the Holy Prison falls into my hands."

"Venerable Black Moon, I strongly suggested to build such a cell on the Most Sacred Mountain before. In all likelihood, it was prepared for Chu Feng! Venerable Black Moon, this old lady, I am afraid that the existence of the holy prison has long been known! Chu! Feng probably knew this too, so he was unwilling to exchange Venerable Black Moon!"

Long Yang swiftly calculated in his heart, and the powerhouses such as Salmon Saint Ice Venerable also calculated in their hearts, to obtain the holy prison and become the master, this has a huge attraction to them!

Dragon domain.

"Holy Prison, Chu Feng actually owns the Holy Prison, if I can get something like this"

"If I can get the temple, it doesn't matter if the sky is collapsed, if the holy prison is in my hands, maybe I can turn the tide and kill all the strong people in the abyss!"

"Holy prison, holy prison... Unfortunately, the strength of Shenchu ​​City is too strong. It is not easy to get the holy prison in hand!"

"It is estimated that it is too difficult to directly kill Chu Feng to get the holy prison. We still have to start from the people around Chu Feng! If we can catch a few more Chu Feng's women and children, maybe the holy prison will be done by then! "


"Holy Prison? This thing should belong to me. It was obtained by a guy like Chu Feng. It's a bit wronged, Jie Jie Jie! The good and evil in the world are broken, and whoever wants to be arrested will be arrested. Very good! If you can become a master at that time, it will be better!" Inside the dark hall, a strong man opened his eyes, and those two blood-red eyes seemed to be able to swallow the world!

Another place in the underworld.

"Chu Feng did not stand up to refute. This news should be true. I didn't expect that there would be a treasure like the Holy Prison in the world! When Chu Feng reaches the Yin Realm, it is when this seat finds a way to capture the Holy Prison! "The death emperor drank the wine softly and authentically, the news of the holy prison spread too quickly, and it didn't take much time to reach the underworld!

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