Holy Prison

Chapter 2024: Team, convention

"Four thousand people?" Tao Chen and other powerful people were shocked. They knew that many people had died, but they didn't know that so many died!

Tao Chen and the others came together with a total of 13,000 people, and a total of 4,000 people came, that was a fraction of the death!

Moreover, if it were not for Chu Feng to bring a lot of people into the holy prison space in time, then on the basis of this number, it is estimated that three to four thousand people would have to be added!

"Brother Chu, this land of Nine Yins is too dangerous, right?" Sage Tao Chen said. He had fought with a ghost of the Youhuang level before. As a result of the fight, he knew that he might not be able to fight here. The ghosts of the Youhuang level, and there are ghosts above the Youhuang level on the side of Jiuyin Hantan!

You Wang, You Emperor, You Emperor You Emperor level ghosts have always been only in legends. This time, Chu Feng and the others encountered it with great luck!

"Can this three Jedi land in this universe be dangerous?" Chu Feng sighed lightly. This time he got here, and he found the right lion king pupil in such a short time. This is a good thing, but let Chu Feng was depressed that the right lion king pupil was actually in the hands of a ghost of the emperor rank!

Moreover, for some unknown reason, the ghost of the Emperor You did not leave the Jiuyin Hantan. Under such circumstances, it would be even more difficult to capture the pupil of the right lion king!

"Chu Feng, I don't think it can be strong!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "If there are too many people, it's easy. I can't as well find a suitable place and let the Tianwei entourage first Besides entering the holy prison space, many people like Tao Chen and others are also willing to enter the holy prison space!"

Chu Feng responded in his mind. He was also thinking about this issue just now. A large number of people gathered together and it was just a meal for those ghosts!

Moreover, this Jiuyin Land is not just the Jiuyin Cold Pool in danger. In fact, it has just come all the way. If it weren't for Chu Feng to lead the way to avoid a lot of danger, Tao Chen and the others would definitely have a lot of casualties!

"Venerable Tao Chen, everyone, so many of us can't move together. I am going to find a suitable place for all of my subordinates to enter my treasure space. If you want to enter my treasure space, you can follow me and leave. If you don't want to enter my treasure space, do it yourself!" Chu Feng glanced at the Tao Chen and the others.

"Although the Land of Nine Yin is dangerous, there are many treasures. If you are lucky, you can get a lot of treasures in it!"

An immortal powerhouse opened his mouth and said: "Master Chu Feng, you said to find a suitable place. Is the chance of death lower. If we enter your treasure space, when we get to a safe place, will you We release? If you die, will we die"

"You have a lot of problems." Chu Feng glanced at the immortal powerhouse and said in a low voice, "The right place has a lower chance of death, but I can't guarantee that you can find such a place, and I guess. There is no way to find a place where the chance of death is zero! When I get to a safe place, let you leave, it depends on my mood; if I die, you will not die, you will all enter a new domain tower!"

"If you want to go, follow me. If you don't want to enter my treasure space, stay!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he immediately controlled the battle formation to fly, and the battle formation flew out for tens of kilometers in the blink of an eye! "It's too dangerous inside!" An immortal powerhouse whispered. His voice immediately followed. Someone took the lead. In a short period of time, 1,500 people followed by a thousand people!

Tian Wai Tian, ​​when in the domain tower, Tian Wai Tian has a great attraction to those strong, but when they get outside, they find that the outside world does not seem so beautiful!

In their view, Tianwaitian may have a lot of treasures, but that also has to be taken. In this situation, if you stay outside, the chance of death is great!

When there is no worries about their lives, the strong want to find excitement, but when they are in such a "exciting" place today, they are afraid to play!

One day, two days... Five days, ten days.

Finding a suitable place is much more difficult than Chu Feng estimated. Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Chu Feng and the others are very careful, but within half a month, 20 or 30 people died. All kinds of traps above!

In the Land of Nine Yin, there are too many traps of all kinds, it is impossible to guard against!

"Chu Feng, three percent!"

Suddenly, Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment and immediately controlled the battle formation to stop advancing. The rest of the people saw that Chu Feng stopped and all stopped!

Three percent. In the past half month of Chu Feng's time, except for this time, he only encountered three percent once. In the rest of the time, his chances of death all exceeded three percent!

"Chu Feng, I think it's here. If you continue to search, you may not be able to find a better place. Moreover, people are still dying now!" Miao Xian'er said.

"The entourage will leave it alone, let Sister Wen take action to help the heavenly guards improve their destiny. There are more than 90 heavenly guards, or even one in the holy prison space will not die!"

Tao Chen and the others set their eyes on Chu Feng one by one, and Chu Feng said: "Let's go here, the chance of death is 3%, whether you live or die, it depends on everyone's luck!"

"If you continue to search, you may find a better place, but in the past half month, twenty or thirty people have already died! Don't resist everyone. If you resist, you may have a greater chance of death!"

Chu Feng said that Tianshou appeared outside. In a short period of time, most of the thousand people of Tao Chen and the others were brought into the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

"Venerable Tao Chen, what do you mean?" Chu Feng's eyes swept across the body of Tao Chen and other dozens of people, frowning. The Venerable Tao Chen and the others had just resisted strongly, so Heavenly Hand did not put them into the sacred prison space. Among.

Sovereign Tao Chen chuckled and said: "Brother Chu, what you said before is correct. Many people act together. That won't work. If a small number of people act together, it's okay, right?"

"The twelve of us, the lowest level of cultivation is also Level 5 Immortal, plus you, Brother Chu, if you form a small team to act, you should be able to live a good life here!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly after thinking about it. In addition to his thirteen people, the target was relatively small, and the lowest level of cultivation of those people was also indestructible at level 5. Such a team is very strong!

There are five immortal at the fifth level, four immortal at the sixth level, and two immortal at the seventh level. As for Tao Chen, he is an immortal cultivation base at the eighth level, the strength of the saint-level!

In the sacred prison space, Lan Wen has already started at this moment. Her cultivation level is now second-level immortal. It is not too difficult to influence the fate of those heaven guards!

Of course, it will not be easy, after all, this is the land of nine Yin!

The influence of Lan Wen's destiny ended, and Chu Feng's mind immediately began to collect those sky guards and followers. In the blink of an eye, more than ninety sky guards and all his followers disappeared!

"Chu Feng, very good!" Miao Xian'er's voice of surprise sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Chu Feng, more than ninety guards, none of them died, five or six thousand followers, death was only more than fifty People, the probability of death is only 1%! The rest of the people, the probability of death is 3%!"

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Tianwei and his entourage were more special, and it was normal for the chance of death to be lower! "Holy Tao Chen, you can follow me, but we have three chapters!" Chu Feng glanced at Tao Chen and the others.

"Brother Chu, you say!" Tao Chen Shengzun said.

Chu Feng said, "First, if you don't endanger your lives, you must obey my orders. If I say go east, go east, and I say rest and rest!"

"Secondly, I account for 60% of the treasures obtained here, and the twelve of you together account for 40%! Before leaving this place, I will keep all the treasures temporarily!"

"Third, if any of you acts that endanger the team, I will punish it as soon as possible. In the lighter case, a part of the cultivation base will be removed from the team, and the worst case will be executed!"

When Chu Feng put forward three conditions, the twelve of Tao Chen's brows frowned.

"Brother Chu, are your three conditions too excessive?" One of the two seventh-level immortal experts frowned, and the seventh-level immortal cultivation base, both of them have Of course, the strength of the Saint King class is that there is the strength of the Saint King class outside, and here, it can't display that strength!

Chu Feng said quietly: "I will definitely not you. You can choose to accept or leave! But I tell you that if you choose to accept, you can't leave easily afterwards. Without my permission, those who leave the team for no reason will die. !"

"I agree." Tao Chen said, "These three conditions are actually quite okay! The first condition is that Brother Chu determines the status of the team leader. We need a team leader, otherwise it will be bad if there are different opinions! But Brother Chu , I hope you can hear our opinions then, after all, we are a team!"

"The second point is that Brother Chu occupies most of the treasures. I can accept it. Leaving this place alive is more important than the treasures! The third point is that actions that endanger the team must be punished. There is nothing to say about this! "

"What about you?" Chu Feng glanced at the others.

Tao Chen, the saint, has already agreed. Although the rest of the people are a little unwilling, but within ten seconds, all of them nodded.

"Very well, then our 13-person team is established. I will pass some information to you now. Next, you will all be careful. I don't want to die here because of a pig-like team!" Chu Feng Shen said.

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