Holy Prison

Chapter 2025: Harvest treasure

"Brother Chu, our stone armor" Tao Chen said.

Chu Feng thought of a stigmata carving knife and appeared in his hand. In just two or three minutes, the sacred marks were left on their stone armors!

When the stigmata was carved, Chu Feng had already passed a lot of the information in it to Tao Chen and the others. After receiving the information from Chu Feng, Tao Chen and the others didn't look much better, but were a little ugly!

During the ten days or so, Tao Chen and the others knew a little about the dangers inside, but they didn't know enough about it.

At this moment, receiving information from Chu Feng let them know that the danger in the Land of Nine Yin is greater than they estimated!

"Everyone, do you regret it a little bit?" Chu Feng smiled quietly. Sovereign Tao Chen took a deep breath and said: "It is dangerous, if it is dangerous, it may break through the Sovereign level and reach a higher strength!"

"This is wishful thinking," Chu Feng said in his heart. He didn't say this to attack Tao Chen.

Throughout the ages, there have been many stunning and stunning saints, but in this universe, so far there has not been a master-class powerhouse, like the Huo blood infants, they are not normal practitioners!

"Brother Chu, how do you know this? Did you enter this place before? How do we leave it?" It was one of the two holy kings, the female.

The two saint kings, a man and a woman, the man named Urato, and the woman Rika Jones, are not good people, but they are now in the same boat as Chu Feng!

"I haven't been here, but someone has been there, and I got some remaining information." Chu Feng said quietly, "How to get out of here, I know a way, I will keep it secret for now."

"Time has passed for a long time, that method is not necessarily useful!"

Sage Tao Chen said: "Brother Chu, next, I don't know what plan you have?" "The You Emperor who attacked us before, do you know what he looks like?" Chu Feng said.

"It was too far apart at the time, how can I see it!" Tao Chen and the others shook their heads.

Chu Feng waved his hand before the blood infant figure appeared: "He is the one who attacked us. Did you see the eyeball in his hand? I want to get this eyeball. If you have any good way, you can say it. !"

"Brother Chu, are you kidding me?" Uratuo's expression changed. "Brother Chu, that's a powerful emperor at the Youdi level. If we add one piece to the 13 of us, we probably can't beat him!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "I didn't joking with you, but you don't have to worry too much. We don't do it right now. Let's stay here and be familiar with it for hundreds of thousands of years!"

Sovereign Tao Chen and they all nodded when they looked at each other. At this moment, they secretly prayed that they would not encounter that extremely cold pool again!

The extremely cold and cold lake can be moved once a month. After hundreds of thousands of years, it is a question of whether the cold and cold lake is still there!

What Saint Tao Chen and the others didn’t know was that Chu Feng had already locked the Sky Eye to the Saint-level monster that the Blood Infant was riding. As long as the distance was not too far away, Saint Prison should be able to sense that monster. Directional! Where the monster is, the blood baby should be there. As for the existence of the extremely cold pool, Chu Feng does not care!

As for why not directly targeting the Blood Infant, the reason is very simple. The Sky Eye does not have the ability to lock in the Blood Infant.

"Let's go, we walk around, maybe we can find a safe foothold, now this place, that is not suitable for us to stay longer!" Chu Feng said.

Tao Chen and the others had no objection. Soon Chu Feng and the others cautiously looked for and became familiar with the Jiuyin Land!

In the sacred prison space, the eight hundred and twenty sacred prisons heavy artillery charged quickly under the acceleration of time. Feng Bingning and the women, Tang Ming, Chu Long Shiyan, and Chu Han all seized the time to practice!

Feng Bingning and their daughters, as well as Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, were the first group of people to go to the Devouring Platform. They all achieved the immortal level of cultivation. In the second batch, Chu Long, Shi Yan, Chu Han and others were able to swallow. On stage. With Chu Long's cultivation base and talents, even if they can't reach the immortal level, reaching the ninth level is not a big problem!

In the profound waters of Xuanhan, a large number of powerful people in the temple did not leave. They continued their bombardment until Huonu secretly spread something that indicated that Chu Feng and the others had left the profound waters 100%!

"Tell me, who gave us the message? It left us with a message in this place, but we didn't find it at all!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

On the surface of the Xuanhan heavy waters, Longyang made a luxurious cruise ship for the rest of the people in the temple on the waters of the Xuanhan heavy waters. There are many powerful people on the cruise ship at all times, and there are enchantments around it. , But a little while ago, a piece of jade slip appeared directly on the bow of the ship!

The jade slip appeared out of thin air. At that time, a Saint King-level expert noticed that the Saint Consciousness immediately scanned it, but no one found it!

Venerable Formation said: "Hall Master, this person's strength should have surpassed the Holy Venerable, but it is certain that there is no malice towards us, otherwise it will not remind us!"

"The evidence cannot be false, Chu Feng is no longer here! If he were our enemy, he would be willing to let us continue to waste time on this side!"

"But that person's request, we have to think about it! The Holy Prison chooses the Lord, and Chu Feng dies, the Holy Prison will disappear immediately. Although he said there is a way to keep the Holy Prison from disappearing, it may just be fooling us. If we bring Chu Feng here, we will definitely get the holy prison!"

Long Yang nodded slightly: "Well, this is something to be considered in the future, everyone, I decided to leave and return to the temple, do you have any objections?"

"For those evidences, as long as one person points out where there is a problem, we will continue the previous attack!"

Venerable Formation, none of them spoke. If there were any problems with the evidence, they would have raised it long ago.

"Then, let's go back!" Long Yang said in an unhappy mood. Going back means that their action this time has failed again, and finally had such a chance!

At the beginning, full of confidence, Chu Feng would definitely not be able to escape this time. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng would still escape from their encirclement!

At this time, what Dragon anode and the others didn't know was that Chu Feng and the others were teleported to the Land of Jiuyin. If they knew it, they would be much happy!

In the God Realm, Chu Feng hadn't appeared for many years, Hongjun and the others were already very worried, but they did not act rashly and just tried their best to inquire.

In the first few years, Hongjun and the others didn't find out anything, but after Longyang and the others evacuated the Xuanhan heavy waters, Hongjun and the others found out something.

"Escape, just run away!" Hongjun and the others were relieved as they chatted. The information they inquired out shocked them. If Chu Feng didn't escape this time, the fun would be great!

"No.6, No.7, old rules, you are responsible for leading away the first part of the monsters, and then, No.9, No.10, you are dispatched." In the land of Jiuyin, Chu Feng quickly gave orders. For hundreds of years, this time they The team did not lose a single person, and gained a lot of treasures in the course of continuous action!

After a long time of working together, Chu Feng and the others have cooperated very well. Chu Feng ordered it to go on, and within ten minutes, a treasure surrounded by many powerful monsters had been put into the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

"Get it done, flash people immediately!"

Chu Feng said in a short time that all 13 of them retreated. "Number One, that thing just now, is it really a good thing?" Someone asked. The person he asked was Chu Feng. He said that the name is more troublesome. Over the years, Chu Feng and the others all use numbers to represent their identities, and Chu Feng is one. number!

Sovereign Tao Chen is number two, number three and number four are Urato, and Rika Jones are two Saint King-level powerhouses!

"Of course it is a good thing." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "the monsters in it are not stupid. If they are not good things, do you think they will gather and guard?"

What Chu Feng just got is a fruit, a black fruit, a highly toxic thing, for ordinary people or not particularly good things, but for Miao Feiying, the fruit is a great tonic. She felt the law became clearer for a while!

"One, there is really a big treasure house, but it seems that there are still relatively few things like Innate Treasures. We have worked so hard for hundreds of years and we have obtained only two treasures like Innate Treasures. Chaos Stone There are a lot more things like this!" said Rika Jones, number four.

Chu Feng glanced at Rika Jones and the twelve of them: "Didn't I tell you that the number of treasures in this outer sky is not what you think?"

Tao Chen and the others were taken aback for a moment, and Rika Jones said, "Number One, but I heard that you had two treasures when you didn't have an Immortal level cultivation base!"

"You had two treasures at your original cultivation base. People with higher cultivation bases should always have more treasures than you?"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "No. 4, I am a special case! This day, the baby is naturally much more than the world you have been in before, but the most precious things are not to the extent of the street! We are now In this Nine Yin Land, many strong men have fallen, and very few people have escaped from it alive, so there are many treasures. If you are outside, it is not easy to get treasures!"

"Everyone, we can get a lot of treasures here. Since we have this opportunity, we will get more. Otherwise, you will regret it when you go outside!"

"Okay, don't think too much, as long as you work harder and get out of it alive, your weapons and equipment will definitely be up to the next level! Attention, everyone, there is something hidden, and we will rest after we solve it. For a period of time, three hundred years later, go to that extreme cold and gloomy cold!"

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