Holy Prison

Chapter 2026: Quiet Cold Pool

Something sneaked over and reached the level of immortality, but the number was not large, and it did not cause much trouble for Chu Feng and the others!

"Number One, what is this thing, it seems to be a little different from other monsters!" Number 11 Road, stepping on a hand at this moment under his feet!

There is nothing wrong, just a hand, plus a small arm, this is the whole body of the monster!

Chu Feng and the others have encountered a lot of monsters, but they really haven't encountered such a monster. It's just a hand, which is really strange!

"I know as much as you guys." Chu Feng said. He said that the holy consciousness had invaded the body of the hand monster and carefully inspected it. At the same time, the Sky Eye was naturally activated by Chu Feng to scan that hand. Strange situation.

After a few minutes, Chu Feng's sacred consciousness scan did not find anything, but the scan of the sky eye had results!

"Chu Feng, this should be a clone of something, or a split body!" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng frowned slightly, the clone or split body, split body is the second and third level of indestructible strength, and there are a dozen split bodies found on this side, if there are other places, the strength of the main body is definitely not small!

"Blood Infant's strength has reached the Quasi-Dominator level, can there be any abnormal things in the Quasi-Dominator level?" Chu Feng secretly asked.

"Number One!"

No. 2 Tao Chen touched Chu Feng, "No. 1, have you noticed? If not, let's retreat. The blood here will probably attract a lot of monsters soon!"

"Well! Let's leave, but don't leave too far, find a place to hide, I want to see something coming." Chu Feng said.

On the 1st, none of them had any disagreements. They had been together for hundreds of years, and they had already known that if Chu Feng made a decision, it would be difficult for them to influence.

Moreover, Chu Feng basically never made a wrong decision!

"Eleven, kill it, go!" Chu Feng said. "Okay!" No. 1 stepped hard, and the hand monster that had been injured under his feet instantly became muddy by him!

Withdrawing some distance, Chu Feng and the others carefully hid. "Number one, what do you want to see? What's not so good?" Number two Tao Chen whispered.

"I don't know, I hope it's not what I thought!" Chu Feng said. He stayed to see if there would be any hand monsters coming. If there are still a lot of hand monsters coming to this side, then It is certain that the hand monster has the power of quasi-dominant level!

Time passed slowly, and it didn't take long for a monster to come over, but it was not that kind of hand monster. "Number One, the corpses of those things will be eaten!" A short young man laughed. This young man is Number 12, with an indelible strength of level 5, and a very talkative guy.

"Hey, it stopped eating. Something seems to be coming!" said on the twelfth. "It's the kind of hand monster...Poor guy, he died just after he ate something, but he also became a satiated ghost. !"

Chu Feng was originally closing his eyes to rest his mind. At this moment, his eyes suddenly opened. Although separated by a distance of hundreds of kilometers, Chu Feng clearly saw the side where they were just now.

The corpse of a dozen hand monsters was on the ground, and the hand monster that came behind was constantly turning around as if looking at something!

"Number One, did you find something?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If there is a problem, then you will know... If there is no problem, I don't need to say it to scare you!"

"Number One, we are very courageous, Jie Jie!"

"One, just say it and see if you can scare us!"

There was a barrier blockade, and Chu Feng and the others could not spread outside.

"Shut up, look at that side." Chu Feng said solemnly, his face was not very good. On that side, it was just a hand monster at first, and a few more came here in a short time!

Tao Chen and the others quickly looked into the distance, "Number One, what's the problem with this?" Someone said, "Although each of them is relatively strong, it's not surprising that there are such groups?"

"But they are not the same ethnic group, they are the same monster." Chu Feng said. Tao Chen and the others stayed for a while, and soon their expressions became a little ugly.

"Number One, do you mean that the subject of this thing is a quasi-dominant-level perverted thing?" Tao Chen said solemnly. Chu Feng shook his head: "It's still not certain, but if there are many things like this, then you can be sure that the body of this thing is a quasi-dominant existence!

"Grass, that kind of thing, it's abnormal enough to have one in it, and if there are any, it will make people live?" The eleventh was a little old man complaining at this time.

No. 12 coughed lightly: "Everyone, do you think it is possible that the main body of those things is a powerful master?" "Shut up!" Chu Feng did not speak, but several people shouted.

"Impossible!" Chu Feng shook his head. "Even if there is, there is no power at the dominance level. This is certain. If there is, then we don't need to think about it. Such a strong one can just point it. Let's die!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, Tao Chen and the others were silent, time passed slowly, and more and more hand monsters gathered here!

When ten minutes passed, there were only about twenty hand monsters gathered here; when half an hour passed, there were already about fifty hand monsters gathered here!

One hour passed, and the number of hand monsters gathered here exceeded one hundred!

"Xian'er, are you sure you did not make a mistake?" Chu Feng asked in his mind, "Even if the main body is the quasi-dominant-level strength, it shouldn't be possible to split so many immortal-level hand monsters, right? This is just coming, there must be some in the entire Jiuyin Land that hasn't come!"

"This... should be right." Miao Xian'er said. "Xian'er, what's the explanation for the current situation? Is it really not a quasi-dominant, it is not a master?" Chu Feng said.

When Chu Feng talked about this, he was slightly dazed. It was not impossible for him to be at the dominance level. Back then, he caught a master at the dominance level in Ghost City!

"Uncle...If there is a strong master at the dominance level who recovers in advance, shouldn't that matter?" Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, this problem is quite serious!

For a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, Chu Feng still has the confidence to fight it out at that time, even if he can't fight it temporarily, there is no problem in hiding.

However, if the power is restored to the Domination-level powerhouse, there will definitely not be a safe hiding place among the Three Realms!

"No, this, you have to check it out. If a master-level powerhouse is quickly regaining power, it is best to kill it before he recovers too much time!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Two hours, three hours, no other hand monsters came in the next two hours, but just the previous one hundred is already very scary!

"Go, let's follow them!" Chu Feng said, the hand monsters moved at this time, and the corpses of the hand monsters on the ground were also taken by them.

Number Three said: "Number One, are you sure you made a mistake? Those hand monsters, are you sure they are really just a split of abnormal things!"

"Look in the past and you will know, everyone, be careful." Chu Feng said.

The hand monsters move forward very fast, but they have the sky-eye scanning, and their strength is higher than those of the hand monsters, even if they follow farther away, they haven't lost it!

"Chu Feng, their destination should have arrived. There is an extremely cold pool in front of them." Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng secretly cursed in his heart that those things would be better if they don't get to the extreme cold and cold lake. When they get to the extreme cold and cold pool, it means that the trouble will be even greater!

A hundred hand monsters quickly reached the edge of Extreme Yin and Cold Lake, and then all those one hundred hand monsters entered the Extreme Yin and Cold Lake!

"Chu Feng, it is a fixed extremely cold lake!" Miao Xian'er said, some of the nine extremely cold pools can move, and some can't move!

Chu Feng responded with a gesture, and immediately Tao Chen and the others stopped moving and hid. "Number One, what's the situation?" Tao Chen said.

"Ahead, extremely cold lake!" Chu Feng said briefly.

Tao Chen and the others frowned. In the past few hundred years, they have been close to the extremely cold pool several times, and on three occasions they encountered relatively serious danger!

"It's the quiet cold pool." Chu Feng said.

Each of the nine cold pools has a name. The name of this quiet cold pool was taken by the strong man who got the pupil of the left lion king.

The first cold lake that Chu Feng and the others encountered was named Feitian Hantan by Chu Feng and the others, and the second cold lake, with that terrifying blood baby, was directly called the blood baby cold lake!

The reason why the cold pool in front of Chu Feng and them is called the quiet cold pool is because the previous strong man did not find any monsters on this side!

No monsters came out of the cold lake, there were no monsters near the cold lake, or even a large area around it!

"The name doesn't match the truth! Isn't there that kind of strange hand coming out?" No.12 muttered.

Tao Chen frowned and said, "It is probably because there are terrible things inside, so there is nothing else in this place. The things inside are probably taking the surrounding area as its domain. I hope it doesn't feel us, otherwise it is very May come out and attack us."

"One, I suggest, we leave immediately!"

At this moment, the sky's eye scanned that the calm on the side of the quiet cold pool was broken, only a few square kilometers of cold pool was throwing waves hundreds of meters high!

There was a look of shock in Chu Feng's eyes, the waves fell, and a finger appeared in the quiet cold pool, a finger that was as dark as ink, and there were many hand monsters they had seen before!

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