Holy Prison

Chapter 2027: Blackhand (1)

In the quiet cold pool, the exposed fingers are twenty or thirty meters high, and they only seem to show most of them and a small part of them not to the surface of the water!

Even if he saw that finger through the eyes of the sky, Chu Feng felt his heart palpitations!

"It can't be a quasi-dominant, neither Huo Nu nor Blood Infant gave me such a feeling before. Now I just see a finger." Chu Feng was shocked.

Master, in the lonely cold pool, it must be the master. Thinking of this answer, Chu Feng's face became very ugly. This world is very exciting, but he has not lived enough!

"Attention, be careful, go back!" Chu Feng passed the order, and when the order was passed, he immediately stepped back cautiously. Seeing him like this, Tao Chen and the others stepped back very carefully.

In the cold pool, that pitch-black finger suddenly bends a little bit to the direction where Chu Feng and the others are. In an instant, terrifying pressure appeared on Chu Feng and the others!

Chu Feng and the others were flying at a low altitude. At this time, the pressure appeared, and 13 of them fell heavily to the ground!

Among the thirteen people, most of them hit the ground, and only Chu Feng Tao Chen stabilized their figures before hitting the ground.

No. 3 and No. 4 also hit the ground, but their cultivation base is higher after all, it is the feet that touch the ground first, not the rest of the body!

"Master?" Tao Chen asked in surprise. "Yes, not!" Chu Feng said quickly, "This kind of coercion is certainly not something that the quasi-dominant-level strong can let go, but we are still alive and the other party does not have the power of the dominant-level!"

"Even if it doesn't have the power of the master level, it is better than the existence of the quasi-master level." No.5 said, his face is not good, and the rest of the people, Chu Feng's face is slightly better.

At the beginning, Chu Feng was also very frightened, but he quickly reacted. Although the opponent's aura was terrifying, he did not necessarily have the strength to kill them all!

Strength is not directly proportional to momentum! Many big shots, even when they are very weak, look very powerful!

The opponent's powerful aura can be scary, but if it can't scare them to death, the effect is not particularly great, at least it will not let them have the slightest resistance!

"If you are stronger than the quasi-dominant powerhouse, do you think you are still alive?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "the opponent's strength does not match its aura!"

"The appearance of that kind of aura is just what makes your heart scared, and there is fear in your heart. It is estimated that you can only show 60% to 70% of your strength!"

"Those hand monsters are here, if you don't want to die, get me up!"

Above the ground, one by one strong men hurriedly stood up, still with a terrifying aura, but with Chu Feng's words, they felt that their strength had recovered a lot!

More than a hundred hand monsters came over, each of them with immortal strength, each of them became more than ten meters high, gathered together with great momentum!

"Attack!" Chu Feng said solemnly. In an instant, the thirteen of them and the one-eyed lion king under Chu Feng's seat all launched an attack, and the terrifying energy fluctuations rolled toward the hand monsters who came over!

Chu Feng is 13 of them, and Chu Feng's lowest cultivation base is only level 3 immortality, but his attack can reach level 6 immortality! For the rest of the people, the lowest cultivation level is also Level 5 Immortal. During the hundreds of years in this, Chu Feng and others have adapted a lot, so the attack will not weaken too much.

If they can exert their strength 100% at this time, it is estimated that the attack will make those siblings look good, but the people here, even Chu Feng, can't exert their strength 100% at this time!

After Chu Feng said those words, they were much less affected, but they were more or less affected by the terrifying aura!

A huge voice sounded, and Chu Feng's fourteen attacks fell on the defensive cover formed by the hand monsters. The defensive cover vibrated violently, but it was not broken!

"Retreat in two different directions. Be careful! Our speed is slightly faster than them. If they are scattered, we will gather to kill them at that time!" Chu Feng's order sounded in Tao Chen's mind.

This kind of retreat had been done many times before, Tao Chen took six people and left quickly, and five people followed Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Feng and the others separated, the hand monsters paused slightly and then separated into two parts, chasing and killing them separately!

"Is IQ affected..." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. If it were him, he would concentrate on solving one of the two teams first!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Chu Feng and the others fled, and their attacks continued to bombard them, but Chu Feng and the others were both good at strength, and the attacks of dozens of killers did not cause them much harm!

At the beginning of the chase, Chu Feng and the others were still a little dangerous, and the same was true in the back, but the danger behind was already pretended!

If the enemy is really a powerful master at the dominance level, they will not be able to escape for that long. This figured out, the guys who followed Chu Feng's actions were calmer!

A lot of calmness, and more and more applicable to that aura, under such circumstances, Chu Feng and the others are naturally more relaxed!

"Attention, we have to get rid of them, and then rendezvous with them, first kill the dozens of hand monsters chasing them!" Chu Feng said.

There were more than one hundred hand monsters before, if Chu Feng used the holy prison heavy artillery, those would be able to be dealt without using such methods, but the holy prison heavy artillery, that thing cannot be used casually!

In the past few hundred years, Chu Feng has not used the holy prison heavy artillery. All the holy prison heavy artillery is fully charged. Then they will deal with the blood baby with the right lion king pupil!

For hundreds of years, Chu Feng and the others have obtained a lot of treasures, as well as things like the innate treasure, but the right lion king pupil that Chu Feng wanted most had not yet been obtained!

Now that he has reached the land of the Nine Yins, and his cultivation base is relatively strong now, Chu Feng naturally wants to try if he can get the pupil of the right lion king by then!

The voices of the twelfth and others sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng's speed was originally relatively fast. At this time, it suddenly increased by 30% from the previous basis!

The rest of the people increased immediately after Chu Feng's speed increased. As their speed increased, the hand monsters that were chasing them were immediately pulled away by them.

"Let's eat shit, haha!" No.10 laughed and laughed. In a short time, those hand monsters had disappeared within the range of their holy consciousness!

The eyes of the sky locked Tao Chen. At this moment, Miao Xian'er pointed Chu Feng the direction. Chu Feng and the others hurried forward. Three minutes later, Tao Chen and the others appeared in Chu Feng's holy sense.

The power is converging, there is nothing to say. Chu Feng and the others burst out the strongest attack in the first place. Those hand monsters are not particularly stupid and immediately run away, but how can Chu Feng and the others allow those things to escape?

"Guys, hurry up, we must solve them within a minute, we can't solve them within a minute, we have to run away again!" Chu Feng shouted.

The hand monsters cooperate very well, but Chu Feng and the others also cooperate very well, and their cultivation base is much higher, their wisdom is higher, and there are various treasures. It is not impossible to solve the battle in one minute. !

"Time is stagnant! Space imprisoned!"

Chu Feng cried out. His ability in the law of time is now much higher than before. More than 300 years ago, Chu Feng obtained a strange spar. The spar is not the heart of time, but it also contains With the power of time!

Originally, Chu Feng used it for Feng Bingning, but after Feng Bingning inspected it, she found that the spar was a little worse for her and it didn't have much effect!

Feng Bingning was useless, Chu Feng used that piece of spar himself, and the absorption of the power in the spar directly improved his ability in the law of time a lot!

The power of time and the power of space acted on a hand monster. When that hand monster was still stationary, the one-eyed lion king's attack instantly fell on it!

Because of the influence of time power and space power, that hand monster was a bit slower. As a result, it shared very little defense. It could not bear the terrifying attacks of the Cyclops!

Chu Feng killed a hand monster, it can be said that it opened a hole in the joint defense of those hand monsters. Tao Chen and the others have rich experience in fighting one by one, so they will not miss the opportunity!

In a short period of time, before those hand monsters had adjusted, several of them died under Chu Feng's attack!

"Boss, good job!" No.6 laughed and said. There were twelve of them, some of them called Chufeng No.1, and a few others called him No.1.

"Hurry up!" Chu Feng shouted.

Time passed by, and the hand monsters died and wounded relatively slowly at the beginning. After that, their overall strength decreased, and the speed of death became faster and faster!

After one minute passed, all fifty or sixty hand monsters were ruined in the hands of Chu Feng! The dozens of hand monsters from the team that had chased Chu Feng before "Xiang" screamed and chased them.

"Come here to die, very good! Guys, you are welcome!" Chu Feng said loudly, knowing that the hand monsters couldn't match the speed, at this time they all gathered to defend together with all their strength.

On the other side of the quiet cold pool, there was a new change at this time. The second finger appeared. Like the first finger, the second finger was as black as ink!

After the second finger appeared completely, a black cyclone appeared on the tip of that finger, and the black cyclone turned faster and faster!

When the speed reached a certain level, the second finger in the quiet cold pool flicked, and the black cyclone tore through the space and swallowed towards Chu Feng and the others at a terrifying speed!

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