Holy Prison

Chapter 2028: Black hand (2)

The black cyclone was approaching towards Chu Feng and the others. At first, it was relatively small. When it got closer to Chu Feng and the others, the diameter was already over 10,000 meters and the height reached hundreds of thousands of meters!

The larger the cyclone did not reduce its local lethality. It spins faster, and the power of the laws inside is condensed like a knife. Even the power of the holy class is involved in it, and there is no small possibility of death. !

"Chu Feng, be careful!"

Miao Xian'er reminded that when she reminded, Chu Feng also felt a threat, a thick death threat!

"Flee into the ground and escape!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in Tao Chen and their minds. At this time, all the hand monsters had not been killed, but after so many years, Tao Chen and the others had already believed in Chu Feng.

No one asked why, Tao Chen and the others hurriedly flee toward the ground! When the black cyclone arrived, Chu Feng and the others had escaped thousands of meters underground!

A lot of bombs went out in the holy prison space. The bombs exploded in the black cyclone, which affected the black cyclone to some extent, but the black cyclone did not disappear!

The cyclone revolved wildly, and Chu Feng and the others had escaped 10,000 meters, but in the blink of an eye, the 10,000 meters of soil and rock under Chu Feng's head were swallowed by the black cyclone!

Just when the black cyclone was about to touch Chu Feng and the others, a thick purple thunder and lightning appeared. The purple thunder and lightning appeared very small compared to the black cyclone.

However, the purple thunder and lightning fell, but from the top of the black cyclone to the bottom!

The purple thunder and lightning that contained forty saint prison heavy artillery attacks possessed extremely terrifying power, but the purple thunder and lightning attack did not make the black cyclone completely disappear!

"Attack, hold on!"

Chu Feng's voice rang in Tao Chen's mind. After the bomb attack, the consumption of more than 10,000 meters of soil, and the purple thunder and lightning attack, the power of the black cyclone had dropped to only about 30%.

The unabated black cyclone couldn't resist even Chu Feng and the others united, but at this time, the black cyclone with only about 30% of the power left could hardly kill Chu Feng and the others!

The colorful drill bit appeared on the top of Chu Feng's head. Just when it appeared, the colorful drill bit immediately attacked the black cyclone above the head!

The black cyclone rotates clockwise, and the colorful drill formed by Chu Feng and the others also rotates clockwise, but the direction is different, and bursts of sharp noises erupt as soon as they encounter it!

Having been together for hundreds of years, this is the only battle formation that Chu Feng and the 13 of them can use and have a relatively strong combat power. Attack and defense are okay, but it cannot be said to be very good! It's not that Chu Feng and others haven't tried other battle formations, but the effect is average, and Chu Feng gave up.

For this colorful drill, Tao Chen is the tip of the drill, and Chu Feng is the inner control core of the drill. The rotation of the drill allows Chu Feng and his powers to integrate well. Otherwise, the power of this battle formation is estimated Can't get into Chu Feng's eyes!

The black cyclone resisted the colorful drill bit. The power of both was rapidly weakened. It didn’t take long, less than three seconds. The black cyclone force was basically consumed, the colorful drill bit disappeared, and Chu Feng and the others were all together. Spit out a mouthful of blood and suffered some serious injuries!


The one-eyed lion king roared, the black cyclone completely stopped amidst his roar, and then the entire cyclone disappeared above Chu Feng and the others!

"Grass, what stuff, the power is so powerful!" No. 3 Uratuo cursed. If Chu Feng hadn't used the holy prison heavy artillery, 13 of Chu Feng and others might have died!

Chu Feng sighed secretly. He didn't want to use the power of the holy prison heavy artillery, but he still used it!

Just now, in fact, Chu Feng has some other methods to stop the black cyclone, but in comparison, this is a relatively small loss and a more humane method!

Inhumane methods, directly let a lot of monsters caught from the ghost city appear in the black cyclone, or let a lot of sky-eater rats appear in the black cyclone, killing them will consume power, just release them. In enough numbers, the black cyclone cannot pose a threat to their lives!

"Head, where are those weird hands?" No. 7 said.

Chu Feng didn't know, but Miao Xian'er should know. Chu Feng asked, and Miao Xian'er knew it.

"Chu Feng, those guys have all returned to the side of Silent Cold Lake. I guess it won't be far away even if they don't get to the side of Silent Cold Lake at this moment!"

"They are estimated to have returned to the quiet and cold lake, let's go and take a look!"

As Chu Feng said, he immediately rushed to the side of Silent Cold Lake. Although Tao Chen and the others were a little palpitated with those things, they also followed closely at this time!

It didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to reach the quiet and cold lake. Scanning by the sky eye just found that a black finger disappeared from the surface of the water quickly!

"Escaped?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. Even if the opponent was not a strong master, his strength should not be weaker than that of a quasi-dominant person, and he escaped at this time!

"Head, nothing happened."

Chu Feng and the others continued to approach until their eyes could see the situation on the other side of Quiet Cold Pool. "They entered the cold lake." Chu Feng said.

Tao Chen said: "One, since the other party is gone, let's forget it, let's withdraw. If it provokes us, there is nothing to say. Under such circumstances, we don't have to smash it!"

Chu Feng frowned and didn't speak, "Head, I think the number two said it makes sense." Another humanist, they really don't want to stay here anymore.

"On the second, you should step back a little bit, I will stay here for some time." Chu Feng said, "You should step back a little bit, don't suffer the time!"

"Tou, you're just slapping your face, and we have been in trouble for hundreds of years. If you leave, we leave at this time, it's not sensible!" Road 12 said.

A little touch rose in Chu Feng's heart, but soon this little touch disappeared without a trace. "Head, what are you going to do? Let's watch it by the side. Whenever there is danger, we will immediately flee; if you hang up, we will be responsible for taking your corpse away." The twelfth laughed.

"You all show me a little bit farther away, I may enter the extremely cold lake to see!" Chu Feng said. Tao Chen and the others all changed their expressions, "Head, the attack just now made your head not affected?" No.10 said, "Head, you want to die, and die outside, to the extreme cold lake. In the middle, there will be no bones left!"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes, these **** have become familiar with him, and now they are often used to shave him!

"I have a reason to fix that thing, but this has nothing to do with you. You can leave at this time! I have no objection if you leave it, but I have to tell you that I have a treasure that can be resurrected, even if I die. , Can also be resurrected." Chu Feng said through voice transmission.

In the cold pool, it can now be determined that the things inside are related to the master-level powerhouse, and it is very likely that there is a master-level powerhouse in it.

When he got the holy prison, he can now say that he was tied to Lin Tian. If the master level powerhouse in there recovers, he may not bother to trouble Tao Chen and the others, but he will definitely trouble him, Chu Feng. Without Lin Tian's factor, just the holy prison, it was enough to attract the master-level powerhouse to deal with him.

Today, if he takes a shot, Chu Feng still has certain information to catch or kill the dominant power.

However, if the dominant master is allowed to continue, he is likely to die without a place to bury him!

It is best not to enter the quiet cold pool, but if the things inside do not come out, then there is no way, he must take a risk!

"One, let's leave at this time, okay" Utora said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with it. You should step back a little bit, but don't leave too far. I will kill you at that time!"

"By the way, we have been together for hundreds of years. If I have a problem on this side and you leave the land of Jiuyin, how about promise me something?"

"Head, you say."

Chu Feng glanced at Tao Chen and the others and said, "You are not a good person. I know exactly what evil each of you has done. I don't want you to become a good person in the future, but in the future, don't kill you. Innocent, don’t engage in **** or rape, how about?"

"Each of your cultivation bases has reached the fifth level of immortality, and each of them is extremely strong. Doing such things is indeed very lackluster!"

Tao Chen was the first to nod his head: "No. 1, this can promise you. I have been a wicked person for a long time. If I change the environment, I will try to be a good person, haha!"

"Head, no problem!"

"no problem!"

The rest said one by one, this requirement is not difficult to achieve. "Remember your words, if you are evil, and if I leave alive, I will not let you go! We can say that for hundreds of years of suffering, I don't want you to die in my hands!" Chu Feng said solemnly .

"You leave some, I will act now!" Chu Feng said.

Tao Chen and the others nodded, and they had already left a long distance in ten minutes. "Xian'er, throw some bombs into the extremely cold and cold lake!" Chu Feng said. It is impossible for a bomb to kill the lives in the extremely cold and cold lake, but there is no problem in angering it!

Miao Xian'er responded, and in an instant, a lot of bombs went out of the holy prison space and fell into the extremely cold pool. With a loud noise, the extremely cold pool sent waves hundreds of meters high!

The space shook, and a terrible pressure appeared. Chu Feng sank. Although the one-eyed lion king was not pressed down, his feet were all trapped in the earth and rocks.

A look of shock appeared in Chu Feng's eyes. A huge palm appeared on the extremely cold lake. The huge palm was completely dark, but this was not the reason that shocked Chu Feng. The reason that shocked him was the hugeness. The palm of his hand seemed to be chopped off with a sharp weapon!

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