Holy Prison

Chapter 2029: Within the cold pool

"The palm was chopped off, isn't it that this side is not the dominant power, but this one palm?" This thought flashed in Chu Feng's heart.

In the next moment, Chu Feng didn't have time to think about it, because a huge black palm shadow slapped Chu Feng fiercely!

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, although the black palm shadow was not very fast, but when the palm shadow came over, Chu Feng felt that his speed of action was much slower!

The one-eyed lion king launched an attack, and the golden energy wave rushed toward the black palm shadow, but it didn't get much effect!

At this time, the chance of death in the holy prison space is relatively high, but with the influence of Lan Wen in the holy prison space, the chance of Chu Feng entering the holy prison space and death will be much smaller!

Without any hesitation, Chu Feng immediately chose to enter the holy prison space, otherwise he could only survive under the black palm unless he paid a great price!

Moreover, even if it survives, the black palm shadow may be just the beginning rather than the end of the attack!

"Huh, luck!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, entering the sacred prison space, the original chance of death was about 20%, and under the influence of Lan Wen, the chance of death was about 3%. It seemed that Chu Feng still didn't have such a bad luck to hit the three percent.

Chu Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, and the black palm outside was shot on the place where the holy prison was. The holy prison had withstood most of the power, but some power was also transmitted to Chu Feng!

Lan Wen and Miao Xian'er appeared on the side where Chu Feng was, and the faces of the two women were happy. It was much safer for Chu Feng to enter it!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Wen'er, there is nothing wrong with your body, right? Xian'er, show what kind of influence is outside now!"

"No problem." Lan Wen said. When she was talking, Miao Xian'er waved her hand, and in the blink of an eye a big ball of light appeared, showing the scene scanned by the sky outside!

Chu Feng disappeared, but the **** palm seemed to feel the existence of the holy prison and the attacks were constantly falling on the holy prison, but the overflow damage was not very big, and Chu Feng was easier to bear!

"Chu Feng, do you want the holy prison heavy artillery to get rid of that hand?" Miao Xianer said, "If you use more holy prison heavy artillery, you should be able to do it!"

Chu Feng considered it for a while and shook his head slightly: "Not for now, we have to figure out some things first!"

"That palm, if it is the last thing left by a dominance-level powerhouse, if that time can bring a dominion-level powerhouse back to life, then we must destroy it; but if it is not, we may destroy it. It doesn't have much effect!" Chu Feng said.

As Chu Feng said, he sat down comfortably on the sofa, "This black hand has split a lot of weird hands like that. In this regard, we also have to check to see why it does that!"

Lan Wen said, "Brother Feng, what are you going to do? We just let it go?" "Maybe we have to go into the extremely cold pool to see." Chu Feng frowned.

"Brother Feng, that is very dangerous. Even if you are in this holy prison space, it is very dangerous." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng sighed and said: "But, there is no choice! If you don't take a risk today, you may have to finish it tomorrow! In order to have a better life in the future, you must risk this danger today!"

"I don't know if the black corpse's secret poison is effective, I'll try it first!" Chu Feng said, he said that the holy consciousness was shaking, and quickly led a strand of black corpse secret poison to the huge black palm. on!

The black corpse secret poison immediately caused the black corpse secret poison to erupt when Chu Feng hit the huge black palm. As a result, the black palm seemed to have suffered a little bit of damage, but the damage was definitely small!

"The black corpse secret poison is used to deal with the existence of the dominance level, it is still too reluctant, even if it may only be a palm of the dominion level powerhouse!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

After a few minutes, the black giant palm did not break the holy prison. This seemed to make the black hand angry, and it directly grabbed the place where the holy prison was!

The holy prison is extremely difficult to be forcibly moved by forces other than Chu Feng, Tianwei, and his entourage, but at this time the holy prison was suddenly caught by the black giant.

"Now we can't think that it's impossible in the extremely cold lake." Chu Feng said, catching the holy prison, the black giant palm quickly sinking!

The extremely cold pool was extremely cold. When the holy prison encountered the extremely cold pool, Chu Feng, the owner of the holy prison, felt the chill.

"Brother Feng, it's deep!" Lan Wen said. The black giant palm did not descend very fast, but it had fallen by at least 100,000 meters in the past few minutes, but the black giant hand was still descending!

One hundred thousand meters, two hundred thousand meters, three hundred thousand meters, until about one million meters, the black giant palm stopped. Through the scanning of the sky, Chu Feng and the others found that there was a castle outside. Spooky castle, the main color of the castle is black!

The huge black palm entered the castle and got into a huge palace. After leaving the holy prison and some earth and rocks, the huge black hand immediately left the palace.

"What is it?" Chu Feng muttered inwardly. He was a little confused about the intention of the black giant hand, but it didn't take long for him to figure it out!

The gate of the palace was closed tightly, and then a terrible black flame ignited in the palace. I felt the chill at first. As soon as the black flame burned, Chu Feng immediately felt the terrifying heat!

The high temperature was also blocked by the Holy Prison for the most part, but the spilled damage suffered by Chu Feng was not small, much higher than before!

"This dog, bringing the holy prison to this bird's place, just want to destroy the holy prison?" Chu Feng frowned. "Chu Feng, swear words" Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile.

Chu Feng curled his lips: "You are not outsiders, don't you know who I am? Besides, this is not a dirty word!"

"Brother Feng, is the spilling damage big? If it is big, let us share part of it too!" Lan Wen said. Chu Feng smiled slightly and shook his head: "Fortunately, the holy prison is now at level 17, and the ability to resist damage is relatively high!"

The black flame burned frantically, and the temperature got higher as it went further. After a few hours passed, even though Chu Feng could bear it, he secretly frowned.

"What the **** is this place, the fire is getting more and more hot!" Chu Feng frowned. Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, ask the one-eyed lion king and the four beast seals, they should know."

Chu Feng nodded and immediately summoned the one-eyed lion king.

"Master, this place should be a fire room." The one-eyed lion said.

"Fire room?"

The one-eyed lion king said: "It's like stoves. Things like stove pill stoves can be used to refine things, and this fire room is like that!"

"The more burned, the more prosperous?" Chu Feng said.

The one-eyed lion king said: "It won't go on like this forever, there is a limit, but a place like a fire room can indeed bring the temperature to a very high level!"

"Ordinary flames can't help the law, but the high temperature outside can be directly burned by the law power!"

Chu Feng said with a faint smile: "That can only let the flame burn first!"

The burn lasted three days and three nights. Chu Feng sent Lan Wen to practice and didn't let her help with the pressure, but it was just Chu Feng's pressure that made him enjoy a lot of pain!

However, such painful taste is not completely unprofitable. Chu Feng has practiced the law of fire, and the law of fire has improved a lot in three days!


Chu Feng opened his eyes. Outside, the black flame finally stopped. He didn't refine the holy prison for three days and three nights. It is estimated that the black hand also knew that there was no way to go to the holy prison.

"Don't play anymore? If you don't play anymore, it's time for me to play!" Chu Feng muttered.

With a thought, Chu Feng made a lot of bombs appear outside. The hall outside was very strong, but there was some damage in the violent explosion!

"Fry me up!"

Chu Feng said softly and authentically, he did not leave, just one by one bombs kept appearing outside. After ten minutes, a thumb-sized hole was finally exploded near the hall window!

"Xian'er, let a less powerful entourage go outside and leave this fire room with the holy prison!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er responded, and soon an entourage appeared outside, and the holy prison touched the entourage, and the entourage turned into a streamer and left the room in the blink of an eye.

"What about the black hand?"

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, and the entourage left the fire room, but the black hand did not make a move, but there were several ordinary hand monsters!

The entourage who had just gone out was killed by those hand monsters in an instant, but those hand monsters didn't live much longer, and they were quickly destroyed under the attack of the holy prison heavy artillery!

"Another follower!" Chu Feng said.

Another entourage went outside, and the entourage that appeared took the holy prison around in the castle, but didn't encounter any trouble at all.

"What's the matter, where did that thing go?" Chu Feng secretly asked in his heart in the holy prison space, "Xian'er, have you found anything?"

"Holy Prison, it is the Holy Prison!"

At this moment, a weird voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, the space fluctuated, and a pitch-black palm appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, that thing found a way to enter the holy prison and entered the holy prison space." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Who are you? Who are you Lin Tian?" An eye and a mouth appeared on the dark palm.

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