Holy Prison

Chapter 2031: Where is the treasure?

"Black Hand, if you are not obedient, Devouring Station is probably unable to absorb your power, but if you are more obedient, I think it should be possible," Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Black Hand said coldly: "Want to cooperate with this seat to absorb the power of this seat? Little thing, are you sure you are not dreaming"

"Hehe, Black Hand, do you think you are still a dominant power?" Chu Feng said with a smile, "Black Hand, you have to figure out your identity, now you are just a prisoner!"

"A prisoner, you are still sitting here with me. If I am in a bad mood, you will be out of luck!"

The black hand stared at Chu Feng fiercely with one-eyed one-eyed: "Little thing, even if you have a holy prison, do you know the probability of you becoming a master-level powerhouse?"

"I know, less than 1%!" Chu Feng said straightforwardly. As far as Chu Feng is concerned, 1% is still overestimated. However, if it continues to develop, Chu Feng's chances of becoming a dominant power may continue to increase. !

The black hand sneered: "It's fine if you know, little things, less than one percent chance of becoming a master, my suggestion is that you should not offend a master-level powerhouse!"

"I won't hit your holy prison for the time being. Our well water will not offend the river."

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "If I'm just an ordinary cultivator, I really don't want to offend a master-level strong. But who told me to offend more than one master-level strong? When I got the holy prison, I have already and Senior Lin Tian is tied together, even if I live peacefully with you, other powerful masters can let me go?"

"Black hand, I don't want to say more nonsense. Are you going up here obediently and cooperating obediently to let the Devouring Station absorb your strength, or should I use some means to catch you up and have you contribute your strength obediently?" Chu Feng said. "Remind, you are more obedient. With your dominance level strength, you can supply the Devouring Station with power for a long time. If you can't get the Devouring Station, what use is there for you?"

"Useless people are enemies again, then I will kill them!"

In the last sentence, Chu Feng's murderous intent was revealed. Feeling the murderous intent revealed by Chu Feng, the black hand knew that if he didn't do what Chu Feng said, Chu Feng would definitely kill him directly!

"Give you a minute to think about it!"

Chu Feng said coldly, "After a minute, if I don't agree, I will never say a word with you and kill it directly!"

The black hand didn't speak, time passed by, and it was already fifty seconds quickly.

"Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven" In the last few seconds, Chu Feng counted softly. When he counted to fifty-nine, Black Hand finally said in a very gloomy tone: "Little things, One day, you will regret it! You better pray not to fall into the hands of this seat!"

"Go to your work post!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and instantly he moved the huge black hand over ten meters high to the Devouring Platform in front of him.

"Black Hand, you have been in this Devouring Station for three months. After three months, if the power absorbed by this Devouring Station is not satisfactory to me, don't blame me for using some small means! Dominant-level powerhouse, if If you eat a whip or something, you will probably feel a little uncomfortable!" Chu Feng said.

It took three months for the Devouring Station to absorb power, and then this Devouring Station could be used by Chu Han and the others, and then the poor Comrade Blackhand would be sacrificed by another Devouring Station!

"You should know that there are a total of ten Devouring Stations. If the Devouring Stations absorb enough power, then you can rest for a thousand years after working hard for about three years, which is still very good!"

Chu Feng said that the Devouring Platform was activated immediately, and the Black Hand did not cooperate in the first time, so the Devouring Platform did not swallow the Black Hand's power, but soon a force was absorbed by the Devouring Platform!

Compared with the previous absorption, the Devouring Station is now slower to absorb power, but the power absorbed by the Chu Feng Devouring Station is more pure!

Power is the law, and the master of the ruler's understanding of the law is definitely not comparable to those below the ruler level!

A strong master at the dominance level will live for endless years. Chu Feng estimates that every rule of the master master will be involved, and the focus must be different, but even if it is not the principle of the main comprehension, the comprehension of the master level will not compare to it. The comprehension of the powerful masters is poor!

The power of the Saint-sovereign class is very strong, but compared to the power of the master class, there is indeed a huge gap, and the two are not at the same level at all!

"The Devouring Station, I'm afraid it is mainly prepared for the master-level powerhouses." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, this Devouring Station is not particularly powerful now. However, the Holy Prison continues to escalate, and it is very likely that even if the master-level powerhouse does not cooperate, the Devouring Station can forcefully devour power!

"Holy Prison... I don't know if he can become a controlling device in the future!" Chu Feng's eyes showed hope. If the Holy Prison became a controlling device, he would definitely become the controlling device at that time!

"Xian'er, monitor the black hand. If the ban on the black hand is weakened, notify me as soon as possible! If I can't respond immediately, you will deal with it by yourself, and you must not let the black hand lose control." Chu Feng said in his mind. . "Well, don't worry!" Miao Xian'er smiled.

With a movement of his mind, Chu Feng left the Devouring Platform and entered another small space in the Holy Prison Space.

"Xian'er, let the entourage outside look for it with all his strength, and see if there are any good things in the castle where the black hands are staying. I don't believe that there is nothing good in such a place." Chu Feng sat down and poured a cup of tea on himself and smiled. It can be said that luck caught the black hand very well, and Chu Feng is in a very good mood right now!

Miao Xian'er grinned and said, "Chu Feng, we might as well demolish that castle. As long as we catch that castle, I believe that if there is something good, it will be revealed!"

"If it is not revealed, then the good things of Black Hand are still on his body and not in the castle."

Chu Feng took a sip of tea and chuckled lightly: "A good idea, then, let a few entourages outside to demolish that castle for me!"

"The number of them is relatively small. If the castle outside is torn down, it is estimated that it will take more time, and it may take dozens of hundreds of years." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded, "Don't worry about this, let them take it apart slowly! I'm not in a hurry for these dozens of hundreds of years, the domain tower will still be busy, I will be in the domain tower for the next few years Fuck! Try to open all domain towers to the highest level sooner!"

"That's fine too." Miao Xian'er said.

After making out with Miao Xian'er, Chu Feng entered the domain tower, and there were five domain towers that did not reach the top level. It should take a long time to reach it!

In terms of the domain tower value, Chu Feng must have lost a lot of domain tower values ​​before allowing the strong from the many domain towers to appear outside.

However, the domain tower value that Chu Feng possesses can still support Chu Feng to open several domain towers! If you want to start the domain tower again later, you have to get more domain tower value!

Time flies, and a hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye. There is no hindrance. After a few hundred years of demolition by several decent followers, the strong castle cannot continue to maintain its glory!

In the dust, the huge castle completely collapsed. As the castle collapsed, extremely gloomy water invaded the area where the original castle was located!

The extremely yin water has a very strong power of corruption. With the intrusion of the extremely yin water, the ruins after the broken castle are also turned into nothingness in a short time!

"No treasure!"

Miao Xian'er frowned slightly and muttered authentically. Nothing was discovered in a hundred years. Now the castle is completely destroyed and no treasures have emerged.

"The treasure of the fellow Black Hand must be on him. You have to inform Chu Feng about this." Miao Xian'er thought, and quickly told the information outside Chu Feng in the domain tower.

At this moment, Chu Feng's domain tower value was almost consumed. Upon receiving a message from Miao Xian'er, Chu Feng immediately returned to the holy prison space without delay.

"Xian'er, there is nothing at all?" Chu Feng said.

In front of Chu Feng, Miao Xian'er nodded slightly. With a wave of her jade hand, an image of the castle shattered appeared in front of her: "Look, Chu Feng, no treasures have appeared, and even a little bit of the castle remains. If there are treasures In all likelihood, the black hand is carried with you!"

"I haven't gotten his master weapon yet." Chu Feng said softly, "Xian'er, how has the Black Hand behaved over the years?"

"Very good. It took him three years to fill the ten Devouring Stations with power. There was no action for the next few years, and the ban aura on him did not decrease!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I'll go over and take a look!"

The black hand was in another small space, and Chu Feng picked up the tea in the blink of an eye and appeared in the small space where the black hand was.

Feeling the arrival of Chu Feng, the closed one-eye with the black hand suddenly opened, and the blood in his one-eye was terrifying, but naturally, Chu Feng would not be surprised by the look in his eyes!

"Black Hand, I forgot a question before!" Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "Generally powerful masters have a master weapon, let me see your master weapon!"

Black Hand was silent, Chu Feng didn't speak, but just looked at Black Hand with a faint smile. After about a minute passed, Black Hand said in a deep voice, "My master weapon has been destroyed before!"

"Black Hand, I originally wanted your master tool. Considering that you might not agree, I didn't say so, just take a look. Don't be too stingy. It's not good. What do you think?" I sat down in a chair and drank a sip of tea without hurriedly said, "I don’t know how powerful a mastering device is. It scares me. Please show me the trouble, but I won’t let me see it. If you do, your sincerity to live is not enough!"

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