Holy Prison

Chapter 2032: Threat, treasure

"Chu Feng, don't be too much!" Black Hand said coldly, "I said before, it's too much, it's not good for us!"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Black Hand, my request is too much? I'll come over, just want to see your master weapon and make sure of my own safety!"

"If you go too far, you will not just look at it, but will ask you to give out the dominator! I believe that between life and the dominator, you will choose life!"

The black hand said solemnly: "In my opinion, your request like this is too much." "Even if I'm a little bit too much, what about it?" Chu Feng said quietly.

"I might have a lot of trouble when I kill you, but you don't even have the qualifications to have trouble!"

"Black hand, time is precious. Don't waste my time. If it is wasted, my request will not be so simple at that time!"

"As before, give you a minute to think about it."

After saying these few words, Chu Feng sipped the tea and didn't say anything. In an instant, a minute passed. This time, within a minute, the black hand did not speak!

Two minutes, three minutes, four minutes.

Soon, ten minutes passed. "Black Hand, I'm glad you made this choice." Chu Feng smiled.

"Originally, I just wanted to see if your mastering device is not easy to make other demands, but now, you have given me this opportunity! If I remember correctly, I just said one minute, and now it is Ten minutes has passed ten times!"

The black hand said coldly: "Chu Feng, at the Devouring Station, I have already given a step, you can never expect to get the slightest benefit from me!"

Chu Feng said that a whip appeared in his hand, and there was also a spar that appeared together with the whip. It was a high-level bizarre spar that could truly record everything that happened around it, and there was basically no possibility of fraud. !

"Black Hand, you said that if you get a whip and enjoy some other things, and then the relevant video materials are released, as a dominant power, do you want to dominate the dignity of the power?" Chu Feng waved his whip and smiled authentically.

Black Hand sneered: "If everything is announced, my life will be gone by then. If I don't even have life, what dignity do I need?"

Chu Feng waved the whip, and the silver whip instantly hit the black hand tens of meters high! "It's cool... whipping the dominant power, it really tastes good." Chu Feng laughed authentically.

"Chu Feng, you are dead!" Black Hand roared. He wouldn't feel much if he was treated like this by a Domination-level powerhouse, but he felt a great humiliation when he was treated like this by someone who had no power at the Domination-level. !

As a master, and a third-rank master, the black hand is also relatively strong among the masters of the master level, so how can you enjoy such treatment?

"Blackhand, if you cooperate a little bit, you may be dead by the time. If you don't cooperate, your lifelessness will definitely be earlier." Chu Feng said, he lashed on Blackhand again, "just my request. I just asked you to show me the Domination Tool. Now on this basis, I add a little bit of code, and you have to come up with some other treasures to make up for the ten minutes or so of my time!"

"You are a master of dominance, don't say that there are no such things as the innate treasure, and it doesn't need too much. Just one piece per minute, nine in total!"

The black hand sneered and said, "Chu Feng, what do you think something like Innate Treasure is? It can be found everywhere on the street."

"Why are you only asking for nine, why don't you ask for ninety?"

Chu Feng said quietly: "Black hand, I don't have much time to joke with you. Your attitude now makes me feel dangerous! If you refuse to take out the treasure, then we will end our conversation, although we will keep you There are many advantages, but I would rather kill you. That would be disadvantageous, but there are also many advantages!"

"You have two minutes to think about it. In the first minute, if you take things out, then I get what I want and leave; after the first minute, if you want to survive, then you have to pay a little bit more. I’m sorry, it’s mine! For more than two minutes, let’s not talk about it, I’ll order you to be executed. I want to see if you are put to death. What will happen to me? !"

The anger in Black Hand's heart was rising, he was very regretful at this moment, why didn't he slap Chu Feng directly before.

Thinking that Chu Feng would not leave his control, he actually fell to where he is now! "I have so many halos all over my body, how do I get things?" After half a minute, the black hand said coldly.

"I think of a way by myself, I don't think you can do nothing like this!" Chu Feng said quietly.

The black hand solemnly said: "Nine innate treasures are impossible, and I only have three! Things like the innate treasures were useless for me before. What do I keep a lot of them for?"

"After fighting with Lin Tian, ​​I no longer have the ability to collect one by one. My three innate treasures can all be given to you. If you want more, you can only do it from others!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "A master-level powerhouse, there are only three things like Innate Treasure, who believes it? You don't need it yourself, but don't tell me, your relatives and friends can't use Xian Treasure like that. treasure!"

"They can use it. This is another reason why I have very few innate treasures. I don't need them by myself, and my relatives and friends can use them. What do you say I keep a lot of innate treasures outside?" Black hand said coldly. typical.

Chu Feng thought for a few seconds: "Blackhand, open your treasure space and let me see! Three innate treasures, this is not satisfactory to me!"

"In these years in the land of the Nine Yins, I have obtained two innate treasures, and also a lot of other treasures. You only got three innate treasures, that won't work!"

Hei Shou flatly refused. In his treasure space, there are countless things he has obtained in his life, and he is willing to show it in front of Chu Feng.

As for hiding a part of things, he knew that it was impossible to hide it with his current power. As long as the treasure space was opened, the sky-eye scan was definitely not vegetarian!

"I said yes, it will do!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Black Hand, let you open the treasure space and open the treasure space. I don't agree, unless you want to die!"

The huge black hand trembled, which showed that the black hand was extremely angry at this time. In such anger, his power stimulated a lot of imprisonment auras that destroyed a lot of it.

However, this was useless. Chu Feng's order was passed, and immediately a large number of powerful men in the holy prison space gathered to Chu Feng's side. Three thousand, this is the number that originally imprisoned the halo.

One hour later, this number has exceeded five thousand, and there is no possibility that the black hand can break three thousand in a short time, and break five thousand, then even more impossible!

"Blackhand, should you choose, die or want to live? Anyway, you are a master of the dominance level. I give you the right to choose. If you want to live, open your treasure space and give all of your treasures. Me! If you don't want to live or want to die, we can all save a little effort and don't have to say more!" Chu Feng said.

"Our old rules, one minute, the timing begins!"

The black hand was furious, but it was useless. At this time, his whole body's power was tightly locked by the five thousand imprisonment halo, let alone attacking Chu Feng, it was very difficult to move a little bit!

"Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven!" At this point, Chu Feng's murderous intent became rich. If the black hand does not agree, he will definitely kill the black hand!

Killing a dominant-level powerhouse may cause a lot of trouble, but such a threat, Chu Feng will definitely not turn it into a powerless threat!

Since it is said that the time is up to kill, it will definitely kill, there is no room for compromise!

When Chu Feng counted to sixty, the cold voice of Black Hand finally rang at the same time as his voice. "A little earlier, I don't have to waste so much saliva." Chu Feng said quietly. He said that the rich murderous intent quickly retreated like a tide, "Don't be slow, open the treasure space immediately!"

"My treasure space is in the palm." Black Hand said, as he said that a dark cave about one meter in diameter slowly appeared in the dark palm.

When the dark cave opened, Chu Feng felt a lot of treasures, and those treasures were very powerful. Chu Feng felt that the number of innate treasures should be more than 30!

The black hand just said three things, but, in fact, he has far more than three things like the innate treasure!

"Hei Shou, you are quite abundant, I don't know which rank you are the master of strength?" Chu Feng chuckled, his Sky Eye had already scanned into that dark cave at this time.

"The third-rank master of this seat!" Black Hand said proudly, the third-rank master, this can be regarded as a master among the masters!

The masters are divided into seven ranks, the first rank is the strongest, and the seventh rank is the weakest. The strongest first rank dominates only three people, and the number of second rank masters should be more, but it is certainly not much.

The third-rank master is indeed higher!

"The third-rank master." Chu Feng's eyes lit up, "then no wonder there are so many! Black hand, let the things inside appear outside, don't do anything wrong, otherwise, I don't mind killing a third-rank master!"

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