Holy Prison

Chapter 2033: Mobile treasure house

Chu Feng swallowed secretly, and there were tens of thousands of treasures floating in front of him. All the treasures together took up a lot of space! These treasures are all obtained from Black Hand!

Of all the treasures, the closest thing to Chu Feng is a black ruler. The black ruler is about one foot long and one inch wide, and it's black, with many mysterious patterns on it!

This black ruler is called Wudi Ruler, it is the master tool of the black hand, and its power is extremely terrifying!

It's no problem for Black Hand to use it now. If he had no gauge, Chu Feng would have been killed by Black Hand long ago! Fortunately, Chu Feng had used enough people before, and the power of the black hand was imprisoned in the blink of an eye, leaving him with no chance to even use the measuring ruler!

Behind the infinite ruler are hundreds of treasures. Among them, the congenital treasure and the last-day treasure add up to 36. There are dozens of other treasures, but they are also extremely valuable. For example, one of the chaotic stones is The Chaos Stone that Chu Feng obtained before and gave to Lan Wen was much bigger!

Hongjun had obtained six ray of Hongmeng purple qi before, and six ray of hongmeng purple qi became a jade disc of good fortune. Among the hundreds of treasures, there are nine ray of hongmeng purple qi!

Chaos Stone, Hongmeng Purple Qi is very precious, but the other things in a hundred things are also very precious! For example, one piece of jade order, that thing is the chapter of resurrection that Chu Feng really wanted. Without the chapter of resurrection, even if he found the temple of resurrection, it would not be possible to resurrect people in it.

There is no problem with the chapter of resurrection. Of course, after the chapter of resurrection, if you want to resurrect a person, you need to find the temple of resurrection!

Other things, some of which are not very famous, but those things, each of them have very powerful abilities, otherwise they will not be lined up with things like Innate Treasures!

Thousands of things form an area behind the Innate Treasures. In this area, things are worse than the area where the Innate Treasures are located, but each piece is very precious. Throwing out any one of them will probably attract you. The strong of the Saint King level fights desperately, even the strong of the Saint King level will be very jealous!

The last nine thousand items occupy the largest place, and their value is lower, but each item is very difficult for ordinary indestructible powerhouses to want!

"Chu Feng, wake up, wake up, saliva is about to fall to the ground." Miao Xian'er's smile sounded in Chu Feng's ears. "Blackhand, it's really good!" Chu Feng took a deep breath, not to mention, it's just that the thirty-six innate treasures of this level made Chu Feng very satisfied!

At the beginning, Chu Feng spoke about nine pieces, but in fact he didn't expect to be able to knock out nine pieces, but in the end, he knocked out so many!

Black Hand was extremely annoyed, but he could only let Chu Feng knock these treasures away. Otherwise, he knew that he would definitely die in Chu Feng's hands today.

After he died, Chu Feng would still get those things!

"It's very good. In comparison, the little things that Soloin got from it seems very small!" Miao Xianer said.

At the beginning, from Soloin, Chu Feng also got the ghost city and a black machete. That black machete is a treasure of innateness. Chu Long likes it. Now that black machete is in his There, but the innate treasure is not so easy to recognize the lord, now the black scimitar has not recognized Chu Long!

Chu Feng nodded. Soloin's guy is now a silver skull. He was injured extremely badly before. It is possible that he was confined to a deep sleep. It is also possible that he could hear what Chu Feng said. But deliberately not to answer to Chu Feng!

If you answer, you will definitely be blackmailed. If you don't answer, Chu Feng will not be able to blackmail. "Xian'er, because you think he is awake now?" Chu Feng said.

"This is not very clear." Miao Xian'er shook his head. Although Soloin's strength is relatively weak now, he is a master-class powerhouse after all, and it is not so easy to detect!

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "He probably has a lot of treasures too. If he wakes up, he will have to blackmail him! Dominant-level powerhouses are mobile treasure houses one by one!"

"Xian'er, let both your deity and Bing Ning come here!" Chu Feng said, having obtained so many treasures, it is natural that Feng Bingning and the others must choose first!

"Okay!" Miao Xian'er said with excitement.

Soon, Feng Bingning and their eight daughters all appeared on the side where Chu Feng was.

"So many treasures!"

Appearing on this side, Feng Bingning and the others showed shocked expressions on their faces. The same is true for Miao Xian'er. Some of her sacred thoughts manage the sacred prison, but it does not mean that she can know her at any time. Some things that Sacred Mind knows.

"Feng, where did you get so many treasures? These... seem to be innate treasures of the highest level, my God, there are so many! And this ruler, the ruler?" Feng Bingning said with excitement, as a big sister. Her ability to control her emotions is extremely high, but there are no outsiders at this time, and there is no need to control too much!

When Chu Feng thought, a lot of information was passed to Feng Bingning and the others in an instant. "The master-level powerhouse has so many treasures!" Yin Qianqian smiled.

Chu Feng said: "Things like Innate Treasures are very precious to us, but for the masters of the dominance level, it is estimated that they are ordinary things, and it is normal to have such things."

"Qianqian, choose what you like. If you really don't like it, don't force it. You should get other treasures at that time!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning and the others both nodded their heads and selected them carefully. Chu Feng sat and smiled and watched them choose their mood, which was very good. If some treasures can be recognized as their masters, then Feng Bingning's strength can be improved!

The cultivation of these women is not low, and their combat power is also very high. If you add the sharp treasures, plus the power that can be borrowed from the Holy Prison, they are estimated to be with the Holy Prison. King-level powerhouses will not lose the wind if they fight against each other!

Now that Feng Bingning and Lan Wen are fighting against the Saint King-level powerhouses, they won't lose the wind, and even with good luck, they can kill even the Saint-king level powerhouses!

Among the women, Miao Feiying was the first to choose a treasure, a poisonous needle, a natural treasure! Her weapons today are some poisonous needles. As she grows, those poisonous needles have grown a lot, but they are still much worse than the innate treasure! If she can fuse that poisonous needle at that time, she can use that poisonous needle as her main weapon, and the remaining poisonous needles can be used for normal time!

"Feiying, don't choose this?" Chu Feng said in surprise, Miao Feiying walked towards him after choosing the poisonous needle. "There are too many treasures, I look dazzling." Miao Feiying sat down beside Chu Feng and smiled, "I didn't expect that there would be so many treasures in front of me when I was dazzling!"

"I feel that to let this poisonous needle recognize the master, let it recognize the master first, and if necessary, get something else. Half-hearted, the chance of letting the innate supreme-level treasure recognize the master will be lower." Miao Feiying Tao.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, and soon, Feng Bingning left for the second time. She chose a ray of purple air. Needless to say, she wanted Zi Yuling to absorb this ray of purple air. .

"Bing Ning, don't you choose anything else?" Chu Feng beckoned, Feng Bingning approached him and sat down, causing Chu Feng to hug and hug him.

Feng Bingning said with a chuckle: "I have years, strong defense, and strong escape. Only the attacking aspect needs to be strengthened. A ray of grand purple qi will improve the quality of Zi Yuling."

"Well, if the purple jade bell is raised a little more in the future, it will be able to let the purple jade bell merge with one or two more scents of the purple qi." Chu Feng said, three strands, this is the limit of the purple jade bell fusion, and Chu Feng can judge it. , After three strands, Ziyuling will not increase its power even if it merges with the grandiose purple qi!

Lan Wen chose her third choice. She chose a congenital treasure, a defensive congenital treasure. The color of the congenital treasure was a light blue-purple, and it looked like a shield that had shrunk many times!

Lan Wen is a war witch, there are two directions to go, one is inclined to close combat, the other is inclined to control. After comprehending the law of destiny and having many sky-eaters, it is obvious that Lan Wen is more suitable for taking the road of control, so that he can exert a stronger combat effectiveness!

Safety is very important to follow the path of "Mage". A natural treasure with strong defense force is indeed Lan Wen's best choice now!

However, whether the integration can be successful depends on Lan Wen's good fortune! Lan Wen owns Taiwu Tower. Although Taiwu Tower is not the Innate Supreme Treasure now, it should be no problem to reach the Innate Supreme Treasure level by then.

Chu Feng has merged two innate treasures, but Lan Wen's words, she does not have three sages, and with the Taiwu Tower, whether or not she can fuse that defensive treasure can really only depend on good fortune!

However, Lan Wen herself understood the law of fate, and since she chose, she should have a lot of confidence to make that shield her future partner!

The fourth choice was Yilian. She chose three wisps of Hongmeng Purple Qi, three wisps of Hongmeng Purple Qi, Heaven Leaf, Earth Leaf, and Life Leaf.

Feng Bing Ning Zi Jade Bell had absorbed a lot of the power of the Heart of Fire, so now it can only absorb one ray of the purple qi, while Yilian's heaven and earth leaves can absorb three ray of the purple qi.

Hongmeng Ziqi, this thing has a great effect, can greatly enhance the power of the treasure, and can also increase the power limit of a treasure! Originally, things like Tianye Tianye Mingye could hardly be promoted to the level of the top congenital treasure, the last-day treasure, but it would be possible if it merged with the grandiose and purple energy!

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