Holy Prison

Chapter 2034: Treasure distribution

Miao Feiying, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, and Yilian selected things. Ten minutes passed, Qin Ying, Feiye, Yin Qianqian and Miao Xian'er also selected things one after another.

Qin Ying originally owned a cross of the resurrection of the treasure of the last days. The thing she chose was not the treasure of the innate, but it was also a very good thing. That thing can be mirrored!

The mirror image has no attack power, but its defense power is good, and the speed can reach Qin Ying's speed. It can definitely reach the point of being fake. If Qin Ying can fully use the power of that treasure, he will even be a powerhouse of the Saint King and Sovereign level. , Sage Scanning is estimated to take a lot of time to distinguish true from false!

Song Ye has merit beads, and merit beads are good for defense and attack. Because of the merit beads, it is estimated that it will be more difficult for Song Ye to recognize the innate treasure of the main attack and defense. She chose a supplementary innate treasure of the thousand fantasy world.

If the Thousand Illusion Realm recognizes the Lord, then the illusion can be created one by one with the wave of the leaf, and the illusion created by the innate treasure is extremely real! If Shaoye's cultivation base is high enough, one illusion can trap a large number of powerful people!

Yin Qianqian's words, although there were good treasures before, they were not the innate treasures. This time with so many innate treasures, she naturally chose one.

Practicing the Law of Ice, Yin Qianqian chose a sword as thin as a silkworm wing. If that sword succeeded in recognizing the Lord, she would definitely improve her strength.

The one who struggled the longest was Miao Xian'er. She spent a lot of time among those treasures, but as a result, no treasure was selected.

"Xian'er, don't choose any?" Chu Feng looked at Miao Xian'er walking with empty hands, Chu Feng said in surprise. Miao Xian'er said helplessly: "I don't really like it, let's talk about it later, this kind of thing is not an ordinary thing, it is impossible to change it casually if you choose it, let's see if you like it in the future!

Chu Feng nodded his head and didn't force it. Innate Treasures, such things, how ordinary people have the qualifications to pick three or four, they can laugh at them when they get the innate Treasures to recognize the master.

However, Chu Feng believes that he will definitely be able to get the Innate Treasure by then. Under such circumstances, Miao Xian'er does not need to rush to choose now!

"Since you all chose, then let Han'er and the others choose." Chu Feng said, his voice fell, and in a short period of time, Chu Han still had many people in front of Chu Feng.

Those who appeared were Chu Feng’s seven children, Chu Han, Chu Xiang, Chu Yun, Chu Yang, Chu Shi, Chu Xin, and Chu Yu; Chu Long, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, their three couples and their children, and Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu.

In total, there are twenty people, and even one congenital treasure is enough for one person. After all, Feng Bingning and the others chose only four of them. There are still thirty-two congenital treasures and last-day treasures!

The number of treasures exceeds the number of Tang Ming and the others. Moreover, Tang Ming and the others will certainly not choose Innate Treasures. Moreover, it is not just that they choose treasures. Those treasures are also choosing their owners. Only with some reactions can it be possible to recognize the Lord successfully, otherwise it will be missed!

"Boss, what do you do?" Zhou Wen said, his eyes widened and his eyes were full of shock. Other people looked similar to Zhou Wen.

"Boss, this is a phantom?" Zhou Wen was stunned. He said with a palm to the nearest innate treasure and patted the ruler of the past without a measuring ruler, and now Chu Feng has put it away.

Zhou Wen's palm shook the golden gong in front of him, and Chu Feng and the others had no problem, that is, they heard the golden gong make a louder sound.

But Zhou Wen's words, the face changed wildly at this moment, and my heart felt uncomfortable and almost vomited out!

"Fatty, don't mess around, you are attacking the innate treasure, don't you want to die?" Chu Feng chuckled, if he were not in this holy prison space, if he was outside, Zhou Wen might have died like this!

"Innate Treasures" Tang Ming said incredibly and authentically, "Boss, are these all innate treasures?"

Chu Feng pointed and said, "These are treasures of the Innate Supreme Treasure level. The ones behind are even worse, and the ones behind are even worse!"

"Don't just look at them, choose the treasures that suit you! When the Holy Consciousness touches these treasures, you can know what they are."

Chu Feng's voice fell, Tang Ming and the others did not move.

"Boss, do we pick these treasures at will?" Tang Ming said in surprise. Many of these treasures in front of him are treasures of the innate treasure level!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, but I can only pick the ones that are suitable for him. If the ones that are not suitable are forcibly recognized, it will affect the strength at that time!"

"Jiejie, boss, then we're welcome, guys, go!" Zhou Wen yelled, his voice fell, and he immediately rushed to the front of a huge axe.

Time slowly passed. One hour later, Tang Ming and the others had all chosen. There were twenty or so, and fifteen of them chose a treasure. Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu did not choose the innate treasure to be precise. , It's that their talents are lower now, and they didn't let the innate treasures.

However, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu also got good things, their things were picked out by Chu Feng for them, and they had no other effect besides enhancing their talents!

After so many years, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu's talents, Chu Feng, must have helped them improve, and more than once! However, because they were fused with Saint Grid to become a saint, it was very difficult to improve their talents. Although Chu Feng had helped them improve a lot of talents before, it was to make their talents reach the level of general geniuses.

This time, the level of the talent-enhancing things obtained from Black Hand is extremely high, even if the cultivation bases of Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu cannot be upgraded to enchanting level, it should be no problem to upgrade to the level of super genius!

After their talents are upgraded, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu may also merge with the innate treasures at that time. However, this is a long time later. The improvement of talents is a relatively slow process, and their current cultivation base is lower!

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen are two of them. They did not choose the innate treasure. Tang Ming owns the Hongjun ring and Zhou Wen owns the brick. The Hongjun ring and the brick are very good treasures!

The two of them, one of them chose two ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi. The Hongmeng Purple Qi merged into their weapons. As long as they grow, the ring of Hongjun and the brick can reach the level of top innate treasure. They don't have that. Need to change!

For Hongjun's purple energy, Feng Bingning used one strand, Yilian used three strands, plus Tang Ming and the other four strands, and there were two strands left, which happened to be used by Feng Bingning!

"Don't look at me anymore, go to practice, and merge the treasures you get as soon as possible!" Chu Feng smiled softly. He waved his hand, Feng Bingning and the rest of the women were all In the small space outside the holy prison space!

"Pervert, they are all gone, leaving us behind, what do they want to do?" Miao Feiying hummed softly. "Hey, since I've called me a pervert, what do you guys say? It's been a long time since I've been lucky enough for your beloved concubines, and today I'm lucky enough for your beloved concubines." Chu Feng said with a weird smile. He raised his hand and sucked. Zi sucked Miao Feiying, who was two or three meters away from him, into his arms.

"You pay me back" Miao Feiying rolled her eyes.

Chu Feng's demon hand touched Miao Feiying's chest: "Feiying, your husband and me, can't you compare to an emperor? I'll let you know how powerful your husband is!"

"Our eight sisters, are you afraid that you won't succeed?" Miao Feiying hummed.

The fierce battle lasted for several hours. After the battle, Chu Feng and the others slept deeply. Such a sleep is rare in a long time.

Seven or eight hours later, Chu Feng relaxed and woke up, "It's so cool... I really doubt that it's time for mortals to sleep like this every day!"

"Slackers, we woke up a long time ago." Miao Xian'er smiled softly. At this moment, all of their eight girls are still on the bed, all of them are just thin pajamas. Chu Feng's eyes are in their perfection. I scanned it a few times before slowly saying: "There is no way, you eight female elves deal with one person in this seat, this seat is naturally a little harder."

"You are the Banshee Jing, sisters, pick him up!" Yin Qianqian rushed towards Chu Feng. "Duh, that fairy, take this seat!" Chu Feng smiled strangely, and when he reached out his hand and pressed Yin Qianqian's head, he pressed it towards him. The high stick immediately entered a warm place.

It was another battle, and after three or four hours, Chu Feng and the others ended the battle. "Feng, next, are you going to find a way to get the Lion King mask?" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded, "It used to be more troublesome to get the Lion King mask. Now it’s easier to enter the Holy Prison Space. At that time, let the follower approach the Bloody Infant Cold Pool. If just approaching without a chance, let the follower It is also possible to enter the Bloody Infant Cold Pool. This time, try to get the right Lion King pupil!"

"The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse has emerged. I estimate that in the temple, the powerhouse who can borrow the power stored in the chaos will borrow power in a short time. I need more power!"

"The pupil of the right lion king can't be given to the one-eyed lion king casually, but if you get it, it will always be a hole card, and it is a big hole card!"

Feng Bingning nodded slightly, "Feng, you have to promise us that you will find a way to get the pupil of the right lion king in this holy prison space when you don't get outside then." Feng Bing condensed.

"I try my best. If there is no need to go out, I will definitely not appear outside." Chu Feng said.

A look of helplessness appeared on Feng Bingning's face: "Well, be careful, we need to practice next, but if there is something, call us."

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