Holy Prison

Chapter 2035: Hidden task

"The pupil of the right lion king, you must get it." Chu Feng muttered in his heart to get up, Feng Bingning and the others had already left their respective practice before him.

In the extremely cold pool, entering it was carried by the black hand, and the speed was very fast; but it was not that fast to get out, but Chu Feng and his entourage began to leave at the beginning of the "battle", and at this time the entourage almost left!

More than ten minutes later, the water in the extremely cold pool aroused, and several followers sprang out of the extremely cold pool at the same time!

"Xian'er, take a look and see if you can sense Tao Chen's position." Chu Feng said quietly. Miao Xian'er was sitting next to Chu Feng. She nodded to the Holy Prison and immediately sensed Tao Chen's position. Soon, Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the position is sensed, but the distance seems to be very far! "

"Yeah... Scan the Sky Eye." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er activated her heavenly eyes: "Hey...Chu Feng, they left something behind." Miao Xian'er said some images were displayed in front of Chu Feng.

The image is a huge boulder with some words deeply carved on it.

"Number One, you have not come out of the quiet cold pool for decades on this side. We are timid and dare not enter the cold pool."

"The number of powerful monsters around Hantan is increasing. We are also a little unsafe on this side. We have to withdraw!"

"Number One, I hope you can live out of it. After spending hundreds of years together, you don't want to die there! That way we will be very sad...Of course, this might give a small discount! "

"What you said before, do a little bit less bad things, we'll take it down. The wicked have been doing it for a long time, and it's annoying. Now we are more interested in being good!"

"If you come out alive, you might see it, hope you can see it, we flashed!"

Chu Feng looked at the words with a faint smile, these guys, remember to leave these words before leaving, it's not bad!

"Chu Feng, the position of the Blood Infant Cold Pool is different from that of Tao Chen and the others. Which side shall we go?" Miao Xianer said. "Blood Baby Cold Pool!" Chu Feng said.

If Tao Chen and the others did not change much, Chu Feng dragged Tao Chen and the others to the Bloody Infant Cold Pool, but when Tao Chen and the others had changed a lot, Chu Feng did not want them to hang in the Bloody Infant Cold Pool. Aside!

"Tao Chen and the others, don't care anymore?" Miao Xian'er said, "These guys are so good at talking, maybe they want to do bad things again by then!"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "That's not necessarily true. I can sense that they really want to change. If it is a normal age, I am too lazy to let them change and just kill them, but in this age, they If this kind of cultivation can be changed, they must be given a chance!"

"Well, I don't care about them for the time being. Let's go to the **** infant cold pool side. If they become evil in the future, I will kill them one by one!"

Several followers proceeded very carefully, but when they reached the side of the Bloody Infant Cold Pool, the first few followers outside had all died!

In the Land of Nine Yin, it is very dangerous even for a Saint-level powerhouse to walk, what's more, the previous followers didn't even have an immortal level cultivation base!

"Fortunately, it's still there!" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when Sky Eye scanned the Bloody Infant's Cold Pool.

The Blood Infant Cold Pool has long been able to move, but for hundreds of years, the Bloody Yin Cold Lake did not move at all. This situation is normal. If there is nothing to attract the Blood Infant Cold Pool to move, how could the Blood Infant Cold Pool run around casually go with?

"Xian'er, let the outside entourage approach the Bloody Infant Cold Pool!" Chu Feng said, he is very relaxed right now, and it feels completely different in the holy prison space and outside the holy prison space!


Miao Xian'er responded, and the entourage who was advancing in the holy prison cautiously approached the **** cold pool. There are many yin spirits in the **** cold pool, but most of the yin spirits are usually in deep sleep. They walked carefully in stone armor until they were only a hundred meters away from the extreme cold wave. Did not encounter any trouble.


When the entourage arrived only thirty or forty meters away from the Bloody Infant Cold Pool, a weird voice suddenly rang, and then, the entourage who was advancing with the holy prison ignited a **** flame, just in the blink of an eye, he In the flames, his body turned into nothingness!

While scanning the sky, Chu Feng saw the appearance of a black cat-like Yin Ling. The black cat Yin Ling opened his mouth and sucked, and the little special energy generated by his death was absorbed by it!

"Xian'er, say hello to the blood infant!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. "What kind of sincerity do you say hello?" Miao Xian'er said with a grin.

"General sincerity is good."

Chu Feng's voice fell, and several powerful bombs fell into the **** cold pool.

The Bloody Infant's Cold Pool was relatively calm, but in an instant, the Bloody Infant's Cold Pool exploded, and a lot of cold and cold appeared in a short time!

"Blood baby, come out!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded outside, but at this time, his voice was not the more easy-going voice he himself sounded, but the somewhat depressing voice of Black Hand.

The powerful coercion appeared immediately, and those yin spirits became much more at ease. A unicorn monster appeared, and on top of the habitual beast was a child in red!

"Who are you? Your voice sounds familiar!" The child in the red dress said with some confusion. Chu Feng's voice revealed a proud meaning: "Blood Infant, you don't deserve to know the name of this seat. This seat is here to inform you of something. In the future, follow this seat, otherwise, die!"

"Who are you and who am I?" The Blood Infant was a little confused at this moment. Chu Feng's voice made him feel that it should not be an enemy but a friend, but he couldn't remember the relevant information.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you know?" Chu Feng thought for a while. Bloody Infant's eyes were brilliant, and soon he respectfully said: "Master Heiqing, the little one is rude!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, Hei Qing, he didn't expect that Black Hand's name was Hei Qing, and this blood infant actually knew Hei Qing!

I just said that it was Chu Feng's temporary decision, and Chu Feng didn't have much hope for it, but now it seems that it might be easy to get the right Lion King pupil!

"Remember who you are?" Chu Feng said quietly, "Blood Infant, in the future, how about chasing with this seat? This seat will not treat you badly, maybe at that time, you can become the sovereign!"

A hint of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Blood Infant, but he quickly said firmly: "Master Hei Qing, your strength is very strong. My master is not as strong as you, but I can't do such a thing as betraying the master. Master Hei Qing , The relationship between the host and the adult is good, it seems a little bad for you."

"Huh, blood baby, are you trying to die? Although the strength of this seat has not been fully restored, there is not much problem with killing you." Chu Feng said coldly.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, Hei Qing, the third-rank master, is too strong for Blood Infant, so Chu Feng said at this time, Blood Infant was terrified, but he still rejected Chu Feng.

"Master Heiqing, it is possible to do a little favor for the adults, but let me betray the master. This is impossible. I hope that the adults understand! Presumably the adults don't want a subordinate who has experienced betrayal!" Xue Ying said, "My lord, have you woken up, don't you know my master?"

"Your master doesn't know, so let's do it. Before meeting your master, you follow your master. If you meet your master, if you want to return to your master, your master will not stop you!" Chu Feng said, "You His strength is not bad, so this seat talks so much nonsense with you, if you push around, don’t blame this seat for being infinite and ruthless!"

Blood Infant knew that Hei Qing had an infinite ruler. At this time, hearing the name of the infinite ruler, his suspicion was a little bit less, and his frightened feeling added another point. He was not sure that he could survive the attack of the infinite ruler.

Moreover, even if he is alive, when Hei Qing's strength continues to grow, can he escape? Even his master is not Heiqing's opponent!

"Yes, Master Hei Qing!" Blood Infant said respectfully.

"Don't resist! Enter the treasure space of this seat, this seat has something to discuss with you! Moreover, you enter the treasure space of this seat, and then you can leave this space." Chu Feng said solemnly.

The **** baby's small eyes were slightly wrinkled, but there was no objection. It did not expect that Hei Qing had been caught on it. From its point of view, this was impossible!

Tianshou appeared outside, and in the blink of an eye, there was no objection from Blood Infant, and it was included in the holy prison space.


When the blood infant entered the holy prison space, Chu Feng didn't give it any time to discover that it was wrong. When it entered the holy prison space, a large number of powerful people used the means of banning!

One after another, the halo fell on the blood infant. Like the black hand before, the blood infant was trapped by many halos within a few hours.

"Calculating countless possibilities, I didn't expect that the blood infant would be caught into the holy prison space so easily." Chu Feng muttered with a satisfied smile on his face.

Just when Chu Feng was going to see the Blood Infant, Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, congratulations on completing a hidden mission!"

"Hidden mission?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that there would be such a hidden mission. "Chu Feng, there are some tasks that have not been released before, and you won't know until you complete them. This time the hidden task is to catch the blood infant, which is a 4S level hidden task." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised and hurriedly said: "Xian'er, before I caught Hei Qing, there was not a 5S-level mission that appeared? Hei Qing is a master-level powerhouse!"

"No... Catch the blood baby, the reward is one trillion increase in combat points, and the domain tower is worth 10 billion! There are only these two rewards, no other rewards." Miao Xianer said.

Trillions of battle points, 10 billion domain tower values, this is a lot, Chu Feng is not more greedy. "Xian'er, I'll talk to you about the hidden mission later, I'll get the right Lion King pupil first!" Chu Feng said.

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