Holy Prison

Chapter 2048: Temple of Resurrection

"If it is really the Temple of Resurrection, that would be great!" Chu Feng secretly revealed his figure, he was not far from the two women, and the two women had discovered Chu Feng just as he revealed his figure.

Both women looked at Chu Feng with vigilant expressions. In a place like the Chaos Wasteland, if they go out for a long time, they may not be able to meet humans, and they may not be friendly when they meet!

"The two Dao are friendly!" Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Two, I have no malice against you." "No malice, what are you hiding and eavesdropping on us?" the young woman snorted.

"Xiaoying, don't talk nonsense. This fellow Taoist, do you have any advice?" The older woman said, the vigilance in her eyes did not let go.

Immortal level strength, if she is outside, that woman will feel safe, but she does not have it in a place like the Chaos Wasteland!

In the chaotic wasteland, many of the people walking alone have the strength of immortality. They are two women, and two beautiful women.

What Chu Feng was about to say, the billowing thunderclouds swiftly moved from far to near, and the roar of fierce beasts came from within the thundercloud! "Master, is it Ben Lei beast?" the young woman said quickly.

"It's Benlei beast, we are in trouble."

The face of that older woman changed drastically. In the Primordial Wasteland, the adult Ben Lei beasts were basically immortal level cultivation bases. Judging from that power, Ben Lei beasts must be of immortal level strength!

"So fast!"

Both women had such thoughts in their hearts, they just said a few words, the Ben Lei beast, which was originally far away from Chu Feng and them, was already very close to Chu Feng and them!

"It's over!"

The expressions of the two women became very ugly. They were still looking at the Ben Lei Beast not coming towards them. They did not expect that Ben Lei Beast would have arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye!

Just when the two women turned pale in fright, Chu Feng screamed coldly, his voice rang out, and instantly burst out of his body no less than the momentum of the beast!

Ben Lei Beast did not immediately retreat, its hideous beast head was exposed in the thundercloud!

"Nie Hu, if you don't roll, then die for me!" Chu Feng yelled out and Yin Ming appeared in his hand with a thought.

This Ben Lei beast is a second-level immortal cultivation base with rich combat experience. Its strength is not worse than the general third-level immortal strong, so it was not scared away by Chu Feng.

But what it doesn't know is that Chu Feng is not an ordinary third-level immortal strong. His cultivation is only third-level immortal, but even if he doesn’t use Devouring Gourd or something, the fifth-level immortal strong will not. It's his opponent!

There is not much difference between the second-level immortality and the third-level immortality, but there is a big difference from the fifth-level immortality! Chu Feng swung his sword, and the laws of space and time were used together. In the horrified gazes of the two women, the lei beast was chopped off the huge beast head by Chu Feng's sword!

"Xiaoying, don't talk nonsense, level five is immortal, the other party has at least level five immortal strength!" The older woman said through the voice, the level five immortal powerhouse can easily kill them!

"Thank you senior for taking the shot!"

"Thank you senior!"

Both women spoke out, and Chu Feng waved his hands: "You are welcome...Two, I just heard you talk about the Temple of Resurrection. I want to go to your school. I don't know if it's okay?"

"This... senior, without the chapter of resurrection, it is impossible to open the resurrection temple!" The older woman said, she declined gently, even if Chu Feng just helped them. If Chu Feng didn't help them, he would probably refuse it more directly!

If they were directly rejected, Chu Feng could force them to lead the way, but if they did so, it would conflict with the school behind them, and Chu Feng didn't want to do that.

"I have the chapter of resurrection, I want to resurrect an elder!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Both women's eyes were surprised. They didn't expect Chu Feng to have a revival chapter. "Two, I have no malice against you and the sect behind you. I am not from Chaos Wasteland. I come from outside. I have no conflicts of interest with you, let alone hatred." Chu Feng said.

"Okay!" The older woman considered for a moment and nodded slightly, "Senior, please come with us. It's about three days' journey to our school!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "You can point to the lower position, I will take you forward, so it will be faster!" "Also." The older woman said, pointing to the lower position, and Chu Feng's mind moved with a breeze. With these two women advancing quickly, his speed was dozens of times faster than the two women advancing themselves!

The two women needed three days, and Chu Feng took them to the vicinity of their martial arts within half an hour.

"Senior, this is here. There is a big formation ahead. Senior, follow us." The older woman said. Chu Feng nodded slightly. The two women led the way. Soon Chu Feng and the others entered. In the big formation, the big formation is extremely complicated, and Chu Feng's formation level is good, but nothing can be seen in a short time.

The mist lingered in the big formation. As soon as the big formation came out, Chu Feng suddenly felt that his face suddenly opened up. Within the range of the formation, there were many peaks, and fairy beasts flew among the peaks, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

"Nice place!"

Chu Feng praised that from the perspective of the scenery, this place is much better than Ping'an Village, but in terms of safety, it is estimated that Ping'an Village is higher!

"Uncle Fang Ya, Junior Sister Ziying, this one is"

In a short period of time, many people arrived in front of Chu Feng and they all looked at Chu Feng as if they were watching a giant panda.

"This senior just saved our lives. He has something to do. Senior, I will take you to see the head." The older woman was Fang Yadao.

Chu Feng nodded, the resurrection temple, this relationship is not small, Fang Ya can't be the master, just now Chu Feng asked the sky to scan, this sect is not weak, among the sects, there are strong masters One!

In the outside world, it’s not bad for a force to have an indestructible powerhouse. Like the previous Feng clan, the White Tiger clan did not have a holy powerhouse. Such a sect is stronger than the Baihu Feng clan, even As a result, the strength of the Dragon Clan today will not be much stronger than such a sect!

Soon, Chu Feng and the others reached a mountain peak. There was a wooden building on the mountain peak. As soon as Chu Feng and the others arrived, a voice rang beside Chu Feng and them.

"Guests from afar, please come in!"

Chu Feng said softly and Fang Ya and the others entered the wooden building. The inside of the building was quite bright. As soon as Chu Feng entered the building, he saw a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged on a futon on the ground.


Fang Ya and Ziying hurriedly saluted, and Chu Feng also bowed slightly: "Friends, excuse me! Come here, I want to see the Resurrection Temple, if it is really the Resurrection Temple, I want to use the Resurrection Temple next! "

"Guest, do you have a resurrection chapter? I don't know how many?" The white-haired old man said a little excitedly. After living a long time, who doesn't have a few relatives and friends who died unexpectedly?

People who have died of life will not live long after being resurrected, but those who died by accident can live a long, long time as long as they are resurrected without encountering accidents!

"Daoist, I'm sorry, I only have one!" Chu Feng said, from the hands of the quasi-dominant rulers, Chu Feng has obtained a lot of treasures, but indeed there is only one chapter of resurrection!

One piece, just to bring Nuwa back to life!

"Oh, what a pity!" The white-haired old man sighed slightly, "The temple that appeared in our school should be the temple of resurrection, Xiaoya, take the guests over there!"

"Yes, the head!"

Chu Feng nodded secretly in his heart. It's not bad that this leader didn't make a move to **** his resurrection chapter. Things like the resurrection chapter are very precious and rare. If Feng Bingning and the others have an accident, someone will show up in front of him with the resurrection chapter. If so, Chu Feng couldn't guarantee that he would never make a move!

"Friends, quit!"

Chu Feng saluted once again and Fang Ya and the others quickly withdrew from the main hall. "Senior, the Resurrection Temple is on the back side of the mountain." Fang Ya said, she led the way towards the back mountain.

Chu Feng followed, and many people knew that the news was also following Chu Feng and they were heading towards the back mountain. The speed of everyone was not fast, but after half a minute they also reached the back mountain.

"It's amazing!"

Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of wonder. The sky-eye scan did not find the Resurrection Temple, but at this moment, his eyes saw the Resurrection Temple.

At the moment when the eyes saw the Temple of Resurrection, the Eye of Heaven scanned the Temple of Resurrection.

"Chu Feng, it is the word'resurrection'." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "This palace should undoubtedly be the temple of resurrection!"

The Temple of Resurrection is nine feet tall and more than ten feet long. It does not occupy a large area and looks relatively ordinary, but it gives people a sense of vastness and distance.

The door of the Resurrection Temple is closed tightly, and you can only resurrect when you enter it, but without the Resurrection Chapter, you cannot enter the Resurrection Temple at all.

"Fang Ya, does he have a resurrection chapter?"

Just when Chu Feng was about to take out the Chapter of Resurrection and enter the Temple of Resurrection, a middle-aged man in Xuanyi instantly appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others, "Yes, or not?"

"Uncle Xuanqing, the head asked me to bring him over to the Temple of Resurrection." Fang Ya answered the question. "Huh, I'm asking you if it's not? Does he have a resurrection chapter?" The middle-aged Xuan Yi said solemnly.

"I have!" Chu Feng said quietly, his brows frowned slightly. He thought that there would be no trouble, but he did not expect that there would be trouble.

The middle-aged Xuan Yi showed excitement on his face: "Okay, very good! Give me your resurrection chapter, and I can give you something else as compensation!"

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