Holy Prison

Chapter 2049: Man in the palace

"Sorry, the chapter of resurrection won't be changed." Chu Feng said quietly.

The middle-aged Xuan Yi raised his brows: "No? Friends, are you sure not to change? I advise you to change one. In that case, it will be better for you!"

Chu Feng expressionlessly said: "Listening to what a friend means, it seems to be threatening me?" "It's not a threat, I kindly remind you!" The middle-aged Xuan Yi said coldly, "I am immortal at level 6. Cultivation base, you are only immortal at the third level, the Chaos Wasteland is not very peaceful, even if you are a powerful person at the holy sovereign level, you may fall away if you walk outside!"


The white-haired old man that Chu Feng had seen before sounded with a little bit of anger on Chu Feng's side, "Since the guests are not willing, don't force it!"

"Head, you don’t feel sorry for Junior Sister Wan, I love Junior Sister Wan, today he’d better hand over the chapter of resurrection and hand it over honestly, even if I owe him a favor from Xuanqing, otherwise, I can only take action. In that case, there may be bloodshed and sacrifice." Xuan Qing said coldly.

Chu Feng could see that that Junior Sister Wan must be Xuanqing's love sister. He was a little bit overwhelmed, but he could understand it, but being able to understand it did not mean that Chu Summit gave up the chapter of resurrection.

Resurrecting Nuwa, this one is of great importance! Nu Wa is the mother of Fei Ye, and also his mother, and Chu Feng has also benefited from Nu Wa. Morally speaking, Chu Feng should resurrect Nu Wa.

Moreover, Nuwa is a powerhouse at the holy sovereign level. If she is resurrected, there will be one more powerhouse on the side of Chu Feng and the others, and the odds of winning against the temple are greater!

"Brother Xuanqing, get out of the way. You are not my opponent. If you are an enemy, you would already be lying on the ground by now." Chu Feng said softly.

"I can understand how you feel about resurrecting your junior sister, but I can't give you the chapter of resurrection. I need to use it to resurrect an elder of me!"

Xuan Qing said coldly: "I don't care who you want to resurrect. I need your chapter of resurrection. Since you think you are better than me, then you can do it. If you can't beat you, I naturally have nothing to say!"

Chu Feng thought that the one-eyed lion king appeared next to him, "Roar!" The one-eyed lion king appeared, and immediately roared to the sky. Amidst the roar, the power of the holy lion was revealed!

"Is it better to compare?" Chu Feng said, the one-eyed lion king is the cultivation base of the saint-class level, Xuanqing is not extinct at the sixth level, and it is enough to abuse Xuanqing to death!

"Holy Master!"

Xuan Qing's face changed, his cultivation level was not low, and he could naturally judge the strength of the one-eyed lion king. "Junior Sister Wan!" Xuan Qing showed pain in his eyes and let it go to one side. A saint-level powerhouse, that is not something he can fight against. There is no problem dealing with it with all the power of the faction, but he knows that it is impossible.

"Friend, can you tell me where you got your resurrection chapter?" Xuan Qing asked. "Nine Yin Land!" Chu Feng said directly, he didn't hide this one.

"The Land of Nine Yin!"

The complexion of Xuan Qing and many people around him changed. Of course, they knew the land of Jiuyin, the people in the Chaos Wasteland, not many did not know the land of Jiuyin!

In the Primordial Chaos Wasteland, many people came to the land of Jiuyin, but few returned. In modern history, there is no record of anyone coming back alive!

"Thank you!" Xuan Qing said and left quickly. Chu Feng nodded secretly in his heart, Xuan Qing is still a good person, his behavior is normal.

With the one-eyed lion king in town, no one jumped out again, and Chu Feng approached the Resurrection Temple step by step.

Without taking out the chapter of resurrection, Chu Feng pushed **** the door of the resurrection temple, and the door that was several feet high did not move! "Xian'er, is it possible that the Temple of Resurrection is a weapon?" Chu Feng said in his mind, as he said that the chapter of resurrection appeared in his hands.

The chapter of resurrection appeared, and a little light suddenly shrouded Chu Feng. In the shroud of light, Chu Feng had a feeling that he could already push the door of the resurrection temple.

Chu Feng pushed open the gate of the Temple of Resurrection. The gate that had not moved before was slowly opened under Chu Feng's push.

"It's really possible that it is a weapon, but you shouldn't think about getting the Temple of Resurrection for the time being. Its power is obviously very sufficient, and there are rules for its operation." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng had obtained a lot of weapons, but the Four Beast Seals Ghost City had insufficient power, and there was no measuring ruler. Although the power was sufficient, it ignored Chu Feng now.

It might be okay to hold it and smash something against the measuring ruler, but now Chu Feng wants to use its power, let alone the door, even the window.

There is no ruler under the control of the owner, and there is no rule of self-operation of the non-measurement ruler. Chu Feng can accept it, but if the resurrection temple, if Chu Feng wants to receive it, he must break its rules!

For the operating rules of a mastering device, let alone one Chu Feng, ten Chu Fengs plus one, then there is no way! Even if Chu Feng reached the master level cultivation base, it is estimated that there is no way to resurrect the temple!

The door opened, and countless brilliance flowed in the Resurrection Temple. Chu Feng entered the Resurrection Temple, and the door of the Resurrection Temple was immediately closed!

"Too stingy, let us see what happened?"

Many people outside the Temple of Resurrection complained, but Chu Feng couldn't hear their complaints. "Come with the chapter of resurrection, you can resurrect a life below the master cultivation level!" A somewhat mechanical voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "please specify an important resurrection of the dead, please name the deceased Name, please imagine what the deceased looked like!"


Chu Feng's heart moved the merit pearl appeared in front of him, this merit pearl is the natal weapon of the leaf, it is very important, but there is no problem with it.

"This bead is made of the body of the deceased. The name of the deceased is Nu Wa and it looks like this." Chu Feng said that Nu Wa's figure appeared beside him.

"The strength of the dead."

"Please wait a moment, you need to search for information between heaven and earth to determine if you can bring Nuwa back to life!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and looked around. There was a lot of brilliance around him. Through those brilliance, Chu Feng could see the murals, and the murals seemed to tell stories.

Looking at the murals, Chu Feng gradually became fascinated. He felt that his mind was gradually sublimating, and his mood cultivation gradually improved as he looked at the murals.

"The character is confirmed, the name is Nüwa, the master is cultivated, and the master of the Dao Gongdejing" sounded in the hall, and Chu Feng gradually recovered his spirit, and when he recovered, he let out a cold sweat. The murals were unexpectedly With that kind of magic power, if someone attacks him when he is fascinated, he will die out of all likelihood!

"Those who come, use the chapter of resurrection to resurrect Nuwa, are you sure?"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Yes, the resurrection will begin immediately, please tell me how long it will take to resurrect Nuwa." "It will take about ten days. Within these ten years, you can be everywhere in the resurrection temple. Turn around, if you can gain anything, it will be your good fortune." The voice in the hall resumed.

"I can turn around... just now, I was confused, there is nothing wrong with it, right?" Chu Feng said in his heart, there is a little bit weird in this resurrection temple.

"Xian'er! Have you scanned the sky? Did you find anything unusual?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "I scanned it, I didn't find it, everything is normal!" Miao Xianer said, "It seems that your mood cultivation has just improved a bit. If you are outside, it will take a long time to improve a little."

"I have three questions." Chu Feng said directly.

Chu Feng said, "The first one, this bead is a meritorious bead. If you resurrect Nuwa, this bead will not be a problem? Second, I just felt a little confused, why? Third, you seem to have your own self. Consciousness, why not show up for a while?"

Spots of light gathered, and a middle-aged man in white slowly appeared in front of Chu Feng: "Resurrecting Nuwa, this pearl will not cause any problems; you have sentiments and your mood has improved, so it will be like that. If there is no improvement in your mood, then It’s not like that; ask me to come out, but what’s the matter”

"Hello brother, my name is Chu Feng." Chu Feng said with a chuckle. He waved a table and two chairs appeared in front of him, "A drink?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man in white lightened slightly and he sat down without being polite. After he sat down, Chu Feng also sat down opposite him.

"Maybe you don't like this wine, but it's my best wine!" Chu Feng smiled, as he poured a glass for himself and the middle-aged man in white clothes.

"Thanks!" said the middle-aged man in white and took a glass of wine to taste. "It's not bad. I haven't had any wine for a long time. I almost forgot the taste!"

Chu Feng thought in his heart that this middle-aged man in white didn't know what kind of existence it was. It seemed that it was not just the spirit of the resurrection temple.

"Haha, is it not easy to get a little wine with the power of the Resurrection Temple, with the power of your brother?" Chu Feng smiled. The middle-aged man in white shook his head slightly: "It's not that simple. No one enters it. If no one takes the initiative to invite me to drink, I can't drink it."

Chu Feng wondered: "Brother, what's going on? This is the Temple of Resurrection and it is not a prison. How can you not get any wine? You can't take the initiative to ask you to drink some wine?"

"You don't need to know about this. Drink a bar. You invited me to drink. You will benefit later!" The white-clothed middle-aged humane said, he raised his head and finished a drink and poured himself a drink.

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