Holy Prison

Chapter 2050: Long Bai

Cup after cup, an hour passed, Chu Feng had already drunk many cups, and the middle-aged man in white drank at least three times as much wine!

"After drinking so much wine, I still don't know what your name is." The white-clothed middle-aged man suddenly said. A look of helplessness appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Man, did I introduce myself before? My name is Chu Feng!"

"I think about it...it seems like this!" The middle-aged man in white shook his head and said, "Chu Feng, I'm sorry, I've been here for too long, so I'm so slow!"

Chu Feng didn't speak. He estimated that the middle-aged white-clothed man would say something. He was still quite curious about the middle-aged white-clothed man.

The eyes of the white-clothed middle-aged man showed memories. After a long time, the white-clothed middle-aged man said quietly: "My name is Long Bai, Chu Feng, you can see, I am a master, and a first-grade master? ?"

A look of shock appeared in Chu Feng's eyes. He guessed that the middle-aged man in white clothes might be a master, but he really did not expect to be a first-grade master!

Lin Tian is the first-rank master, and if this white-clothed middle-aged man is the first-rank master, he would be at the same level as Lin Tian!

"Are you scared? That's what happened before. I am not a first-class master now, just a poor gravekeeper!" Long Bai said with a light smile, and there was no happiness in his smile. Bitter.

"Gravekeeper? This is the Temple of Resurrection, not a tomb." Chu Feng said.

Long Bai sighed: "Life and death go together! The Temple of Resurrection is the resurrection place for those below the ruler, and it is also the cemetery of the ruler-level powerhouse!"

Chu Feng said: "Senior Longbai, you used to be a first-rank master, how could you have fallen to where you are now? As far as I know, the number of first-rank masters is extremely small!"

"It’s not easy to tell you what happened back then. It’s because you invited me to drink. I remind you that even if your strength is stronger, don’t offend the master casually, let alone kill the master casually! If you are not careful, maybe You got into an offensive person! The first-grade master is not the strongest, understand?" Long Bai said, drinking.


Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he did not say these three words. Long Bai's meaning is already relatively obvious. The controller also has relatives and friends, and the relatives and friends of the controller must have reached the master level! Lesson learned or no problem, if you kill, then the problem is likely to be big!

"Senior Long Bai, thank you very much! Senior Long Bai, did you tell me this just to remind me?" Chu Feng said. Long Bai sighed lightly: "There is still a little extravagant hope. If one day you have the ability, I hope you can help me a little bit. I'm not very grateful! My problem is serious or not, and if If someone helps, there is still hope to leave this place, but it's hard to say whether it can restore the strength of the first-grade master!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Senior Longbai, are you taking your eyes off? I'm just a third-level immortal cultivation base, so if you grab a lot of people outside, the chances of me becoming the master are extremely low! "

"I feel a special breath from you. I also fought for the stone back then, but it was given by Lin Tian." Long Bai smiled authentically.

"If you don't have any hope, other people, I don't think many people have it! This is just my little extravagant hope, you don't have to take it too seriously!"

Having said this, Long Bai paused and then said: "You have invited me to drink, and you said you want to give you a little benefit. If you help me then, I will give you a big benefit, an absolute big benefit! Now you accept the little benefits I gave you, do you know what those murals are?"

"It looks like a story." Chu Feng said.

Long Bai nodded slightly: "You feel good, that is a story, a story of a dominant powerhouse, a story of a lifetime!"

"There are many master-level powerful men buried in the Resurrection Temple. There are as many master-level powerful men buried as there are as many murals here. Your mental state cultivation has reached the fourth level, so your mental state cultivation is good. No, ordinary things can’t improve your mood cultivation in a short time, but these murals can!”

Long Bai said and stood up holding the hip flask: "I was once the strength of the first-rank master anyway, these murals, I will help you, you can feel it more easily!"

Walking to a wall picture, Long Bai suddenly burst into a terrible aura, under that terrible aura, Chu Feng felt that he had become infinitely small!

Long Bai was like that high mountain, and Chu Feng turned into a little ant below the mountain at this time! That feeling shocked Chu Feng. It was too big, and the gap was too big. It is estimated that Long Bai does not have the power to dominate at the first grade, but compared with Long Bai, his little strength is completely worthless. !

"Chu Feng, take a good look at this picture, its owner is a dragon clan powerhouse, the strength of the third-rank master, died in the master purgatory!"

Hearing Long Bai’s voice, Chu Feng involuntarily looked at the picture. Before looking at that picture, there seemed to be a little hazy feeling. At this time, looking at the picture, it seems that the entire soul has been absorbed into that picture. Inside!

Chu Feng's eyes became a little dull, and almost all his mind at this time was placed on that picture.

"Hope, I can watch a few more pictures! If you can't finish even one picture, there is no possibility of becoming the master. If you can see two, you may become the second-rank master!" Long Bai said softly, and he finished his sentence. He returned to the wine table and drank wine. Before he got up, Chu Feng filled the wine table with wine.

Dragon, Maxthon World!

Chu Feng gradually put all his mind on that picture. There was a dragon on the mural, and gradually the dragon on the mural seemed to come alive!

With the dragon roar, Chu Feng's mind followed the dragon as if traveling through endless time and space. Time passed by minute by minute, and Chu Feng's mood cultivation base rose rapidly!

The mental state cultivation base has reached the fourth level. The speed of improvement should have been extremely slow and extremely slow, but at this moment, Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base is improved very quickly. This is estimated to be both Lin Tian and Tianlin. Did not expect.

After all, Long Bai is also the first-rank master. Lin Tian expected that Long Bai would meet Chu Feng, and that Long Bai would help Chu Feng. This probability is relatively low!

"Boy, you only have ten days at most!" One day passed, and Long Bai glanced at Chu Feng and muttered. "Senior Long Bai, what only has ten days at most?" Chu Feng's eyes regained his expression and the voice rang.

Long Bai's eyes lit up: "Good boy, yes, in a day, how do you feel after reading the first picture?" "Shock!" Chu Feng used two words to describe it.

Time has only passed by one day, but Chu Feng feels that he has gone through many years, and there is a little bit of vicissitudes in his eyes at this time.

"When the time comes, don't waste time, immediately take the second picture!" Long Bai said, and he was in front of the second picture in an instant. There are no animals on the second picture. This is a landscape picture. There are mountains and water, grass and trees.

Before Longbai processing, the second picture of Chu Feng looked relatively ordinary. After Longbai processing, Chu Feng immediately felt that the grasses and trees on the second picture, even the small grains of sand, had infinite attraction. force!

In a very short period of time, Chu Feng's mind was completely absorbed by the second picture, in other words, he took the initiative to put all his mind into it.

"One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi, personal meaning, how much can you comprehend?" Long Bai whispered and returned to the wine table. He is a good drinker, and he hasn't drunk for countless years. He didn't suffocate him to death. Although Chu Feng's wine was a bit worse for him, he was also very happy to drink!

This time, less than a day, 20 hours later, Chu Feng opened his eyes, and his breath added a sense of tranquility and tranquility, motionless like a mountain!

"Enlightened?" Long Bai said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "A little bit!"

"Then the third one!"

Long Bai quickly opened the third picture for Chu Feng, the second one was Jing, and the third one was the shadow of the sword, light and sword. No people could be seen on the wall, but the tragic meaning of killing was coming!

Looking at the third picture, Chu Feng spent eighteen hours!

"The fourth picture, Chu Feng, you may be a little uncomfortable with this one." Long Bai said, he opened the fourth picture quickly as he said, the fourth picture is a blood picture, there is nothing on it. There is only a pool of blood!

Chu Feng was absorbed in his mind, but in a very short time, his face became very pale, and after ten minutes of persistence, his mind retreated from it.

"Failed? Go ahead! This picture has failed several times, which is normal." Long Bai said quietly. Chu Feng took a deep breath: "Senior Long Bai, need to feel like this? It's a bit abnormal!"

Chu Feng felt the killing, the terrible killing. In order to win, a large number of innocent people died tragically. Chu Feng could clearly see the expressions of the tragic deaths. Moreover, Chu Feng could also feel the way they were before they died. Desperate mood! "Chu Feng, you just persisted for ten minutes, do you know what the problem is?" Long Bai said.

"What?" Chu Feng poured himself a glass of wine and poured it down.

Long Bai smiled and said: "It means that your heart is still a little bit too soft, Chu Feng, this is not good, after you become the master, this is not good!"

"After becoming the ruler, sometimes people in half of the universe may die when they fight. You said, if you have a soft heart and your enemies have a hard heart, with the same strength, can you win? And your enemy will not!"

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